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      • KCI등재

        소진된 서사: 돈 들릴로의 『바디 아티스트』의 체화된 언어

        진주영 ( Ju Young Jin ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2015 현대영미소설 Vol.22 No.2

        The Body Artist(2001), at first glance, stands as a curious anomaly, a radical departure from DeLillo’s other works in terms of its theme and length. Unlike DeLillo’s other big scale, sprawling novels about individuals caught in the crucial junctures of history, Libra(1988) and Underworld(1997) in particular, The Body Artist instead unfolds a novella-length narrative about an individual’s struggle with personal trauma without any ostensible connection to sociohistorical circumstance. The usual verbosity and a sense of excess found in DeLillo’s writing are here replaced by the bareboned descriptions and slow pace of plot(or lack thereof) which impart almost the Beckettian mood. Notwithstanding this deflation detected in its length and prose, The Body Artist deals with the problem of literary representation in the end times, which has formed a constant current in DeLillo’s entire œuvre. This essay advances a reading that The Body Artist amasses a new source of energy from embodiment to resuscitate the vitiated and exhausted language that cannot fully give dramatic shape to intense affects such as mourning and trauma. To illustrate this, I will show how DeLillo’s experiment with the limits of narration in the novel is productively symptomatic of Deleuze’s conception of langue III elucidated in “The Exhausted,” his exposition of Beckett’s TV dramas. In Beckett, Deleuze finds the language that extends the boundaries of literary representation, the kind that exhausts itself and stages its own unraveling in order to free itself from the sociosymbolic order. In a similar way, The Body Artist can be said to bring Deleuze’s notion of exhaustion to light. through the narration and performance of its main protagonist, Lauren Hartke who is a body artist. In the wake of her husband’s suicide, Lauren enacts a series of acts to denude herself of her singularity and allow Other’s voice to reside in her. Lauren’s embodiment of the state of impasse can itself be understood as a new narrative form attuned to the media saturated society. Speaking through Lauren’s body in mangled, unintelligible language, Mr. Tuttle, who inexplicably sneaks into Lauren’s house and ends up living with her, works to intensify the novel’s dismantling of conventional narration. Together, Lauren and Mr. Tuttle magnify the fissure between different temporalities and spaces. The embodied narrative of The Body Artist finds its culmination in Lauren’s performance in the end which stages the explosive energy of art that exhausts all its potentialities by ceaselessly displacing itself to gaps between inside and outside of language.

      • KCI등재

        호모 사케르의 윤리: 창래 리의 『제스처 라이프』와『항복한 자』 연구

        진주영 ( Ju Young Jin ) 미국소설학회 2013 미국소설 Vol.20 No.2

        This study explores Chang-rae Lee`s A Gesture Life and The Surrendered, by remaining attentive to the novels` shared subject matter of war and its enduring legacy reflected in the Korean American protagonists. To achieve the nuanced understanding of ethics which is not formulated negatively against the other, I illustrate how the male protagonists` relentless pursuit of assimilation leads to subsume the other, namely, the female characters, Korean comfort woman and war orphan, respectively, through the exclusionary politics. Firstly, I will address how the male characters in both novels end up reenforcing the status quo by faithfully following the putative logic of the Cold War such as American Exceptionalism and the Cold War containment policy. Secondly, I will highlight the ways in which the debasement of the female characters, whom I regard as “homo sacer” using Agamben`s term, and their subsequent deaths are undergirded by the double process of abjection, first by the sovereignty which engenders homo sacer and pits them against each other, then by the male characters, who act as agent of abjection for the sovereignty, while suturing themselves back into their “assigned places” of the system. The female characters project multiple versions of ethics, provisional and personal through and through, to reveal the poverty of the “ethical” intervention of the male characters.

