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        중국 노동법제의 전개와 주요 쟁점

        조임영 ( Im Young Jo ) 영남대학교 법학연구소 2012 영남법학 Vol.0 No.35

        이 글에서는 중국에서 경제체재의 변화와 연동하여 노동법제가 어떻게 전개되어 왔는지를 분석·검토하고 있다. 중국은 1978년 사회주의적 시장경제체재로의 전환과 더불어 종전의 사회주의 계획경제체제에 따른 노동법제를 대폭적으로 수정하여 왔다. 이 글에서는 이와 관련하여 사회주의 시장경제체제의 특징과 그에 따른 노동법의 전개 양상과 주요 쟁점에 대해 분석·검토하고 있다. This study analyzed the development of the labor law with the changeover from the socialistic planned economy to the socialist marker economy in China and the major issue. China has significantly changed the labor law in accordance with a econnomic transformation since 1978. In this connection, this study analyzes the characteristic of the socialist marker economy and the development of the labor law in China.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        「장애인차별금지 및 권리구제 등에 관한 법률」의 ‘장애’의 정의에 대한 해석론 연구

        조임영(Jo, Im-Young) 한국비교노동법학회 2016 노동법논총 Vol.37 No.-

        The Anti-Discrimination Against and Remedies for Persons with Disabilities has been enforced since 2008 in Korea. This Act defines person with disability as a person who has a disability(art.2(2)). In the Act, disability means an impairment or loss of physical or mental functions that substantially limits an individual’s personal or social activities for an extended period(art.2(1)). The purpose of this article is to provide a basic research on the interpretation and application of the definition of disability in the Act by studying the definition of disability in US and UK. ADAAA states that: The term “disability” means, with respect to an individual - (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment(as described in paragraph (3)) In the Equality Act 2010(EqA), a person has a disability if he or she has ‘a physical or mental impairment’ which has a ‘substantial and long-term adverse effect on ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’(S.6(1)). This study addresses an actual disability, a past disability and a perceived disability. In relation to the actual disability, the following issues are examined : What means a physical or mental impairment?, What is the extent of a normal day-to-day activities?, How is the degree of a substantial and long-term adverse effect. And what conditions need to be satisfied to establish the existence of a perceived disability is studied.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 노동법상 기간제 근로계약 체결의 허용 범위

        조임영(Jo, Im-Young) 한국노동법학회 2018 노동법학 Vol.0 No.67

        This article examines the legal regimes of conclusion of fixed-term employment contracts in France. French law has some of the characteristics that contribute to designing a regulations on the conclusion of fixed-term employment contracts in Korea. In France, fixed-term contracts are strictly regulated and are only permissible in certain legally authorized situations in order to perform a specific, temporary task. In any case, under French law, a fixed-term contract cannot be used for a position that relates to the company‘s narmal and permanent businsee activities. Otherwise, there is a risk that the fixed-term contract could be deemed to be an indefinite-term contract. A fixed-term employment contract can only be concluded for the following reason: (ⅰ) Replacement of a temporarily absent employee (ⅱ) Temporary increase of activity (ⅲ) Seasonal work (ⅳ) In certain business sectors where it is common practice not to conclude permanent employment contracts givens the type of the work performed or the temporary nature of the jobs. In addition, there are certain circumstances under which it is prohibited to conclude a fixed-term contract. These include hiring a fixed-term employee due to a temporary increase in activity if the company has dismissed an employee from that position for economic reasons in the last six months, hiring a fixed-term employee in order to replace a striking employee, or to perform work that is officially classified as dangerous. In France, fixed-term contracts can be concluded for a specified duration(contrat de date à date) or as a form of open-ended fixed-term contracts(contrat sans terme précis) according to a nature of grounds for concluding a fixed-Term contract. France law restricts a maximum duration, a number of renewal and the use of successive fixed-Term contracts.

      • KCI등재

        영국 장애차별금지법과 ‘장애’의 개념

        조임영(Jo, Im-Young) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2015 東亞法學 Vol.- No.66

