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      • KCI등재후보

        中國土地所有權의 法律制度에 대한 考察

        趙東濟(Cho Dong-Je) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2009 東亞法學 Vol.- No.44

        With the development of social economy, land ownership system of china demonstrates many drawbacks. Nominal subject of land ownership is the deep-seated reason land problems in China now. The difference that owned by public system in land with private legal theory makes the property law of China meet an unprecedented challenge, the national and holding power gathers the civil corpus and the administration corpus as one, the easy to government make use of behavior to carry on an aggressive intervention to the land with insure the exploitation of land can be kept on, but it is possible that the influence of exorbitant intervention make less efficiency of land exploitation, intervention of the form mainly should be the strict performance the plans of land. Such as the subject of collective ownership of land nominal to put, the object of the right of ownership boundary line unclear landing to a lot of land is barren and interests of peasants damaged. Through the description and analysis of the historical changes of Chinese rural land property rights system, can clearly see an important influence of the Chinese rural land property system in the process of reform and opening-up as well as its important role.

      • KCI등재

        중국 농촌토지수급경영권 주식산입(入股)에 대한 법적 검토

        조동제(Cho, Dong-Je) 한국재산법학회 2011 재산법연구 Vol.27 No.3

        토지는 농업발전의 기초이며 농민생활의 보장이기도하다. 토지제도의 개선은 중국의“3농문제”의 해결에 중요한 영향을 준다. 농업의 미시적 경제 기초와 거시적 사회 환경이 날로 변화함에 따라 가정수급경영제도의 결함이 점차적으로 드러나 농민들이 취득할 수 있는 수익을 저해하고 농업의 진일보한 발전을 제약하고 있다. 농촌토지주식합작제는 중국 특징의 역사적 시기의 산물이며 농촌토지유동제도의 혁신적인 형식이다. 이는 가정연합도급책임제의 의미를 풍부하게 하여 토지규모경영의 실행과 현대화 농업의 건설에 중요한 의의를 가지고 있다. 농촌토지수급경영권의 주식산입은 농촌토지집체토지소유권의 성질을 변화하지 않는 전제하에 농가가 가정토지수급경영권을 자본으로 하여 기업에 투입하고 회사화의 방식으로 토지경영권에 대해서 규모화 운행을 실행하여 최대한 토지의 부가가치의 효과와 수익을 발휘하는 것을 말한다. 토지유동의 새로운 체제를 건립하고 농업의 산업화.규모화 경영을 추진하는 것은 근년 이래 토지재산권제도개혁의 주요 방향이다. 실무운영 중에서 중경시 등 일부 지역은 집체토지수급경영권으로 주식산입의 혁신적인 제도를 대담하게 실행하여 토지 개혁의 시험을 진행하여 주목을 받고 있다. 농촌토지를 충분히 이용하고 농민을 위해 최대한의 수익을 쟁취하기 위하여 농촌토지수급경영권 주식산입으로 기업을 설립하는 방식을 실행하여 토지이용률을 확대하고 최대 수익을 실현하고 있다. 이러한 혁신적인 제도는 토지의 이용가치의 제고와 도농통합발전에 유리하지만 동시에 토지수급경영권의 주식산입은 법률상의 어려움이 존재한다. 중국은 아직 이와 관련된 법률.법규가 완벽하지 못하다. 따라서 이러한 개혁은 필연적으로 많은 법률의 충돌을 일으키고 있다. 그렇지만 농업기업법 수립과 철저한 제3차 토지개혁의 진행을 통하여 효과적으로 법률적 충돌을 해결할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 철저한 토지개혁의 진행은 중국의 국가.집체이원화토지소유구조에서 일어나는 문제를 근본적인 해결의 근원이 될 수 있어 입법자는 중시하여 볼 필요가 있다. 따라서 토지수급경영권의 주식산입을 견지하는 것은 앞으로 토지개혁의 방향과 추세인 동시에 토지수급경영권 주식산입에 따른 일련의 조치를 개선하는데 노력해야 할 것이다. Land is not only the basis of agricultural development ,but also protect the lives of farmers, improve the land system in China relate the three rural issues resolved. With the change in micro economic foundation of agriculture and macro social environment, the limitation of the household contract responsibility system appeared gradually, which preventing the farmers access to the expected benefits and restricting the further development of agriculture. Recently, the land property right reform mainly focuses on establishing new mechanism of land transfer, promoting agriculture industrialization and large scale management. In order to fully utilize rural land and obtain the largest profit for peasants, a t present, some regions of China carry out the policy for making rural contracted land use rights become a shareholder of an enterprise. The rural land joint-stock cooperation system was a form of institutional innovation of farmland circulation system at the certain historical period. It enriched the connotation of the household contract responsibility system and showed a great significance to achieve large-scale management and agricultural modernization. Therefore, on the one hand, the experimentation is the orientation of the future land reform, on the other hand, the auxiliary measures shall be explored. Because China does not have matched laws and regulations, Especially, thorough land reform can basically solve all problems from nation - collective dual land ownership structure, which should be emphasized by legislators. In my opinion, at present there are a series of risks of economy、law and policy to buy stock with the rural land contracting operating right.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        中國 農村家庭土地受給經營權 流動化에 따른 과제

