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        울슨과 제임스

        최경도(Choi, Kyong-do),윤희억(Yoon, Hee-oyck) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2007 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.26

        이 글은 19세기의 미국작가 콘스탄스 페니모어 울슨과 헨리 제임스의 문학적 관계를 전기적 시각에서 규명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 자신의 문학적 재능과 동시대의 미국 여성문학에서 그녀가 차지한 위치에도 불구하고 콘스탄스 페니모어 울슨은 미국문학에서 흔히 잊혀진 작가로 간주되고 있는데, 여기에 대한 이유는 두 가지로 설명될 수 있다. 먼저 울슨은 미국 여성문학에서 자신의 작품들을 기억될 만한 것으로 남기려는 의도적인 노력을 하지 않았으며, 또한 그녀를 특출한 작가의 대열로 올려놓을 유능한 전기 작가들이 존재하지 않았다. 작가로서 울슨의 운명은 특히 그녀와 깊은 개인적, 문학적 관계를 맺은 헨리 제임스와 구별된다. 울슨과 달리 제임스는 미국과 유럽 모두에서 널리 알려지게 되었으며, 그의 명성은 소설에서 많은 실험을 구사했던 작가로서의 업적뿐만 아니라, 그의 개인적 매력이 작용했다. 유럽에 거주하는 국적이탈의 작가로서 울슨과 제임스는 친밀한 관계를 이루었고, 이것은 두 작가 서로 간에 문학적 기법을 교환할 수 있는 호혜적 성격으로 발전되었다. 그러나 울슨의 죽음은 비평가들 사이에서 이들이 맺은 길고도 불가사의한 관계로부터 과연 어느 작가가 더 혜택을 입게 되었는가라는 논쟁을 불러 일으켰다. 여기서 울슨이 더 혜택을 입었다는 주장에도 불구하고, 전기연구에서 나온 결론은 울슨의 존재가 곧 제임스의 예술적 비전을 일깨운 경로가 되었다는 점이다. 이러한 관점에서 본다면, 울슨과 제임스의 관계에 대한 전기연구는 미국문학에서 크게 간과되었던 울슨의 문학적 위치를 새롭게 볼 수 있는 통찰을 제공한다. 예컨대, 제임스로 하여금 ‘믿을 수 없는 화자’와 같은 새로운 문학기법을 사용하도록 한 인물이 울슨이었기 때문이다. 따라서 제임스의 시각에서 울슨을 보거나 울슨의 시각에서 제임스를 보는 것은 개별 작가에 대한 연구뿐만 아니라, 이들의 문학을 전체적으로 탐색하는 데 활용될 수 있는 실험적 방법이 된다. 울슨과 제임스의 해석에 대한 유용한 접근법으로, 여기에서 시도한 전기연구는 궁극적으로 제임스와 비교하여 진정한 미국 여성작가로서 위상이 정립되어야 할 울슨을 다시 평가할 수 있는 기초를 마련한다. This paper aims to explore the literary relationship between Constance Fenimore Woolson and Henry James in the biographical perspective. Despite her literary talent and the position she occupied in the contemporary American women writings, Constance Fenimore Woolson was often regarded as a forgotten writer in American literature, and the cause for this neglection can be explained in two aspects. First, she did not strive herself to make her works memorable in American women writings. Second, there have been no major biographers who could bring her up to the level of distinctive writers. Her fate as a writer was especially differentiated from another American author who had a deep personal and literary relationship with her: Henry James. Unlike Woolson, James became widely known both in America and Europe, and his fame is attributed to his achievement as a writer who exercised many experiments in the novel as well as to his personal magnetism. As expatriate writers living in Europe, Woolson and James formed an intimate relationship that turned out to be reciprocal since both writers learned something of a literary skill from each other. The death of Woolson, however, brought about a debate among critics, which led to the controversy about which writer benefitted more from their long and mysterious relationship. Despite an argument that Woolson was the one who learned more, a conclusion from the biographical study is that she became a vehicle through which James was awakened to the vision in his art. Viewed in this respect, the biographical study of the Woolson and James relationship brings a new insight into the literary position of Woolson who was much ignored in American literature. It was Woolson who made it possible for James to adopt a new literary skill such as ‘unreliable narrator.’ To see Woolson in terms of James and to see James in terms of Woolson becomes an experimental method that can be applied not only to the study of each writer but also to the study of their work as a whole. As a useful approach to the interpretation of both Woolson and James, the biographical study intended here would further lay a foundation for the re-canonizing of Woolson in the sense that in comparison with James, her status as an authentic American woman writer needs to be rebuilt.

      • KCI등재

        큰 것을 작게: 헨리 제임스의 여성인물들

        최경도 ( Kyong Do Choi ) 미국소설학회 2010 미국소설 Vol.17 No.2

        This paper aims to explore the meaning of female characters in Henry James`s texts in terms of their importance in the context of the 19th century American novel. James, more than any other writers of his time, is attributed to ascending the dimension of American novel in his deep, intense portrait of female characters in his works. In dealing with the issue of women in James, we have to note that almost all the women he depicts are American. James was sympathetic to the claims of American women, the consequence of which is to portray them as an independent being. James`s characters are not just females, but they are American women or girls in that they become an heir of their age; his characters signify the contemporary circumstances of American women as well as their plight as females. What James did by epitomizing th conflict of American women made him a unique writer in the 19th century literary landscape, largely because before him American fiction is written from a male perspective in which the position of women is ignored. Behind James`s treatment of American women lies his observation of their fate in his time. James believes that American women are distinctive in their fate, especially in comparison with their counterpart in Europe. Devoid of history and culture which might prepare them to learn the many facets of realities, American women are destined to deal with the complexities of life in their own hand, the result of which is to pay for the painful lesson of life in the intricate world of Europe. As James was aware of the perennial dilemma of American women, he could create female characters who stand out as a person of substance and individuality. No matter how many different realities they face, James`s characters sustain the ability to confirm their identity as an American woman.

