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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        참깨 貯藏中 脂質의 特性 및 Sterol의 組成 變化

        최상도(Shang-Do Choi),조용운(Yong-Un Cho),김형갑(Hyoung-Kab Kim) 한국식품영양과학회 1987 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        참깨種實을 56個月 貯藏한 후 含有量은 참깨 100g當 수확 直後 50.3g이 45.5g으로 減少되었고 酸價는 1.8이 13.4로 크게 增加하였으나 sterylester는 9.9㎎이이 6.7㎎으로 sterylglycoside가 3.8㎎에서 8.3㎎으로 크게 變化하였고 不감化物은 24.3㎎이 20.9㎎으로 減少되었으며 分劃別 sterol은 4, 4-dimethylsterol 및 4-monomethylsterol이 減少한 反面 4-desmethylsterol은 78.5%가 90.7%로 增加되었다. 4-desmethylsterol의 sterol 組成 變化는 campesterol 및 stigmasterol은 거의 變化가 없으나 sitosterol은 51.0%에서 48.2%로 減少한 反面 Δ^5-avenasterol은 15.2%에서 18.4%로 增加되었다. In order to find the effect of the storage time on the characteristics and sterol composition of the sesame seed. the characteristics, unsaponifiable matters, fractionation pattern of sterol and sterol compositions of 4-desmethylsterol on the sesame seed oil were analyzed at the harvest time and after 56 months storage. The sample seed was kept in cotton bag within the natural dark store room.<br/> The oil content was decreased from 50.3g per 100g sesame seed at harvest time to 45.5g at 56 months stored. The acid value was increased sharply from 1.8 to 13.4 during the storage of sesame seed and iodine value was increased small. but saponification value and refractive index were hardly changed. The amount of unsaponifiables from 24.3㎎ to 20.9㎎ per gram on basis during storage time. and the 4.4-dimethylsterol and 4-monomethylsterol from unsaponifiables were decreased, otherwise. 4-desmethylsterol was increased. In the changes of sterol composition in the 4-desmethylsterol fraction from unsaponifiables. the compesterol and stigmasterol content were not nearly changed, otherwise, the sitosterol content was decreased from 51.0% to 48.2%. but the content of Δ^5-avenasterol was increased from 15.2 % to 18.4% during the storage of sesame seed within 56 months.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        산국으로부터 분리한 Sesquiterpene Lactones의 흰쥐 복수암에 대한 효과

        남상해(Sang-Hae Nam),최상도(Sang-Do Choi),최진상(Jine-Shang Choi),장대식(Dae-Sik Jang),최상욱(Sang-Uk Choi),양민석(Min-Suk Yang) 한국식품영양과학회 1997 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        산국의 꽃으로부터 2종의 sesquiterpene lactones을 분리정제하였으며, 각각 Compound Ⅰ과 Ⅱ로 명명하였으며, 이 두 물질을 Sarcoma180에 감염된 ICR mouse에 대하여 항암효과실험을 수행한 결과 Compound Ⅰ과 Ⅱ의 투여농도가 10㎎/㎏일 때 수명연장효과가 각각 143%, 134%로 나타났다. 또한 Compound Ⅰ과 Ⅱ를 1㎎/㎏ 씩을 섞어서 투여하였을 때에 158%의 수명연장효과가 나타났다. For the investigation of antitumor agents, two kinds of sesquiterpene lactones were isolated and purified from Chrysanthemum boreale M. and designated as Compound Ⅰ and Ⅱ. And then in vivo antitumor test of the sesquiterpene lactones was carried out against ICR mice. In vivo test against Sarcoma180 implanted ICR mice, life prolongation effects of Compound Ⅰ and Ⅱ were showed as 143% and 134% at the dose of 10㎎/㎏, respectively. Besides, at the tested group mixed Compound Ⅰ and Ⅱ each 1㎎/㎏ was showed rather high life prolongation effect as 158%.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        어류의 가열조건에 따른 유기산 함유율의 변화