      • KCI등재

        중장년층의 노후준비가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향연구

        진주영(Jin, Ju-Young),하규수(Ha, Kyu-Soo) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구에서는 중장년층을 대상으로 노후준비가 현재의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 서울과 경기주변의 수도권에 거주하는 중장년층을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 총 450부의 설문지를 회수하여 결측치가 많은 8부를 제외한 442부가 분석에 활용되었다. 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정서적 만족도에 영향 을 미치는 변수는 정서적 노후준비, 경제적 노후준비가 정서적 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 신체적 만족도에 영향을 미치는 변수는 학력, 기술/노무직, 정서적 노후준비, 신체적 노후준비가 신체적 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 경제적 만족도에 영향을 미치는 변수는 가계소득, 정서적 노후준비, 경제적 노후준비가 경제적 만족도에 긍정적인 영향 을 미쳤다. 넷째, 사회관계 만족도에 영향을 미치는 변수는 성별, 정서적 노후준비가 사회관계 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 결과는 노년기 삶의 만족도는 노년기의 수준에서 향상되기는 매우 어렵기 때문에 중장년층 시절부터 노후준 비가 잘되어 있어야 함을 시사해 주는 것이라 할 수 있다. This study examined the effect factors for the preparations for the old age on the current satisfaction of life of the middle-aged. A survey of middle aged people living in Seoul and metropolitan areas was conducted. The data from 442 subjects were collected from 450 questionnaires excluding 8 incomplete datasets and analyzed. The results were as follows. First, the emotional and economical preparations for the old age had influences on the emotional satisfaction positively. Second, the educational background, jobs for technician/working, emotional and physical preparations for old age had a positive effect on the physical satisfaction. Third, the household income, emotional and economical preparation for the old age had a positive influence on the economical satisfaction. Fourth, sex, emotional preparations for old age had a positive effect on the social relation satisfaction. The research results suggested that the preparations for the old age should be arranged from the middle-aged years because it is difficult to improve the satisfaction of life for old age in the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁과 장애 서사: 제인 앤 필립스의 『라크와 터마이트 』 , 토니 모리슨의 『 고향 』과 창래 리의 『항복한 자』를 중심으로

        진주영 ( Ju Young Jin ) 미국소설학회 2016 미국소설 Vol.23 No.3

        Dubbed “the forgotten war that never ended,” the Korean War is replete with senses of ambivalence, deferral, and repressed memory that resist Manichean constructions such as victim and perpetrator, national and foreign, friendly fire and enemy attack. Only a month into the war, it had become a commonplace assumption among U.S. military personnel that North Korean soldiers were masquerading as peasants and blending into refugee streams as a means of attacking troops from the rear; such suspicions foreground the No Gun Ri massacre, wherein 300 refugees were murdered by U.S. troops. Jayne Anne Phillips`s Lark and Termite reimagines the tragedy from an American soldier`s standpoint and maps the catastrophic legacies of the Korean War via his disabled son, whose birth in rural West Virginia coincides with his father`s death. In Toni Morrison`s Home, on the other hand, a Black soldier`s wartime violence perpetrated to a Korean refugee girl lays bare how the Korean War was also a contested site of racism both inside and outside the U.S. Such refugee frames are divergently at the forefront of Chang-rae Lee`s The Surrendered, which likewise features a U.S. soldier in a humanitarian role and narrates a Korean War orphan`s journey from stateless war subject to Korean American. By reading these three recent American novels together, this essay productively explores the intersection between war, disability narrative, and transnational homecoming. Charting the enduring effects of Korean War vis-a-vis the disabled subject, Lark and Termite, Home, and The Surrendered offer an oblique and still-relevant critique of U.S. exceptionalism, soldier liberation, and militarized humanitarianism.

      • KCI등재

        Annexed by Technology: Nihilism and Heideggerian Gestell in Cronenberg’s Crash

        Ju Young Jin(진주영) 한국비평이론학회 2017 비평과이론 Vol.22 No.3

        이 글은 데이빗 크로넨버그의 1996년 작 「크래쉬」에 나타난 하이데거의 개념인 “게슈텔(Gestell)”의 파괴적 흔적을 추적하며 기술에 종속된 인간의 은유인 니힐리즘적 관람자 문화가 사실은 비뚤어진 계몽주의에서 비롯됨을 밝힐 것이다. 이 어서 크래쉬를 폴 비릴리오, 프레드릭 제임슨, 프리드리히 키틀러 등 최근 기술 관련 담론들과 함께 읽으며 데카르트적 코기토가 이런 니힐리즘의 원인임도 규명 할 것이다. 결론에서 들뢰즈의 시간 이미지와 “거짓의 힘(the power of the false)”이 제시하는 전복적 에너지를 “게슈텔”과 기술적 황무지에 갖혀버린 니힐리즘적 관람자 문화와 대조하며 대안적 가능성을 가늠한다. This essay traces the shattering effects of Heideggerian Gestell shown in David Cronenberg’s 1996 film to investigate how the culture of nihilistic spectator can be fueled by human annexation to technology which is akin to the enlightenment impulse gone awry. By reading Crash with the current grappling with technology put forth by thinkers such as Paul Virilio, Fredric Jameson, and Friedrich Kittler, I construe the Cartesian subject as the source of such nihilism. In conclusion, I compare and contrast Deleuze’s conception of time-image with Crash to highlight how the liberating power of the false activated by time-image can serve as a vehicle to navigate the technological wasteland so viscerally visualized in Crash.

