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        경쟁법상 과징금 부과체계의 원칙과 그 적용 ― 하도급법상 과징금 부과기준의 개선방안을 중심으로 ―

        조혜신 ( Hye-shin Cho ) 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2023 서울법학 Vol.30 No.4

        본 연구는 경쟁법상 과징금 부과체계의 원칙과 공정거래법 관련 법률들의 비교에 비추어 하도급법상 과징금 부과체계의 문제점과 그 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. 이러한 논의는 광의의 경쟁법에 있어서 과징금 제도의 완성도를 전반적으로 높여가는 시도라 할 수 있을 것이다. 각 법률에서 정하는 과징금 제도간에는 상당한 유사성이 있으며, 보다 정치한 방향으로 수렴되는 경향도 있어 보인다. 동시에 각 법률이 규율하는 대상이 갖는 특수성도 면밀하게 살피면서 전체적으로 다듬어 나가는 과정이 향후에도 지속적으로 이어져야 할 것이다. 본고에서 주로 살펴본 하도급법의 경우에도 고유한 성격과 문제의식이 존재하는데, 특히 제12조의3 기술자료 유용행위는 기존의 과징금 산정·부과체계에 따라 그 불법성에 상응하는 제재가 적정하게 이루어지지 못하고 있다는 문제의식에 주목할 필요가 있을 것이다. 하도급법상 과징금 부과체계가 갖는 두 가지 주요 한계, 즉 (1) 하도급법상 과징금 부과 대상이 되는 법위반행위 31개 중에서 위반금액 기반 정률방식으로 과징금 산정이 가능한 것은 9개에 불과하다는 점, (2) 정액과징금 부과대상인 행위유형들은 유형상 그 불법성이 중대함에도 불구하고 현행 정액과징금의 상한인 10억원 이내에서만 과징금이 부과되기 때문에, 당해 행위의 불법성에 상응할 만큼 충분한 제재가 이루어지기 어렵다는 점을 고려할 때, 현행 위반금액 비율을 바탕으로 하는 정률의 방식은 하도급 과징금 부과기준의 원칙이 되기 어려워 보인다. 이를 고려할 때 다음과 같은 방안을 제안해 볼 수 있다. 하도급 과징금 산정에 있어서 법위반행위의 실질을 ‘금액’이라는 지표로 환산하기 어려운 행위유형의 경우에도, 정액과징금 방식이 아닌 정률과징금 방식으로 산정할 수 있는 새로운 산정기준이 필요하다. 그 대안으로 생각해 볼 수 있는 기초 개념은 하도급거래에 적합하게 고안된 ‘관련 매출액’ 개념이 될 것이다. 하도급거래의 경우에는 당해 위반행위와 관련된 ‘하도급대금’ 그 자체가 관련 매출액 개념에 상당한 것으로 보인다. 특히 제12조의3에 대해서 살펴보자면, 제1항, 제2항, 제3항의 경우에는 여전히 정액방식의 과징금이 적절하다고 할 것이다. 그리고 제4항 위반행위의 경우에는 거래금액 기반의 정률과징금을 적용한다 하더라도 부당이득 환수의 관점에서 다양한 사정들을 고려하지 않을 수 없다. 다만, 기술자료 유용행위의 중대성과 특수성을 충분히 고려하는 것과 함께 하도급법상 과징금 부과체계 전체의 간명성과 체계성을 유지하는 것도 중요하기 때문에, 이 두 가지 측면을 모두 염두에 둘 필요가 있을 것이다. First of all, the primary principle in imposing fines under the Competition Law is that at least unfair profits or more from violations of the law should be imposed. This is a principle derived from the premise that the essence of fines as economic sanctions lies in the recovery of unfair profits. Of course, the recovery of unfair gains is made to some extent through fines, damages, and fines. However, it would be desirable for damages to be mainly focused on remedy, fines to be mainly focused on penalty, and to have a supplementary relationship with fines in terms of recovering unfair gains, in that it is possible for fines to achieve general and special prevention of violations through rapid and effective recovery of unfair gains. On the other hand, it is also necessary to emphasize that fines should be related to violative conduct. This means that the method of calculating the amount of fines and the variables used therein should be reasonably related to the conduct. In other words, the formula itself and the variables that make up the formula should be selected to indicate the illegality of violations of the law as accurately as possible. This second principle can function as a limitation, that is, there is a possibility that variables that are less related to the conduct may be selected in order to emphasize sanctions by imposing fines far exceeding unfair profits. The two main limitations of the fines system under the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act: (1) Of the 31 violations subject to the fines under the Act, only 9 can be calculated using the fixed rate method. (2) Despite the seriousness of the penalty, it is difficult to impose the penalty above 1 billion won. Considering this, the following suggestions can be proposed. In the calculation of subcontract fines, even in the case of types of acts that are difficult to convert the substance of violations into an indicator of ‘amount’, a new calculation standard that can needed. The basic concept that can be considered as an alternative will be the concept of ‘relevant sales’ designed appropriately for subcontracting transactions. In subcontracting, ‘amount of subcontract transactions’ themselves seem to correspond to the concept of relevant sales. In particular, looking at Article 12-3, in the case of paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, it will be said that a flat-rate fines is still appropriate. In the case of violation of paragraph 4, even if a fixed rate fines based on the transaction amount are applied, various circumstances must be considered in terms of the recovery of unfair gains. However, both aspects need to be kept in mind because it is important to fully consider the importance and specificity of the law and to maintain the simplicity of the entire fines imposition system under the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act.

