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      • KCI등재후보

        유해화학물질 사고 후 영향평가 개선방안 연구

        조문식(Mun Sik Cho),윤영삼(Young Sam Yoon),김기준(Ki Joon Kim),박연신(Yuon Shin Park),권용호(Yong Ho Kwon),천광수(Kwang Soo Chun),윤준헌(Jun heon Yoon) 한국위험물학회 2013 한국위험물학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        Chemical accidents could cause serious damage not only to accident areas but to residents and surrounding environments. It is hard to accurately predict the scope of damage as implications of chemical accidents linger for long time. To accurately assess the scope and degree of damage, it is required to conduct continuous monitoring of public health and environment in the accident site. To establish a scientific system capable of forecasting any potential damage from chemical spills, comprehensive measures are needed, covering from restoration procedures, roles of institutes concerned, specific implementation plan and institutional framework. However, currently in Korea, a wide array of countermeasures and response systems are in operation in case of chemical accidents while, there is no established management system to deal with the accidents. For this reason, this study suggested preliminary measures to introduce an environmental health risk assessment system to help investigate the environmental effects of chemical spills. The system consists of 3 stages: accident identification, confirmation of PBT under REACH and expert judgement. To confirm the type of chemicals in a prompt manner, 40 physiochemical properties and 78 hazard categories were suggested. Additionally, in case of investigating the environmental effects, implementation measures were divided into 15 stages from monitoring to completion of restoration works with the detailed plan on what should be done by which institutes at each stage.

      • KCI등재후보

        독성 화학물질 누출사고 대응 기술연구

        윤영삼(Young Sam Yoon),조문식(Mun Sik Cho),김기준(Ki Joon Kim),이진선(Jin Seon Lee),박연신(Yuon Shin Park),황동건(Dong Gun Hwang),윤준헌(Jun heon Yoon),최경희(Kyung Hee Choi) 한국위험물학회 2014 한국위험물학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Since the unprecedented hydrogen fluoride leak accident in 2012, there has been growing demand for customized technical information for rapid response and chemical accident management agencies including the Ministry of Environment, the National Emergency Management Agency, and the National Police Agency need more information on chemicals and accident management. In this regard, this study aims to provide reliable technical data and guidelines to initial response agencies, similar to accident management technical reports of the US and Canada. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey and interviews on initial response agencies like fire stations, police stations, and local governments to identify new information items for appropriate initial response and improvements of current guidelines. We also collected and reviewed the Canada’s TIPS, US EPA’s hydrogen fluoride documents, domestic and foreign literature on applicability tests of control chemicals, and interview data, and then produced items to be listed in the technical guidelines. In addition, to establish database of on-site technical information, we carried out applicability tests for accident control data including ① emergency shut down devide, safety guard, shut down valve, ground connection, dyke, transfer pipe, scrubber, and sensor; ② literature and field survey on distribution type and transportation/storage characteristics (container identification, valve, ground connection, etc.); ③ classification and identification of storage/transportation facilities and emergency management methods like leak prevention, chemicals control, and cutoff or bypass of rain drainage; ④ domestic/foreign analysis methods and environmental standards including portable detection methods, test standards, and exposure limits; and ⑤ comparison/evaluation of neutralization efficiency of control chemicals on toxic substances.

      • KCI등재후보

        사고대비물질 취급자를 위한 비상대응계획 작성 프로그램 연구

        김성범(Sung Bum Kim),조문식(Mun Sik Cho),박춘화(Choon Hwa Park),윤이(Yi Yoon),황경섭(Kyung Sup Hwang),양상용(Sang Yong Yang) 한국방재안전학회 2010 한국방재안전학회 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        자체방제계획서는 위험물질의 등급 주위환경의 피해, 사고대응계획 등으로 구성된 체계적인 관리제도이다. 자체방제계획서 작성지원 프로그램의 개발 목적은 사고를 예방하고, 사고를 제어할 수 있도록 안전관리 시스템을 각 시설에 제공하는 것이다. 이 프로그램은 MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheet), SOP(Standard Operation Procedure), ERP(Emergency Response Plan) 등 일반적인 안전관련 자료를 포함하고 있다. 자체방제계획서는 위험 확인, 평가, 예방 계획, 안전 분석 등으로 구성되어있다. 또한, 자체방제계획서 작성지원 프로그램은 정부 또는 관련 기관이 중소기업에서 발생 가능한 사고를 관리하는데 유용하다. Emergency preparedness plan (EPP) is the systematic management of activities that involve a material degree of risk of loss or other damage to the surroundings (people, property and environment), and the boundary of accident recovery plan (ARP). The main purpose of the program is to provide a safety management system to each facility in order to enable to prevent accident and to control accident immediately. The EPP includes not only typical safety-related documentations such as material safety data sheet (MSDS), standard operation procedure (SOP), emergency response plan (ERP). EPP is established basis of the preliminary safety analysis involving risk identification, assessment and prevention plans. The program is also helpful for government or related agencies to control a number of accidents in small-scale companies in the whole country.