        조동제(Cho Dong-Je),沈萍(Shen Ping) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2010 東亞法學 Vol.- No.48

        The significance of studying Rural Land Contractual Management Right is set by the importance of the Rural Land Contractual Management System, which has tremendous influence in Chinese Land legislation, with its core part of guaranteeing the transferring of Management Right of Land Contract(hereinafter called the Transferring System). Nowadays during the process of reform and opening up, with the development of industrialization and marketability, to innovate the Transferring System, establish and keep improving the allocation mechanism of the rural land resource according to the rules of market-oriented economy, became the key for solving the Three Dimensional Rural Issues. However, the Transferring System still meets problems while execution, due to the lack of a sound and unified market, as well as the imperfectness of the existing Rural Land System. The author of this thesis raised her own idea and suggestion toward these problems, by the way of analysing the existing circumstance and the barriers during the execution of the Transferring System, under the policy of Balance Urban and Rural Development.

      • KCI등재

        교회건축의 형태 표현에 관한 연구

        조동제(Dong-Je Cho),김종영(Jong-Young Kim) 한국산업융합학회 2004 한국산업융합학회 논문집 Vol.7 No.3

        Forms provide meaning and deep correlation with human life All religion has symbolity through form expressions. The symbols of christanity is architectural interpreation to express the symbol of glories Form expression was Investigator from architectural design. Expression is regarded as Important from the view of forms Form expressions are the motivation of expressing religion as an architectural factor. Form expression is one of proassing from architectural position Also It is the basic data of expressing glory from the architectural designer. So planning of church should be the harmony between city view and acceptance of love<br/>

      • KCI등재

        중국 기업의 시장 접근제도에 관한 소고

        조동제 ( Dong Je Cho ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.3

        As the enterprises being the most important parts in the market, the rationality of market access system of enterprises has great effect to the economic development. But this system has been dropped behind during the conversing period from planning to marketing. The market access means the permission of entering the market. It is a kind of control on products and services of the market subjects in such issues as entering and going out of market by setting some conditions. Market access is the direct control or intervention that the government (or country) allows market players and trading partners to enter a particular market to do, according to certain rules, in order to overcome market failures and achieve some sort of public policy. The main market access system is to establish and improve the socialist market economic system and the protection of the foundation. The market access law is a total of law rules that the government uses to regulate the market entry and exit of the market players, and the products and service they provide, in order to raise the late of resources distribution, prevent disorderly competition and protect economic security. Defining from the characteristics, law of market access has the features of public law while mixing some factors of private law. It is an organic body including substantial law and procedural law; it has a main part of law concerned with subjects in market while a miner part of law dealing with actions. In a word ,the law of market access belongs to economic law and it is an important part of law that regulates the markets on the whole. However, because China`s current laws and regulations are not perfect, leading to the main body of China`s market access system for there are many disadvantages. Such as: incomplete registration laws, registration system is imperfect, complicated registration procedures, registration requirements and other restrictions too. Therefore, further reform and improve the market access system in China is a priority. Since the requirement the market access asks governmental regulation for is effected by diverse factors, this demand-and-supply is changing dynamically. The establishment of China`s market economy as well as the corresponding market access system for business establishment, has brought variety of forms of enterprises, and promote the prosperity and development of the market, but the standard of fairness to the formation of China`s accession to the WTO the international competitiveness of the requirement to measure the environment, China`s market access mechanism for surviving in a number of defects, how to reform the system of perfecting China`s market access will become an important research topic, this article in the title Analysis of Chinese enterprises focus on the basic pattern of market access, analysis of its non-adaptive, thinking about reforming and perfecting the program.

