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        문신용 염료에 들어 있는 유해화학물질(페놀)의 인체 위해성 평가

        조삼래,김경희,최재욱 한국환경보건학회 2019 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        Objectives: This study examined the safety of tattoo ink by analyzing the phenol contents in tattoo inks and its risk assessment of selected phenol. Methods: A sample of 30 tattoo inks was purchased, the phenol contents were analyzed, and a risk assessment on dermal exposure from tattooing was carried out. Hazard identification was collected from toxicity data on systemic effects caused by dermal exposure to phenol, and the most sensitive toxicity value was adopted. Exposure assessment (Exposure phenol ) was calculated by applying phenol contents and standard exposure factors, while dose-response assessment was based on the collected toxicity data and skin absorption rate of phenol, assessment factors (AFs) for derived no-effect level (DNEL demal ). In addition, the risk characterization was calculated by comparing the risk characterization ratio (RCR) with Exposure phenol and DNEL dermal Results: The phenol concentration in the 30 products was from 1.4 to 649.1 µg/g. The toxicity value for systemic effects of phenol was adopted at 107 mg/kg. Exposure phenol in tattooing was from 0.000087 to 0.040442 mg/kg. DNEL dermal was calculated at 0.0072 mg/kg (=toxicity value 107 mg/kg ÷ AFs 650 × skin absorption rate 4.4%). Thirteen out of 30 products showed an RCR between 1.02 and 5.62. The RCR of all red inks was above 1. Conclusions: Phenol was detected in all of the 30 tattoo inks, and the RCR of 13 products above 1 indicates a high level of risk concern, making it necessary to prepare safety management standards for phenol in tattoo inks.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        공단지역과 비공단지역내의 삼림에 서식하는 토양미소절지동물 분포의 비교

        조삼래 한국생태학회 1999 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.22 No.1

        The author studied the soil microarthropoda's fauna, vertical distribution, seasonal fluctuation, and the relationship between the number of soil microarthropoda and environmental factor(pH) in survey area. 3949 soil microarthropoda were collected in survey area. They included Arachnida(48.6%), Collembola(23.5%), Hymenoptera(l9.9%), and Isoptera, etc. Fresh length was the longest(1l3.6 mm) in broad-leaf forest on Mt. Chilgap which is non-industrial complex area, and the shortest(46.8 mm) in pine forest at Yochon industrial complex. The population density of soil microarthropoda was the highest in summer and the lowest in winter. The number of soil microarthropoda was higher in Mt. Keryong and Chilgap, non-industrial complex area, than Yochon and Daesan, industrial complex area. The number of soil microarthropoda increased from spring to summer and decreased from autumn to winter. Vertically, soil microarthropoda were more abundant in the second layer subsoil(0∼5 cm) in spring, in the first layer(5∼10 cm) in summer and autumn, and in the third layer(0∼15 cm) in winter. Diversity index was higher in non-industrial area(1.02) than industrial complex area(0.73). Biodiversity index was the highest in the second soil layer, in pine forest on Mt. Keryong(l.60) and the lowest in the third soil layer, in broad leaf-forest, at Daesan industrial complex(0.24). 공단지역과 비공단지역의 삼림에서 토양미소절지동물의 개체군 밀도, 수직 및 계절적 분포 그리고 토양산도와의 관계를 비교 조사하였다. 조사지역 토양에서 관찰·분리된 토양미소절지동물은 총 3950개체 이었으며, 그 중 제일 많은 개체수는 거미강으로 총 1,918개체로 전체 의 약 48.5%를 차지하였다. 체장이 가장 길은 곳은 칠갑산의 낙엽수림이며(113.6 mm), 가장 짧은 곳은 대산지역의 낙엽활엽수림지역이었다(46.8 mm). 토양소동물의 개체수는 봄에서 여름에 걸쳐 증가하였고, 가을과 겨울로 갈수록 감소하는 추세를 보였다. 계절에 따른 수직분포상황은 전체적으로 봄에는 중층부에서 많이 나타났고 여름과 가을은 상층부에서 그리고 겨울은 하층부에 많이 분포하는 것으로 나타났다. 종다양도지수는 비공단지역(1.02)이 공단지역(0.73)보다 높았고 가장 높은 곳은 계룡산 침엽수림의 중층(5∼10 cm)에서 1.60이었고, 가장 낮은 곳은 대산 낙엽수림의 심층(10∼15 cm)에서 0.24로 나타났다.

