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      • KCI등재

        환경재난의 정책형성에 관한 연구

        최미옥(Choi, Mee-Ok) 경기연구원 2013 GRI 연구논총 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to understand environmental policy formation through an environmental disaster focusing event. This study analyzed a case of environmental disaster, environmental disasters have occasionally occurred recently doing heavy damage on environmental goods like the water, air, sun and landscape. This study considered process of environmental policy formation, and analyzed the impact of an environmental disaster as a triggering mechanism. In doing so, the phenol spills in the Nakdong River in 1991 and 2008 are compared. The environmental disaster, formation of environmental policy, and impact of an environmental event as a triggering mechanism are analyzed. It was determined through the analysis that environmental disasters spur dynamic issue creation and the formation of environmental policy.

      • KCI등재

        에센셜 블렌딩 유,무에 따른 복부경락마사지의 체성분 및 신체 변화 효과

        최미옥 ( Mee Ok Choi ),김주연 ( Ju Youn Kim ) 한국미용학회 2009 한국미용학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to reveal the effects of abdominal meridian massage on the body change with abdominal obesity and present empirical materials to be actively used for body satisfaction and obesity management. This survey was conducted for 30 college women attending K Women`s University in Gwangju city who had more than BMI 23 and WHR 0.80 and consented to this experiment, from March 31 to June 13, 2008. The career oil group 10 person, the essential oil group 10 person were set according to essential oil applying or not, and 10 person were set the control group. SPSS WIN 12.0 program was used for the statistical processing of this study and paired t-test was used to investigate the difference before and after the experiment by group. Finally this study obtained the following results In body composition and body size change, BMI index and muscle circumference became decreased in the career oil applying group.

      • KCI등재

        여대생의 BMI지수에 따른 식습관과 신체만족도 및 외모관리 행동 조사 -체형관리를 중심으로-

        최미옥 ( Mee Ok Choi ),김주연 ( Ju Youn Kim ) 한국미용학회 2008 한국미용학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 여대생의 BMI지수에 따른 식습관과 신체만족도 및 체형관리 행동을 알아보는데 있다. BMI지수에 따라 일반적인 특성과 식습관을 알아보기 위하여 빈도분석을 하였으며, BMI지수에 따라 신체만족도와 체형관리행동을 알아보기 위하여 ANOVA분석과 Duncan사후검증을 실시하였다. 조사대상자는 서울, 부산, 광주, 전남지역에 거주하는 여대생 602명이었으며, 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.; BMI지수에 따른 일반적인 특성은 부분 적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였고, 특히 식사량에서 많은 차이를 나타내었다. BMI지수에 따른 신체만족도를 살펴보면 저체중 집단은 신체만족도가 가장 높게 나타났다. BMI지수에 따른 체형관리행동을 살펴보면 과체중은 다른 집단에 비해 섭취조절, 운동, 피부관리실/병원, 의복사용에서 높게 나타났다.

      • KCI등재
      • 보육지원정책의 현황과 전망

        최미옥(Choi, Mee-Ok) 중원대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2017 인문사회과학연구 Vol.3 No.2

        보육지원정책은 사회복지 수요증가와 여성의 사회참여 권장, 저출산 문제의 해소, 양성평등을 위한 여성정책 논의의 증가 등과 관련하여 지속적 관심과 함께 관련 정책에 대한 다양한 방안들이 제시되고 있다. 본 연구는 보육지원정책, 특히 영 · 유아 보육지원정책과 그 정책을 둘러싼 논란에 대한 문제점을 검토하고 향후 보육지원정책의 전망에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. 우리나라 보육지원정책의 전개과정과 현황 및 문제점 고찰을 위해 정부보도 자료 및 관련 문헌자료를 검토하여 문제점을 도출하고, 퓨처스 힐 분석방법을 적용하여 향후 보육지원정책의 전망을 제안하고자 했다. The purpose of this study is to suggest the prospect of child care policy using futures wheel analysis. This study analyzed policy of child care, especially about infant, controversy of this policy and considered prospect of child care policy. For this study, current states, process, government agencies of child care policy is considered. In doing so, it is possible that women"s labor force participation, reconciliation of employment and support for work-family, gender equality. In addition, it is estimated that solving the low birth rate problem is possible.