      • KCI등재

        정지 상태에 대한 공포: 『사람들은 말을 쏜다, 그렇지 않은가?』에 나타난 미국 대공황시대 댄스 마라톤의 사회문화적 함의

        진주영 ( Ju Young Jin ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2018 근대 영미소설 Vol.25 No.1

        Dance marathons figured prominently in the U.S. during the Great Depression as a form of popular entertainment. Spurred on by the unappeasable anxiety and social discontent during the Great Depression, American public became fascinated by the trenchant will and human endurance that dance marathons seemed to display. By valorizing the constant motion and human endurance under the hardship, however, dance marathons acquire sociocultural meanings in the sense that they functioned as a symbolic ritual which seems to exorcise the Depression era’s fear of idling and unemployment. This paper analyzes sociocultural meanings of dance marathons dramatized by Horace McCoy’s 1935 novel, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? and James T. Farrell’s 1935 novel, Studs Lonigan as well as Farrell’s essay about dance marathons to illustrate how dance marathons were positioned within the larger socioeconomic circumstances. I will then extrapolate dance marathons to the current discourses of indebted existence under governmentality and neoliberalism, using Lazzarato’s concept of the indebted man as a primary reference point.

      • KCI등재

        『벨 자』를 중심으로 구축된 대중문화 속 실비아 플라스의 이미지

        진주영(Ju Young Jin) 한국영미문학교육학회 2014 영미문학교육 Vol.18 No.3

        Sylvia Plath's only novel The Bell Jar has become synonymous with the oft-melodramatized life and suicide of the author. The coupling of the two has been further consolidated by popular cultural depictions of Sylvia Plath. Plath has been often juxtaposed with self-destructive young female characters who exhibit a penchant for her only novel, rather than her poetry. This essay proposes that The Bell Jar animates an intimate group of female readers marked by anxiety, paranoia and their conflicting views on domesticity, all of which belong to the milieu of the American 50s and beyond. By correlating the image of Sylvia Plath and the novel in popular culture, I also demonstrate how the shifting critical evaluations of Plath's poetry have been in fact yoked together with the responses, both positive and negative, toward this type of affective female readership. On the one hand, the often violent and suicidal propulsions that pulsate her writings and her image in popular culture may have undermined Plath's canonical status as one of the major female writers. On the other hand, however, the enduring legacy of The Bell Jar will continue to make the second wave feminism and its emphasis on women's experience relevant for the new generation of young female readers, suggesting ways for them to appropriate patriarchal popular culture from a feminist standpoint.

      • KCI등재

        제니퍼 이건의 『폭력단의 방문』에 나타난 9/11과 포스트모던적 구원

        진주영(Ju Young Jin) 한국아메리카학회 2021 美國學論集 Vol.53 No.1

        This paper analyzes Jennifer Egan’s A Visit from the Good Squad, the pathbreaking 2011 Pulitzer Prize winner known for its innovative narrative devices. Taking a cue from its valorization of gaps and pauses in Rock’N’Roll songs as well as in one’s life, this essay takes aim at pronouncements of postmodern redemption thematized in Egan’s narrative. I show how the pervasive tropes of pauses and gaps conceptualize redemptive notion of time, prompting the reader to reconstruct the fractured past of the main characters whose convalescence overlaps with that of the post 9/11 US. In the context of the spectacular violence of 9/11, I construe the fear of “end” frequently featured in the novel as a corollary for America’s fascination with its own demise. I argue that the discursive displacement of that fear onto the fear of becoming a “has—been” in music industry highlighted in the novel indexes the impress of the postmodern anxiety about being a latecomer. I then draw upon Rita Felski’s idea of “attachment” to contemplate upon the unexpected agency and solidarity that the novel activates in its last chapter, which transcends divisive identity politics in the post 9/11 US.