      • KCI등재

        EU 경쟁법에 대한 현대화(Modernization)의 절차적 및 실체적 측면에 대한 고찰

        조혜신 ( Hye Shin Cho ) 한국경쟁법학회 2012 競爭法硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        The modernization in EU Competition Law was procedurally and institutionally motivated by restructuring of enforcement system with the expansion of EU. Responding to this challenge, Commission intended to decentralize the enforcement system and adjust the substantive laws to decentralized enforcement system. Namely, in order to apply EU Competition Law uniformly, the objective of Law should be unitary so that it is not dispersed to other objectives other than competition itself. Furthermore, the criteria for each regulation in Law should be abstract and general to keep consistency even when they are applied by many competition national authorities. It is the economic analysis that is expected to be the proper measure to maintain the uniformity and consistency in EU Competition Law. In this way the modernization originating from the problems in procedure and institutional aspects naturally continued to substantive aspects, with influences of Neo-classical economics and experts and scholars in US being added on. Reflecting on the process of substantive modernization, the demand for consistency in each regulation in Law has been the powerful motivation. However, the consistency rationale of Commission which is the premise for substantive modernization is questionable when we consider there have been quite different responses to modernization for each regulation in EU. In this sense, we need to understand more accurately and deeply each regulation`s intrinsic purpose and function within the whole system of Competition Law. So to speak, it might be necessary to admit that more economic approach could be used more comprehensively in some areas, but not in other areas. The modernization in EU Competition Law is currently underway. We, as a third party, should observe this process carefully focusing on the response of EU Courts from now on, having in mind that we had better relativize their discussion and results rather than accept uncritically.

      • KCI등재

        경쟁정책과 중소기업정책의 조화를 위한 독점규제법의 과제

        조혜신 ( Hye Shin Cho ) 한국경쟁법학회 2014 競爭法硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        Although competition policy and SMEs policy have overlapping goals and methods, and are capable of being in conflict or harmony, thorough examination of the relation between two policies does not seem to be enough. Considering the realities that the competitiveness of SMEs has not been improved substantially in spite of the quantitative and qualitative development of laws and policies for SMEs, as well as that the difficulties for SMEs in competing with large companies has not been getting better in spite of the enforcement of competition laws and policies, we might assume that those two laws and policies have not been enforced harmoniously with encroaching each other`s effects. If referring to Germany, policy means for protecting and nurturing SMEs ultimately aim to create the best environment for ‘competition’, and try to strengthen the competitive powers of competitors through increasing the level of competition in markets. Also, it is necessary to satisfy the requirement of ‘market conformity’ meaning that all the policy means should not distort competition. Reflecting on the relation between SMEs policy and competition policy, we come to realize that the Korean competition law has several clauses for protecting SMEs, though it does not explicitly aim at it in Article 1. Among them, the important ones are, first, the exemption for cooperatives comprising of small companies in Article 60 and, second, cartel approval for competitiveness of SMEs in 2nd clause of Article 19, both of which are meant to support the competitiveness and countervailing power. However, those two have not been actively utilized so far, and questioned in terms of not only usefulness but also interpretation. Fundamentally, it is doubtful whether the former is proper mean which minimizes the distortion of competition, and it needs to be considered that the latter should be constrained not to restrain competition. Next, the regulations against abuse of market dominant position in Article 3-2 and unfair practice in Article 23, which can be said that they are expected to contribute to protect SMEs through regulating large companies, should be highlighted in that they are the best ways to correct SMEs` disadvantages for now. Furthermore, the assumption of substantial restraint of competition in 4th clause of Article 7 with similar purpose would be useful in protecting SMEs` business area against large companies` aggressive expansion.