      • KCI등재

        아동중심 놀이치료가 시설아동의 우울 및 공격성 감소에 미치는 효과

        양숙미 ( Sook Mee Yang ),임원신 ( Won Shin Yim ),최미옥 ( Mi Ok Choi ) 대한아동복지학회 2005 아동복지연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 아동의 정서적 갈등을 해소시키는데 유용한 접근방법인 아동중심 놀이 치료를 실시하여 시설아동의 우울 및 공격성에 어떠한 효과가 있는지 살펴보는데 있다. 연구방법은 정서표현의 어려움이 있는 육아시설에 거주하는 10~11세 아동 14명 중 실험집단에 7명, 통제집단에 7명을 선정하였다. 비동일통제집단전후비교설계의 방법을 활용하였고, 측정도구는 아동 우울 척도(CDI)와 아동 공격성 척도, 아동청소년 행동평가척도(K-CBCL)를 사용하였다. 실험집단 7명에게는 아동중심 놀이치료를 2004년 7월 26일부터 2004년 11월 29일까지 45분간 매주 1회, 총 20회를 진행하였다. 또한 통제집단에 대해서는 놀이치료를 실시하지 않았다. 실험집단과 통제집단의 전후 검사의 차이를 알아보기 위해 t 검증을 실시하였고, 놀이치료 실시 후 두 집단 간 사후 검사의 차이를 알아보기 위해 사전 검사를 공변인으로 하여 ANCOVA를 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 놀이치료 실시 후 실험집단과 통제집단 간 비교 결과에서 우울 및 공격성에서 모두 유의미한 수치의 변화를 보였다. 이것은 아동중심 놀이치료가 시설아동의 우울 및 공격적 정서완화에 효과가 있음을 나타내는 것이다. The purpose on this study is identify the effect of child centered play therapy on the decrease of the residential children`s depression and aggression. the representative characters of the residential children. The research method is followed. The subject of this study is 14 residential children, aging from 10 to 11. CDI, test of aggression and K-CBCL were carried out on these children as a pre-test. For one group of 7 children, child centered play therapy was performed during July. 26. 2004 - Nov. 29. 2004, 45 minutes a time, 1 time a week, totally 20 times, and for another group of 7 children, nothing was performed for comparison. After the end of play therapy, CDI, test of aggression and K-CBCL, the same as pre-test, were carried out on these 14 children as a post-test. The data collected in this study were analyzed by SAS Statistics Package. In order to examine the homogeneity of pre-test between two groups, t-test was carried out. And in order to examine the difference of post-test between two groups after play therapy treatment, ANCOVA was carried out under the condition that pre-test is covariance. The results of this study are as follows. All indexes which were used to confirm the homogeneity of test group and comparison group show that the two groups are homogeneous. This study showed an positive effect on the decrease of depression and aggression. Consequently, child centered play therapy was proven to be effective to decrease the depression and aggression of the residential children.

      • KCI등재

        광주·부산 일부 지역의 영·유아 부모의 영·유아 전용 화장품 사용 습관 연구

        김현경 ( Hyeon-gyeong Kim ),최미옥 ( Mee-ok Choi ) 한국미용학회 2017 한국미용학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        To prevent the corruption of cosmetics, personal-hygiene, awareness of cleanliness, and proper usage are important. Therefore, this study was conducted for infant’s parents living in Busan and Gwangju, for purpose of studying the usage habits about infant-cosmetics. Questionnaires conducted online, self-registering from March-15th to April-20th, 2017, and 459 copies used for final analysis. Survey items consisted of general characteristics, children-skin condition and infant-cosmetic’s usage habits. Results were as follows: First, in habit of washing hands before using cosmetics, related with age, child age, expert-counseling, parents answered significantly children-skin cleanliness affect their skin condition. Second, in clean habit of cleaning product containers, it was found over 50% parents clean and manage product containers, and if their children has atopic, sensitive-skin, or had expert consultation were answered significantly. Third, in habits about take some cosmetics out of containers using by tools, parents, office-workers, when child are girls, monthly income of less than 2million-won were related. Among factors affecting children's skin condition, some parents answered eating habits, nutritional status and skin cleanliness were influenced. Fourth, about closeness to using cosmetics after using, Busan and who earn over 2million-won in monthly were significantly showed. Therefore, it can be know importance of education through professional counseling, and it is expected many opportunities for infant parents should be given through various education on importance of using cosmetics correctly.