        2008년 4월부터 시행되고 있는 장애인차별금지법에서는 법률의 보호대상인 장애인을 장애가 있는 자로 정의하고 장애를 “신체적·정신적 손상 또는 기능상실이 장기간에 걸쳐 개인의 일상 또는 사회생활에 상당한 제약을 초래하는 상태를 말한다”고 정의하고 있다. 이 연구는 장애인차별금지법상의 추상적인 장애 정의의 구체적 해석·적용을 위한 기초연구로서 영국의 2010년 평등법상 장애 정의 규정의 운용을 분석?검토하였다. 영국의 2010년 평등법에서는 장애를 ‘신체적 또는 정신적 손상이 있고 그 손상이 통상적인 일상생활 수행능력에 상당하고 장기간의 부정적인 영향을 미치는 경우’로 정의하고 있다. 영국에서는 보칙, 장애규칙, 장애정의지침, 고용준칙 등을 통해 장애 정의규정의 구체적인 내용을 체계적으로 보충하여 그 해석·적용의 실효성을 확보하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 영국의 장애 정의의 네요건인 ‘신체적 또는 정신적 손상’, ‘통상적인 일상생활 수행능력’, ‘상당한 부정적인 영향’, ‘장기간의 부정적인 영향’ 에 대해 장애 정의 관련 규정들과 판결례를 분석을 통하여 각 요건의 주요 내용과 쟁점을 도출하고 영국의 장애차별금지법의 운용의 특징과 기본방향을 검토했다. 영국의 장애정의 규정의 운용에 있어 주요 특징은 손상의 의미를 넓게 보고 그 증명을 완화하고 있는 점, 통상적인 일상활동을 주로 일반적인 대부분의 사람들의 일상생활 활동으로 해석하고 있는 점, 상당한의 의미에 대해 법률에서 명시하고 그와 관련된 판단시 당사자의 할 수 없는 또는 단지 어렵게 할 수 있는 것을 강조하고 있는 점, 장기간의 의미에 대해 법률에서 명시하고 있는 점 등이다. 영국에서는 의료적 모델의 장애 정의 규정을 채택하고 있음에도 불구하고 위와 같은 해석을 통해 차별금지법의 원리를 가능한 한 반영하는 방향으로 운용하고 있는 것으로 보인다. The Anti-Discriminatio n Against and Remedies for Persons with Disabilities has been enforced since 2008 in Korea. This Act defines person with disability as a person who has a disability(art.2(2)). In the Act, disability means an impairment or loss of physical or mental functions that substantially limits an individual’s personal or social activities for an extended period(art.2(1)). The purpose of this article is to provide a basic research on the interpretation and application of the definition of disability in the Act by studying the concept of disability in UK. In the Equality Act 2010(EqA), a person has a disability if he or she has "a physical or mental impairment" which has a "substantial and long-term adverse effect on ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities"(S.6(1)). The supplementary provisions for determining whether a person has a disability are found in Schedule 1 to the EqA, Regulations, Guidance and Code of Practice. Within the contours of the definition of disability in EqA, four criteria need to be satisfied to establish the existence of a disability: there must be a) a physical or mental impairment, b) which must affect the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, c) in a long-term and d) substantial manner. This article studies each of four different conditions and draws issues. The main characteristics in implementation of the definition of disability is as in the following. The term "mental or physical impairment" should be given its ordinary meaning. It is not necessary for the cause of the impairment to be established. Whether a person is disabled for the purposes of the Act is generally determined by reference to the effect that an impairment has on that person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. A "substantial" adverse effect simply means an effect which is something more than minor or trivial(EqA S.212(1)). Courts and Guidance emphasis that it is important to focus on what an individual cannot do, or can only do with difficulty, rather than on the things that he or she can do. "Normal day-to-day activities" means activities that are carried out by most men or women on a fairly regular and frequent basis. The Schedule1 to the EqA provides the meaning of long-term. The statutory definition of disability in EqA represents the medical model, focusing as it does on the functional limitations of a person. However, the definition of disability interpreted and applied so as to not frustrate the principle of non-discrimination as far as possible.

      • KCI등재

        장애인 고용차별금지 법제의 운용사례에 관한 국제비교

        조임영(Jo Im-Young) 한국노동법학회 2010 노동법학 Vol.0 No.35

        Act on non-discrimination against disabled people and remedy has been enforced since 2008 in Korea. This Act regards employer's refusal to provide disabled people with a just accommodation without justifiable cause as a discrimination against disabled people. Justifiable cause includes a undue burden or substantially difficult circumstances in this Act. The purpose of this study is to provide some guidance on the interpretation and application of the just accommodation provision in this Act. This study adopts a comparative approach, considering the operation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the US and the Disability Discrimination Act of the UK which have a longer history of working with the reasonable accommodation. This study addresses the following issues. Issue 1: When is the duty of a reasonable accommodation triggered? Issue 2: What constitutes reasonable accommodation? What limits exist to the making a reasonable accommodation? Each issue is examined separately, and both theoretical issues and existing legal provisions are addressed.

      • KCI등재

        장애차별의 개념과 작동

        조임영(Jo Im-Young) 한국노동법학회 2011 노동법학 Vol.0 No.37

        What means the disability discrimination? What characteristic has the disability discrimination? On the basis of these questions, this study aims to analyze how the concept of disability discrimination is constituted in disability discrimination law, focusing on the concept of disability discrimination of Equality Act 2010 in UK. Considering a social model of disability and a various nature of disability, the traditional concepts of direct discrimination and indirect discrimination taking a comparative approach have certain practical limitations for protecting disabled people from discrimination. Thus, this article studies the concept of ‘discrimination arising from disability’ in UK's Equality Act 2010 as an alternative concept of disability discrimination and its practical operation.

