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        『승정원일기』를 통해 살펴본 현종에 대한 오수혈 활용

        정유옹,한봉재,정지훈 한국의사학회 2022 한국의사학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        『승정원일기』의 현종대에 실린 기사를 분석하여 오수혈을 어떻게 활용하였는지 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 현종에 대한 오수혈의 활용은 대부분의 경락의 오수혈이 골고루 활용되었으며, 족소음신경의 오수혈은 한 혈도 활용되지 않았다. 2. 현종에 대한 오수혈의 활용은 정형수경합혈 중 정혈, 수혈, 합혈이 고르게 활용되었으며, 그 중에서 정혈의 활용이 두드러진다. 3. 현종에 대한 오수혈을 활용함에 많이 치료한 병증은 안질, 발열, 감모 등이다. 대부분의 열성질환에 오수혈이 활용되었음을 알 수 있다. 4. 현종에 대하여 오수혈을 활용하여 시술할 때 침술과 구술의 비율은 95.7:4.3 정도로 침술을 많이 활용하였다. 이는 오수혈의 위치 때문임을 알 수 있다.

      • 金烏 金洪卿의 金烏一鍼歌 연구 - 三符鍼法 중심으로

        정유옹,안상우 사암침법학회 2019 사암침법학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Kim Hong-Kyeong is a scholar who studies a traditional Korean acupuncture method called SAAM acupuncture. He has taught Korean traditional medicine students about SAAM acupuncture since 1984. He has also devised Cheon-Boo acupuncture method, SAM-BOO acupuncture method, Sam-Tae-Keuk acupuncture method and Soon-Ki-Hwal-Hyeol acupuncture method by differentiating the basis of identifying the cause. He summarized the principles of SAAM acupuncture techniques in the form of four-word poetry so that students could study them easily. This is the so-called ‘KEUM-OH ILCHIMGA’. Let’s take a look at the ‘KEUM-OH ILCHIMGA’ focusing on SAM-BOO acupuncture he invented. Kim Hong-Kyung believes it is safe and less side-effects as he uses the SAM-BOO points, which makes up three of the five elements. It also explained that there is an advantage of being able to treat various causes together because it strengthens three of the five elements. So far, SAAM acupuncture has been emphasized differentiation of the six meridians and organs. However, the SAM-BOO acupuncture is used the differentiation of the five elements. Therefore, the treatment of the patient’s constitution and body shape is more important than the patient’s organs and symptoms. This not only helps to understand the existing SAAM acupuncture method, but also allows to study SAAM acupuncture from a new point of view.

      • KCI등재

        『醫林撮要』의 침구법에 대한 연구

        정유옹,국수호,한창연,강연석,조명래,차웅석 한국의사학회 2022 한국의사학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        『醫林撮要』는 시기적으로 조선 중기 『東醫寶鑑』보다 앞서서 출판되었다. 그래서 이 책은 『東醫寶鑑』의 선구적인 형태를 가지고 있다. 본 논문은 『醫林撮要』의 내용 중에서 특히 침구법에 대해 고찰하였다. 『醫林撮要』는 전문 한의사뿐만 아니라 일반 대중까지 볼 수 있도록 쉽게 만들어진 의학서적이다. 그러하기 때문에 『醫林撮要』에서는 복잡한 증상 분류와 복잡한 침구처방을 제시하지 않았다. 대신 간단한 방식으로 요점을 모아서 서술하였다. 따라서 『醫林撮要』는 표준화된 진료지침으로서 사용될 수 있었다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 『醫林撮要』의 침구법에서는 침보다는 뜸을 더 많이 사용하였다. 이것은 병을 완만하게 치료하려는 저자의 의도가 있으며 더 나아가 『鄕藥集成方』의 침구법을 계승한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 또한 경험을 거친 처방을 제시가 많은데 이것은 경험에 기반한 의학을 중시한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그리고 많은 침구혈자리를 사용하지 않는 특징은 사암침법의 등장이 가능하게 된 원인으로 작용하였다.

