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      • KCI등재

        중등학교 과학교사의 양성과 임용제도의 문제점과 개선 방안

        조주환,김상달,Cho, Ju-Whan,Kim, Sang-Dal 한국지구과학회 1997 韓國地球科學會誌 Vol.18 No.6

        과학교사 교육의 목표는 우리 사회가 필요로 하는 가장 이상적이고 훌륭한 과학교사를 양성하는데 두고 있으며, 양성 교육과정은 전문적 이론과 실제를 통한 수준 높은 학술적 체험과 활동 과정을 거쳐 '유능한 과학교사'와 동시에 '존경받는 스승'을 양성하는 과정이어야 한다. 따라서 중등학교 과학교사의 양성 체제와 임용 제도의 문제점 및 그 개선 방안은 첫째, 임용시험 제도 폐지와 수습 교사 제도를 도입하거나, 공 사립학교가 공히 공개 임용시험제도를 도입해야 한다. 둘째, 과학교사 양성 교육과정의 개편으로 과학내용학, 과학교육학의 협동적 연구를 강화하고 현장의 요구와 교육과정의 연계를 구현하며 셋째, 교사 양성 기관의 행 재정적 지원 체제를 확립하여 우수 과학교사 양성이 가능하도록 해야 한다. The purpose of training science teachers is to bring up the ideality and the most excellent science teachers whom our society needs. So, teacher training college curriculums of science education should be the ones that will train competent and respectable science teachers who have the technical and practical theory and knowledge through the process of high level academic experiences and activities. Accordingly, the training system and improvement plan for the problems in employment of science teachers in secondary schools should be as follows: 1. The employment examination for teachers should be abolished instead, the system of an apprentice teacher should be brought in, or private schools as well as public schools should bring in employment examination system. 2. With the modification of science teacher training curriculums, the cooperative studies of science major subjects and science education subjects should be strengthened and the connection between real needs of secondary schools and curriculums of secondary school science teacher training should be embodied. 3. Bringing up excellent science teachers should be facilitated through the establishment of administrative and financial aiding system about teacher training college.

      • KCI등재

        항공사진을 이용한 서남해 함평만의 해안선 변화 관측

        조주환,김백운,임동일,Cho, Ju-Whan,Kim, Baeck-Oon,Lim, Dong-Il 한국지구과학회 2001 韓國地球科學會誌 Vol.22 No.4

        한국 서남해안에 위치한 반폐쇄형 함평만 해안선은 대부분 높이 3m 미만의 급한 경사면을 가진 해안절벽으로 이루어져 있다. 해안절벽은 주로 연약한 풍화암 또는 적색 토양층으로 구성되어 있어 매우 불안정하며, 활발한 침식활동이 진행되고 있다. 1976년과 1990년에 촬영된 항공사진을 이용한 단사진 측정법(photogrammetry)을 통하여 이들 해안절벽 침식에 따른 해안선 변화(후퇴)를 정량적으로 계산한 결과, 함평만 해운리 해안선의 침식율(후퇴율)은 매년 1${\sim}$2m 정도로 계산되었으며, 이는 장 외(1999)에 의하여 현장에서 직접 관측${\cdot}$측정된 침식율과 일치하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 보 연구에서 적용한 단사진 측정법은 앞으로 해안선의 장기적 변화를 정량화하고 해석하는데 매우 유용한 방법으로 평가된다. 또한, 함평만에서의 활발한 해안침식은 간헐적으로 발생되는 고에너지의 태풍 및 폭풍에 의한 이상고조와 매우 불안정한 토양으로 구성된 해안절벽의 지질 특성 등의 복합적인 상호작용에 의한 것으로 해석된다. The coastline of semi-enclosed Hampyung Bay, southwestern coast of Korea, consists largely of erosional sea-cliffs characterized by steep face slope, low in height (less than 3m), and composition of soft reddish soil. Recession rates of the sea-cliffs in the Haeuri coast of Hampyung Bay, which were Quantified by photogrammetry using single aerial photographs taken 1976 and 1990, respectively, were approximately 1${\sim}2m/yr. This value is in good agreement with the field measurement conducted by Chang et al. (1999). Subsequently, the photogrammetry seems to be a very useful method to measure easily long-term coastline change. This severe erosion of sea-cliff in the semi-enclosed bay environment, furthemore, is probably due to combined effects of typhoon or/and storm surges and weak resistance of soil cliff itself.

