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      • KCI등재


        주기하(Zhu, Ji-Xia)(朱紀霞) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.71 No.-

        副词“简直”的主观性研究向来局限于表“夸张”和“强调”上,本论文试图突破缺乏有关其主观性具体特征分析的不足,以认知语言学理论和主观性理论为基础,着重分析“简直”在主观性的两大维度――向度维度与量度维度上所表现出的特征,并阐释现象背后的原因,从而明确“简直”的语用条件。本研究认为“简直”在主观性的向度维度上表现出“顺向”、“逆向”和“偏离”这三种特征。在表达“认同”和“递进”语义的语境中,表现为顺向;在表达“否认”和“贬抑”语义的语境中,表现为逆向;在表达“意外”语义的语境中,表现为“偏离”。“简直”在主观性量度维度上表现出标示“主观增量”与“主观减量”的特征。在标示“主观增量”时,“简直”的使用意味着把等级低的“A”等同于等级高的“B”,从而衍生出夸张语义;相反,“简直”在标示“主观减量”时,其使用等于把等级高的数值视同为等级低的数值,在量度上的体现就是“主观减量”。 The research on the subjectivity of the Adverb “Jianzhi” has always been limited to “hyperbole” and “emphasis”. This paper attempts to break through the lack of analysis on the specific characteristics of its subjectivity. On the basis of cognitive linguistics theory and subjectivity theory, it focused on the analysis of the characteristics of “Jianzhi” in the two dimensions of Subjectivity——directional dimension and measurement dimension, and explained the characteristics behind the phenomenon So as to clarify the pragmatic conditions of “Jianzhi”. “Jianzhi” has three characteristics——“forward”, “reverse” and “deviation” in the directional dimension of subjectivity. In the context of expressing “identification” and “progressive” semantics, it is expressed in a straight direction; in the context of expressing “denial” and “derogation”, it is expressed in a reverse direction; in the context of expressing “accident”, it is expressed in a deviation. “Jianzhi” shows the characteristics of “subjective increment” and “subjective decrement” in the measurement dimension of subjectivity.

      • KCI등재


        주기하(Zhu, Ji-Xia)(朱紀霞) 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.69 No.-

        副词“简直”在现代汉语中使用频率比较高,但关于其语义功能,大部分既往研究主要集中于“主观化”上,为突破这一局限,本文围绕着副词“简直”的语法特征和主要语义功能,进行了详细考察。首先在句法特征上,通过梳理与“简直”结合频率较高的结构,发现在动词性结构中呈现出的共同特点是关注事物的性质,而在形容词性结构中呈现出主要修饰高程度补语的特点。同时,本文深度挖掘了“简直”的语义功能,提出“简直”具有“非真值标记功能”和“边界功能”。前者指使用了“简直”的句子中,说话人提醒听话人“简直”句中的中心意思并非真值;后者是指“简直”在修饰程度成分时,为其设立边界,标示出该程度的界限。这两大语义功能的共同语义特征是【+默认】,因此“简直”的主要语义可以归纳为暂且默认达到(实际未达到)某种数量或达成某种结果、情状。 The adverb “Jianzhi” is used frequently in modern Chinese, but most of its previous research focused on “subjectiveness”. To break through this limitation, this paper focused on the syntactic features and main semantic functions of the adverb “Jianzhi”. Firstly, in syntactic features, by organizing the structure with high frequency of “Jianzhi”, it is found that the common feature presented in the verb structure is to pay attention to the characteristics of the nature of the things, and in the adjective structure is to show that mainly modifies the high degree of complements. Secondly, we found that “Jianzhi” has two main semantic functions. The first one is “non-true value marking function” and the other one is “boundary function”. The former means the speaker reminds the listener that the central meaning in the “Jianzhi” sentence is not true, and the latter means when “Jianzhi” is modifying the degree component, it will set a boundary for the component, indicating the degree limit. The commonality of these two semantic functions is [+ default], so the main semantics of “Jianzhi” can be summarized as a temporary default to reach a certain amount or form a certain result, situation.

      • KCI등재


        주기하(Zhu Ji-Xia)(朱紀霞) 대한중국학회 2021 중국학 Vol.77 No.-

        本论文以动词“与”为研究对象,结合历时、共时角度的考察,分析了以“给予”义、“交往”义等为代表的基本义的特点及语义发展变化,并通过图示展示出动词“与”各语义项之间的语义关联,阐释了“共举”义的“与”能够表达“帮助”、“给予”、“赞许”、“交往”及“跟随”义的原因,在一定程度上弥补了既往研究的局限。 本文还关注了动词“与”的语义功能扩张,尤其是“引介工具”功能和“被动”功能。关于“引介工具”功能,本文整理出动词“与”由“伴随”义到“附着”义,再到“利用”义,最终发展出引介工具的功能。关于“被动”功能,经过具体分析得出的结论是“与”的“被动”功能来自两条发展途径,一条是由“给予”义诱发的“被动”,另一条是“伴随”义诱发的“被动”。 This research focused on the verb ‘Yu’, investigates from a synchronic and diachronic perspective, analyzes the characteristics of the basic meaning represented by the meanings of ‘give’ and ‘socialize with sb’. and the development and changes of semantics, and demonstrates them through diagrams. And also analyzeds the semantic relationship between the semantic items of the verb ‘Yu’. Through the investigation of the semantic relationship, we can give an explanation tha why the meaning of ‘Yu’ in the meaning of ‘together’ can be explained to ‘help’, ‘give’, ‘applaud’ and ‘socialize with sb.’ We think the result breaks through the limitations of previous research. This research also pays attention to the expansion of the semantic function of the verb ‘Yu’, especially the ‘introduce tool’ function and the “passive” function. Regarding the function of ‘introduce tool’, this article refers to the formula of “COMITATIVE tool case INSTRUMENT” in linguistic typology, and sorts out the meaning of ‘Yu’ from ‘accompany’ to ‘attachment’ and then to ‘utilization’, and at last develop to the ‘introduce tool’ function. Regarding the “passive” function, after specific analysis, the conclusion is that the “passive” function of ‘Yu’ comes from two development paths, one is induced by the meaning of ‘give’, and the other is induced by the meaning of ‘accompany’. The common point of the ‘passive’ function is that they have experienced ‘causative’ in the previous stage of passivity. The difference is that the ‘causative’ of the former approach comes from ‘give’, but the source of the latter way comes from ‘accompany’.