      • KCI등재후보

        화학물질 사이버감시단 활동 사례 분석을 통해 본 인터넷상 화학물질 불법ㆍ유해정보 관리전략의 필요성

        권용호(Yong Ho Kwon),조문식(Mun Sik Cho),김민정(Min Jung Kim),안성용(Sung Young Ahn),김기준(Ki Joon Kim),윤준헌(Junheon Yoon) 한국위험물학회 2013 한국위험물학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        The Internet is a great pool of information. The most of IED(Improvised explosive device) was manufactured based on the internet information and online illegal trade of raw materials. That is the reason that the government has to strengthen the internet surveillance. The Ministry of Environment established volunteer monitoring system which was consisted of 20 civilians. During 1 year term, they reported 437 suspicious sites and 51 sites were closed down by the authority. Illegal and hazard contents were used private homepage, company website, portal services and illegal homepage. Free board and blog are the favorable forms in illegal site. The most of them served the information about illegal trade of chemicals and IED manufacture methods. The volunteer monitoring system is a kind of voluntary service rather than official organization. So they have a lot of limitations. For the stable surveillance system, the mid and long term plan for sound management of illegal online information were needed.

      • KCI등재

        수단-목적 사슬이론에 따른 도보관광객의 가치추구 비교연구 : 지리산 둘레 길과 강릉지역 해파랑 길 관광객을 중심으로

        한학진 ( Hag Chin Han ),조문식 ( Mun Sik Cho ),신성원 ( Seong Won Shin ),배수현 ( Soo Hyun Bae ) 관광경영학회 2014 관광경영연구 Vol.62 No.-

        This study tries to compare the value pursuit of trekkers based on the different tourist destinations between Jirisan dulragil and Haeparanggil. The purpose of this study is to identify the trekker`s terminal value by using means-end chain theory and its laddering technic. Especially, this study attempted to compare between Jirisan dulralgil and Haeparanggil trekker`s value and value chain. An interview method used for data collection included a hard laddering approach which is most common in means-end theory. A total of 212 trekkers were interviewed at Jirisan dulragil and Haeparanggil in October 2012 and April 2013, respectively. Results of this study showed that the terminal value for Jirisan trekkers was “enjoyment and fun” and Haeparanggil trekkers was “enjoyment and fun”, “self-satisfaction”. The value chain for Jirisan trekkers was group trekking of “family or colleagues(A) “-”improve relationship among them(C) “-”belongings(V)”. and Haeparanggil trekkers was “family or colleagues(A) “-” improve relationship among them(C) “-” belongings(V)”. Through this results, two of the most important attributes are “various trekking courses and family”. This means trekking activity by various courses leads to improve the tight relationship among families or parties while their long togetherness. This results will help researchers and management of tourist attractions to give plentiful insights in understanding who trekkers are and what they really pursuit through trekking travel.

      • KCI등재후보

        질산누출 사고대응을 위한 탐지분석 및 환경영향에 관한 고찰

        이진선(Lee Jin Seon),정미숙(Mi Suk Jung),조문식(Mun Sik Cho),안성용(Young Seoung Ahn),김기준(Ki Joon Kim),윤영삼(Young Sam Yoon),윤준헌(Junheon Yoon),석광설(Kwang seol Seok) 한국위험물학회 2013 한국위험물학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        Nitric acid(HNO3) exists as fume in the atmosphere and flows into water in the form of acid rain by wet deposition. The effect of pH on the aqueous environment could result in a fish kill, which occurs when the pH in a water body is lowered rapidly. When released to soil, HNO3 finds its way down toward the ground water table. Upon reaching the ground water table, HNO3 continues to move, in direction of ground water flow. Therefore environmental impact assessment for ground water is needed. In this study, on-site rapid detection methods and official laboratory analytical methods were investigated. Applicable analytical methods were suggested considering environmental media by official analytical method investigations.