      • KCI등재

        전남 나주호와 영산강 지류에 나타나는 조석현상의 분석

        조주환,임광혁,Cho, Ju-Whan,Im, Kwang-Heuyk 한국지구과학회 2000 한국지구과학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        내수면에 나타나는 조석현상을 조사하기 위하여 전라남도의 나주호와 영산강에서 1997년 12월 30일부터 1998년 1월 27일까지 1시간 간격으로 수위변화를 측정하였다. 여기서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 나주호와 영산강지류에서 모두 일주조와 반일주조가 나타났으나 조차는 수 mm 내지 수 십 mm로 작다. 하루에 두 번씩의 고조와 저조가 있었고, 1일 2회의 고조 중에서 일조부등 현상도 나타났다. 그믐과 보름이 지난 2일 후에 대조가 나타나고, 상현과 하현 후에 소조가 나타났다. 조화분해한 결과에 의하면 나주호에 나타나는 조석은 반일주조가 우세하며, 진폭이 가장 큰 순서로 주태음반일주조(M$_2$)가 0.55mm이고, 주태음일주조(O$_1$) 0.47mm, 월일합성일주조(K$_1$) 0.43mm, 주태양반일주조(S$_2$) 0.39mm의 순이다. 영산강 지류에 나타난 조석은 4mm에서 크게는 18mm로 장소, 지형 , 방향에 따라서 조차가 다르게 나타난다. 목포항의 고조 시각과 영산강 지류에 나타난 고조 시각과는 약간의 차이가 있다. 남평 지석강 수중보에서 나타나는 수위변동은 동 ${\cdot}$ 서 방향으로는 반일주조에 가까운 반면에 남 ${\cdot}$ 북 방향에서는 6시간 정도의 변동주기가 나타났다. To investigate the characteristics of tides in the Naju Lake and Youngsan River, we measured the water level at the Naju Lake for one month (from 30 Dec. 1997 to 27 Jan. 1998) and at several points along the Youngsan River. We found that there are predominant waves with periods of semidiurnal and diurnal tides. The amplitudes of M$_2$, S$_2$, O$_1$ and K$_1$ calculated by harmonic analysis are 0.56, 0.39, 0.48,0.43mm, respectively. The tidal ranges along the Youngsan River, which are almost coincident with the tidal variation of Mokpo, are from 4mm to 18mm depending upon the locations and the direction and that of six-hours period in the north-south direction.