      • KCI등재


        주기하(朱紀霞)(Zhu Ji Xia) 대한중국학회 2017 중국학 Vol.58 No.-

        本文运用语法化理论,从历时角度分析探讨了“透”的虚化过程,同时使用认知语言学理论,对“透”的基本义、引申义进行了整理,并归纳出其中的深层语义联系。同时还考察了“透”的主要虚化机制。经考察发现,“透”的基本语义为“过”、“跳”,二者的共同语义特征是【+脫離邊界】、【+超越】,由此引申出“穿通”、“通彻”、“彻底”、“极端”这四种语义。在隐喻机制的作用下,“透”逐渐由“穿通”义发展出“通彻”、“彻底”、“极端”等语义。“穿通”义,在隐喻机制的映射下,表现为“区域扩张”的特征,区域扩张又可分为“跨域扩张”与“区域内扩张”。而隐喻的过程,则是空间领域到情感领域、认知领域、量的领域、程度领域的映射。“透”的句法作用由连动句中的动词之一,转换到动补结构中的补语,其中经历了重新分析。随著“透”与其后所跟的宾语在语义关系上日渐疏远,且当“透”和其前的动词的位置不可互换的时候,“透”用来表示行为的结果。而后经过类推机制的作用,“透”的语义扩展到抽象领域,“透”出现在形容词之后,充当程度补语。“透”的语法化遵循了持续性原则,有语义条件和句法条件上的优势,同时也离不开隐喻机制、重新分析机制和类推机制的共同作用。 This study focused on the grammaticalization of tou(透), using the theory of grammaticalization analysed the relationships among the meanings of tou., and discussed the conditions and mechanisms during the grammaticalization process of tou. According to the results of this study, the ethmological meanings of tou-- guo and tiao, were great influnce on the meaning development of tou. The common semantic features between guo and tiao are [out of the border]and [transendence]. Beside that, reanalysis was also played an important role on the grammaticalization of tou. Through reanalysis, the verb tou got the function as a complement. The grammaticalization follows the principle of continuity, which has the advantages of semantic and syntactic conditions. We found out that metaphor, reanalysis and analogy played important parts together during the grammaticalization process of tou.

      • KCI등재
      • 인터넷과 통신사업: 영향, 전망 및 시사점

        주기인,Ju, Gi-In 한국정보통신집흥협회 1998 정보화사회 Vol.123 No.-

        인터넷은 향후 통신사업 영역에 있어서 국제, 시외 및 시내 서버간의 거리구별을 무력화하여 적어도 거리구분에 기초한 기존의 통신사업영역 및 규제 접근의 효력을 약화시킬 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        유채 성분육종 효율을 증진키 위한 세대단축 기술개발에 관한 연구 2 : 유채의 등숙차이가 종자발아능력 및 휴면에 미치는 영향

        李正日,閔庚洙,朱基坪 韓國作物學會 1975 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.20

        유체의 성분육종효율을 증진키 위한 세대단축기술개발에 있어서 개화수분후의 등숙차이가 종자발아능력 및 휴면에 미치는 영향을 조사하였든 바 기 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 유채종자는 생체에서 개화수분후 40일이전에는 거의 발아력이 없으며, 건조시켰을때는 50일이전에 발아력이 없었다. 2. 세대단축에 이용할 수 있는 유효발아력에 있어서는 (발아율 70%이상) 생체종자로는 D.A.F. 75~80일이라야하며 건조종자에서는 55일이면 거의 100% 가까운 발아력을 갖추게되는데 건조처리는 휴면타파효과가 인정되였다. 3. 유채의 휴면주기는 2회의 싸이클이 있으며 생태형별로 주기가 다른데 만숙군과 조생군은 경향이 비슷하며 중생군은 품종에 따라 주기가 각각 달라서 매우 휴면기작이 복잡하다. 4. 춘파성 정도별발아력은 D.A.F. 50일이후에서는 파종성정도가 낮을수록(만생일수록) 발아력이 높은 경향이었으며 D.A.F. 45일이전의 미숙종자에서는 만생인 I, II가 특히 높았다. 5. 종자, 치상후의 발아세는 치상 2일에 가장높았고 그 이후는 점차 낮으며 생체종자일 때 발아기간이 건조종자일 때보다 길었다. 6. 휴면타파제 H2O2 의 효과에 있어서 완숙종자에서는 발아촉진효과가 없으며 미숙종자에서는 촉진효과가 있었는데 생체종자에서 더욱 컸다 Germinating ability of green seed in maturing period was investigated to develop the technics on generation shortening. Rapeseed did not germinate until 40 days after flowering (=DAF) in green seed and 50 DAF in dried seed. Effective germination to be utilized for generation shortening came on 55 DAF for dried seed by heating and on 75 DAF for green seed. The periodic time of seed dormancy in maturing period had two cycles and rest period was considered that it was different according to the ecological types of early, middle and late maturity.

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