      • KCI등재

        로버트 가네(Robert Mills Gagne)의 9가지 수업사태를 활용한 피부미용교과 교수-학습지도안의 타당도 조사

        최한나 ( Han-na Choi ),최미옥 ( Mee-ok Choi ) 한국미용학회 2019 한국미용학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Korean beauty education started at Gangneung Youngdong University in 1991 and now has master and doctoral courses at the graduate school. This phenomenon seems to reflect the need of beauty-specialist production. However, teachers are experiencing difficulties due to lack of information and reference materials in the major subject teaching. Therefore, this study investigated differences of general characteristics of teachers in Beauty High-School based on Gagne's teaching-learning guidance plan. Statistical analysis of collected data was analyzed the differences between general characteristics and teaching-learning plans of the subjects by using the SPSSWIN 21.0 program. First, in general characteristics, the gender was female (87.5%), male (12.5%) / education experience under 2~3 years (38.8%), under 3~4 years (20.0%), under 4-5 (7.5%), over 5years (6.3%) / in the form of employment, short-term (35.0%), practice teacher (28.8%), part-time teacher (20.0%), and regular teachers (appointment) (16.3%) / courses with experience in class, skin-beauty (39.7%), hair-beauty (31.0%), makeup (16.7%) and nail-art (12.7%). Second, the differences between teaching-learning guidance plans according to general characteristics, gender, education career, and employment type were not significant at the 5% level of significance, and all of them were not significant at the 5% level of significance. Although it can help students improving their academic achievement, but it is considered that there is a limit to whether they can be evaluated effectively with class satisfaction. Based on this, it is expected that indepth research will be provided by providing useful materials in beauty teaching-learning guidance plan.

      • KCI등재

        중국 일부지역 20~30대 여성의 라이프 스타일에 따른 화장품사용 특성

        사루라 ( Sa Ru La ),최미옥 ( Mee-ok Choi ) 한국미용학회 2018 한국미용학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the use of cosmetics according to the lifestyles of women in their 20s and 30s in some parts of China. The survey was conducted from October 01, 2017 to November 25, 2017 through the Internet (www.wjx.cn) for women in their 20s and 30s in Inner Mongolia, China. A total of 600 copies were distributed to 575 copies For statistical analysis, SPSSWIN 21.0 program was used.As a result, life style was classified into three groups: extroversion, substance pursuit, practical and health pursuit, and 59.3% of lifestyle group was ‘extroversion’, and 'practical and health seeking type' , And 'substance-seeking type' (16.5%). In addition, in all three groups of lifestyles, skin and toner are the most commonly used in basic cosmetics. Recommendations from people around one is the primary motivation of choosing the using extroverted cosmetics. Lipstick has the highest rate of use in make-up because of product stability as the satisfied reason. Compare with domestic and imported cosmetics, lifestyle extroverted costumers pay the most attention to the brand image.Based on the above results, in order to change the consciousness of women in their 20s and 30s who prefer imported cosmetics, the Chinese basic cosmetics business has developed cosmetics with quality and function suitable for women in their 20s and 30s We need to develop cosmetics that can differentiate them from imported cosmetics. Therefore, this study needs a customer segmentation strategy according to lifestyle for 20 ~ 30 Chinese women and hopes to be used to provide basic information and effective marketing strategy for Chinese cosmetics market.

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