      • 붉은머리오목눈이 Paradoxornis webbiana 소리의 구조 및 의미분석에 관한 연구

        조삼래 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所. 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        붉은머리오목눈이 소리의 구조 및 의미에 대해 알아보기 위해 1998년 10월 부터 1999년 10월 까지 충남 연기군 금남면 대평리, 계룡산, 칠갑산, 공산성, 공주 금강교 일대의 갈대숲, 공주대학 교내 등 총 231개체를 대상으로 녹음을 실시하였다. 소리빈도의 특징에서 수컷은 계절이 변화됨에 따라 소리의 사용빈도의 증감이 뚜렷하게 나타났으며, 시기에 따라 차이는 있으나 일출 및 일몰 2~3시전 ·후에 가장 많은 소리를 사용하였다. 소리유형에 대한 구조적 특징을 알아보기 위해 35가지 소리를 이용해 조사한 결과 소리 유형은 총 5가지로 나타났으며, 그 중 2 Note type이 13가지(37.14%)로 가장 많이 사용한 것으로 나타났다. 소리 의미로 분석한 결과 (1) Song, (2) Flying call, (3) Signal call, (4) Alarm call, (5) Urgent call로 분석되었다. 소리의 다양성은 음절의 시간을 조절함으로써 소리의 레파토리를 증가시키는 것으로 사료된다. We have recorded the sounds on 231 individuals in Kumnam-myon, Mt. Kyeryong. Mt. Chilgap, Kongsansung, a field of reeds, Kumkang and Kongju National Univ. ln order to understand sound structure and meaning of Crow Tit, from October 1998 to October 1999. The Sound frequency have appeared fluctuation according to season and different to time in males. The peak time of sound was 2 to 3 hours after sunrise and before sunset, especially. The structural feature of sound type of 35 sounds have appeared a total of 5 note types. Among them, 2 note type was the most dominant type than any other note tvpe. We found out that there were ① Song, ② Flying call, ③ Signal call, ④ Alarm call and ⑤ Urgent call of sound meaning and sound diversify increased sound repertories by regulating note time.

      • 韓國의 흑두루미 Grus minacha Temminck의 越冬生態에 關한 硏究

        趙三來,元炳旿 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1990 연구보고 Vol.3 No.-

        The census, food habitat, carrying capacity, energy budgets and time budgets of Hooded cranes(Grus monacha were studied from October 1987 to March 1990 in Korea. Population food and foraging habitat requirements with availability were investigated and compared among 4 wintering areas. About 200-300 population of the Hooded cranes wintered or staged on the paddy fields of western Taegu region from late October to middle February. Waste rice grain in harvested paddy fields was the primary food and the main source of Hooded cranes during the period of their winter and spring migration. Hooded cranes ate >98% rice grains in paddy fields and ate <1% plants tubers and vegetables in upland fields. Time and energy budgets were quantified for the Hooded cranes' wintering behavior in western Taegu region. The Hooded cranes spent more time on gleaning in November(p<0.01) and more time on probing in February(p<0.01). Juveniles spent more time on searching, gleaning, probing and locomotion than adults (p<0.01). In 1989-90, the Hooded cranes spent more time on probing(p<0.01) and less time on gleaning and resting than other years(p<0.01). There were many different kinds of stimuli causing disturbance in cranes. They might be moving objects such as men, cars, cultivators, motor cycles, or running dogs and immovable obstructions to open view such as trees, mountains, green houses and electric transmission towers, etc. Among these the most prominent disturbing stimulus seemed to be men. The mean density of waste rice grain deceased from 3.52g dry wt/㎡ in October to 2.08g dry wt/㎡ in March after the departure of the Hooded cranes(p<0.05). The amount of rice grains necessary to meet daily food requirements was quantified for each wintering area to assist managers in determining carrying capacity of the Hooded cranes and availablity of adequate food supplies besed on crane-use days. Therefore, rice availability of this area is unlikely to affect 400-450 Hooded cranes' use of the wintering areas unless cropping practices or fall tillage reduce the areas of harvested paddy fields. These cranes should be not only preserved but also properly administered with such facilities as feeding stations which artificially provide food which will supplement the lack of natural food in the wintering period for the long-term conservation of the endagered cranes which are natural monuments for all human beings. Accordingly, this area should be strictly prohibited and prevented from environmental devastation and contamination for the wintering ground of Hooded cranes.

      • 大邱地方의 (Crus monacha Temminck)흑두루미 越冬生態

        趙三來 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1988 과학교육연구 Vol.20 No.1

        흑두루미는 國祭自然保護聯盟(IUCN) 의 赤色目錄에 符號 46號로 登錄돼 있고 우리나라에서는 天然記念物 第228號로 指定 保護하고 있는 減種危機의 種으로써 慶北 高靈群 茶山面과 大邱市 西區 파호동 一帶를 오가며 매년 約 200 ∼ 500마리가 越冬을 한다. 本 調査는 흑두루미의 越冬生態와 保護管理를 위한 基礎資料로써 1986年 10月부터 1988年 12月까지 調査地城에서의 흑두루미 行動 및 食餌物은 採食地인 논뚝과 논바닥에 100㎝×100㎝의 方形區를 땅속 20㎝ 깊이까지 各 5區城을 說定하여 調査한 것이다. 主 採食地인 논바닥에서는 주로 벼 낱알을 採食하였으며 이 벼의 平均 乾重量은 22.43g /㎡였다. 논뚝에서는 植物體가 10科 23種 1,716個體와 動物體가 11種 149個體가 採集되었는데 植物體중 優占種은 물쑥이 全 植物 個體數의 約 24.78%, 좀바랭이와 파대가리가 各各 18.12%, 14.86% 였으며 動物體의 優占種은 거미류가 全 動物體 中 53%, 딱정벌레 目이 12%, 개구리와 쥐며느리가 各各 6.7 %와 5.4 %였다.

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