      • KCI등재

        中國 農村土地受給經營權에 관한 법적 검토

        조동제(Cho, Dong-je) 한국재산법학회 2012 재산법연구 Vol.29 No.3

        중국경제체제개혁의 목표 모델은 사회주의시장경제체제의 수립이다. 중국 농촌의 역사적 발전 상황과 현행 법률의 입법목적에서 보면, 가정수급경영권은 그 성질상 구성원권속성을 구비하고 있고, 그 실질적 권리 주체는 집체경제조직 구성원으로 되어 있다. 또한 농촌집체경제조직구성원은 그 구성원 신분에 따라 평등한 권리를 향유하고 있다. 물권법의 시행에 따라 토지수급경영권의 물권성질은 점진적으로 인정을 받게 되어 토지수급경영권을 일종의 용익물권으로 삼게 되었다. 가정도급은 농촌토지수급경영 중에서 매우 주요한 방식 중의 하나이다. 가정도급 토지에 대해서는 물권적 보호를 실시하고 토지수급경영권에 대해서 당사자의 권리의무관계를 수립하고 있다. 그리고 기타 형식으로 도급한 토지에 대해서는 채권보호를 실행하고 당사자의 권리 의무, 도급기간(承包期) 및 도급비용 등은 모두 계약으로 정하며 도급기간내에도 당사자는 협상을 통해 변경할 수 있도록 하였다. 토지수급경영권의 권리 주체가 집체경제조직 구성원 인가 또는 농가(農戶) 인가는 직접적으로 그 권리의 이익 귀속 및 존속과정 중의 권리 변경에 직접적으로 영향을 미친다. 오늘날 법학이론에서는 중국사회주의시장경제 발전의 진전 과정 중에서 농촌토지수급 경영권의 유동문제를 연구의 초점으로 삼고 있다. 질서 있는 농촌토지수급경영권의 유통기제는 농민의 이익 실현에 관련되어 있고, 더욱이 농업생산과 농촌개혁, 발전과 안정적인 정세에 관련이 있다. 농촌토지수급경영권의 주체를 개선하는데 있어서 채권행위와 물권행위를 구분하여 토론할 필요가 있다. 권리주체가 변하지 않는 하도급, 임대 등 채권처분행위에 대하여는 계약자유의 원칙을 존중하여야 한다. 그러나 권리주체의 변화를 특성으로 하는 양도, 교환과 주식산입 등 물권처분행위에 대해서는 토지수급경영권의 사회보장직능을 분리하여 농촌사회보장체계를 개선하는 전제하에서 협조와 보살핌을 주어야 한다. Establishing a perfect socialist economy system has always been the purpose of the economic system reform in China. Three important resources to constitute the productivity are labor force, capital, and land, which also called three factors. The sign of the final formation of the market economy is that these three factors of productivity are allocated through market mechanisms in the main part. Property Law in China recognizes the property nature of the right to land contractual management, and treats it as an independent usufructuary property rights. Considering from the history and specification perspective, the household contractual management rights have the nature of rights to membership. What’s more, the substantive rights of the subject should be a member of collective economic organization, and the form of the subject should be individual farmers. In short, the right should be an equal enjoyment of rights for each member of the collective economic organization in nature. Household contractual management rights are one of the main forms of the rights of rural land contractual management. The subject of contractual management rights will decide the profit ownership of the rights, and it will affect its rights to change the form. The circulation problems of the rights of rural land contractual management has became a hot research topic in current legal theory. Therefore, the development of socialist market economic in depth will depend on the formation of a perfect rural land circulation market, so as to promote a reasonable circulation and effective allocation of agricultural production factors. The orderly circulation mechanisms of rights of rural land contractual management are both related to the realization of the vital interests of farmers, but also related to agricultural production, rural reform, development and stabilization. A distinction should be made between the creditor behavior and the behavior of real right to be discussed, while we improve the subject of the rural land contractual system. For the behavior of bond disposition like the subcontract, lease which does not change the subjects of the contracts, we should respect the freedom principle of contract, recognize it and protect it. Meanwhile, for the behavior of disposition of property rights which changes the subject of rights such as, transfer, exchange, and shares, we should support it on the premise that the rural social security has been perfected and the social security function inherent in the land management right has been stripped. The legal system of rural land contractual management rights about transferring is still not perfect. Consequently, the thesis argues that the legal system should be perfect though two aspects: on one hand, from the perfect start of the right of its own, strengthening the real right attribute of contractual right of the rural land, and bestowing complete land title on the farmers; on the other hand, from the improvement of the system, improving the registration system of the rural land assignment and the compensation mechanism of the rural land expropriation, and establishing a sound market mechanism for the rural transferring operation.

