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        우리나라의 초록시스템 - 현황, 문제 및 개선방안

        최성진,Choi, Sung-Jin 한국비블리아학회 1984 한국비블리아학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        The main purpose of the present study is to survey the major abstracting bulletins of national nature in Korea, to define such problem areas as lacunae, duplicates and limitation in coverage in the abstracting services currently available in Korea, and to make some suggestions for action for improving the abstracting services in the light of general principles and the tradition and situations unique to Korea. The major conclusions reached at this study are summarised as follows: (A) A new abstracting bulletin of general nature covering the whole field needs to be created in each of the following fields where no established abstracting service is available for the outcome of research and development activities in Korea. (1) Language (2) Religion (3) Art (4) Language (5) Literature (6) History (B) A new specialised abstracting bulletin needs to be created in each of the following fields of science where abstracting services limited in coverage are partially available. (a) Statistics (b) Sociology (c) political science (d) Public administration (e) Law (f) Folk lore (g) Military science (2) Pure sciences (a) Mathematics (b) Chemistry (c) Astronomy (d) Geology (e) Mineralogy (f) Life sciences (g) Botany (h) Zoology (3) Applied sciences (a) Agriculture (b) Architectural engineering (c) Mechanical engineering (d) Electrical engineering (e) Chemical engineering (f) Manufacturing industry (g) Domestic science (C) Publication of the abstracting bulletins suggested in (A) and (B) above may be ideally carried on by a qualified learned society established in the respective field. and should be financially supported by the public fund under the provisions of Art. 27 of the Research Promotion Act of 1979. (D) The current practice of adding the author's abstract and keywords to each of the records of the "Doctoral Theses in Humanities and Social Sciences" part of the" Catalogue of Doctoral and Master's Theses Submitted to the Universities in Korea" published by the National Assembly Library should be applied to all the other parts, i. e. to the parts of the "Master's Theses in Humanities and Social Sciences" and of the "Doctoral and Master's Theses in Natural Sciences': which will not only increase the Catalogue's use value but also discourage appearance of various theses abstracts of individual academic institutions such as the" Abstracts of the Doctoral and Master's Theses Submitted to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology" which will in turn reduce inefficiency involved in the abstracting services at national level. (E) A general abstracting bulletin covering most part of the outcome of research and development activities in Korea other than that covered by the existing abstracts needs to be created to be temporarily. used till the abstracting journals suggested in this study will be fully available. A realistic way of having such a bulletin may be to expand the present coverage of "The Abstracts of the Reports of the Government-sponsored Projects" currently published by Korean Research Foundation.

      • KCI등재

        Industrial Information Policies of Developing Countries

        최성진,Choi Sung Jin Korean Society For Library And Information Science 1990 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.19 No.-

        이 글은 1990년 10월 29일부터 11월 1일까지 서울 아카데미 하우스에서 열린 제11차 국제문헌정보연맹 아시아$\cdot$태평양위원회 학술회의에서 행한 기조연설의 내용이다. 이 학술회의의 주제인 국가정보정책의 현황과 주요 문제를 정리하여 제시하는 것이 기조연설자가 맡은 과제라 보고 첫째, 최근 수년간 한국정부가 입안 실행한 산업정보정책을 살펴보고 둘째, 일반적으로 개발도상국에서 국가산업정보정책은 누가 입안하고, 입안된 정책은 누가 실행하며, 한국의 경우는 어떤지를 살펴보았다. 산업정보정책은 한 나라의 산업정보봉사활동이 이루고자하는 여러 목표들을 열거한 것이며, 다른 분야의 경우와 마찬가지로 정부에 의하여 결정된다. 산업정보정책을 심의 결정하여 공포하는 것도, 지정된 기관에 재정지원을 제공하거나 법적 의무를 지워 공포된 정책을 실행하는 것도 정부의 책임이다. 제6차 경제사회발전 5개년 계획(1987-91) 속에 표시된 한국정부의 전반적 산업정보정책은 $\ulcorner$산업기술정보 유통지원을 강화하여 현행 산업연구원내 기술정보유통센터의 운영을 대폭 강화하고 전국적 온라인 전산망을 구축하여 산업연구원을 명실 상부한 국가의 중추적 기술정보유통기관으로 육성해나가는 한편 이를 토대로 기술정보 거래시장(테크노 마켓트)을 설치 운영$\lrcorner$하는 것이다. 산업정보정책은 산업발달을 위한 정책 속에 통합되고, 그것은 다시 경제발전 및 기타 부문의 국가발전 정책 속에 포함되는 것이 바람직하다. 한국에서 일반경제정책은 경제기획원이, 산업정책은 상공부 가, 기술정책은 과학기술처가, 재정정책은 재무부와 한국은행이, 통신정책은 체신부가 심의 입안한다. 산업정보정책의 일부를 이루는 산업정책 입안의 주요 책임은 상공부의 산업정책국에 있다. 모든 개발도상국에 꼭 같이 적용할 수 있는 국가산업정보정책 입안 및 실행 지침 같은 것을 마련하기는 어렵다. 그것은 이 분야에 개발된 일반모형이 없고 또 개발도상국이라고 하는 것이 동질집단이 아니기 때문이다. 개발도상국 사이에는 그 경제 발전면에서 뿐만 아니라 정보활동 면에서도 큰 수준 차가 있다. 각 개발도상국은 그 나라 고유의 전통과 형편에 맞는 산업정보정책을 마련하여야 한다. 그렇지만 발전 수준이 비슷한 다른 나라의 산업정보정책을 검토하여 자국의 가능성과 제한점을 바르게 이해하는 일은 적절한 정책 입안에 있어서 도움이 될 것이다. 본 기조연설은 아시아와 대양주의 다른 개발도상국 정책 입안자들에게 그러한 검토자료를 제공할 목적으로 행해진 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        인공와우 어음처리방식을 위한 적응효과 알고리즘의 음성개시점 검출 특성 비교