      • KCI등재

        북한 가격체계의 원리와 변형에 관한 법정책적 연구

        조혜신 ( Hye-shin Cho ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2021 一鑑法學 Vol.- No.50

        북한의 사회주의적 계획경제 체제는 계획과 명령에 의해 경제를 운용한다는 기본 원리를 바탕으로, 상품을 생산하는데 투입된 노동 가치인 가격을 국가가 결정하는 체제이다. 이 가격은 자립적 민족경제의 유지와 공정성이라는 정치적 목적에 따라 결정되는 것으로서, 매우 정교하고 체계적인 조직에 의해 뒷받침되도록 설계되어 있다. 그리고 북한의 가격체계는 원칙적으로 이윤을 배제함으로써 교환관계에서의 이해대립을 극복하고 공동체의 결속과 유대를 유지하고자 한다. 한편 북한의 헌법과 법률에서는 사회주의적 계획경제의 이념에 따라서 가격체계를 구체적인 일원화 및 세부화 제도로 구현하고 있다. 하지만 이러한 체계는 정확하고 빠짐없는 정보, 적기에 이루어지는 보고·결정·집행, 각 단계별 담당자의 명확한 역할과 책임 등과 같이 상당히 어려운 전제와 요건이 충족되지 않으면 작동하기 어려울 것임을 짐작하게 한다. 북한의 가격체제는 90년대 이래, 특히 이른바 ‘고난의 행군’이라 불리는 경제위기와 식량위기 이후 근본적인 변화를 겪었으며, 제도의 관점에서 보았을 때 이는 ‘시장화’라 일컬을 수 있을 것이다. 즉, ‘시장화(marketization)’란 북한에 ‘시장’이 형성되고, 그 시장이 계획의 기능을 점진적으로 대체해 나가는 현상을 의미한다. 현재 북한에는 중앙계획경제와 시장이라는 두 개의 자원배분 메커니즘이 병존한다고 할 수 있는데, 이 두 메커니즘의 관계와 상호작용은 상당히 복잡하다. 최근 국제사회의 지속적인 대북제재와 COVID-19의 발발은 북한의 경제상황을 최악으로 치닫게 만들고 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 북한 경제에 있어서 시장의 ‘불완전한 제도화’는 오히려 권력남용과 부패의 온상이 되고 있을 가능성이 있다. 이처럼 북한 경제체제에 있어서 중앙계획적 가격체계의 원형과 붕괴, 그리고 그로 인한 자생적 시장화와 불완전한 제도화를 고려할 때, 향후 북한의 본격적인 체제이행과 남한과의 경제교류·통합을 추진할 때에는 지금까지 진행된 시장화 현상을 공식화하는 동시에 그 과정에서 야기될 수 있는 거시경제적 불안정성을 최소화하는 것이 관건이 될 것이다. 특히 이 과정에서 가장 먼저 가격기제의 공식화를 실시할 필요가 있다. 시장가격의 공식화 혹은 가격자유화는 이른바 ‘원에 의한 통제’의 철폐를 의미하는 것이다. 먼저 계획경제의 핵심이라 할 수 있는 가격통제체제를 일반적으로 폐지하는 동시에, 점진적인 가격자유화를 위한 선별적 가격통제체제로 전환하도록 하여야 할 것이다. 법제 측면에서는 앞서 살펴본바 북한 가격체계의 법적 근거라 할 수 있는 인민경제계획법, 화폐유통법, 가격법이 폐지되어야 할 것이다. 다만, 가격자유화 원칙 및 점진적 가격자유화 확대 과정을 담은 대체입법이 이루어져야 할 것인데, 여기에서 단계적 가격자유화 정책의 근거를 마련하는 동시에 이를 집행할 추진체계를 설립하여야 한다. North Korea’s socialist planned economy system is a system in which the state determines the price that is the labor value invested in producing goods, based on the basic principle of managing the economy by plan and order. This price is determined by the political purpose of maintaining an independent national economy and fairness, and is designed to be supported by a very sophisticated and systematic organization. In addition, North Korea’s price system seeks to overcome conflicts of interest in exchange relations and maintain community solidarity and bonds by excluding profits in principle. Meanwhile, North Korea’s constitution and laws implement the price system according to the socialist planning economy ideology. However, this system is difficult to operate unless quite strict premises and requirements are met, such as accurate and complete information, timely reporting, decision, and execution, and clear roles and responsibilities of the person in charge at each stage. North Korea’s price system has undergone fundamental changes which can be called “marketization” since the 1990s, especially after the food crisis. In other words, "marketization" means a phenomenon in which a “market” is formed in North Korea and gradually replaces the function of the plan. Currently, two resource allocation mechanisms co-exist in North Korea: the central planned economy and the market, and the relationship and interaction between these two mechanisms are quite complex. It is known that the recent continuous sanctions and the outbreak of COVID-19 against North Korea are making North Korea’s economic situation to the worst. In the North Korean economy, the incomplete institutionalization of the market is likely to be a hotbed for abuse of power and corruption. Considering the prototype and collapse of the centralized price system, and the resulting marketization and incomplete institutionalization of the North Korean economic system, it will be important to formalize the marketization that has progressed so far and minimize macroeconomic instability. Formulation of market prices or price liberalization means the abolition of so-called ‘control by Won’. First, the price control system, which can be said to be the core of the planned economy, should be generally abolished, while at the same time switching to a selective price control system for gradual price liberalization. In terms of legislation, the People’s Economic Planning Act, the Money Distribution Act, and the Price Act, which are the legal grounds for the North Korean price system, should be abolished. However, alternative legislation including the principle of gradual price liberalization should be implemented.