      • 『鍼灸經驗方』 補瀉法의 醫史學的 意義

        정유옹,김남일 사암침법학회 2020 사암침법학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        In 1644, Heoim wrote and published 󰡔Chimgu Kyeonghumbang󰡕. The book contains acupuncture methods of tonification and reduction and acupuncture treatment methpds. These are important data to estimate the level of acupuncture at that time. In the 󰡔Chimgu Kyeonghumbang󰡕 Heoim presented a treatment method based on the Yin Yang theory based on Oriental philosophy. He tried to treat the disease according to the principle of “Keep the head cool and the legs warm” based on the Yin Yang theory. This principle was taken for granted in drug prescriptions, but was not universal in acupuncture. Thus, acupuncture was suggested to keep the upper body cool and the lower body warm. In 󰡔Chimgu Kyeonghumbang󰡕 cold and heat was used as a way to differentiate the symptoms. Depending on the principles of Yin Yang, symptoms can be analyzed with cold and fever, weakness and strongness, outer and inner, dryness and humidity. Among them, Heoim noted for cold and heat and used as the basis for determining symptoms in acupuncture treatment. This led to the creation of a SAAM acupuncture method that identifies symptoms by ‘cold and heat’ and ‘excess and deficiency’. Heoim developed his own tonifying or reducing method and used it to treat cold and heat symptoms. It was a new method which was further developed from the ones existed at the time. The method of tonifying or reducing through breathing, fasting, opening and closing while treating with acupuncture was implemented so that it can be done at once. In accordance with the principle of ‘Keeping the head cool and the legs warm’. Heoim used the method to keep the upper body cool and the lower body warm. They also used a method of tonifying or reducing to cure the disease from the cold or heat. Due to the method of Heoim, the acupuncture method of the mid-Joseon period was basically elaborated, and the foundation of creative acupuncture methods such as SAAM acupuncture was possible.

      • KCI등재

        일제시대 사암침법에 관한 의사학적 고찰

        정유옹(Jung, Yu-ong),차웅석(Wung-Seok Cha),김남일(Nam-Il Kim) 한국의사학회 2009 한국의사학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The Sa-am acupuncture is the acupuncture method created during Chosun Dynasty. It is a unique acupuncture method that was created solely in Korea. Its theories are based on the 69th article of “Classic of Difficult Issues”, or Nanjing (難經), which says “tonify its mother when deficiency occurs, and purgate its son when excess occurs” (虛則補其母, 實則瀉其子); the concept of ”controlling the viscera which restrains the target” “抑其官” was added to this theory to form the principle of Sa-am acupuncture. It is significant that it turns to the basic principles of the Five Viscera and Six Bowels rather than the 體針 or 阿是針 of the existing acupuncure. Sa-am acupuncture was established in the middle of Chosun Dynasty and was popularized to the practitioners of Korean Medicine through transcripts and printed books. The medical books of at the time of Japanese imperialism that introduced Sa-am acupuncture are 『經絡學總論』, 『舍岩鍼灸訣』, 『經濟要訣』, 『靑囊訣』, 『察病要訣』, 『濟世寶鑑』, 『經驗寢具編』, and 『舍岩靑囊訣』. The magazine that mentions the Sa-am acupuncture is 『韓方醫藥』. The books on Traditional Medicine that is related to Sa-am acupuncture were of great help in reconstruction of Sa-am acupuncture after the liberation of Korea and explaining the principle of Sa-am acupunture in various angles.