      • KCI등재후보

        농촌마을의 생활폐기물 처리실태 및 발생특성 연구

        이형진(Hyeong-Jin Lee),최훈근(Hun-Geun Choi),김성범(Sung-Bum Kim),조문식(Mun-Sik Cho),김성미(Seong-Mi Kim),박수정(Soo-Jeong Park),정일록(Il-Rok Chung),오길종(Gil-Jong Oh) 유기성자원학회 2006 유기물자원화 Vol.14 No.1

        마을단위의 폐기물관리개선 방안을 제시하기 위하여 전국의 14개 군을 현지 방문하여 마을단위의 폐기물관리계획 및 처리실태를 파악하였고 농촌폐기물의 관리실태 및 처리현황을 살펴보았다. 또한 2개 마을을 선정하여 마을에서 배출되는 생활폐기물의 발생량과 성상을 조사하고, 농촌지역에서 노천소각후의 소각잔재물을 채취하여 Pb 등 7개 중금속을 분석하였다. 1. 마을단위쓰레기종량제와 재활용품 분리수거 여부 등을 파악하기 위하여 담당공무원 및 마을이장을 대상으로 한 설문서의 회신율은 담당공무원 70.3%, 이장 31.8%이었다. 2. 농촌지역의 생활쓰레기의 발생량은 A마을 48.6g/인/일, B마을 54.3g/인/일로 나타나 전국의 생활폐기물 발생량 1.05kg/인 보다 적게 나타났으며 이러한 원인은 재활용품이 제외되고 가연성 물질을 소각하기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 3. 조사대상 14개 군의 마을단위쓰레기종량에 영향을 미칠 것으로 생각되는 인구구조의 고령화단계를 살펴보면 2개 군은 고령화사회, 8개 군은 고령사회, 4개 군은 초고령사회에 해당하였고, 재정자립도와 청소예산재정자립도 평균은 각각 16.1%, 17.9%로 나타나, 전국 평균(57.2%, 31.4%)보다 크게 낮아 농촌지역의 마을단위쓰레기종량제 정착에 저해요인의 하나로 판단된다. In order to improve the waste management system for the unit of small villages, we visited 14 counties nationwide and investigated the present conditions of the farming and fishing villages on waste management. First, we selected one concentrated residential type village and one separated residential type village. Then we investigated the quantities and the characteristics of the domestic wastes generated from the 2 sample villages that we chose early on. The concentration of 7 heavy metals in open burned residuals was analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) We distributed the 799 questionnaires to public servants (83 Gun, 716 Myon) and 337 questionnaires to residents. n accordance with a result of questionnaire on the Volume-Based Waste Fee System, the rate of participated questionnaire was 70.3% from public servants and 31.8% from residents. (2) From the survey on two chosen villages, the generation of municipal waste was 48.6g/person/day in A Village, 54.3g/person/day in B Village. This amount was smaller than that of national average of 1.05kg because of excluding recyclable wastes and some of incinerated combustible waste. (3) The 14 counties entered the aged society. There were 2 aging societies, 8 aged societies and 4 super-aged societies. And the average ratios of Public financial independence and waste budget of financial independence were 16.1% and 17.9% respectively. These are lower than that of national average of 57.2% and 31.4%. This indicates that these factors seemed to be operated with the hindrance insettling Volume-Based Waste Fee System in the small villages.

      • KCI등재후보

        불화수소에 대한 사고대응 정보시트 개발

        윤영삼(Young Sam Yoon),박연신(Yuon Shin Park),김기준(Ki Joon Kim),이진선(Jin Seon Lee),조문식(Mun Sik Cho),황동건(Dong Gun Hwang),윤준헌(Jun heon Yoon),최경희(Kyung Hee Choi) 한국위험물학회 2014 한국위험물학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        We analyzed the demand of competent authorities requiring adequate technical information for initial investigation of chemical accidents. Reflecting technical reports on chemical accident response by environmental agencies in the U.S. and Canada, we presented information on environmental diffusion and toxic effects available for the first chemical accident response. Hydrogen fluoride may have the risk potential to corrode metals and cause serious burns and eye damages. In case of inhalation or intake, it could have severe health effects. The substance itself is inflammable, but once heated, it decomposes producing corrosive and toxic fume. In case of contact with water, it can produce toxic, corrosive, flammable or explosive gases and its solution, a strong acid, may react fiercely with a base. In case of hydrogen fluoride leak, the preventive measures are to decrease steam generation in exposed sites, prevent the transfer of vapor cloud and promptly respond using inflammable substances including calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, ground limestone, dried soil, dry sand, vermiculite, fly ash and powder cement. The method for fire fighting is to suppress fire with manless hose stanchions or monitor nozzles by wearing the whole body protective clothing equipped with over-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus from distance. In case of transport accident accompanied with fire, evacuation distance is 1,600m radius. In cae of fire, fire suppression needs to be performed using dry chemicals, CO2, water spray, water fog, and alcohol-resistance foam, etc. The major symptoms by exposure route are dyspnoea, bronchitis, chemical pneumonia and pulmonary edema for respiration, skin laceration, dermatitis, burn, frostbite and erythema for eyes, and nausea, diarrhea, stomachache, and tissue destruction for digestive organs. In atmosphere, its persistency is low, and its bioaccumulation in aquatic organism is also low.

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