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      • KCI등재

        임신중 고혈압성 질환의 임상적 고찰

        김주욱(JW Kim),원광연(KY Won),조재동(JD Cho),김성도(SD Kim),안재영(JY Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.6

        A clinical study was undertaken on 631 cases of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy who were admitted to Korean General Hospital for the period of 10 years from Jan. 1973 to Dec. 1982, during which time, there were 11,307 deliveries in total. The results were as follows: 1) The incidence of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy was 5.6% of total deliveries. 2) The ratio of mild preeclampsia was 54.5%; severe preeclampsia, 40.9%; eclampsia, 3.3%; chronic hypertensive vascular disease with toxemia, 0.6%; chronic hypertensive vascular diseases without toxemia, 0.5%; and unclassfied, 0.2%, respectively. 3) The frequency of disease was higher in the age group above 40 years old and below 19 years old age. 4) According to parity, the higher frequency was noted in primipara and grand multipara of 4 or above. 5) Among four seasons, the disease was more frequently seen in spring time. 6) The incidence of hypertensive disorders in twin pregnancy was 21.8%, which is about four times higher than overall incidence. 7) The disease was more prevalent in women who did not take antenatal care. 8) Average fetal weight was lower than those born in normal mothers. 9) Among the associated diseases, twin pregnancy was 17 cases, abruptio placentae 9 cases and essential hypertention 7 cases. 10) Average hemoglobin level was 11.7gm% which revealed 0.7gm% higher than that of normal mothers.

      • KCI등재

        체외수정 및 배아의 자궁내 이식에 의한 임신에 관한 연구

        김혜경,이철호,정기성,조재동,정일균,김석영,이안수 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.11

        1989년 3월초부터 1990년 2월말까지 1년간 불임치료를 목적으로 본원 산부인과 불임크리닉을 내원하였던 환자중 체외수정 및 배아이식의 적응증이 되는 107명을 대상으로 CC/HMG/HCG; 1군, FSH/HMG/HCG; 2군, Lupron/HMG/HCG; 3군을 투여한 129 월경주기와 자연배란 주기를 이용한 6주기에서 질식초음파를 이용하여 체외수정 및 자궁내 배아이식을 시행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 체외수정과 배아이식이 시행된 적응증은 난관요인이 89예(83.2%)로 가장 많았으며 원인불명이 9예(8.4%), 남성요인이 4예(3.7%), 자궁내막증 3예(2.8%), 자궁경부 요인이 2예(1.9%)의 순으로 나타났다. 2. 실시주기 145주기중 난자채취에 성공한 주기는 135주기로 93.1%였다. 3. 과배란유도 후 채취된 난자는 922개로 평균난자수는 7.14개였으며 난포당 난자채취율은 83.8%였다. 4. 과배란유도 후 채취된 난자의 성숙도를 보면 배란전 성숙난이 846개로 채취 난자의 91.8%를 차지하였고 미성숙난자가 50개(5.4%), 과성숙난자가 26개(2.8%)였다. 5. 난자채취에 성공한 135주기중 배아이식은 124주기에서 시행하여 성공적 난자채취 주기의 91.9%에 해당되었으며 난자채취당 난할율은 62.6%로 한 주기당 평균 난할난자수는 4.2개였다. 6. 과배란 유도방법에 따라 제 1군; CC/HMG/HCG(n=22), 제 2군; FSH/HMG/HCG(n=92), 제 3군; Lupron/HMG/HCG(n=15), Natural cycle군(n=6)으로 나눈 결과를 비교하여 보면 난자채취율, 난자성숙도, 수정율 등에는 유의한 차이가 없었으며 임신율을 살펴보면, 제 1군은 난자채취당 14%, 배아이식당 18%, 제 2군은 난자채취당 16%, 배아이식당 17%, 제 3군은 난자채취당 40%, 배아이식당 43%였으며 Natural cycle군에서는 난자채취당 17%, 배아이식당 20%를 나타냈으며 임신율은 제 3군에서 가장 높았다. 7. 임신된 예는 25예로 난자채취당 18.5%, 배아이식당 20.2%로 이중 4명중 분만하였으며 9명은 현재 임신이 진행중이며(1명은 쌍태아임신), 5명은 자연유산이 되었고, 1명은 자궁외임신이 되었으며 나머지 6명은 preclinical abortion이 되었다. In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer have been used as a part of treatments for infertility patients. Our IVF-ET program began in March 1989 and the first IVF-ET baby was delivered in December 1989. This clinical study was taken to evaluate each step and the results of our IVF-ET program. The results were as follows; 1. The number of treated subjects in our IVF-ET program were 107 and the number of total cycles of ovulation induction were 145. Ultrasound guided transvaginal follicle aspiration was successful in 135 cycles and success rate of follicle aspiration was 93.1%. 2. The number of ova picked up were 922. The mean number of retrieved oocyte per follicle aspiration was 7.14, so oocyte retrieval rate per one follicle was 73.8%. 3. The maturity of 922 aspirated ova showed 846 preovulatory mature oocytes(91.8%), 50 immature oocytes(5.4%), and 26 postmature oocytes(2.8%). 4. Embryo transfer was done in 124 cycles(91.9% of successful aspiration cycles). The mean number of cleaved oocyte per aspiration cycle was 4.3, and successful cleavage rate after insemination was 62.6%. 5. The group of ovulation induction were divided by induction method as follows, Group I: CC/HMG/HCG(n=22), Group II: FSH/HMG/HCG(n=92), Group III: Lupron/HMG/HCG(n=15), Group IV: natural cycle(n=6). Higher pregnancy rate was obtained in Group III and it was statistically significant, but no significant difference was shown in oocyte retrieval rate, maturity of retrieved oocytes and cleavage rate among groups. 6. Pregnancies were obtained in 25 cases. Pregnancy rate per follicle aspiration; 18.5%, and the pregnancy rate per embryo transfer; 20.2%. of these 25 cases, there are 4 deliveries, 9 ongoing pregnancies(1 with), 5 clinical abortions, 6 preclinical abortions and 1 ectopic pregnancy(tubal).

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