      • KCI등재

        사회적경제에 있어서 ‘사회성’의 법적 의의

        조혜신(Hye-Shin Cho) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2019 法學硏究 Vol.61 No.-

        칼 폴라니(Karl Polanyi)에 따르면, 사회적경제는 시장경제체제의 자기조정에 내재한 파괴적 재난에 맞서 스스로를 보호하고자 하는 ‘사회의 자기보호운동’으로 이해할 수 있다. 사회적경제를 사회적 목적을 실천하는 경제활동과 그러한 활동을 수행하는 주체로 나누어 볼 때, 사회적경제의 ‘자생성’을 전제로 하는 제도화는 사회적경제활동 그 자체를 유도하는데 목적이 있지 아니하고, 이를 자발적으로 전개해 나갈 주체인 ‘사회적경제조직’이 활발하게 결성되도록 여건을 마련하고 육성하는데 목적을 두어야 할 것이다. 현행 사회적경제 관련 법률에 따른 사회성은 조직의 목적에 있어서 취약계층과 지역주민을 지향하고, 운영에 있어서 민주적 혹은 참여적 의사결정을 추구한다. 한편 최근 마련된 사회적경제 관련 법안은 다양하고 창조적인 활동을 펼칠 사회적경제조직의 등장이 활발하게 이루어질 수 있는 여건의 조성에 집중하지 않고, 오히려 사회적경제를 통해 달성하고자 하는 결과 혹은 성과에 치중하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 이에 대해서는 자생성과 운동성이라는 사회적경제의 본질에 어긋난다는 비판이 가능할 것이다. 사회적경제는 근본적으로 그 자생성과 운동성에 힘입어 존재하는 것이지, 국가나 그 어떠한 권력의 작용에 의해서 구성되기는 어려운 것이다. 따라서 시장의 힘에 대응하는 사회의 자기보호를 위한 운동력이 훼손되는 지점에서 제도화의 한계선이 그어져야 할 것이다. 이러한 점에서 앞으로의 제도화는 지역과 민간영역에서 자율적 생태계가 조성되도록 그 여건과 환경을 조성하는데 집중되어야 할 것이다. 즉, 현행과 같은 직접지원 방식을 지양하고 사회적경제의 토양을 강화시켜주기 위한 간접지원 방식으로 정책 전환을 모색하여야 할 것이고, 사회적경제조직이 기존의 금융과는 다른 원리에 따라 운영되는 다양한 자금조달수단을 활용할 수 있도록 제도적으로 지원할 필요가 있다. According to Karl Polanyi, a social economy can be understood as a social self-protection movement that seeks to protect itself against destructive disasters inherent in the self-regulating market economy system. Dividing the social economy into economic activities that serve social purposes and those that carry out them, institutionalization based on the premise of spontaneity of the social economy is not aimed at inducing social economic activity itself, but at preparing and fostering conditions for the active formation of social economic organizations. ‘Sociality’ under current social economy-related laws is directed at vulnerable people and local residents for the purpose of the organization, and seeks democratic or participatory decision-making in operation. Meanwhile, the recently drafted social economy-related bills seem to focus on the outcome or performance that they want to achieve through the social economy, rather than on the creation of conditions where the emergence of diverse and creative economic organizations can actively occur. Regarding this, it will be possible to criticize that it goes against the essence of the social economy of spontaneity and motility. A social economy is essentially one that exists on the basis of its spontaneity and motility, which is difficult to be formed by the function of the state or any power. Thus, the limits of institutionalization should be drawn at the point where the drive for self-preservation of society against the power of the market is undermined. In this regard, future institutionalization should be focused on creating conditions and environments for autonomous ecosystems in the region and in the private sector. In other words, the government should seek a policy shift to provide indirect support to enhance the soil of the social economy, and it needs to provide institutional support for social economic organizations to utilize various financing tools operated on different principles than conventional finance.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 플랫폼 사업자의 이용약관에 대한 경쟁법적 규제 - 독일 Facebook 사건의 시사점을 중심으로 -

        조혜신 ( Hye-shin Cho ),강보선 ( Bo-seon Kang ) 한국경쟁법학회 2021 競爭法硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        In regulating abuse of dominance cases concerning online platforms under competition law, exploitative abuse should be the main focus in light of the practices that violate the interests of platform users by platform undertakings. The exploitative practices of online platforms include excessive pricing or imposition of any terms and conditions on users. In particular, considering that major online platforms are generally dominant undertakings in the relevant market, prohibition of abuse undermining consumer interests stipulated in Article 3-2 (1) of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act may have significant implications. In this sense, the German Facebook case could provide important implications. Due to the complexity and opacity which arise from the contract made by online platforms, consumers in online platforms are not only structurally inferior to information or to bargaining power, but they are also in a situation where there is not effective competition due to the presence of dominant undertakings in the relevant market. It would be difficult for consumers to refuse to enter into contracts with dominant undertakings and have opportunities to enter into contracts with other undertakings. Under these dual constraints, the purpose of the latter part of paragraph 5 in Article 3-2 of the Korean Competition Law is to protect consumers whose interests are likely to be infringed directly. Furthermore, this would require a broader interpretation of the concept of consumer interests. The reference for this concept of consumer interests could be the ‘self-determination’ that is the premise of freedom of contract, and the basic rights of consumers under the Framework Act on Consumers. In particular, factors that violate consumer self-determination include constraints on the possibility of alternative choices, restrictions on accessing the information on which choices are based, or imposition of disadvantages terms and conditions of contract, which are the main reasons for undermining consumer interests.

