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        기획 논문 : 영국과 유럽: 헤게모니와 정체성 ; 유럽통합과 영국에서의 헌법 변화: 유럽인권협약의 국내적 실효성 확보 노력을 중심으로

        차동욱 ( Dong Wook Cha ) 영국사학회 2010 영국연구 Vol.24 No.-

        영국은 유럽헌법체제를 구성하는 과정에서 중요한 역할을 해 왔다. 그러나 유럽 헌법을 국내적으로 실효성 있는 최고 규범으로 만드는 작업에는 어려움이 있었다. 이 글의 목적은 그 이유를 설명하는 것이다. 가장 중요한 이유로 영국의 최고의 국가운영원리인 의회주권과 전통적 보통법 체계를 들 수 있다. 영국정부가 국제 조약을 체결·비준할 권한이 있음은 당연하지만, 그 조약에 국내법적 효력을 부여하기 위해서는 별도의 의회 제정법이 필요하다. 유럽인권협약은 유럽헌법체제에서 형식상 유럽헌법의 일부를 구성하지는 않지만 유럽 시민의 권리보호를 위한 법리를 제공하는 근본 규범의 역할을 하고 있다. 이 인권협약도 영국 내에서 실효성을 보장받으려면 의회의 별도 입법이 필요한 것이다. 1997년 노동당은 총선에서 큰 승리를 거둔 뒤 헌법개혁에 착수하였고, 그 첫 결과물이 1998 인권법이었다. 토니 블레어가 주도한 헌법개혁의 또 하나의 결실은 상원으로부터 분리되어 독립된 대법원이 신설되었다는 것이다. 이 대법원을 통해 영국에 새로운 법의 지배가 시도될 가능성을 기대해 볼 수 있기는 하다. 그러나 전통적인 보통법 체계를 고수하고 있는 법관들의 성향을 볼 때, 빠른 변화는 기대하기 힘들 것으로 예측된다. United Kingdom government has played an important role in making European constitution regime. The task of making the Constitution in effect in the domestic legal system, however, has not been easy. The purpose of this essay is to investigate causes of the difficulty. This essay points out that the principle of parliamentary sovereignty and the English common law system are major reasons for the difficulty. The United Kingdom government has full power to enter into international treaties and exercised this power in ratifying parts of the European Constitution including the European Convention on Human Rights. However, without the authority of an Act of Parliament, a treaty may not alter the law of the United Kingdom because of the principle of the parliamentary sovereignty. And except to the extent that a treaty is incorporated into national law by statute, the courts have no power to enforce treaty rights and obligations because of the limited power of the English common law judges. By the time of the 1997 general election the Labour Party had committed itself to incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into English law. The Human Rights Act 1998 was the result. The Human Rights Act 1998 is a mechanism which makes it easier to get the protection of Convention rights. The statute maintains the legal supremacy of Parliament, which remains the final arbiter of whether any statute, found by the judiciary to be incompatible with the Convention rights, should be changed by legislation. But there are loopholes in the system of individual rights protection under the Human Rights Act and the Convention regime. One major loophole is that the European Court of Human Rights` decisions are not binding on English courts, even though the English courts are bound to take account of relevant decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. Another loophole is that the Human Rights Act is an ordinary statute, and as a matter of law could be repealed. By the recent constitutional ref reforms, the Labor government has widened the scope of the protection of individual rights compliant with the Convention as a part of the European Constitution. But, the United Kingdom still has a long and winding road to the perfect incorporation of the Convention into the English common law system.