      • KCI등재

        中國 建設用地使用權의 出讓에 관한 法的 檢討

        趙東濟(Cho, Dong-Je),沈 萍(Shen, Ping) 한국재산법학회 2010 재산법연구 Vol.26 No.3

        引 言 中国国有建设用地使用权利用走过了一条无偿无期限无流动到有偿有期限有流动的自我更新之路。2003年开始,国家正式提出运用土地政策参与宏观调控。数年的立法和调控历程中的种种政策,逐步形成了一个土地使用权出让的法律体系。 2007年10月1日实施的《物权法》对建设用地使用权的内容专门分章规定,并把建设用地使用权正式列为用益物权范畴,从而以法的形式明确了土地有偿使用制度改革的成果。同年,国土资源部根据《物权法》对《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规定》修正为《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有建设用地使用权规定》,对招拍挂出让国有建设用地的范围、原则、程序和合同签订进行了明确规定。2008年《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》施行,加强了对土地出让合同的管理。 不能忽视的是,除法律外,中国建设用地使用权出让还充斥着大量的政策。据不完全统计,2003年以来,国家发布的仅涉及土地宏观调控政策的文件有60多个,形成了由宏观到微观、由原则到具体操作层面较为完整的政策体系。 但由于目前中国建设用地使用权出让法律制度尚处于创建和不断修正阶段,在立法和实践中仍存在着诸多问题。《物权法》中存在大量的“依照法律规定”等原则性的提法,为今后修改和调整土地管理法律等行政法律留下了余地。无疑,借《物权法》出台契机,逐步修改与该法脱节的法律,建立并完善国有土地使用权出让法律体系,具有重要的意义。由此,从建设用地使用权出让法律问题进行探讨就具备了一定的理论意义和实用价值。 一、建设用地使用权的概念 (一)中国不同时期法律文件中的建设用地使用权 “建设用地”的用语很早就出现在中国的各种法律文件之中。1958年国务院公布的《国家建设征用土地办法》就已经使用了建设用地的概念。此后,在一些法规文件中建设用地的概念一直被沿用。1998年修订后的《中华人民共和国土地管理法》开始使用了建设用地使用权的概念,该法第11条在农民集体所有的土地依法用于非农业建设的场合,使用了建设用地使用权。同时,在该法第五章“建设用地”中,规定了建设单位使用国有土地的国有土地使用权。在当时出台的《城市规划法》、《城市房地产管理法》等法律文件中都体现了相同的用法。这一时期的“建设用地使用权”的概念已经形成,主要用来表述农村集体土地用于非农业建设的场合的土地使用权,和“国有土地使用权”成了并列的法律概念。 (二)《物权法》中的建设用地使用权概念 根据《物权法》第135条的规定,建设用地使用权是指权利人为了利用土地建造建筑物、构筑物及其附属设施而依法对国家所有的土地享有占有、使用和收益的物权。因此,《物权法》颁布后,不仅以建设用地使用权的概念替代了土地使用权的概念,而且建设用地使用权的概念发生了一个有趣的转变:由原本仅用于表述对集体所有土地进行利用的概念变成了仅用于表述对国家所有土地进行利用的概念。这种概念内涵的平移,产生了对集 With the deepening of the reform on land use system, laws and policies for construction land use rights transfer have been made and developed. As China is reforming from planning economy to market economy, the right of use in state-owned construction land develops into a new stage of being paid, time-limited, and circulating. Land policies have been an indispensable part of macro-regulation of economy since 2003. A law and policy system has been set up after several years’ effort on legislation and regulation. Based on the land use reform, "construction land use rights" has gained its legal status, according to Property Law promulgated in 2007. Property Law provides a wider range, as well as the ways, of land-use transfer, compared with Real Estate Management Law. Land Management Law, Urban Real Estate Administration Law, and other administration rules and regulations were the main provisions of land-use transfer before Property Law was issued. Construction land use rights transfer is a state monopoly. Its legal system consists of civil law system, land administration, economic legal system, and various relevant policies. Problems exist, since China is undergoing a stage of constructing and revising law policies of land-use rights transfer. The formulation of principles by Property Law leaves room for revision and adjustment of land management laws. The promulgation of Property Law provides a good chance to revise, establish, and improve the law system of the state-owned construction land-use rights transfer. This thesis explores the legislative defects and the practical problems of the present land-use rights transfer through analyzing the basic theories and present law regulations, and puts forward the ideas of improvement on the law of construction land transfer. This thesis consists of four parts:

