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      • KCI등재

        현대미술에서 발견되는 소비의 표현과 개념에 근거한 화예 작품 창작 -본인 작품 ‘공생(共生)’을 중심으로-

        조윤숙 ( Cho Yun Suk ),유택상 ( Yoo Taek Sang ) 한국화예디자인학회 2016 한국화예디자인학 연구 Vol.36 No.-

        본 연구는 지상에 만들어진 거대한 쓰레기 산과 쓰레기 마을, 해양에 만들어진 쓰레기 섬의 모습 속에 나타난 현대인들의 무분별한 소비와 버려짐에 대한 관심으로부터 시작되었다. 소비와 관련한 현대미술을 크게 오브제에서의 소비, 팝 아트에서의 소비, 개념미술에서의 소비로 구분하고 표현 방식과 내용을 분석하였다. 표현 수단의 분석, 구성 방법의 분석, 제시 내용의 분석의 세 단계로 분류하여 세분화하였다. 표현 수단의 분석에서는 소재의 직접적인 표현, 소재가 가진 이미지의 표현, 언어를 통한 소재의 표현으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 구성 방법의 분석에서는 표현 기법상 콜라주 기법, 집적/펼침 기법, 사실성 표현 기법, 실크스크린 기법, 화학 반응의 상호 작용이 포함된 다양한 기법으로 분류하였고, 또한 내용의 특징에 따라 결합, 연상/반복, 복제, 변화, 참여, 가독성으로 구분하였다. 제시 내용의 분석에서는 흥미 위주의 내용 제시, 흥미를 통한 경각심 유발과 비판 제기, 풍자를 통한 경각심 유발과 비판 제시, 무관심을 통한 경각심 유발, 흥미를 통한 소외 및 외로움 유발의 주제로 분류하였다. 현대미술에 나타난 표현과 개념을 근거로 하여 ‘공생(共生)’을 주제로 ‘Frame’, ‘곁에(By the Side)’, ‘휴(休, Rest)’, ‘Cycle’, ‘틈(Crack)’의 다섯 가지 화예 작품으로 표현하였다. This study started from attention to reckless consumption and dumping in the modern times as witnessed in giant waste mountains and waste towns on the ground and waste islands in the ocean. This study categorizes consumption-related contemporary art into consumption in objects, consumption in pop art and consumption in conceptual art to analyze the modes of expression and content. This analysis is then fragmented into three: the media of expression, composition methods and presented content. As for the media of expression, how a material is expressed itself, through its image and a language was analyzed. Regarding composition methods, analysis was done of 1) diverse expression techniques: collage, integration/ nfolding, realistic expression, silk screen and interaction of chemical reaction, and 2) characteristics of contents: combination, association/ epetition, duplication, change, participation and legibility. For presented content, analysis was carried out of the following categories: intriguing content, arousing attention and criticism through interest, arousing attention and showing criticism through satire, alerting through apathy, causing alienation and loneliness through interest. Based on the expression and concept used in the contemporary art, five floral art works have been produced under the theme of symbiosis: Frame, By the Side, Rest, Cycle and Crack.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        만성신부전에서 염류코르티코이드 투여가 포타시움 평형과 요 암모늄 배설에 미치는 효과

        한진석(Jin Suk Han),이정상(Jung Sang Lee),김강석(Kang Seock Kim),허우성(Woo Seong Huh),전은실(Un Sil Jeon),이서진(Seo Jin Lee),주권욱(Kwon Wook Joo),김성권(Suhnggwon Kim),진호준(Ho Jun Chin),조윤숙(Yun Suk Cho) 대한신장학회 2000 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.19 No.2

        N/A Mineralocorticoids influences on acid-base homeo-stasis by the regulation of urine acidification. But its mechanism of acion is not well known in human. This study compared the acid-base status and the indices of urine acidification before and after mineralocorticoid administration in human, and analyzed the effect of mineralocorticoids on human acid-base homeostasis. We administered 9a-fludrocortisone in 6 chronic renal failure patients and 6 normal controls 0.5mg daily for 7 days. The results were as following ' 1) After administration of 9a-fludrocortisone in patients group, serum aldosterone level changed from 120.2±71.0pg/mL to 44.8±32.2pg/mL(mean±SD, p< 0.05). Serum HCO- level was not changed. Urine ammonium excretion was incresed from 24.6±12.3 mmol/day to 43.7±19.0(p<0.05), but there were no change in urine pH and urine anion gap, Serum potassium level decreased from 5.5±0.7mBq/L to 4.1±0.5mEq/L(p<0.05), and TTKG increased from 3.9 to 8.9(p<0.05). 2) After administration of 9a-fludrocortisone in control group, serum aldosterone level changed from 99.7±44.5pg/mL to 25.1±3 mL(p<0.05). Serum HCO- level was not changed. Urine ammonium ex-cretion was incresed from 44.3±21.6mmoVday to 76.3±19.6(p<0.05), but there were no change in urine pH and urine anion gap. Serum potassium level decreased from 4.8±0.5mEq/L to 3.9±0.2mHq/L(p< 0.05), but there was no change in TTKG. 3) No patient or control showed any discomfort after 9-fludrocortisoneadministration, and there was no elevation in diastolic blood pressure, increase in body weight, electrolyte abnormality. In summary, after 9α-fludrocortisane administration, urinary ammonium excretion increased in both patients and control group, and this phenomenon occured with correction of hyperkalemia without urine pH change. This result implies urinary ammonium excretion increase by mineralocorticoid. In human increase in renal distal acidification by mineralocorticoid is due to increase in renal ammo- niagenesis rather than stimulation on proton excretion.