        심기환(Ki-Hwan Shim),이종호(Jong-Ho Lee),하영래(Yeoung-Lae Ha),최상도(Shang-Do Choi),서권일(Kwon-Il Seo),주옥수(Ok-Soo Joo) 한국식품영양과학회 1994 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        가열조건에 따른 고등어, 꽁치, 조기 및 가자미의 유기산 함유율 변화는 다음과 같았다. 4가지 시료 중 고등어가 전체 유기산의 함유율이 가장 높았으며, 모든 시료에 있어서 공통적으로 lactic acid의 함유율이 가장 높았으며 다음으로 succinic acid가 높았으며 이 두 유기산이 전체 유기산 함유율의 95% 이상을 차지하였다. 조기에서는 다른 시료에서와는 달리 succinic acid 대신에 α-ketoglutaric acid의 함유율이 높았다. 가열함에 따라서 모든 유기산 함유율이 감소하였으며 가열 온도가 높을수록 함유율 감소폭이 컸으며, 1차 및 2차 데우기에서 보다는 삶거나 가열에서 대부분의 함유율 감소가 일어났다. The changes of major organic acid contents were examined in mackerel, pacific saury, yellow croaker and brown sole on heating conditions. The organic acid contents of mackerel were the higher than the others. The content of lactic acid was the highest in all samples commonly and that of succinic acid was second level and these organic acids were over 95% of total organic acids. The content of α-ketoglutaric acid was higher than that of succinic acid in pacific saury. All organic acids decreased by heating and the reduction of organic acid content was greater with higher heating temperature. Decreasing of organic acid content was higher at steamed and first heating than warmed and rewarmed.

      • 國際化時代에 對應하는 日本農業 硏究와 새營農者敎育의 動向

        崔元凱,高永玉,崔相道,李炯來 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1990 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.3 No.-

        海外旅行의 自由化에 따라서 各國의 相互交流가 빈번하게 되었다. '90年代 들어서는 國際化時代가 加速化 되고 있다. 우리와는 여러 가지 面에서 農業與件이 類似한 日本은 經濟大國이 된 餘力을 産業硏究와 새營農者敎育刷新에 경주하고 있다. 農業學術 硏究는 從來 獨自的으로 分散하여 實施해온 것을 聯合協力體制로 하여 地域農業의 總合的인 發展을 圖謀하는 統合體機構를 만들어 實施하고 있다. 즉 愛媛大學, 高知大學 및 香川大學이 平等한 立場에서 聯合하여 獨立硏究科로 開設한 博士課程의 生物資源生産學, 生物資源利用學, 生物資源保全學의 3個專攻을 들 수 있다. 農業試驗 硏究도 從來 各 分野別로 分散하여 實施해온 것을 近來에 와서 한데 모아 總合試驗으로 新說 整備하여 名實相符한 農業試驗 硏究의 中心이 되고 있다. 福岡縣 農業總合試驗場이나 態本縣 農業硏究센터가 그 보기가 되겠다. 새營農者敎育은 '70年代에 즈음하여 2年制短期大學(專門大學)水準으로 中央 1個校 各縣에 縣立 農業大學校를 設立하여 全員合宿으로 1年次는 敎養, 農業 基礎와 生産課題 敎育을 하고 2年次는 敎養, 農業基礎와 生産經營 課題敎育을 하여 地域産業發展의 中核 農業後繼者를 養成하고 있었다. 近來에 와서는 이들 農業者大學校가 縣의 農業硏究센와 한 構內에 있어 實體的인 敎育을 履修시키고 있었다. 農業硏究나 새營農者 敎育의 方向은 먼저 消費者자 원하는 良質의 農産物의 低廉한 原價로 生産하는데 모든 努力을 傾理하고 있었다. 즉 바이오 텍크技法의 畜産, 園藝 品種改善에 따른 優秀한 農産物을 省力化 農法으로 生産하고 있었다. 徹頭徹尾하게 실제교육을 長期間에 걸쳐 받아 해마다 輩出되는 2,100名이 後繼 農民이 되어 國際化 時代에 對應하는 日本農業을 계승하고 있었다. The Foundamental purpose of this study was to survey the current situation of agricultural research and new farmer's Education of Japan being equivalent to the international age in order to find out the improvement of Korean situation of them. Korea was very similar to Japan in every point of the developing processes of agriculture past 30 years. It is learned from this study that trends and changes of agricultural research and new farmer's education of Japan were as follows; 1) Local research stations and provincal colleges were unified to enable them to fulfil the top grade of reseaches in order to meet the rapid change of the agricultural technologies by the central government and the local government. 2) General developed countries had the short-term (less than one year) training program for new farmers, but Japan had two years' education program as a junior college level for new farmers. "Learning by doing" -courses of basic agriculture, schoolprojects of farm management, field practices of farm management in varrious developed farm houses were followed by the cooperative education among the farmer's training center, the provincial goverment and the local agricultural research stations.