      • 과학의 수준별 학습을 위한 web 기반 수업 자료의 개발

        조주환(Ju Whan Cho),주국영(Cook Young Ju) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 2001 교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 과학의 수준별 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영을 효율적으로 수행하기 위해서 학생 능력과 개인차에 따른 다양한 교육의 기회를 제공하고, 자기주도적으로 학습능력을 신장시킬 수 있도록 컴퓨터를 이용하여 학습자의 학습 능력과 수준에 맞는 다양한 컴퓨터용 웹 자료들을 개발하는 데 있다. 본 연구에서 제작한 Web 기반 학습자료(WBI)는 학습자가 스스로 본시 학습에 필요한 선수학습요소를 파악하고 부족한 부분을 보충할 수 있으므로 본시 수업시 학습자의 학습 동기를 촉진시킬 것으로 기대한다. 또한 보충 학습 자료는 본시 학습 내용을 보다 상세하게 안내해 줌으로써 결손 학습 부분을 원활하게 보충해 줌으로써 학업 성취를 높일수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 따라서 제작한 Web기반 심화ㆍ보충형 수업 자료는 학습자들이 언제 어디서나 자기의 수준에 맞추어 자기 주도적으로 흥미 있게 학습할 수 있는 기초자료가 될 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 2002년부터 적용되는 수준별 교육과정인 7차 고등학교 과학과 교육과정을 수행하는데 있어서도 도움을 줄 수 있는 기초자료가 될 수 있다고 본다. 따라서 많은 웹 자료들이 개발된다면 현장의 교사들이 일선에서 활용하기에 용이하리라 생각한다. The purposes of this study are to provide students with opportunities according to their different learning abilities and levels in order to implement effectively the differentiated curriculum of science, and to develop various web data for them to improve their leaning abilities for themselves. The WBI of this study is expected to stimulate the learner’ motivation in class since it help them to understand the basic knowledge and supplement the weak points. The complementary data for learning are expected to enhance learners’ attainment as they show the learning tasks in detail and supplement the missed points successfully. So the advanced/complementary data for learning will be basic data that help students to learn positively given subject everywhere and everytime, and that give a aid to implement the 7th differentiate curriculum of science that will be applied in 2002. Therefore if we develop various web data, teachers will be able to apply them easily in their classrooms.

      • 한국 남서 연안 해역의 해양환경에 관한 특성

        조주환(Cho Ju Whan),이진교(Lee Jin Kyo) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 1999 교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is analyze the physical and chemical characteristics(water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, COD, phosphate, suspended solids, dissolved inorganic nitrogen) of the Southwestern coastal area of Korea. An investigation on oceanographical conditions of seawater in five sites (Youngkwang, Mokpo, Jindo, Wando and Dukrang bay) was carried out during from 1995 to 1996. These sea area showed a wide variation with time, place and season. These factors are very important for the inhabitance and laying eggs of aquatic life. The sea adjacent the coast of Wando is comparatively pure as yet. But recently, on account of the increasing pollution by materials flowing from islands, the environment of aquatic life gradually worsen. From the data collected in this research it is possible to conclude that a countermeasure for the preservation of oceanic environment with a purpose of decreasing the level of pollutants which affects the ocean in need.

      • 授業方法과 認知樣式이 地球科學 學業把持에 미치는 效果

        Cho Ju Whan(曺炷煥) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 1996 교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.-

        I have examined the interaction effects of instructional methods(expository and discovery) which are instruction variables and learner’s cognitive styles which are learner variables on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content in Earth Science. The main purposes of this dissertation are to investigate the following issues; 1) Will instructional methods have any effects on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content(i.e. the domain of knowledge, comprehension and application) including weather-forecast in Earth Science ? 2) Will the learner’s cognitive style have any effect on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content in Earth Science ? 3) Will instructional methods and learner’s cognitive style have any interaction effects on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content in Earth Science ? To prove these questions I have constructed the following hypotheses; Ⅰ) There is a difference between expository instruction groups and discovery instruction groups on three-weeks post-instruction retention test results. Ⅰ-1) Compared with total scores, discovery instruction groups perform better than expository instruction groups. Ⅰ-2) Compared with the scores in the domain of knowledge, expository instruction groups perform better than discovery instruction groups. Ⅰ-3) Compared with scores in the domains of comprehension and application including weather-forecasting, discovery instruction groups perform better than expository instruction groups. Ⅱ) Field-independent groups perform better than field-dependent groups on three-weeks post-instruction retention test results. Ⅲ) The effect of discovery instruction shows that field-independent groups perform better than field-dependent groups on three-weeks post-instruction retention test results. The subjects of this study were 185 first-graders of a boys’high school and 189 first-graders of a co-ed high school in Kwangju. Ninety-two students of the boys’high school and ninety-five students of the co-ed high school were assigned to the expository instruction group, and another ninety-three students of the boys’high school and ninety-four students of the co-ed high school were assigned to the discovery instruction group. The Group Embedded Figure Test was then administered the groups in order to assess the learner’s cognitive style. Subjects who scored in the upper 75%ile were classified as field-independent learners. while those in the lower 25%ile were classified as field-dependent learners. Those with scores between the 74th and 24th%ile were classified as medium-learners. I have included in the statistical analysis 35/25 field-independent subjects, 35/43 medium subjects, and 22/27 field-dependent subjects in the expository instruction group at the boys’high school and the co-ed high school. respectively: and 32/27 field-independent subjects, 41/43 medium subjects. and 20/24 field-dependent subjects in the discovery instruction group at the boys’high school and the co-ed high school, respectively. To test the hypothesis posited above, I have analyzed the scores using the Two-way ANOVA method in the boys’high school and the Three-way ANOVA method in the co-ed high school by SAS Package Program. The major results of this study are as follows: 1. There was no significant difference between the expository instruction group and the discovery instruction group on three-weeks post-instruction retention tests of the domain of knowledge. but significant difference was revealed between the two groups(discovery instruction is more effective than expository instruction) of the comprehension and application domains. In the case of weather-forecast, there were significant interaction effects, and discovery instruction also proved to be more effective in the three-weeks post-instruction retention test. 2. The field-independent cognitive style was more effective than the field-dependent cognitive style

