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      • KCI등재

        나이별 소나무 잎에 침착된 대기 중 폴리브롬화디페닐에테르 특성

        천만영,Chun, Man-Young 한국환경보건학회 2014 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Objectives: Pine needles are used as passive air samplers (PAS) of atmospheric persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This study was carried out in order to investigate whether pine needles can also be used as a PAS of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Methods: PBDEs in one to three year-old pine needles were analyzed with HRGC/HRMS. Results: PBDEs in the atmosphere were accumulated in the pine needles. The rate of increase in concentration of lower substituted PBDEs (tri- through hepta-) in pine needles was linear. The rate of increase of the higher substituted PBDEs (octa- through deca-) was also liner, but only up to two year-old pine needles. The concentration did not increase further in older pine needles. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that young pine needles, those that are two years old or less, are recommended for use as PAS of atmospheric PBDEs.

      • KCI등재

        소나무 잎을 PAS로 이용하여 대기 중 PCDD/Fs 농도 추정

        천만영,Chun, Man-Young 한국환경보건학회 2015 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.41 No.2

        Objective: This study was carried out to use pine needles as a passive air sampler (PAS) for atmospheric polychlorinared dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs). Methods: PCDD/Fs concentrations in ambient air ($C_a$, $pg/m^3$) and deposited pine needles ($C_p$, pg/g dry) were analyzed simultaneously from June 1 to December 31. Air samples were taken using two low volume PUF active air samplers with an overall average air volume of approximately $1,200Sm^3$. Pine needles were collected the end of December near the air sampler. PCDD/Fs was analyzed by HRGC/HRMs. Results: A good correlation was shown ($R^2=0.6357$, p=0.0001) between $C_a$ and $C_p$, but a better correlation ($R^2=0.7372$, p<0.0001) existed between the logarithm of octanol-air partitioning coefficient ($LogK_{oa}$) and Log($C_p/C_a$). The average PCDD/Fs sampling rates from air to pine needles were 0.045($0.018-0.185m^3/day-g\;dry$). Conclusion: It was found that pine needles can be used as PAS for atmospheric PCDD/Fs, and they are especially suitable for long time PAS compared to PUF disk PAS.

      • KCI등재

        소나무잎을 Passive Air Sampler로 이용하여 지역별 대기 중 다환방향족 탄화수소의 농도 및 발생원 추정

        천만영,Chun, Man-Young 한국환경보건학회 2014 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        Objectives: This study was carried out in order to estimate atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations and sources using pine needles as a passive air sampler (PAS) in urban (Pyeongtaek), semirural (Anseong) and rural (Jincheon) sites. Methods: One-year-old pine needles were collected for analysis of their PAH concentrations ($C_{p,n}g/g$ dry) at the end of December. PAHs concentrations in the ambient air ($C_a$, $ng/m^3$) were calculated with a $Log(C_p/C_a)-LogK_{oa}$ correlational equation. Results: PAHs concentrations in ambient air ($C_a$) were high, in the order of urban ($114.03ng/m^3$), semirural ($105.17ng/m^3$) and rural ($61.91ng/m^3$) sites. However, distributions of PAH isomer concentrations were very similar. PAHs of which molecular weight is smaller than 228.30 (AcPy, Acp, Flu, Phen, Ant, Flt, Pyr, BaA, Chry) made up most of the PAHs in the ambient air (96.6-98.5%). Conclusion: At urban, semirural and rural sites, it was concluded that the main source of PAHs in the ambient air ratio of each PAH isomer concentration was cars, especially diesel vehicles.

      • KCI등재

        소나무잎을 Passive Air Sampler(PAS)로 이용하여 대기 중 PCBs 농도 추정

        천만영,Chun, Man-Young 한국환경보건학회 2012 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        Objective: This study was carried out to use pine needles as a passive air sampler (PAS) of atmospheric Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Methods: PCB concentrations in ambient air ($C_a$, ng/$m^3$) and deposited on pine needles ($C_p$, ng/g dry) were analyzed simultaneously from June 1 to December 31. Air samples were taken using a low volume PUF active air sampler and the overall average air volume was about 900-1,000 $m^3$. Pine needles were collected at the end of August and December near the air sampler. Results: $C_a$ were higher at higher air temperature and lower chlorinated PCB congeners, but $C_p$ showed irregular distribution. The average PCB sampling rates from air to pine needles were 0.116 (0.002-0.389) $m^3$/day - g dry. Conclusions: A poor correlation was shown between $C_a$ and $C_p$. However, a good correlation was shown between the logarithm of octanol-air partitioning coefficient ($logK_{oa}$) and log ($C_p/C_a$), and the interrelation was better with longer sampling time (June to December) than shorter sampling time (June to August). The average PCB sampling rates from air to pine needles were the lowest with respect to PUF disk, XAD-2 resin and semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) PAS. The average ratio ($C_{a-calc}/C_{a-meas}$) of calculated ($C_{a-calc}$) and measured ($C_{a-meas}$) PCB concentration was 0.69 with a shorter sampling time and 1.24 with a longer, so $C_{a-calc}$ was close to $C_{a-meas}$. It was found that pine needles can be used as PAS of atmospheric PCBs, and are especially suitable for long-time PAS.