      • 매실종실의 지질조성

        최상도,주옥수 진주산업대학교 1995 산업과학기술연구소보 Vol.- No.2

        폐기되는 매실종실의 이용성을 알아보기 위해서 1994년 진주인근에서 생산된 매실을 원료로하여 매실종실의 화학성분과 매실종실기름의 성상, 획분별지질조성 및 지방산조성을 분석하였다. 매실종실의 화학성분은 조지방이 19.5%이고, 조단백이 23.2%였다. 매실종실기름의 산가는 1.57, 옥도가는 105.24, 검화가는 197.68이며 굴절율은 1.4682였다. 획분별지질은 triglyceride가 71.6%, glycolipid가 22.1% 이고 steryl ester, free sterol 및 free fatty acid는 소량이였으며 diglycerid 및 phospholipid는 미량이였다. 지방산조성은 linoleic acid가 42.6%, palmitic acid가 27.4%, oleic acid가 17.3%로 대부분을 차지하였으며 linolenic acid가 9.1%, stearic acid가 1.8%로 소량였다. 또한 불포화도비는 2.38%였다. This experiment was performed to the several chemical compositions, which include chemical components(moisture, crude fat, crude protein and crude ash) of Japaness apricot(Prunus mume S, et Z.) seed and the characteristics(acid value, iodine value, saponification value and refracitive index) of Japaness apricot seed oil. Also, the fractionated pattern and fatty acid compositions of Japaness apricot seed oil were examined. The chemical components of Japaness apricot seed were investigated to be : moisture 11.2%, crude fat 19.5%, crude protein 23.2% and crude ash 1.9%. The properties of Japaness apricot seed oil were examined acid value 1.57, iodine value 105.24, saponification value 197.68 and refractive index 1.4682. The lipid compositions of Japaness apriot seed oil were fractionated into glycolipid 22.1%, steryl ester 2.8%, triglyceride 71.6%, free fatty acid 1.0%, free sterol 1.4%, diglyceride 0.8% and phospolipid 0.3% The fatty acid composistions of Japaness apricot seed oil were palmitic acid 27.4%, stearic acid 1. 8%, oleic acid 17.3%, linoleic acid 42.6% and linolenic acid 9.1%, and the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acid was 2.38.

      • 참깨의 저온저장중 획분별 지방질의 지방산조성 변화

        최상도,김형갑,이을희 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1990 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.3 No.-

        참깨를 5, 8, 12개월 저온저장 및 자연저장중 획분별 지방질의 지방산조성 변화를 검토하였다. 지방산조성 변화는 대부분의 획분별지질에서 함량이 가장 큰 리놀레산은 감소한 반면 그 외 지방산은 증가하였으나 스테릴에스테르의 리놀레산은 저온저장중에 약간 증가하였고 올레산은 자연저장 중에 약간 감소하였다. 한편 인지방질의 팔미트산은 감소하였으며 저온저장중에서 올레산은 거의 변화가 없었다. C_18/C16지방산비의 변화는 당지방질, 스테릴에스테르 및 트리글리세리드는 감소한 반면 디클리세리드, 유리지방산 및 인지방질은 증가하였다. 불포화지방산/포화지방산비의 변화는 당지방질, 트리글리세리드, 디글리세리드 및 인지방질은 감소한 반면 유리지방산은 증가하였고 스테릴에스테르는 저온저장중에는 증가하였으나 자연저장중에는 감소하였다. This study was performed to find the change of fatty acid composition during the low temperature storage of sesame seed. The sample seed was kept within the cotton bag(20X27Cm) and the bag was stored in the refrigerator of 5℃. Also, the storing period of sample seed is 5, 8 and 12 months after the harvest time of sesame. The sesame oil was extracted by acetone at the harvest time and each storing time of sample seed. The lipids in sesame oil were fractionated into glycolipid(GL), sterylester(SE), triglyceride(TG), diglyceride(DG), free fatty acid(FFA) and phospholipid(PL) by means of solution was mixed normal hexane with ethylalcohol and thin layer chromatography. Fatty acid composition of each fraction were anlyzed by gas liguid chromatograpy. The linoleic acid content of the GL, SE, TG, DG, FFA and PL was decreased, while the oleic, stearic and palmitic acid content of GL, SE, TG, DG and FFA was increased during the low temperature storage of sesame. But the palmitic acid content of PL was decreased. Also the stearic and oleic acid content of PL was slightly increased. The ratio of C_18 to C_16 fatty acids in GL, SE and TG was decreased, but that of DG, FFA and PL was increased during low temperature storage of sesame. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids in GL, TG, DG and PL was decreased, but that of SE and FFA was increased during low temperature storage of sesame.