        최성진,김진호,김경환,Choi, Sung-Jin,Kim, Jin-Ho,Kim, Kyung-Hwan 대한의용생체공학회 2008 의공학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        It is well known that temporal information, i.e speech onset, about input speech can be represented to the response nerve signal of auditory nerve better depending on the adaptation effect occurred in the auditory nerve synapse. In addition, the performance of a speech processor of cochlear implant can be improved by the adaptation effect. In this paper, we observed the emphasis characteristic of speech onset in the recently proposed adaptation algorithm, analyzed the characteristic of performance change according to the variation of parameters and compared with transient emphasis spectral maxima (TESM) is the previous typical strategy. When observing false peaks which are generated everywhere except speech onset, in the case of the proposed model, the false peak were generated much less than in the case of the TESM and it is more distinguishable under noise.

      • KCI등재

        도서관봉사의 변화를 결정하는 요인에 대한 고찰

        최성진,Choi Sung- Jin 한국문헌정보학회 1973 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        The library as a social agency must study and evaluate its effectiveness and seek to improve its service for achieving the external objectives for which it was created. The study is an attempt to define the determining factors involved in change in library service. Library service evolves as a consequence of social need, which comprises unconventional demands of emerging areas in the subject ratio of literature, change in methods of research, change in the educational level of the community, and change in the user behavior. Since the library is an agency of communication, growth and specialization of information, and increase in variety of information media have effects on library service. The library is one of the many communication agencies in society, and increase or decrease in their programs can be determining factors of change in library service. Today, libraries depend more and more upon interlibrary cooperation to allow them to overcome their limitation in resources and time, and they can bring about changes in their service by adjusting themselves to the interlibrary cooperation arrangements available. Finally, library service is rendered as a result of theorizing as to what the library might or should do, and naturally theories or change in them may be determining factors of library service.

      • KCI등재

        정보학 교육의 개혁방안 연구

        최성진,Choi Sung Jin 한국문헌정보학회 1989 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the information science education provided by the undergraduate courses of the departments of library science of the Korean universities by looking at major topics included in the syllabi distributed to students in the past three years. It is important to determine the evaluation of the professional education for information specialists by the graduates of the departments of library science who have acquired a critical appreciation of their professional studies and speak from experience about the relavance of the programme to their work and careers, and by the managers of information service units where the graduates would eventually make their careers. Specifically, the study addresses the following four questions. (a) To what excent do the information science curricula contribute to advancement of theory and practice of the information profession? (b) To what extent do the information science curricula contribute to students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required of the information specialist? (c) To what extent are the employers' concerns reflected in the information science curricula? (d) What reforms are needed to bring the current information science curricula closer to the present and future needs of the information profession? To answer these questions, the study is conducted in two main parts: an in-depth subject analysis of the articles of three important journals in the field of information science published during the past ten years and of the syllabi used for information science subjects taught in the departments of library science during the past three years and an extensive survey of the graduates of departments of library science and their principal employers. The major findings are as follows. The average number of 4.1 subjects of information science is offered in departments of library science, and the most common subjects offered are introduction to information science, information storage and retrieval, and library automation. Approximately two thirds of the total output of research and development in the field of information science are taught at one or more departments of library science in Korea. Majority of the graduates of the departments of library science comment that their professional education did not offer to them systematic orientation to the specifics of the first job. The employers of the graduates believe that departments of library science should provide sufficient practicums to enable students to understand and apply the theory.