      • KCI등재

        학술대회 : 프랑스 헌법과 공법상의 제문제 ; 연구논문 : 사법적극주의의 경험적 분석을 위한 이론적 고찰: 미국에서의 논의를 중심으로 비교 제도적 확장을 위하여

        차동욱 ( Dong Wook Cha ) 국제헌법학회, 한국학회 2006 世界憲法硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        The political activism of the judiciary has become an extremely relevant issue in contemporary democratic regimes even though many believe that judicial policy making conflicts with the very essence of a democratic polity. This article is an effort to provide an plausible explanation for the degree of judicial activism. Although judicial activism is a multifaceted concept, this article conceives of judicial activism as the court`s tendency to expand its scope of power and role even if it falls in direct conflict with the legislative and/or executive branches. Having conceptualized judicial activism for operationalization, this study turns to several structural features associated with judicial activism, particularly focusing on judicial independence, political fragmentation, and public opinion. First, this research explains that the power of judicial review by independent judiciary is a necessary condition for judicial activism. Although independent judges will not always choose to substitute their own policy judgement for that of others, they are in a good position to assert themselves in policy-making against or in competition with the legislative and executive branches. Thus, while judicial independence does not assure judicial activism, it certainly increases the potential for it. But, judicial power is highly contingent on the acceptance of other policy-makers. The strategic approach suggests that judges who wishes to see their policy preferences realized have to make strategic calculations about the views of other colleagues on the bench, legislators, administrators, and other political actors. Second, this study argues that the role played by the judiciary depends on the general setting of the political system. If the lack of consolidated rules of the democratic game in a highly divided setting, more judicial activism is likely to occur. As social rifts become more severe, political polarization becomes more prominent. While no political group can gain electoral support enough to be a dominant ruling party or coalition, the court becomes perceived as the most reliable civil institution in the country. When legislative and executive powers are polarized, the court accumulates more institutional power. Thus, the political deadlock in a highly divided setting is likely to be the major structural stimulus for increasing judicial activism because the polarized setting allows judges to vote sincerely without constraints from the legislature and the executive. Third, this essay examines the influence of mass public attitudes on judicial performance. If citizens value judicial independence and regard respect for judicial rulings as important, a decision by elected officials to resist a judicial ruling may result in a loss of public support. The fear of such a public backlash can be a forceful inducement to implement judicial decisions faithfully. Therefore, because public support constitutes an important judicial resource, a concern about maintaining support for the court may influence judicial deliberations. Judges will be concerned to maintain the appearance of impartiality and consistency while, at the same time, being sensitive to prevailing public opinion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        시민사회와 법 ; 거리의 정치와 권리의 담론

        차동욱 ( Dong Wook Cha ) 한양대학교 제3섹터연구소 2008 시민사회와 NGO Vol.6 No.2

        대규모 집회와 시위의 발생은 아직 정치가 완전히 제도화되지 않았다는 증거이고, 시위자들도 제도적 의사소통 창구를 찾지 못했기 때문에 일어나는 현상이라고 보는 것이 일반적인 인식이다. 거리의 정치를 가장 정당화하는 논리는 비폭력저항운동이라는 것이고, 결국 제도외적이고 비정상적 방법이기 때문에 제도화를 완성하면 집회와 시위는 사라진다는 것이다. 이 글은 그러한 인식에 대해 심각하게 문제를 제기한다. 제도화를 법제화로 본다면, 법제화는 일상생활로부터 우러나온 참여의 욕구들을 재단하고 그 열정을 중화시킨다. 제도화되는 순간 의사소통구조는 정형화된다. 정형화된 틀 속에서만 참여가 이루어진다. 그러나 이 참여는 생기를 잃은 참여이다. 2008년 봄 두 달 넘게 계속된 촛불집회 참가자들은 제도권 정치 세력들의 주도를 거부하였다. 정형화된 구호도 거부하였다. `먹거리`라는 일상생활의 문제를 집회와 시위라는 가장 기초적인 정치 참여의 방식으로 해결하려 하였다. 집회와 시위는 단순히 제도외적, 최후의 수단으로서의 저항운동이 아니다. 가장 생활과 가까운 일차적인 정치참여이다. 이 글은 평등한 시민의 정치 참여에 대한 권리가 제도화된 정치와 제도화된 여론을 통해서만 행사될 수 있다는 이데올로기를 거부한다. 기존의 정치 이론과 법 제도가 어떻게 가장 중요한 정치 참여의 방식을 예외적, 한계적인 것으로 왜곡시켰는지를 살펴본다. It is generally conceived that the occurrence of large outdoor assemblies and demonstrations is an evidence that politics neither is completely institutionalized nor provides institutionalized communication channels for protesters. According to this conception, politics on the streets is only justified as a nonviolent resistance campaign and is very likely to disappear if politics is completely institutionalized. This essay calls the conception into question. If institutionalization means legalization, legalization tailors participatory urges soaking out of ordinary lives and neutralizes those passions. The moment the process of institutionalization is complete communication channel becomes formalized. In other words, participation is allowed only in the formalized structure. This participation lacks life. In the spring of 2008, large candlelight demonstrations against the import of U.S. beef brought hundreds of thousands of protesters to the streets in the heart of Seoul and lasted more than two months. These protesters refused to be under the lead of elite political circles. They rejected regularized slogans. They voiced their concern about foods-a matter of ordinary lives-by organizing and joining rallies which are the most fundamental way of participation. Neither marginal nor final means rallies are. Rallies are genuine grass-root participation. This essay analyzes and criticizes the ideology that right to equal participation is exercised legitimately only through institutionalized political communication structures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한인권법과 통일과의 관계에 대한 전략적 접근