      • 授業方法과 學習者 變因이 地球科學 學業成就에 미치는 效果

        Cho Ju Whan(曺炷煥) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 1995 교과교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Have examined the interaction effects of instructional methods (expository and discovery) which are instruction variables and learner’s cognitive styles which are learner variables on instruction achievement of learning content in Earth, Science. The main purposes of this dissertation are to investigate the following issues ; 1) Will instructional methods which are instruction variables have any effects on instruction achievement of learning content(i.e. the domain of knowledge, comprehension, application and weather-forecast) in Earth Science ? 2) Will the learner’s cognitive style, which is a learner variable, have any effect on instruction achievement of learning content in Earth Science ? 3) Will instructional methods and learner’s, cognitive style have any interaction effects on instruction achievement of learning content in Earth Science ? To prove these questions I have constructed the following hypothesis; Ⅰ) There is a difference between expository instruction groups and discovery instruction groups in instruction achievement test results. Ⅰ-1) Compared with total scores, there is a difference between the two groups. Ⅰ-2) Compared with the scores in the domain of knowledge, expository instruction groups perform better than the discovery instruction, groups. Ⅰ-3) Compared with scores in the domains of comprehension, application and weather-forecasting, discovery instruction groups perform better than expository instruction groups. Ⅱ) Field-independent groups perform better than field-dependent groups on instruction achievement test results. Ⅲ) The effect of discovery instruction shows that field-independent groups perform better than field-dependent groups on instruction achievement test results. The subjects of this study were 185 first-graders of a boys’ high school and 189 first-graders of a co-ed high school in Kwangju. Ninety-two students of the boys’ high school and ninety-five students of the co-ed high school were assigned to the expository instruction group, and another ninety-three students of the boys’ high school and ninety-four students of the co-ed high school were assigned to the discovery instruction group. The Group Embedded Figure Test was then administered the groups in order to assess the learner’s cognitive style. Subjects who scored in the upper 75%ile were classified as field-independent learners, while those in the lower 25%ile were classified as field-dependent learners. Those with scores between the 74th and 24th%ile were classified as medium-learners. I have included in the statistical analysis 35/25 field-independent subjects, 35/43 medium subjects, and 22/27 field-dependent subjects in the expository instruction group at the boys’high school and, the co-ed high school, respectively; and 32/27 field-independent subjects, 41/43 medium subjects, and 20/24 field-dependent subjects in the discovery instruction group at the boys’high school and the co-ed high school, respectively. To test the hypothesis posited above, I have analyzed the scores using the Two-way ANOVA method in the boys’high school and the Three-way ANOVA method in the co-ed high school by SAS Package Program. The Major results of this study are as follows; 1. There was no significant difference between the expository instruction group and the discovery instruction group on instruction achievement test of the domain of knowledge, but significant difference was revealed between the two groups(discovery instruction is more effective than expository instruction) of the comprehension and application domains. In the case of weather-forecast, there were significant interaction effects, and significant difference between males and females in instruction achievement tests, discovery instruction also proved to be more effective. 2. The field-independent cognitive style was more effective than the field-dependent cognitive style in instruction achievement of learning content in Earth Science. 3. T