      • KCI등재

        소나무 잎을 이용한 대기 중 다이옥신/퓨란 발생원 추정

        천만영,김정수,고도현,Chun, Man-Young,Kim, Jeong-Soo,Koh, Doh-Yun 한국환경보건학회 2015 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        Objectives: Pine needles were used as a passive air sampler (PAS) of atmospheric persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This study was performed to investigate concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) deposited on pine needles near a waste incinerator and PCDD/Fs source contributions using principal component analysis (PCA). Methods: Two-year-old pine needles were sampled at 11 points with respect to distance and wind direction from the incinerator. PCDD/Fs deposited on pine needles were analyzed with HRGC/HRMS. The source contribution of PCA was calculated with SPSS. Results: The average concentration of PCDD/Fs deposited on pine needle was 0.79 (0.27-1.76) pg TEQ/g dry, PCDDs with 0.24 (0.01-0.95) pg TEQ/g dry and PCDFs with 0.56 (0.27-0.82) pg TEQ/g dry, respectively. The average concentration fraction of PCDDs was 29.7%, that of PCDFs was 70.3%, and PCDFs were more prevalent than PCDDs. The contributions of PCDD/Fs sources were estimated as incineration at 58.3% and automobiles at 28.4%. However, a relation and regulation between PCDD/Fs concentrations deposited on pine needles and distance from incinerator or wind direction was not shown. Conclusion: It was concluded that atmospheric PCDD/Fs concentrations near an industrial complex with a waste incinerator were affected by multiple sources. However, PCDD/Fs concentrations were lower than in other inland cities with the exception of background area.

      • KCI등재

        대기 중 PCBs의 PAS에 이용되는 여러 매체의 PCBs 침착 특성

        천만영,Chun, Man-Young 한국환경보건학회 2013 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        Objective: This study was carried out to determine the depositional characteristics of pine needles, pine tree bark, moss, and soil, which are used as a passive air sampler (PAS) of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Methods: All four media were sampled from the same site. PCB concentrations were analyzed by GC/MSD, and the lipid contents were measured using the gravimetric method. Results: The total PCB concentration (IUPAC No. 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180) was the highest in soil (227.97 pg/g dry), followed by pine needles (71.36 pg/g dry), pine tree bark (44.58 pg/g dry), then moss (21.91 pg/g dry). Pine needles contained the highest lipid contents (21.31 mg/g dry), whereas soil (10.01 mg/g dry), pine tree bark (4.85 mg/g dry), and moss (1.92 mg/g dry) contained less. The concentration of lower-chlorinated PCBs was relatively high in pine needles, pine tree bark and moss, but not in soil. The PCB concentrations were proportional to their lipid contents in pine needles, pine tree bark and moss, but a different trend was revealed in soil. Conclusions: The PCBs concentrations in the media were affected by various factors including atmospheric PCB concentrations, lipid contents, and depositional pathways. However, each of these factors had a varying influence depending on the type of medium.

      • KCI등재

        소나무잎을 PAS로 이용하여 지역별 대기 중 PCBs 농도 추정

        천만영,Chun, Man-Young 한국환경보건학회 2013 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        Objective: This study was carried out in order to estimate atmospheric Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) concentrations using pine needles as a passive air sampler (PAS) in urban, semi-rural and rural regions. Methods: One-year old pine needles were collected to analyze their PCBs concentrations ($C_p$, pg/g dry) at the end of December. PCBs concentrations in ambient air ($C_a$, $pg/m^3$) were calculated with the $logK_{oa}-log(C_p/C_a)$) model. Results: PCBs concentrations in ambient air ($C_a$) were high in the order of urban, semi-rural and rural regions. The lower-chlorinated PCBs showed a higher concentration in ambient air. However, the distribution of PCBs congeners was similar in all three regions. Correlation between $C_a$ and the population density of the three regions was significant ($R^2$=0.9834, p<0.001). Conclusions: It was concluded that although the production and use of PCBs was banned in the1970s, PCBs are currently being produced unintentionally by human activities.