      • KCI등재

        재난법상 원자력 사고시 대응체계에 관한 연구

        조혜신(Cho, Hye-Shin) 경희법학연구소 2018 경희법학 Vol.53 No.3

        이연구는일본후쿠시마원전사고, 특히지진발생직후부터초동대처가긴급하게이루어지는 동안 재난대응이 어떻게 이루어졌는지를 상세히 검토함으로써, 주요 주체들의 법적의무 혹은 책임으로 구성되는 재난관리체계가 어느 지점에서 그 작동을 멈추게 되는지를 구체적으로 파악해 보고자 하는 것이다. 그리고 이러한 일본의 경험에 비추어 현행 우리 재난 및 안전관리 기본법 (이하 ‘재난안전법’이라 함)과 원자력시설 등의 방호 및 방사능방재 대책법 (이하 ‘방사능방재법’이라 함)에 있어서 재난관리체계의 한계는 어디에 존재하는지 살펴보고, 이를 개선하기 위한 방안을 제시한다. 일본 후쿠시마 원자력 사고는 전 세 계에 원자력 발전소 운영에 따른 위험의 폭과 깊이를 생생하게 보여주었다. 재난이라는 사건이 갖는본질적인 특성상그 발생여부, 시각, 규모, 전개양상, 피해규모 등을예측하는데 한계가있으며, 그불가측성으로인하여 대응에심각한어려움을 주기마련이다. 이러한 재난의 특성상 ‘평시의 재난법(ex-ante disaster law)’과 ‘재난시의 재난법(ex-post disaster law)’ 사이에는 괴리가 존재하기 마련인데, 사전적으로는 재난유형별로 전형적으로 예상되는 상황을 바탕으로 재난법을 설계할 수 있으나, 사후적으로는 실제 재난상황에 맞추어 재난법이 새롭게 설계되고 작동되어야 한다. 동일한 유형의 재난이라 하더라도 발생 양상은 매번 다를 것이므로, 재난시의 재난법, 즉 사후적 재난법은 아직 존재하지 않는 법과 다름 없다. 따라서이미발생한재난에대한회고적연구를통하여재난시의재난법을부분적으로나마 가늠해 보고, 이를 평시의 재난법에 반영하여 양자의 차이를 좁혀나갈 수 있을 것이다. 일반적으로‘현장’ 중심의재난대응을강조하곤하지만, 재난유형이나규모에따라서재난현장을 중심으로 대응체계를 구축하기가 불가능한 경우도 있을 수 있다는 점이 간과되고 있다. 특히원자력관련사고의경우에는방사성물질이원자력시설외부로유출될가능성이 있기 때문에, 사고 지역에서 대응을 한다는 것은 현실적이지 않다. 또한 방사능사고가 발생하여 일단 방사성 물질이 원자력 시설의 건물 외부로 유출되기 시작하면, 시간이 지나면서 주변 지역으로 확산될 가능성이 있고, 그 범위는 시 군 구 단위의 상당 부분 혹은 그 범위를벗어날가능성도전혀배제할수없다. 따라서방사능사고와같이시간이지남에따라 피해가 확산되는 유형의 재난에서는 대응 단위를 시 군 구보다는 시 도 단위로 상정하여 예방적으로 대응하는 것이 바람직할 것이라 생각한다. 그리고 현장지휘센터가 설치되어야 하는 ‘현장’이 정확히 어디인지 사전에 지정되어 있지 않으면, 그 혼란은 더욱 클 수 있 으며, 현장지휘센터의 장을 ‘원자력안전위원회 소속 공무원 중에서 원자력안전위원회가 지명’하도록되어있는부분도역시‘원자력안전위원회의지명’이라는의사결정을필요로한다는 점에서 신속한 대처를 어렵게 하는 요소가 될 수 있다. 마지막으로 원자력안전위원회라는 하나의기구에게핵심적인권한을전적으로배분하는방식이적절한지에대해서도의문이 제기된다. 원자력사고의경우에는해당지역주민뿐아니라국민모두에게주는공포감이 매우 클뿐 아니라 사고로 인한피해가 시간이 지남에 따라확산될 위험이 있다는 점에서, 방사선재난에 대한 지식 그 이상의 정보와 그에 기초한 고도의 판단을 필요로 하게 될것이므로, 중앙정부 차원의 대응이 오히려 더 바람직할 수 있다. This study examines how and why the disaster management system comprising legal obligations or responsibilities of key actors cannot operate properly in the event of a disaster by reviewing in detail how disaster response was made during the initial emergency response when 3.11 Crisis occurred in Fukushima Japan. Based on Japan s experience, we examine where the limitations