      • KCI등재

        주민참여 지도화 기법을 활용한 마을 공간 자원 발굴에 관한 연구

        최성진(Choi, Sung Jin) 한국지역사회학회 2018 지역사회연구 Vol.26 No.3

        그동안 많은 사례연구가 밝혀왔듯이 마을 자원조사는 도시계획에서 지역 문제에 대한 주민의 참여와 이해를 높이기 위한 중요한 과정이었다. 마을 지도 그리기는 이 과정에서 가장 잘 알려진 기법 중 하나였지만, 지도화 기법 자체와 분석 방법을 개발하는 데는 한계가 있었다. 따라서 거주자의 다양한 관점을 실제계획에 적용하는 것이 중요함을 인식하면서도 대부분 결과적으로는 자원의 발굴, 개발과 사업화가 여전히 전문가에게 맡겨지고, 주민에 의한, 혹은 주민 관점에서의 자원 발굴과 사업화 분야는 주민참여를 촉진하기 위한 프로그램의 한 부분으로 한정되어 있었다. 이에, 본 연구는 지역에 대한 좀 더 나은 이해와 지역공간 자원조사 기법의 개발을 위해 주민참여에 의한 인지 지도의 적용 가능성과 효과를 밝히고자 하였다. 구체적인 연구 방법으로서 대구시 수성구 두산동과 상동을 대상으로 사례연구를 하였으며, 대상지역 주민에게 설문 및 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 그 결과, 첫 번째, 문헌 및 단순 설문조사에 의한 결과와 대조적으로, 거주자의 인지 지도는 다른 지역의 사람들이 발견하기 어려운 다양한 공간 자원과 문제들을 드러냈다. 둘째, 사전 정보를 주지 않은 인지 지도는 주민의 생활에 더욱 밀접한 공간 자원을 나타내었다. 마지막으로 본 연구가 진행되는 과정에서 조사 응답의 양에 따라 공간의 위상을 결정했던 기존의 연구들이 가질 수 있는 잠재적 오류를 밝힐 수 있었다. As many case studies have been addressed, a village resource investigation has been a critical process in urban planning to increase the residents’ participation and their understanding on the regional issues. A village map drawing was the one of the popular techniques for the process, but a limit was exist in developing the mapping and analysis techniques. So, even though the importance of planning application of the residents’ various perspectives, in most cases, the discovery, development and commercialization of resources are still left to experts, and the area of resource discovery and commercialization by residents or from a resident"s perspective is limited to a part of the program to promote community participation. This study aims to reveal an applicability and effectiveness of the cognitive map by residents’ participation for a better understanding of the region and for a development of regional spatial resource investigation techniques. Specifically, this study used a case study of Dusan-Dong and Sang-Dong, Suseong-Gu in Daegu conducting a survey and interview. The first result is that, contrast with the findings by simple documents’ investigation and questionnaire, residents’ cognitive map reveals much more spacial resources and issues that are difficult to be found by people from other regions. Second, a cognitive map without preliminary information indicates more diverse spatial resources which are more connected to residents’ life. Finally, during the course of this study, a previous study on community resource exploration was able to identify possible errors in the results of the study, which determined the status of the space according to the amount of survey responses.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중진국의 정보유통체제 연구

        최성진,Choi Sung-jin 한국문헌정보학회 1980 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.7 No.-

