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        박은주,탁혜진,박은하,백정미,이상휘,Park, Eun-Ju,Tak, Hye-Jin,Park, Eun-Ha,Baik, Jeong-Mi,Zhengguo, Piao,Lee, Sang-Hwy Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Re 2009 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.31 No.2

        In vertebrates, the face is mainly formed with neural crest derived neural crest cells by the inherent programs and the interactive environmental factors. Extracellular signaling-regulated kinase (Erk) is one of such programs to regulate the various cellular functions. And retinoic acid (RA) also plays an important role as a regulator in differentiation process at various stages of vertebrate embryogenesis. We wanted to know that the segregation as well as the patterning of maxillary and mandibular structure is greatly influenced by the maxillomandibular cleft (MMC) and the failure of this development may result in the maxillomandibular fusion (syngnathia) or other patterning related disorder. It has been well documented that the epithelium at this cleft region has significant expression of Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) 8, and it is essential for the patterning of the first arch derived structures. By the morphological, skeletal, cell proliferation and apoptotic, and hybridization analysis, we checked the effects of Erk inhibition and/or RA activation onto MMC and could observe that Erk and RA signaling is individually and synergically involved in the facial patterning in terms of FGF signaling pathway via Barx-l. So RA and Erk signaling work together for the MMC patterning and the segregation of maxilla-mandible by controlling the Fgf-related signaling pathways. And the abnormality in MMC brought by aberrant Fgf signaling may result in the disturbances of maxillary-mandibular segregation.

      • KCI등재

        유아의 물감과 찰흙 조형 매체 탐색 경험의 의미 -예술적 경험과 앎의 과정 관계를 중심으로-

        정선아,서윤희,탁혜진 한국영유아교원교육학회 2011 유아교육학논집 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 유아가 물감과 찰흙의 조형 매체 탐색의 경험을 탐구하는데 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 조형 매체의 탐색을 통한 예술적 경험과 유아의 앎의 과정과의 관계를 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 유아의 물감과 찰흙의 조형 매체 탐색 과정에서 발견되는 경험의 의미는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조형 매체 탐색은 매체와 유아의 지각 간의 상호 교류와 순환의 과정이 동반되며 매체는 유아에게 새로운 아이디어와 이미지를 불러일으켜 유아들의 수많은 학습과 놀이를 가능하게 한다. 둘째, 조형 매체 탐색은 표현을 위한 전초 과정이 아닌 그 자체로서 사고가 일어나는 학습의 과정이며 유아의 다양하고 창의적인 사고를 지원한다. 셋째, 조형 매체 탐색은 사적인 경험을 공적으로 옮겨주는 표상의 과정 즉 앎의 과정 이다. 따라서 조형 매체 탐색 과정은 유아의 감정과 느낌, 지각과 사고가 한데 어우러지는 완전한 학습의 형태이며 교육에서 가치를 두는 문제해결력 발달을 완성하는 필수 작업으로 보아야 한다. 결론적으로 물감과 찰흙의 조형 매체의 탐색 과정은 예술적 표현 경험에 그치지 않고 유아의 앎의 과정 그 자체인 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to explore what children experience in the process of interacting with colors and clay art materials. Especially our study focuses on understanding the relationship between children's artistic experience and children's thinking process. The findings are as the following. First, while exploring artistic materials, the processes of mutual exchanges and circulations between materials and children's perceptions can be accompanied with, in which the materials can evoke new ideas and images among children and it makes possible for children to experience many types of learning and play. Second, exploring artistic materials is not a primary process but a learning procedure accompanying the thinking process, and supports diverse as well as creative thinking. Third, exploring artistic materials is a representation process which converts private experiences into public experiences. Therefore exploring artistic materials, is not only is a mastery of learning which gathers up emotions, feelings, perceptions and thinking but also has to be considered as a necessary process for development of problem solving skills which is one of the important values in education. The experience of artistic materials evokes children's thinking rather than allowing simple artistic expression.

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