        차동욱(Cha, Dong-Wook) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2015 東亞法學 Vol.- No.66

        이 논문의 목적은 최근에 통과된 유엔 북한 인권결의안이 한반도의 평화통일을 위해 얼마나 도움이 되는가를 살펴보는 것이다. 북한 인권결의안의 성격과 통일의 관계에 대해 살펴보면서 북한 주민의 인권보장은 통일의 전제가 되어야 한다는 점을 강조하였고, 그러한 전제에서 규범적 실효성은 떨어지고 정치적 공세의 강도만 높였다고 판단되는 2014년 북한 인권결의안이 통일을 위한 여건 마련에 좋지 않은 영향을 미치고 있다고 판단하였다. 그 진정한 의도가 무엇이건 간에 북한 정권이 여러 국제인권규약에 적극적으로 참가하고 있는 것은 그러한 국제규범에 따라 북한 사회가 변화될 수 있다는 가능성이 있음을 보여주고 있다고 판단된다. 그렇다면 북한의 인권 상황을 폭로하고 북한을 고립시키기는 전략보다는, 북한 정권이 인권개선에 스스로 나설 수 있는 국제정치적 환경을 조성해주고, 인권개선 실천에 대해서는 필요한 협력과 지원을 함으로서 남북한 간의 신뢰관계를 회복하는 것이 평화통일의 기초를 공고히 하는 것임을 강조한다. The purpose of this study is to examine how helpful the U.N. resolution, recently passed, on North Korea`s human rights abuses for the peaceful unification of Korean Peninsular. The resolution condemning North Korea for human rights violations does not make a positive influence on the road to the unification. Whatever the real purpose is, North Korean regime’s active participation in several human rights treaties seems to indicate that there is a possibility that North Korean society may change in compliance with those international norms. Therefore, it is necessary that the South Korean government should help the North Korean government to improve conditions for North Korean’s human rights by itself instead of isolating North Korea from the international society by blaming North Korea`s human rights abuses. By doing so, the mutual trust between South and North will get recovered and it will strengthen the foundation for the peaceful unification of Korean Peninsular.

      • 대통령의 리더십에 대한 미디어의 전략적 프레이밍 사례 연구 -과거의 회상과 리더-팔로어 관계를 중심으로-

        차동욱 ( Dong Wook Cha ) 한국정치평론학회 2009 정치와 평론 Vol.5 No.-

        This research performs a case study on how strategically Korean media frames presidential leadership. Currently, Korean media is not an simple messenger. It performs the role of an active critic in offering national agendas and leading national policies in a particular direction. This study specifically concentrates on Korean media`s reflection on the past and definition of the relation between leaders and followers. This essay analyzes Korean media`s assessment of President Lee Myung-Bak`s leadership from July 1st to December 31st of 2008. This paper observes the paradox of Korean media. While Korean media warns President Lee` actions allegedly restoring the past authoritarian way of governing, it ignores the role of followers and demands a charismatic role of a leader.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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