      • 한국 서해 경기만 조간대 퇴적층의 퇴적물 특성과 층서

        조주환(Ju Whan Cho),김영성(Young Sung Kim),임동일(Dhong Il Lim) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 2001 교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        경기만 반월 조간대 퇴적분지의 퇴적 층서를 밝히기 위해 2지점에서 평균 20m에 달하는 심부시추를 실시하였다. 시추된 퇴적물은 퇴적환경과 경계면의 특성에 의해 크게 2개의 퇴적단위 UnitⅠ과 UnitⅡ로 구분된다. UnitⅠ은 5-10m의 두꺼운 니질 퇴적물로 구성되며, 현세 해침기간동안 점이적인 해수면 상승과 힘께 형성된 현세 니질 조간대 퇴적층으로 해석된다. 기반암을 부정합적으로 피복하고 있는 퇴적단위 UnitⅡ는 두께가 최대 10m에 달하며, 조립의 자갈과 모래로 구성된다. 조립의 사질 퇴적물은 동해의 사구에 비하여 원마도가 낮고, 서해의 대륙붕 퇴적물보다는 높은 원마도를 나타낸다. 이러한 결과들은 UnitⅡ 퇴적물이 다소 강한 유수 작용에 의한 하천 퇴적물임을 제시한다. 결론적으로 생물 파편의 부재, 역사질의 조립한 퇴적물 조직, 쇄설성 입자의 형태 특성 그리고 층서 위치 등을 고려할 때 퇴적단위 UnitⅡ는 현세 해침이전 최대빙하기(LGM)동안 퇴적된 육성의 하천 퇴적물로 해석된다. To elucidate the stratigraphy of Banweol tidal-flat deposits, Kyunggi Bay, western coast of Korea, two boreholes, up to 20 m in thickness, were taken using a well-utilized deep-drilling equipment. On the basis of depositional environment and erosional boundary, these deep-drilled borehole sediments can be divided into two sedimentary units (UnitⅠ and UnitⅡ). UnitⅠ reaches up to 10 m in thickness and consists mainly of mud and silt sediments with mean grain size of 7-9 phi. This unit is interpreted as a typical intertidal-flat deposition accumulated during mid-to-late Holocene sea-level rise. Beneath the Holocene tidal-flat mud (UnitⅠ) are very coarse-grained sandy sediments (UnitⅡ) with approximately 10 m thick. Roundness in UnitⅡ sediments is lower than those of beach sediments in eastern coast of Korea, while higher than those of relict shelf sediments. Considering the texture, grain shape, stratigraphic position, and absence of biogenic materials, UnitⅡ might be accumulated under the active hydrodynamic condition of the fluvial environment during sea-level lowstand, possibly last glacial maximum (LGM).