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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자서전 연구의 성격과 전망

        최경도(Kyong-do Choi) 한국영미문학교육학회 2008 영미문학교육 Vol.12 No.1

          This paper aims to explore the question of autobiography in its theoretical and cultural contexts. Unlike other literary genre, autobiography did not go through the systematic process of development and, consequently, did not have the authentic theory. The literary theory of autobiography came into being in the late 20th century, especially in the 1970s, and our own is being called the age of autobiography with the booming of the publication of all kinds of autobiography in virtually every field. Though it deals with the unique individual experience, autobiography is more universal than local, more timeless than historic, and more meaningful in the portrayal of individuals than merely personal. In its exploration of the lived experience of individuals and its written record, the study of autobiography enhances our understanding of autobiography in its history, theory and practice. Autobiography has the premise that all knowledge begins in self-discovery, so that man is the starting point of the universe. In other words, to produce autobiography is to define the concept of the self in its diverse manifestation and this self is best understood from the single source. After all, man carries out his instinctive desire by the act of seeking his own image through autobiography.<BR>  Autobiography becomes, more than any other genres, the literary genre that can engage our immediate interest since it is based upon the individual life which is growing to be personal and authentic. Though it treats specific times and individuals, autobiography becomes a vehicle through which we get to the individual life realistically and learn a deep understanding of humanity. Part of the reason that autobiography appeals to many readers is that by looking at the actualities of other people, they get access to the order of life that cannot be easily found in the daily experience itself. As one of the rare historical sources about individuals, autobiography brings us the direct experiences of individuals by allowing the possibility that each person might have his own autobiography allotted to him. The other reason that autobiography is getting important in recent years is that it became a source for understanding others whose voice had been denied due to their race, gender, religion, and social standing. In conclusion, autobiography needs to be newly recognized through the social and cultural context that it contains and to come to grips with the question of what it has been and is, and what it aspires to be.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 미국문학 속의 타자

        최경도(Choi Kyong-do),김지영(Kim Ji-young) 새한영어영문학회 2003 새한영어영문학 Vol.45 No.1

        This study aims to examine the idea of others in the 19th century American literature. In the peculiar American context where individualism had been a predominant social and cultural force, the main image of the century is on a white male. The legendary American characters in this age are white men who decide their own destiny as they are actively participating in the making of the new country. As a consequence, the selfhood of others are easily ignored. Here the meaning of others is defined as belonging to people or group who are not recognized as authentic individuals. In the 19th century American literature, the disregard for others is expressed in the form of race, gender and culture, while others are being referred to as women, blacks, American Indians and the people in popular culture. All of these people are seen living outside the current of genuine American experiences. Our question is on the fact that while many literary works at this time are devoted to depicting the potential of white males, little is said about "other" people who are not granted a solid status or entity. Seen in this respect, the idea of others can become an effective tool through which to discuss about the identity of the 19th century American literature, especially in relation to the establishment of national literature. The major writers in this period such as James Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, and Henry James introduce characters who are regarded as others but can contribute much to the formation of true American characters. Throughout these characters, the writers come to evoke what others mean in the unique experience of the 19th century America. As a colored race, the Indians and blacks are regarded living outside civilization and become the victim of the white dominance, whereas the women are prohibited to participate in society as an independent being. These figures, however, transcend the limit imposed upon them, coming to terms with the social and cultural restriction. Not lingering in an isolated sphere, characters regarded as others prove that they are also participating in the American experience with diverse activities. After all, it is through the relation to others that the uniqueness and diversity of American literature is confirmed.

      • KCI등재

        작가와 국적

        최경도(Kyong-do Choi) 한국아메리카학회 2013 美國學論集 Vol.45 No.3

        Henry James became a British citizen a year before he died in 1916. This had brought a controversial debate as to the motive of his decision to abandon his native land as well as United States citizenship. In American circles, James was criticized sharply. To many people in the U. S., James's decision was regarded as an act of disloyalty, a confirmation that James was "anti-American." However, James was thoroughly a cosmopolitan both in his life and writing. He was national in his choice of characters and subject since his characters were mostly Americans while his subject was concerned with the uniquely American experiences in Europe. James was at the same time international because the world of his novel predominantly depicts the intermingling of two different worlds on both sides of the Atlantic. As an American expatriate living in Europe, James was inevitably associated with the question of nationality. To James the question of national identity was crucial since his fiction shows a remarkable play of this issue, largely through the international theme. With their experiences in Europe, James's American characters were able to define their own national identity. James was transnational in an era when national boundaries were keenly felt to people in his age. Anticipating the cosmopolitanism of the expatriate writers in the 1920s, James performed his role as an international writer across the geopolitical boundaries. James made his readers undermine the physical and psychological conventions that define the nation as indivisible entity. After all, James's writings emphasize the human capability to learn from cultural, social, and national differences.

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