      • 『장진요편(藏珍要編)』의 팔맥교회혈 침법 연구

        정유옹 ( Jung Yooong ),김남일 ( Kim Namil ) 사암침법학회 2021 사암침법학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        『Jang-jin-yo-pyeon』 is a medical book on acupuncture, published in 1894 by Song-gye. 『Jang-jin-yo-pyeon』 could not be seen in Korea, but it was published and made known in Japan by the disciples of the acupuncturist Yanagiya-Sorei, who took it to Japan during the Japanese colonial period. In 『Jang-jin-yo-pyeon』, the patient’s constitution was more important than the severity of the disease. In 『Jang-jin-yo-pyeon』, it seems to have been applied to the Eight Confluent Acupoints by classifying it according to weakness and strength, outside and inside, cold and heat, dry and wet. Referring to Kim Hong-kyung’s theory of Saam acupuncture, In 『Jang-jin-yo-pyeon』, it can be seen that he tried to control the human body with eight acupuncture points : (SI3-LU7) to treat strength and weakness, (TE5-PC6) to treat the outside and inside, (BL62-KI5) to treat cold and heat, and (GB15-SP4) to treat dryness and moisture. It can be seen that the intention was to tune the metabolism of the human body by limiting the application of only 8 types of acupoints placed in a relative relationship. This book is also one of the cases that proves that the acupuncture method of Joseon during the Japanese colonial period spread to Japan and contributed to the development of modern acupuncture. Through this case, it is presumed that the indigenous acupuncture methods of Joseon, which had been handed down for a long time, were cut off in the process of transition to the modern era, or that many traditional knowledge of Korean medicine was lost due to historical tragedies such as the Japanese colonial period or the Korean War. Efforts to discover and re-illuminate these traditional Korean acupuncture treatments so that they can be used in clinical practice are also thought to be a way to learn the old and learn the new.

      • KCI등재후보

        小谷 李在元의 舍岩鍼法 運用에 關한 硏究

        정유옹(Yoo-Ong Jung),차웅석(Woongseok Cha),김남일(Namil Kim) 한국의사학회 2010 한국의사학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Lee Jae Won is a scholar who wrote the most in Euirim, a representative Oriental Medical magazine after the liberation of Korea, on the Sa-am Acupuncture Method. In order to understand the principles of this method, he proposed rather distinctive theories called the Comparative Pulse Diagnosis and the Five Constitutions. Lee Jae Won distinguished the deficiency and exuberance of the Five Phases through the Comparative Pulse Diagnosis, and set harmonizing the Five Phases by tonifying the deficient and purging the exuberant as the object of the Sa-am Acupuncture Method. He took pulses from both the patient’s hands and distinguished the deficiency and exuberance of the five viscera. Then, he balanced the Five Phases by tonifying the weakest viscus and purging the strongest viscus. Lee Jae Won argued that because the Five Constitutions are something that one has innately, people suffer from differnet diseases according to their constitutions. Therefore, he argued, when treating a patient, one should first decide the constitution of the patient and then treat the patient according to his/her deficiency or exuberance. From the late 50’s to early 60’s, Lee Jae Won wrote Acupuncture and Moxibustion According to Yin-Yang and the Five Phases, explaining the principles of the Sa-am Acupuncture Method and its applications. Seen from this, Lee Jae Won is a person from whom we can confirm the historical lineage of the Sa-am Acupuncture Method after the liberation of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        사암침법의 전통과 독자성에 관한 연구

        정유옹 ( Yoo Ong Jung ),이덕호 ( Duk Ho Lee ),안상우 ( Sang Woo Ahn ) 경락경혈학회 2012 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.29 No.4

        Objectives: Ever Since it was made in the middle of 17th century by Saamdoin, Saam acupuncture method has been handed down to acupuncturists as a written form, playing a huge role in using for treating diseases of people in Korea. Saam acupuncture method development of any process, and have been propagated in a foreign country to study. Methods: Analysis of ancient medical books, we studied the evolution of Saam acupuncture method. And we looked abroad Saam acupuncture method have been propagated abroad by examining how. Results: At the end of Joseon Dynasty, lots of clinical cases were added to Saam acupuncture method and as a result, it helped acupuncturists understand how it really worked. During the Japanese colonial era, it was introduced to more people thanks to the development of a printing technique. After Korea`s liberation from Japan, many scholars have studied Saam`s acupuncture method, and they also have applied it to clinical cases in various ways. Conclusions: With its superiority and creativeness, Saam acupuncture method spread to Japanese acupuncturists in the name of Meridian Therapy during the Japanese colonial era. It had a great impact on medicine in China and many other countries, as well.

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