      • KCI등재

        중국(中國) 건설용지사용권(建設用地使用權) 유동제도(流動制度)의 법률적 검토

        조동제 ( Dong Je Cho ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2010 서울대학교 法學 Vol.51 No.3

        In China, with the establishment of the system of compensated land-use, according to the law the land for construction use which should be compensated is all included in compensation for the use; and then formed a primary land market which takes lease and grant of the land-use rights as the main body, and a secondary land market which takes transfer, sublease, exchange, and mortgage of the land-use rights as the main subjects. Primary land market can be said as the vertical movement of the land use rights, and their task is to realize the initial allocation of land resources. Secondary land market is the horizontal movement of the land use rights, and their task is to realize the re-allocation of land resources. In the primary market, the ratio of leasing the construction land-use rights by bidding, auction, and listing has been improved significantly. In the secondary market, the land-use rights are primarily circulated by transferring, leasing, and mortgage. The convergence between the primary and the secondary urban land market provide the necessary platform for the important production factor-urban land-use rights; constitute a crisis-cross network for circulating of the land-use rights; and improve the utilization efficiency of land resources. Motivated by the macro-control in China, since the establishment of the compensated use of land, land-use rights transactions become more active. The reason is that high-quality land scarcity in the currently open market, under this situation, the developer getting the ideal land-use rights from the primary market becoming more difficult. Instead of the primary market, the secondary provide many ways for the developers to get land-use rights. However, in the current land-use rights administration is not standardized and not well formed. The land-use right problems are exposed in the secondary market, Characterized by that the invisible land transaction in secondary market is extremely active.

      • KCI등재후보

        中國 農村宅地使用權에 관한 법적 검토

        조동제(Cho Dong-Je),심평(Shen Ping) 한국재산법학회 2008 재산법연구 Vol.25 No.1

          After Decades of years of reform and opening policy in China, lots of achievements, which are about the reconstruction of property rights to the use of land in China, have been reached at theoretical level. Property Law in 2007,Doing away with the out-of-date theories and creating new ones are a general trend. However, why did the legislators make such a choice that goes against the public idea again? We try to describe and analysis the qualification and the licility of the right in the Chinese Rural Housing Land by following sections.<BR>  First, on the basis of the Methodology of Institutional Change Theory, the author describes and analysis the history and development of the right in the China Rural Housing Land. Could help people to understand the situation of today and the future of the right in rural housing land.<BR>  Second, the author defines the concept and the property of the right in rural housing land, a general concept in China of the right to the use in rural housing land is an usufructuary right, obviously ignore the fact of ideology features of China legislation system. It is the most possibly an ideal decision to meet the traditional theory of the law and the provisional economical system. It could not explain validity of the right in rural housing land under the China public ownership system. The authors persist on that the usufructuary right and right in rural housing land are complex rights, one should impersonally understand these right when study right in the Rural Housing Land.<BR>  Third, research the mainstay, achieve, circulation of the right in the Rural Housing Land, analysis more depth in the manner of the circulation of the right in rural housing land, studies more in details on the defects of the existing circulations system, putting forward some feasible suggestions on the defects.

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