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        한국 최초의 지질학 논문, 「Geologische Skizze von Korea」: 역사적 고찰

        최덕근,홍발,이승배 대한지질학회 2024 지질학회지 Vol.60 No.2

        한반도 지질을 다룬 최초의 논문은 독일 지질학자 곳체(Gottsche)가 1886년에 발표한 「Geologische Skizze von Korea」다. 이 논문은 19세기 후반 곳체가 조선을 방문하게 된 역사적 배경과 그의 조사활동 그리고 「Geologische Skizze von Korea」의 내용을 살펴봄으로써 한국 지질학의 출발점을 과학사적 관점에서 들여다보았다. 19세기 후반의 조선은 유교에 바탕을 둔 전통사회의해체, 동·서양 열강들의 침략, 외국과의 통상조약 체결과 개항 그리고 이에 따른 위정척사세력과 개화세력이 갈등을 겪었던 격동의시대였다. 그 무렵, 외국과의 수교통상과 개화를 도와줄 서양인 고문이 필요했던 조선은 1882년 독일인 묄렌도르프(Möllendorff) 를 초빙하여 외교와 경제정책 시행에 중요한 역할을 맡겼다. 조선의 경제발전에 광산개발이 중요하다고 여겼던 묄렌도르프는 당시 일본 도쿄대학 교수로 재직 중이었던 곳체에게 한반도의 지질조사를 의뢰했다. 곳체는 1884년 약 5개월 동안 한반도의 암석을종류와 지질시대에 따라 구분하는 기초조사를 수행하여, 그 내용을 「Geologische Skizze von Korea」에 담아냈다. 짧은 기간의 조사로 인하여 암석을 충분히 이해하지 못했기 때문에 논문의 내용 중에 틀린 곳이 있기는 하지만, 한반도의 지질계통과 지질도를 제시한 최초의 논문이라는 점에서 그 중요성을 찾을 수 있다. The first paper dealing with the geology of the Korean Peninsula is 「Geologische Skizze von Korea」 written by a German geologist, Carl Christian Gottsche, in 1886. This article delves into the historical background of Gottsche's visit to Korea, his activities in Korea, and evaluation on 「Geologische Skizze von Korea」. During the latter half of 19th Century, the Joseon Dynasty experienced an era of transformation owing to the dissolution of Confucianism-based traditional society, invasions of oriental and occidental powers, and inevitable conflict between conservative and progressive groups. The Joseon Dynasty attempted to improve diplomatic relations and trades with foreign countries and accordingly invited a foreign advisor, Paul Möllendorff, who played a crucial role in the field of foreign affairs and economic development of the Joseon Dynasty during his tenure. Möllendorff realized the importance of mining exploration for economic development and subsequently invited Prof. Gottsche of the University of Tokyo for geological survey of the Korean Peninsula. In 1884, Gottsche investigated the Korean Peninsula for five months and published the paper, 「Geologische Skizze von Korea」. Gottsche was not able to understand clearly the nature and geologic ages of rocks of the Korean Peninsula, apparently due to the short period of survey. Nonetheless the paper can be treated to be of great significance in generating for the first time the geologic system and geologic map of the Korean Peninsula

      • KCI등재

        The Okcheon Supergroup in the Lake Chungju area, Korea: Neoproterozoic volcanic and glaciogenic sedimentary successions in a rift basin