      • 授業方法과 認知樣式이 地球科學 學業把持에 미치는 效果

        曺炷煥 조선대학교 교육연구소 1996 교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.-

        I have examined the interaction effects of instructional methods (expository and discovery) which are instruction variables and learner's cognitive styles which are learner variables on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content in Earth Science. The main purposes of this dissertation are to investigate the following issues; 1) Will instructional methods have any effects on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content(i.e. the domain of knowledge, comprehension and application) including weather-forecast in Earth Science ? 2) Will the learner's cognitive style have any effect on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content in Earth Science ? 3) Will instructional methods and learner's cognitive style have any interaction effects on three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content in Earth Science ? To prove these questions I have constructed the following hypotheses: I) There is a difference between expository instruction groups and discovery instruction groups on three-weeks post-instruction retention test results. I-1) Compared with total scores, discovery instruction groups perform better than expository instruction groups. I-2) Compared with the scores in the domain of knowledge, expository instruction groups perform better than discovery instruction groups. I-3) Compared with scores in the domains of comprehension and application including weather-forecasting, discovery instruction groups perform better than expository instruction groups. Ⅱ) Field-independent groups perform better than field-dependent groups on three-weeks post-instruction retention test results. Ⅲ) The effect of discovery instruction shows that field-independent groups perform better than field-dependent groups on three-weeks post- instruction retention test results. The subjects of this study were 185 first-graders of a boys'high school and 189 first-graders of a co-ed high school in Kwangju. Ninety-two students of the boys'high school and ninety-five students of the co-ed high school were assigned to the expository instruction group, and another ninety-three students of the boys'high school and ninety-four students of the co-ed high school were assigned to the discovery instruction group. The Group Embedded Figure Test was then administered the groups in order to assess the learner's cognitive style. Subjects who scored in the upper 75%ile were classified as field-independent learners, while those in the lower 25%ile were classified as field-dependent learners. Those with scores between the 74th and 24th%ile were classified as medium-learners. I have included in the statistical analysis 35/25 field-independent subjects, 35/43 medium subjects, and 22/27 field-dependent subjects in the expository instruction group at the boys'high school and the co-ed high school, respectively; and 32/27 field-independent subjects, 41/43 medium subjects, and 20/24 field-dependent subjects in the discovery instruction group at the boys'high school and the co-ed high school, respectively. To test the hypothesis posited above, I have analyzed the scores using the Two-way ANOVA method in the boys'high school and the Three-way ANOVA method in the co-ed high school by SAS Package Program. The major results of this study are as follows: 1. There was no significant difference between the expository instruction group and the discovery instruction group on three-weeks post-instruction retention tests of the domain of knowledge, but significant difference was revealed between the two groups(discovery instruction is more effective than expository instruction) of the comprehension and application domains. In the case of weather-forecast, there were significant interaction effects, and discovery instruction also proved to be more effective in the three-weeks post-instruction retention test. 2. The field-independent cognitive style was more effective than the field-dependent cognitive style in three-weeks post-instruction retention of learning content in Earth Science. 3. There was no significant interaction effect on three-weeks post-instruction retention tests between instructional methods and learner's cognitive style of learning content in Earth Science.

      • 莞島東部沿岸의 海洋特性에 關한 硏究

        曺炷煥,鄭貴泳 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1990 自然科學硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        An investigation on the physical and chemical condition of the eastern sea waters of Wando Island had been carried out during from February, 1985 to November, 1988, and the followings are the results. Water temperature ranged from 4.9 to 26.4℃. The inner sea waters was lower as much as 2℃ in winter, but higher as much as 1∼3℃ in summer than the outer sea waters. Salinity ranged from 23.60 to 34.21‰, highest in February and lowest in September, and there was the greatest salinity fluctuation near Shinji(St. 1) on the account of the influx of land water. Dissolved oxygen content ranged from 3.56ml/l, high at st. 1 that is the site of inner sea, but low at outer sea, and highest in February and lowest in August. The phosphate concentration ranged from 0.10 to 0.98㎍-at/l, the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) ranged from 0.54 to 7.67 ㎍-at/l, high in spring and low in September, and gradually increased annually. Transparency was in the range of 0.4∼11.0m, low at st.1 and high at st.5 the is located in the outer sea. The concentration of total suspended solids was in the range of 1.2∼53.6mg/l, This showed reverse distribution to the transparency, and its relationship to the transparency at st.5 was S=11.4087-1.2946T(r=0.6577). The distribution rate between DIN and PO_4-P was more stable at bottom that at surf ace and more stable in outer sea than in inner sea waters as well.

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