      • 어류의 가열처리에 의한 성분변화

        최상도,조용운,주옥수 진주산업대학교 산업과학기술연구소 1994 산업과학기술연구소보 Vol.- No.1

        고등어와 꽁치를 원료로 하여 가열 조건을 각각 달리 하였을 때의 핵산관련물질 및 TMAO, TMA 및 총 creatine의 성분 변화를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 핵산관련물질 : 고등어의 경우 생시료에서는 Inosine, AMP 및 IMP의 함량이 15.28, 8.64 및 6.03μmole/g의 순으로 많았으며, ATP, ADP 및 hypoxanthine의 양은 미량이였다. 그리고 가열을 함에 따라 ATP 및 ADP는 감소하었으나 hypoxanthine은 증가하였고 IMP, Inosine 및 AMP의 함량의 변화는 미미하었다. 꽁치의 경우도 그 함량에는 약간의 차이가 있었으나 그 변화는 비슷하였다. 2. TMAO, TMA 및 총 creatine 고등어의 경우 생시료에서는 TMAO의 함량이 31.3㎎%이였던 것이 가열을 함에 따라 20.4mg%로 감소하였으며 180, 200 및 220℃로 가열함에 따라 16.7, 17.2 및 14.9㎎%로 감소하는 경향이였으며, TMA의 함량은 TMAO가 환원됨에 따라 증가하는 경향이였다. 총 Creatine의 함량도 생시료일 때에는 341.2㎎%로 높은 함량였으나 가열을 함에 따라 점차적으로 감소함을 보였다. The compositions of nucleotides and TMAO, TMA and total creatine in the Mackerel and Pacific saury were analysed by UV-Vis spectrophotometer and high performance liquid chromatography with each heating conditions. The results were followed. 1) Related compounds of nucleotide . The amounts of Inosine, AMP and IMP were 15.28, 8.64 and 6.03 μ mole/g in the raw material of mackerel and the amounts of ATP, ADP and Hypoxanthine were a less amount. In heating, ATP and ADP were decreased but Hypoxanthine was increased, respectively. In Pacific saury, there was difference of the compounds but its changes were similiar. 2) TMAO, TMA and total creatine The amounts of TMAO was 31.lmg% in the raw material of Mackerel, in heating, its decreased. The amounts of TMA was increased with reduction of TMAO. The amounts of Total creatine was 341.2mg% in the raw material but in heating decreased gradually.

      • 유자종실유의 획분별 지질의 지방산조성

        최상도,주옥수 진주산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        폐기시키는 유자종실의 유지자원화의 이용 가능성을 알아보기 위해서 1990년도에 남해군에서 생산된 유자를 원료로하여 유자종실의 화학성분과 유자종실 기름의 성상, 획분별 지질 조성 및 지방산 분석을 한 전보에 이어서 T.L.C에 의해서 분리되어진 각 획분별 지질에 있어서의 지방산 조성을 분석하였다. 획분별 지질로는 glycolipid, steryl ester, triglyceride, free fatty acid, digliceride 및 phospholipid를 얻었으며 각각의 지방산 조성은 다음과 같다. Glycolipid에 있어서는 palmitic acid, 30.6%, oleic acid, 28.8%의 순으로 나타났으며, steryl ester에 있어서는 palmitic acid, 30.4%, o1eic acid, 23.5%였고, triglyceride는 oleic acid, 34.8%, palmitic acid의 함량이 29.2%로 나타났으며, free fatty acid의 경우에는 palmitic acid, 49.6%, oleic acid, 21.8%를 보였으며, diglyceride는 palmitic acid, 31.4%, palmitoleic acid, 30.5%, stearic acid가 16.4%의 함량을 나타내었고, phospholipid에 있어서는 oleic acid, 4l.4%, palmitic acid가 40.7%를 나타내었다. 이들 각 획분별 지질에 있어서 공통적으로 oleic acid와 palmitic acid가 높은 함량을 나타낸 반면에 stearic acid, linoleic acid 및 linolenic acid는 그렇게 많은 함량을 나타내지 않았다. 그리고 diglyceride에서는 다른 지질들과는 달리 oleic acid 대신에 palmitoleic acid와 stearic acid의 함량에 특이적으로 많이 나타났다. The fatty acid compositions of fractionated lipids separated by T.L.C were examined. Fractionated lipids were obtained glycolipid, streyl ester, trigliceride, free fatty acid, digliceride and phospholipid. The fatty acid compositions of each fractionated lipids were followed : Glycolipid was composed palmitic acid 30.6% and oleic acid 28.8%. Steryl ester was composed palmitic acid 30.4% and oleic acid 23.5%. Triglyceride was composed oleic acid 34.8% and palmitic acid 28.2%. Free fatty acid was composed palmitic aicd 49.6% and oleic acid 21.8%. Diglyceride was composed palmitic acid 31.4%, palmitoleic acid 30.5% and stearic acid l6.4%. Phospholipid was composed oleic acid 4l.4% and palmitic acid 40.7%. In common with, oleic acid and palmitic acid were high content in each fractionated lipids, the other hand stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid were low. Particulary, palmitic acid and stearic acid contents were higher than others in diglyceride.