        The advanced developing countries including Korea are assumed to have reached a developmental stage which necessitates them to formulate and implement a plan for a national information network. Most of the governments in the advanced developing countries are well aware of the necessity for such a plan and some of them have actually commenced their studies on the feasibility of a national network of their own hoping to achieve maximum utility of their limited information resources. Two urgent problems facing planners in the design of a national information network are identified. One is lack of an optimum organisational model to enable them to meet their own situations, and the other is lack of a guideline to help designers evaluate the alternative structures and models when they are available. In resolving these two problems, network planners in the advanced developing countries would benefit from the achievement of the objectives of the present study. The major objective is to elicit and describe common information needs, desires and value of the people using information, and other common factors which are responsible for the present information services in the advanced developing countries and which have implications for the basic structure of the national information network. The value of this study is to aid administrators in Korea and those in the other advanced developing countries who are responsible for making national policies and who are now beginning to recognise the need for information services with the planning of economic and social development so as to enable all the groups in the community to have access to the information which are essential for decision making, research work, studies and even for recreational reading. This recognition will hopefully give them a rational basis for formulating right policies on information services. The methodology utlised for collecting the required data in this study falls under the category of observation and largely consists of the two techniques: literature review and postal questionnaire. Background information on the individual advanced developing: countries was gathered from monographic and periodical literature. and country reports presented at the various international conferences were analysed for other relevant data. For most of the data needed for the present study, a questionnaire on 'Library and Information Services as They Are Available in the Selected Countries' was formulated. This questionnaire was designed to be completed without help, by an expert who was well informed of the library and information services in his or her country. The questionnaire was intended to look in details at what information services in the advanced developing countries were doing-whom they were serving, in what way, and how well and establish to what extent they were meeting the nation's information requirements. It was also intended to ascertain the respondents' ideas on possible future developments in information provision in their countries, that is, in the advanced devanced developing countries. The questionnaire was posted to a total of 63 natinal librarians, directors of national information centres and those of other major libraries or information centres in 21 selected countries. Complete usable responses were received from 34 persons in 14 countries. In order to identify common characteristics of the information needs and desires in the advanced developing countries and the present situation of the information services to meet them, and the requirements and constraints peculiar to those countries which bought to be considered in the design of a national information network for advanced developing countries, an individual report on the current status of information activities for each of the fourteen countries chosen for this study, was presented. The procedure used was to arrange the data acquired in the questionnaire responses and other sources, in the form of fifteen co

      • KCI등재

        '도서관법(圖書館法)' 중(中) '공공도서관(公共圖書館)의 목적(目的)'에 대한 비판적(批判的) 고찰(考察)

        최성진,Choi, Sung-Jin 한국비블리아학회 1974 한국비블리아학회지 Vol.2 No.-

        Toe public library may perform a social good only when its objectives are adequate to the community's needs. The present purpose of the public library in the Korean Library Act has no direct concern for our social needs from its very beginning because it was not created in response to our social needs but transplanted from American principles. It is, therefore. difficult to expect socially useful output of our public library programs under the present purpose which may be inadequate to our social tradition and needs. This study purposes to examine validity of the present purpose of the public library in the Korean Library Act, in the light of our community needs and our own library tradition. The methods employed to achieve the purpose of the study are (1) to survey needs of the library frequenters through questionnaire, and interviews with the public librarians in Seoul, (2) to gather the statistical data relevant to, and supporting, the hypothesis, and (3) to compare our social background with that of the United States of which the American purpose, a model for our present purpose, came out. The conclusion is as follows: A. The idea to induce people to pull themselves upward by providing for all the members of the community access to the world's best books shelved in the public library should be abandoned. The reasons are (1) that the idea is alien in our public library tradition, (2) that little demand of the community goes with the idea, and (3) that reading outside the library has come into wide practice, thanks to recent increase in individual income and that in publications. B. That the public library maintains fiction and other recreational reading materials is meaningless in the light of the community needs. These are the two explanations supporting the thesis. (1) The "uplift" theory has proved inoperative and people apparently do not progress from, light fiction to more respectable fare. (2) The conviction that fiction and other recreational reading materials keep the middling classes from the "vicious" entertainments maintaining order in the community by giving them a harmless source of recreation has lost its significance as the modern society provides a number of choices in recreation: television is an obvious example. C. The nature of the informational needs of the community has radically changed, so radically as to require substantial changes in the outlook, collections, and services of the public library, which is :slow in adopting itself to the new social surroundings in Korea. D. 92.2 per Cent of the present frequenters of the public library are high school and college students. Since the library is to meet the existing community needs it should turn its attention to the student group, and develop the means to serve it better, not the "theoretical group of specialists who do not come to "the public library. E. In revision of the purpose of the public library, priority of each objective should be given. The priorities in the last analysis are research and information. culture, recreation in that order.

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