      • KCI등재

        대기 중 폴리브롬화디페닐에테르의 소나무 잎, 소나무 껍질 및 토양으로의 침착 특성

        천만영,Chun, Man Young 한국환경보건학회 2014 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        Objective: This study was carried out in order to determine the depositional characteristics of pine needles, pine bark, and soil used as a passive air sampler (PAS) for atmospheric polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Methods: All three media were sampled from the same site. The PBDE concentrations were analyzed by HRGC/HRMS, and the lipid contents were measured using the gravimetric method by n-hexane extraction. Results: The total PBDE concentration was the highest in soil (22,274.57 pg/g dry), followed by pine bark (20,266.39 pg/g dry), and then pine needles (7,380.22 pg/g dry). Pine needles contained the highest lipid contents (21.31 mg/g dry), whereas soil (10.01 mg/g dry), and pine bark (4.85 mg/g dry) contained less. There were poor correlations between lipid content and total PBDE concentrations in the media ($R^2$=0.8216, p=0.2814). Congeners BDE 47, 99, 183, 196, 197, 206, 207 and 209 showed peak concentrations. Among these, BDE 206, 207, and 209 are highly brominated PBDEs that exist as particulates in ambient air. They accounted for 81.2% [69.2 (pine needles) - 89.0% (tree bark)] of the concentration and therefore are noted as the main congener of the total PBDEs. Conclusions: It can therefore be concluded that for reducing error by improper sampling, the same species of media should be recommended for use as a PAS for atmospheric PBDEs due to the differences in depositional characteristics.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        대기 중 폴리브롬화디페닐에테르의 소나무 잎 침착 특성과 농도 보정법

        천만영 ( Man-young Chun ) 한국환경기술학회 2014 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        소나무 잎은 대기 중 폴리브롬화디페닐에테르(PBDEs)의 수동공기채취기(PAS)로 이용되므로 소나무잎 중 PBDEs 농도를 이용하여 공기 중 PBDEs 농도를 추산할 수 있다. 이 연구는 잎의 길이와 대기에 노출된 기간이 서로 다른 소나무 잎을 이용하여 대기 중 PBDEs가 소나무 잎에 침착되는 특성을 규명하고 여기에 근거하여 PAS용으로 소나무 잎을 올바르게 채취하는 방법과 농도계산법을 연구하여 시료채취와 농도 계산에 의한 오차를 줄이기 위하여 수행되었다. 소나무 잎에 침착된 대기 중 PBDEs 농도는 수종 차이가 아니라 단위 습무게 당 표면적 또는 잎의 길이에 의존하였다. 대기 중에서 가스상 분율이 높은 hepta-BDEs 이하 저브롬화 PBDEs는 소나무 잎에 누적침착이 일어났으며 누적침착율은 분자량이 커질수록 낮았다. 입자상 분율이 높은 octa-BDEs 이상 고브롬화 PBDEs는 대기 노출기간이 16개월까지는 누적침착이 일어났지만 그 이상 대기에 노출된 잎의 침착농도는 오히려 더 낮았다. 그러므로 소나무 잎에 침착된 대기 중PBDEs 농도는 잎의 표면적당 농도로 계산하거나 건무게당 농도를 잎의 평균 길이를 이용하여 보정하여야 하고 대기 노출기간이 16개월 이하인 잎을 채취하여야 시료채취와 농도 계산에 의한 오차를 줄일 수 있어 신뢰성 있는 자료를 확보할 수 있다. The pine needles are used as passive air sampler (PAS) of atmospheric polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). They are able to estimate atmospheric PBDEs concentrations. However, it is possible to reach an erroneous conclusion in the case of wrong sampling or unreasonable calculation method of concentrations. This study was carried out to investigate the depositional characteristics and calculation concentrations of atmospheric PBDEs using three species of pine needles which have different length of needles, and different exposure time in the atmosphere. In addition, the study will provide guidelines to reduce error due to wrong sampling and calculation concentrations. The surface area per wet weight (mm<sup>2</sup>/g wet) of pine needles were inversely proportional to length. The total PBDEs concentrations deposited in pine needles were proportional to the surface area per wet weight in all three species of pine needles. Nevertheless, the fractions of each BDE congener concentration distributed in the total PBDEs concentration in three species of pine needles were similar. This means that PBDEs concentrations depend on the surface area and length of pine needles, not on the species of pine trees. PBDEs in the atmosphere were accumulated in pine needles. The rate of increase in concentration of lower substituted PBDEs (tri- through hepta-) was linear. The rate of increase of the higher substituted PBDEs (octa- through deca-) was also liner in 16 months-old pine needles and younger, but the concentration rather decreased in older pine needles. Therefore, in order to use pine needles as PAS of atmospheric PBDEs, it is reasonable to calculate the concentration deposited on pine needles per wet surface area or to correct concentrations per dry weight with average length. Furthermore, it must be sampled less than 16 months-old needles are recommended for use to reduce error by wrong sampling.

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