      • KCI등재후보

        신부전 만성도 평가에 있어 혈중 carbamylated hemoglobin 치의 유용성

        김연수(Yon Su Kim),한진석(Jin Suk Han),진호준(Ho Jun Chin),이서진(Seo Jin Lee),조윤숙(Yun Suk Cho),안규리(Ahn Cu Rie),김성권(Suhng Gwon Kim),이정상(Jung Sang Lee),장인진(In Jin Jang),신상구(Sang Gu Shin),허우성(Woo Seong Huh) 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.51 No.3

        Objective: Differentiation of acute from chronic renal failure is an important but difficult task in treating the azotemic patients. It is known that the degree of carbamylation reflects the duration and the severity of the uremia. To assess the usefulness in differentiating acute(ARF) from chronic reanl failure (CRF), we measured the carbamylated hemoglobin (CarHb). Methods: We measured CarHb(measured as ㎍ of carbamyl valine per g hemoglobin) prospectively in 64 patients with azotemia (24 ARF, 40 CRF) referred to the Seoul National University Hospital. High performance liquid chromatography was used for measuring CarHb. Thirteen normal controls were also studied to match 64 patients. Results: Patients with ARF had lower median (range) CarHb concentration than those with CRF [56.0(24.6-97.1) ㎍CV/gHb vs 120.4(31.7-286.5) p<0.01]. It is not different from normal control [56.0 (24.6-97.1) vs 40.9(19,9-62.9); p<0.05]. The ratio of CarHb to serum creatinine(mg/dl) was lower in ARF than in CRF [10.5(4.9-34A) vs 18.2(4.7-52.2) p<0.01]. The cut-off value for CarHb to be CRF is 80 ㎍CV/gHb(sensitivity 70%, specificity 71%, positive predictive value 80%). Conclusion: The carbamylated hemoglobin is useful in determining the chronicity of the renal failure and it could be of clinical value in deciding the further management.

      • KCI등재후보

        십이지장궤양 환자에서 Helicobacer pylori 의 박멸이 궤양 재발에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김나영(Na Young Kim),윤여학(Yeo Hak Yoon),조윤숙(Yun Suk Cho),채봉남(Bong Nam Chae),최진용(Chin Yong Choi),이계희(Kye Heui Lee),손인(In Son),박성훈(Sung Hoon Park),구명숙(Myoung Sook Koo),최신은(Shin Eun Choi) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        Background: The recurrence rate of duodenal ulcer (DU) within 12 months after treatment is 70~90%. Since the identification of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) which has been confirmed to be the major causal agent of chronic antral gastritis, the close linkage between the chronic antral gastritis and DU, and the presence of H. pylori in the stomach of more than 90% of patients with DV have stimulated studies on the use of anti-H. pylori antimicrobial agents in DU. However, the definition of eradication related with the time at which assessment is made after the completion of therapy has not been unified, and moreover, there is no general agreement on how H. pylori should be eradicated. Methods: This study was performed for 190 DU patients and four different methods -culture, Gram stain of touch print, H&E stain, mucosal urease test-were taken for H. pylori test just before treating to identify the infection rate of H. pylori in DU patients, immediately after each 6 week ulcer therapy to assess the negative conversion rate of H. pylori, and 4 weeks later after the completion of ulcer therapy to find the eradication rate of H. pylori in each treatment group (cimetidine, omeprazole, colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS), CBS and metronidazole double therapy, CBS, metronidazole and amoxicillin triple therapy). To detect DU recurrence, the gastroscopy was performed at 6, 12 and 18 months after therapy. Results : 1) The infection rate of H. pylori in DU patients in Korea was 94.2%. 2) The negative conversion rate of U. pylori immediately after the therapy in cimetidine group was 0%, and that of omeprazole group was 16.7% but one half of the negative converted cases was converted to be positive 4 weeks later after the completion of therapy, so the eradication rate was 8.3%. In CBS group, the negative conversion rate was 33.3% but in all of these patients H. pylori convereted to be positive, so the eradication rate was 0%. In double therapy group, the negative conversion rate was 81.0% but 61.5% of these patients persisted to be negative 4 weeks later after therapy, so the eradication rate was 47.1% which is higher than that of cimetidine, of omeprazole, of CBS group. In triple therapy group, the negative conversion rate of H. pylori was 96.7%, and 92% of these patients persisted to be negative, so the eradication rate was 88.5%, which is higher than that of double therapy group. 3) The DU recurrence rate of cimetidine group was 63.6% in 1 year and 81.8% in 18 months later, respectively, and in omeprazole group that was 58.3% both in 1 year and 18 months later. In CBS group, that was 33.3% in 1 year and 44.4% in 1H months later. In double therapy group, that was 12.5% in 1 year and 18.8% in 18 months later, respectively. In triple therapy group, that was both 3.8% in 1 year and 18 months later. 4) When all of these patients were classified into two groups according to the eradication of H. pylori, the recurrence rate was 0% in the 32 patients with H. pylori eradicated, and that WBS 57.1% (24 patients) in the 42 patients with H. pylori not eradicated. Conclusion : From these results, we can conclude that in order to evaluate the eradication of H. pylori, it is more precise to assess the H. pylori 4 weeks later after the completion of therapy than immediately after the therapy, and the eradication of H. pylori in DU patients reduces the recurrence of DU.

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