of the disaster management system exist under the Disaster and Safety Act as well as the Protection against Radiation Act and suggest ways to improve them. Due to the inherent nature of a disaster, there are limitations in predicting its occurrence, size, development, and damage, and its unpredictability makes it extremely difficult to respond. Because of this disaster, there is still a gap between the ex-ante disaster law and ex-post disaster law . A retrospective study of disasters that have already occurred will allow us to assess the disaster law at least partially in the event of a disaster and reflect it in the peacetime disaster law to narrow the gap between the two. While the emphasis is generally on on-site oriented disaster response, it is often overlooked that depending on the type or size of the disaster, it may not be possible to build a response system around the disaster site. It is not realistic to respond in an accident area, especially since radioactive materials are likely to be leaked outside the nuclear facility. Also, once radioactive materials begin to leak out of the buildings of nuclear facilities, they are likely to spread over time to surrounding areas, and their extent cannot be ruled out at all as much of the city, county or district unit. Therefore, in case of a disaster where damages spread over time, such as radiation accidents, it would be desirable to take preventive measures by putting the units of response in terms of city and province rather than city, county or district. And unless the site where the site command center should be installed is specified in advance, the confusion could be even greater. Finally, the question is whether it is appropriate to allocate all of the core rights to the Nuclear Safety Commission. In the case of nuclear accidents, not only local residents but also the public are at great risk of spreading the damage over time. Thus, the central government s response may be preferable in that it will require not only specialized knowledge of radiation disasters, but also comprehensive and responsible judgment.