        최덕근,Jusun Woo,박태윤 한국지질과학협의회 2012 Geosciences Journal Vol.16 No.3

        The Okcheon Belt in southern Korea is an NE-SW trending fold-and-thrust belt consisting of two sedimentary basins of different origins: namely, the Chungcheong Basin and the Taebaeksan Basin. The Chungcheong Basin was a Neoproterozoic rift basin belonging to the South China Craton, while the Taebaeksan Basin was a Paleozoic shallow marine to non-marine sedimentary basin fringing the Sino-Korean Craton. These two basins merged to form the Okcheon Belt in the early Triassic by the collision of Sino-Korean and South China cratons and their boundary is currently demarcated by the South Korean Tectonic Line. The Okcheon Supergroup is herein refined to include the Neoproterozoic volcanic and glaciogenic sedimentary successions deposited in the Chungcheong Basin and is divided into the two groups: the Chungju Group consists of the Gyemyeongsan Formation, Hyangsanni Dolomite, and Daehyangsan Quartzite and the Suanbo Group is proposed to include the Munjuri, Hwanggangni, Myeongori, and Gounni formations in ascending order. The Myeongori Formation is emended to comprise the Geumgang Limestone and the Seochangni members. This lithostratigraphic scheme is correlatable with that of the Nanhua Basin in South China, suggesting that the Chungcheong Basin was an eastward extension of the Nanhua Basin during the Neoproterozoic. The geological structure of the Okcheon Supergroup in the Lake Chungju area is characterized by a number of isoclinal to tight, frequently overturned, anticlines and synclines. No major thrust faults were recognized within the study area, except the constraining bend of the South Korean Tectonic Line. Three deformational phases are empirically differentiated: D1 deformation most strongly affected the rocks of the Okcheon Supergroup; D2 deformation was produced by the collision between the Sino-Korean and South China cratons; and D3 deformation is represented by normal to strike-slip faults. D1, D2 and D3 deformational phases are referred to the Okcheon (mid-Paleozoic), Songnim (Triassic) and/or Daebo (Jurassic) orogenies, and post-Jurassic events, respectively. The Chungcheong Basin was initiated as a part of an intracratonic rift basin (Nanhua Basin) within the South China Craton in association with early Neoproterozoic break-up event of the supercontinent Rodinia. The bimodal volcanic succession of the Gyemyeongsan Formation corresponds to the initial rift episode of the Chungcheong Basin, and was succeeded by shallow marine Hyangsanni Dolomite and Daehyangsan Quartzite. The second phase of rifting at ~750 Ma accumulated a thick bimodal volcanic succession of the Munjuri Formation which is overlain by the diamictites of the Hwanggangni Formation representing the Cryogenian global glacial event, snowball Earth. The immediately-succeeding cap carbonate, Geumgang Limestone Member of the Myeongori Formation, recorded the deglaciation event. The Seochangni Member of the Myeongori Formation is characterized by dark gray slate/phyllite facies indicating a poorly-oxygenated basin during the Ediacaran. No stratigraphic unit overlying the Gounni Formation, the youngest Neoproterozoic formation of the Okcheon Supergroup, occurs in the Lake Chungju area, and thus little is known on the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Chungcheong Basin. It is inferred that the medium-pressure type regional metamorphism and the predominance of ductile deformation of the Okcheon Supergroup can be attributed to the mid-Paleozoic Okcheon Orogeny which would have been in line with the Wuyun Orogeny of South China. The South China and Sino-Korean cratons should have been drifted away from the Gondwana sometime during the mid-Paleozoic and collided to form the East Asian continent at ~250 Ma.

      • 과학기술, 그 뿌리와 현주서 - 지질학편(중)

        최덕근,Choe, Deok-Geun 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1999 과학과 기술 Vol.32 No.7

        지구의 대륙형성을 15~16세기 베이컨은 대서양 양쪽 해안선 윤곽이 비슷하다는 점을 들어 하나의 대륙이 천재지변에 의해 변형된 것이라고 주장했다. 19세기 들어 허튼은 지구수축설을 들고 나왔고 20세기 초 대륙이동에 대한 논문이 미국의 테일러와 독일의 베개너에 의하여 발표되었다. 특히 베게너는 "대륙과 해양의 기원"이라는 저서를 통해 대륙이동설을 펼쳤으나 1930년 베게너의 죽음과 함께 많은 과학자들의 반박에 밀려 대륙이동설은 고개를 숙이게 되었다.

      • 지구 46억년의 역사

        최덕근,Choe, Deok-Geun 한국과학기술단체총연합회 2003 과학과 기술 Vol.36 No.6

        잠깐, 역사공부를 해 보자. 지구의 역사는 무려 46억년이나 된다. 최초의 화석은 종래 35억년이었던 것 보다 더 오래된 44억년 가량된 화석이 최근 밝혀졌다. 지구상에서 가장 기본적인 형태의 생명체가 출현해 진화하는 데 걸린 시간은 10억년 가량으로 추정하고 있다. 이에 비해 인류의 탄생은 고작해야 수백만년에 불과하다. 어떠한가. 깊고 오묘한 지구의 역사가 궁금하지 아니한가···

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