      • 참깨 貯藏中 分劃別 脂質 및 分劃別 脂質의 脂肪酸組成 變化

        崔相道,金炯甲 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1988 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.1 No.-

        참깨를 56個月 貯藏하여 分劃別 脂質 및 各 分劃別 脂質의 脂肪酸組成을 알아 보았다. 分劃別 脂質의 變化는 참깨 수확때 77.2%의 triglyceride가 56個月 貯藏後 75.2%로 減少하였고 sterylester, diglyceride, free fatty acid 및 phospholipid는 0.5%가 2.2%로, 1.4%가 4.4%로, 2.1%가 4.4%로, 1.6%가 3.2%로 各各 增加되었다. 脂肪酸組成 變化는 飽和脂肪酸인 palmitic acid 및 stearic acid는 增加되고 不飽和脂肪酸인 oleic acid 및 linoleic acid는 減少하였다. 한편 C_18/C_16 脂肪酸比의 變化는 glycolipid에서는 增加되었고 phospholipid에서는 거의 變化가 없었으나 그外의 脂質에서는 減少되었으며 또한 不飽和度比의 變化는 모든 分劃別 脂質에서 貯藏中 減少하였다. In order to find the charactesistics of sesame oil during the storage of sesame seed, the fractionation pattern and fatty acid composition of each fractionation lipid were analyzed at the harvesttime and at the time after 56 months, storage. The sesame seed was stored in natural dark store within the cotton bag. The amount of triglyceride of the sesame seed stored 56 months was slightly lower as 75.2% of total lipid than that at the harvesttime sesame seed oil of 77.2%. The content of sterylester, diglyceride, free fatty acid and phospholipid were increased from 0.5%, 1.4%, 2.1% and 1.6% a harvesttime to 2.2%, 4.4%, 4.4% and 3.2% at the time after 56 months stored respectively. The main fatty acid composition of sesame oil were palmitic acid(7.0∼25.1%), stearic acid(1.4∼7.2%), oleic acid(14.7∼38.0%) and linoleic acid(17.8∼54.0%). The main carbon comopsitions of there fatty acids were found to be C_16 and C_18. The ratio of C_18 to C_16 fatty acids in each fractionation lipid were parctically decreased, but that of glycolipid was increased from 8.5 to 9.8 and that of phospholipid was not nearly changed during the storage. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acid were decreased in the all fractions and the during storage, specially, that of triglyceride was decreased from 9.6 at the harvesttime to 7.1 at the time of stored for 56 months.

      • 豆乳의 遊離糖 및 Amino Acids 含量分析

        崔震相,崔相道,姜君中,朱玉守,南相海,徐源澤 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1998 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.11 No.-

        두유의 유리당 및 amino acids의 함량을 HPLC 및 AAA를 이용하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 시중 유통 두유에서는 단당류중 fructose와 glucose, 이당류중 sucrose, maltose 및 lactose를 분석하였고, sucrose는 0.78∼9.2 mg/mL의 범위로서 모든 시료에서 측정되었다. 17종의 amino acids를 확인하였으며, 그 조성은 모든 시료에서 비슷하였다. Glutamic acid를 비롯한 산성 amino acids가 전체 amino acids의 40.94%로서 가장 많은 함량이었고, threonine을 포함한 필수 amino acids는 31.78%로 측정되었다. Free sugars and amino acids that contained in soybean milk were analyzed with HPLC and AAA(amino acid analyzer), the results were as follows. Fructose and glucose of monosaccharides, and sucrose, maltose and lactose of disaccharides were detected in soybean milk that collected in market. Sucrose was ranged as 0.78∼9.21 mg/mL and showed in all soybean milk. Amino acids were detected 17 varieties, and the compositions were alike in all soybean milk Contents of acidic amino acids including glutamic acid were 40.94% of total amino acids, and the next order was neutral amino acids as 24.62%. Basic amino acids and aromatic amino acids were 10.83% and 9.20%, respectively. Seven varieties of essential amino acids excluding tryptophan analyzed into 31.78% of total amino acds.

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