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        고등학교 지리교육에 있어서 GIS의 교수자료구성에 관한 소고

        정암 한국 지리·환경 교육학회 1997 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        High school geography textbooks in Korea have revised in accordance with fifth curriculum in 1995, and then we have an insight into the GIS unit in its textbooks. But it is situation of now that the educators' awareness and instruction documents about GIS insufficient, and also education facilities insufficient. Therefore, for the present, it is difficult to application GIS in high school geography education in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to provide fundamental instruction documents about GIS for high school geography educators. Author divided two categories into instruction documents about GIS that educator have need to know. It is that development process of GIS together with relationship between geography and GIS's contents (e.g. function, basic philosophy, present situation and future of GIS). In the former, it is emphasized that GIS started by geographers, and universalized in society and university of America. The latter is divided into three parts again. First, it is that query of contents from software which have geographic information. Teaching such as query can be, if educator knew a little computer operating techniques, and learners can learn to spatial pattern and spatial organizing as well as geographic facts. Second, it is that training of automapping with very simple common case. And learners understand to process and principal of map drawing, learn to relationship between man and environment, that is site of settlement, land use, and living spatial scale, in real landform of the three dimension. Third, author considered fundamental philosophy and ethnic of the GIS. Information society of 21th century will needs many more GIS users in the many more fields than now. Therefore, it is necessary to that emphasize needs of GIS in information society of 21th century. But the educators must not emphasize GIS technique to learners than need be, but instead of it, have to emphasize that geographic attitudes which can acting as coordinator with geographic intelligence and mind. To the actual practice of education of GIS, author proposed in conclusion that three group related GIS should be effort seperately. First, teachers get full their information through academic articles or textbooks dealing with GIS. Second, institutions charges retraining of high school teachers should organize or enlarge GIS education program in service program for retraining of high school teachers. Third, high school authorities should make computer laboratory with geography information system which involves hardware and software.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        北周 康業墓 석침상의 새로운 해석: 고분미술의 도상해석에 관한 新視野

        鄭岩 한국미술연구소 2009 美術史論壇 Vol.- No.28

        2004年4月,西安市文物保护考古所在西安北郊配合基建工程,发掘了一座北周时期墓葬,此墓墓主人名业,为粟特地区的康国人。 墓内出土的围屏石榻上立四块石板,内面均刻有屏风画像。 与此前发现的多套西域人葬具上的画像相比,康業石榻画像具有明显的特点,如画像中所有人物、动物、景物均以流畅细密的阴线表现,而不是常见的富有立体感的浮雕;画像题材较为单一,没有特别明显的与祆教信仰和习俗相关的内容。 本文试图了通过探讨这套画像的表现形式和风格,来观察中国6世纪绘画艺术中一些具有普遍性的特征。康業石榻画像的构图均为群像组合,画中一男子或女子坐于小榻上,作半侧面,男女主人周围有众多侍从或宾客,这些人物或坐或立,有的似乎在聆听主人的谈话。 画像的所有人物都身处山林中,并所有人物皆集中在大树下。 这些特征及画面格局均显现出当时“佛教艺术”、“道教艺术”、“墓葬艺术”中。 但多种形式的这些艺术,在康業石榻上,世俗与宗教的界限,佛教与道教、 儒学乃至玄学的界限均被打破,体现了多种艺术形式上的共性。 与入主中原的鲜卑人一样,康业所代表的西域民族人士进入汉地之后,虽然在宗教、 习俗和艺术等方面不同程度地保留有其原民族的传统,但同时他们也希望融入当地的文化之中,土葬和棺椁、 棺床的使用,本身就是汉化的表现。 同样,我们也可以从康业石榻画像对于中原艺术图式的取用中,来思考入华粟特人的文化倾向,或许在这个意义上,我们又可以将墓葬画像与墓主的身份联系起来考虑。 需要注意的是,从美术史的角度和方法来看,我们应当首先观察图像在传播、 复制、 借用、 改造的过程中内在的逻辑关系,并且在研究中还应考虑到研究墓葬美术的方法。

      • 지리학과 역사학의 융합 관점에서 보는 역사학계의 문제점

        정암 바른역사학술원 2020 역사와융합 Vol.- No.6

        최근 한사군 위치를 둘러싼 고대사 논쟁이 뜨겁다. 이 글에서는 『동북아역사지도』, 『국사교과서』, 『역사부도』, 『중국역사지도집』에 실려 있는 관련 지도를선정해서 검토했다. 그 결과 한사군 위치가 한반도에 잘못 비정되어 있음과 동시에, 고조선 강역도 요동과 서북한 지역에 한정되어 있음이 확인되었다. 이유는 일제의 일본인 어용사학자들이 만들어 놓은 연역적 위치 비정을 역사학자들이 맹목적으로 받아들였기 때문이고, 이후 강단사학자들이 그것을 무비판적으로따랐기 때문이며, 나아가 카르텔로까지 발전해 오늘에 이르고 있기 때문이다. 하지만 이런 내용을 극복한 사례도 있었다. 조선 후기의 역사지리학자 김정호는 1차 사료에 입각해 갈석산 위치를 찾았고, 시아오 메이얀은 낙랑군과 대방군이한반도가 아니라 요동(고대요동)에 있음을 밝혔다. 이들은 한사군 문제에 접근하는 훌륭한 사례로 평가된다.

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