      • KCI등재후보

        비정규직법 시행령 등의 제ㆍ개정 관련 주요 쟁점과 입법방향

        조임영(Jo Im-Young) 한국노동법학회 2007 노동법학 Vol.0 No.24

        Recently the act relating to protection, ETC., for dispatched worker(‘dispatched work act') is enacted and the act relating to protection, ETC., for fixed-term worker and part-time worker(‘fixed-term employment act') is amended in Korea. According to the fixed-term employment act, the duration of employment of fixed-term worker is restricted within two years and if the employment of fixed-term worker excess two years, the worker deem to be employed by non fixed-term employment contract. The fixed-term employment act provide the cases to which the restriction of duration of employment of fixed-term worker are not applied. One of them is the case which need to use expertise or skills and the fixed-term employment act delegate the fix of scope corresponded to this case to Presidential Decree. In this case, an employer can conclude a fixed-term employment contract without limit. Dispatched work act before the amendment stipulated that “jobs to which Worker Dispatch System may apply shall include … the ones selected by the Presidential Decree, which require expertise, skills or experiences”. The amended Dispatched work act add character of job to expertise, skills or experiences, which may be followed to amend the list of jobs permitted to use dispatched work. These matters have a profound impact on the enforcement of these acts and the labor market. This article studies the basis and the limit of these matters which are provided by Presidential Decree. This article notes that the purpose of the fixed-term employment act and the dispatched work act is the prevention of an employment instability, therefore the above mentioned matters is strictly restricted within cases which are not the problem of a precarious employment.

      • KCI등재

        기간제근로자 사용사유 제한 입법의 주요 쟁점과 체계

        조임영(Im-Young Jo) 한국고용노사관계학회 2018 産業關係硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        기간제근로자 사용의 남용과 확산에 따른 입법 정책적 대안으로서 기간제근로자 사용사유 제한이 유력하게 제기되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 비교법적 분석을 통해 기간제근로자 사용사유 제한 입법과 관련한 주요 쟁점 및 입법의 체계에 대해 검토하였으며 그 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 기간제근로자 사용사유 제한 입법의 법체계적 정합성을 확보하고 사용사유의 획정 및 기간제 근로계약의 유효성에 대한 법해석의 방향을 제시하기 위해, 법률에서 기간의 정함이 없는 근로계약이 원칙이며, 기간제 근로계약은 명확하고 일시적인 업무의 이행을 위해 예외적․보충적인 경우에 한하여 허용됨을 규정할 필요가 있다. 이를 구체화하여 기간제 근로계약의 이용이 허용되는 사유를 한정적으로 열거하는 방식을 채택하는 것이 타당하며, 그 구체적인 사유는 일시적 결원 근로자 등의 대체, 노동력 수요의 변동 및 업무의 성질에 따른 필요에 따라 기간제고용을 사용하는 것이 불가피한 경우로 구분하여 각각에 해당할 수 있는 사유들로 한정할 수 있을 것이다. 이와 더불어 고용정책 등에 따라 상시 · 지속적 업무에 대해 기간제 근로계약을 허용할 경우에는 고용불안정화에 미치는 영향을 고려하여 취업취약자 등으로 적용대상자의 범위를 한정하며 계약기간의 상한을 설정하고 갱신횟수를 제한하는 것이 타당하다. 기간제 근로계약의 사용기간, 계약갱신 및 연속 등에 대한 제한이 필요하며, 이는 개별적인 사용사유별로 남용의 여지, 고용불안정의 방지와 기업 인력운용의 유연성 확보와 조화 등을 고려하여 설정할 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 일정한 위험 작업 등에 대해서는 그 성질을 고려할 때 기간제근로자의 사용을 금지 또는 제한할 필요가 있다. 기간제 근로계약에 관한 법률 적용의 실효성을 확보하기 위해 사용사유, 사용기간 등을 포함하는 서면의 근로계약 작성, 근로자대표기구에 의한 통제시스템의 도입, 법률 위반에 대한 민 · 형사 제재 등에 대한 규정이 필요하다. The problems concerning the use of fixed-term employment contracts has been raised as a keen issue. For these reasons, there are continued calls for the legislation limiting the case of an use of fixed-term employment contracts. This article studies the regimes of the legal regulations limiting the grounds for concluding a fixed-term employment contracts. This article show that the legal regulations should be drafted to include the following intentions. It must establish the principle that contracts of an indefinite duration are the general form of employment relationship between employers and workers. A fixed-term employment contracts cannot be used for a position that relates to the company‘s normal and permanent business activities. A fixed-term employment contracts can only be concluded for the following reasons. (ⅰ) Replacement of a temporarily absent employee (ⅱ) Temporary need of additional work capacity (ⅲ) Seasonal work (ⅳ) In certain business sectors where it is common practice not to conclude permanent employment contracts givens the type of the work performed or the temporary nature of the jobs. The ground for concluding a fixed-term employment contract must be set out at the time the fixed-term contract is executed, and they must be clearly ststed in writing in the contract. otherwise, the fixed-term contract is deemed to be an indefinite-term contract.

      • KCI등재후보

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