      • KCI등재

        탁월한 속물과 평범한 예술 -돈 드릴로와 박민규 비교 연구

        진주영 ( Ju Young Jin ) 국제비교한국학회 2013 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.21 No.3

        This paper discusses the raging discordance between snobs, the cultivation of arete and the place of art in consumer society, tracing the development of the related discourses from the snobbism in Victorian literature to the postmodern sublime. The anxiety and ambiguity informing the uses and misuses of “authenticity” and “taste” in the context of snobs point us to the ways in which the three are interrelated, when considering the sociocultural roles that have been relegated to art in its increasingly minimized space. Both the remarkable snobs and nondescript art are configured and conditioned on the force-field of the pursuit for authenticity, the uniqueness of a singular individual, and the need for group consciousness and belief, which seem to be diametrically opposed to each other. These two needs will continue to shape and orient the role of art in modernity as long as art derives its source of content from them. In the works of Don DeLillo and Park Min Gyu examined here, for example, the snobbish characters and artist-figures overlap with each other, showing the irony of disowning the snobbism rhetorically(due to its postmodern sensibility that blurs the boundaries between the highbrow and low culture), while upholding it thematically(only the remarkable readers will legitimate their versions of art, which in turn stamps their art as remarkable). Therefore, if the intellectual snobs portrayed in DeLillo`s and the artistic snobbery narrated in Park`s novels amount to a version of artistic authenticity, formulated against the inauthentic virtues of dissimulating bourgeois values such as unthinking relation to our everydayness, then our distaste or penchant for them should indicate the irreducible compound of art and aesthetics in their critical stances and expressions. As Agamben`s discussion on Bartleby suggests, in the fleeting moment of meeting a discerning reader/viewer`s gaze, the true potentiality of otherwise nondescript art reveals its meaning, no matter how transitory it lasts.

      • KCI등재

        피부노화의 지표가 되는 collagen과 malonedialdehyde의 정량적인 변화

        김기영 ( Ki Young Kim ),이재형 ( Jae Hyung Lee ),진주영 ( Ju Young Jin ),양시용 ( Si Yong Yang ) 대한화장품학회 2004 대한화장품학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        피부 노화를 예방할 수 있는 기능성 화장품은 지질과산화를 초래하는 활성산소종(ROS)의 생성 억제와 제거 또는 collagen과 elastin의 사슬 절단 및 교차결합의 변형을 억제하는 효능이 있어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 피부 조직 중 malonedialdehydt (MDA)와 collagen이 항노화 작용이 있는 기능성 화장품의 검색 지표로서의 사용 가능성을 알아보고자 10, 25 주령 랫드의 정상 피부와 창상을 유도한 피부를 7일간 관찰하였다. 육안적인 관찰에서는 10 주령군의 11마리 랫드 중 10마리에서, 노령 랫드군의 11마리 중 8마리에서 창상이 폐쇄되었다. 10 주령 랫드와 비교했을 때 노령 랫드에서 흉터의 길이는 긴 반면에 외피의 폐쇄, collagen 밀도, 외피의 두께, 총 hydroxyproline (hyp)과 MDA 농도가 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다(p<0.05∼p<0.005). 10 주령에서 진피의 규칙적으로 배열된 collagen 섬유다발과 많은 섬유아세포의 관찰과는 반대로 25 주령 이상 랫드에서는 collagen 섬유다발 사이에 많은 낭포, 소와 및 섬유아세포 수의 감소, 느슨한 외피와 진피의 결합과 얇은 외피가 관찰됨으로서 25 주령 이상의 랫드에서 감소된 hyp 양은 감소된 collagen 밀도 및 형태학적 변화와 일치하였다. 따라서 collagen 합성과 축적의 지표인 hyp의 측정은 항 피부노화 예방 및 개선제의 모니터링 연구에서 매우 유용하며 또한 피부 노화의 검객 지표로 사용이 가능하다고 사료된다. Anti-skin aging agent could be have an inhibition effect of ROS production as well as fragmentation and change of collagen cross linkage in collagen molecule. For the monitoring of lipid peroxidation and collagen degradation, the skin of young and old rats were incised and observed 7 days. In the result, the wound closure was observed in the skin from 10 of 11 young rats and in 8 of 11 old rats. And the longer wound length but shorter wound closure, weaker collagen density and thicker epidermis were observed in old rats than in young rats. The level of hydroxyproline as a parameter of collagen synthesis and MDA as a parameter of lipid peroxidation was lower in old group than in young group. The cyst and lacuna between collagen bundle and fibroblast were observed in old rats in contrast to young rats. So that we propose that MDA and hydroxyproline could be used for monitoring of anti-skin aging agent.

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