      • KCI등재

        조선업에서의 부당한 하도급대금결정행위 - 하도급법 제4조 제2항 제5호를 중심으로 -

        조혜신 ( Hye-shin Cho ),임수영 ( Su-young Lim ) 한국경쟁법학회 2020 競爭法硏究 Vol.42 No.-

        In the shipbuilding industry, one of Korea’s main industries, subcontracting is extensively prevalent, especially compared to other industries, and the process and structure of the payment decision are unique. In other words, the subcontract price in the shipbuilding industry is calculated based on the “time value” rather than “quantity” and various valuation factors are posted here, making it a likely point for disputes between the parties to the subcontracting transaction. What we particularly want to note in this article is the evaluative nature of price in subcontract. Determining the price between parties is essentially a matter of profit allocation arising from the transaction, and, moreover, if there are many circumstances in which the equality of the status between the parties is not guaranteed, it is necessary to determine from an objective perspective whether the price decision was made on the basis of a fair share of profits, which is exactly what the Subcontracting Act would require. In the case of Article 4(2)5, in particular, the requirement of ‘unilateral’ will have important implications for indirectly proving the unfairness of the price level, which is based on the assumption that if one of the parties is in a fairly superior position in the transaction, the other party may not be able to enjoy the independence and autonomy of decision-making in the course of negotiations for the payment, and that it is difficult to conclude that there is a genuine agreement. Therefore, it would be possible to assess the unfairness of pricing by determining the unilaterality of the process and the low level of unit price based on a comprehensive understanding of the structure of the transaction in which the pricing has been made. In this regard, Article 4(2)5 of the Act is important in that it facilitates the determination of whether price decisions have been made unfairly between the parties in subcontract whose status is not asymmetrical in such industries as shipbuilding, where it is difficult to find a standard for price comparison. If so, the importance of the various circumstances supporting the unilaterality of the payment decision in the application of Article 4(2)5 needs to be sufficiently emphasized, with the relative importance of the judgment on the relatively ‘low unit price’ being somewhat reduced. However, it is regrettable that the court rulings on cases involving unfair subcontracting decisions in the shipbuilding industry reviewed in this paper did not deal with the issue heavily, but rather highlighted issues such as whether the time value was “unit price” or “low unit price.” If the legislative purpose of the Subcontracting Act and the intent of Article 4 are more actively engraved, a practical insight into whether the allocation of profits between the parties to the Subcontracting Act is a fair price decision based on the specific productive and transactional characteristics of the industry, rather than on the question of literary inclusion or interpretation of each component.

      • KCI등재후보

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