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        연구(硏究) 논문(論文) : 영국(英國) 해사법상(海事法上) 선박(船舶) 모게지(Mortgages)에 관한 일고찰(一考察)

        정선철 ( Seon Cheol Jeong ) 한국해법학회 2008 韓國海法學會誌 Vol.30 No.2

        본 논문은 영국 해사법상 선박 모게지에 대하여 영국 판례와 이론들을 문헌적으로 고찰하였다. 선박 모게지는 통상 거래에 있어서 금융채무이며 담보의 중요한 한 형태이다. 특별히 영국법에서 선박 모게지는 오랜 전통에 의하여 계승 발전되어졌다. 초기 해운의 대부는 해상상거래의 금융으로 요청받아왔으며, 현대 선박 모게지의 형태 또한 역사적으로 중요한 담보로 부터 시작되었다. 여기서 `선박`이라는 용어는 항해에 사용되어진 모든 종류의 `배`를 의미하며 `선박 모게지`는 선박이나 다른 신용을 담보할 수 있는 재산권의 권리를 채무자에게서 채권자에게 이전하였다가 채무자가 부채를 완납하면 다시 채권자로부터 그 권리를 돌려받는 금융의 한 담보 방법으로 묘사할 수 있다. 이것을 요약하면 선박 모게지는 차용하는 금전이나 금전적 가치를 담보하기 위하여 선박을 우선적으로 담보하는 방법이라고 정의할 수 있다.선박 모게지의 법적 성질은 두 가지를 갖는다. 첫 번째는 영국 컴먼로(common law)하에서 동산 모게지는 담보의 한 방법으로 `재산권 이전설`이 있다. 이 설에 의하면 법적 소유권은 저당권자(채권자)에게 이전되며, 대부금을 갚을 때 다시 저당권설정자(채무자)에게 이전된다는 설이다. 두 번째 설은 선박 모게지가 영국상선법(MSA)상 등록에 의하여 법정 담보가 독자적으로(sui generis) 완전하게 갖게 되며 소유권을 이전함으로 모게지는 소멸된다는 모게지 등록설이 있다. 그러므로 이 논문은 영국 해사법상 선박 모게지의 법적 구성과 법정 선박 모게지의 등록, 당사자의 권리와 저당권자의 법적 구제를 영국 귀족원 및 여러 법원들의 개별적 구체적 사건들의 재판 판결을 중심으로 논함을 본고의 목적으로 한다. This thesis deals with the legal principles, case law decisions of the ship mortgages in the English Maritime Law. Ship mortgages remain an important form of secured corporate and commercial debt finance. Especially the English Maritime Law of ship mortgages is successor to a very long tradition. From the earliest times loans have been required to finance maritime commerce. The modern form of ship mortgage departs from the historic form of security. The term "ship" describes any kind of vessel used in navigation, while the term "ship mortgage" described a method of secured financing, under which a borrower transferred its interest in ship or other property to a creditor, to secure the payment of the debt owed by the borrower or the performance of some their obligation. Thus Briefly defined a ship mortgage could be said to be `any charge by way of lien on any ship for securing money or the money`s worth`. There have been two theories about the nature of ship mortgages. Under English common law, chattel mortgage has been regarded as a property transfer by way of security, whereby legal ownership is transferred to the mortgagee and, upon payment of the loan amount with interest, it is retransferred to the mortgagor. 2) The alternative view of the nature of a ship mortgage is that registration under the Merchant Shipping Act has created a sui generis statutory security perfectible by registration. This thesis is dwelt with the legal nature of a ship mortgage in English Maritime Law and the rights and obligations undertaken by the owner and the mortgagee. Having reached the end of this thesis, The writer tries to summarize and suggests to somethings.

      • KCI등재후보

        中古船舶賣買契約에 관한 英國과 韓國의 比較法的 考察

        정선철(Seon-Cheol Jeong) 한국해사법학회 2005 해사법연구 Vol.17 No.2

        This thesis describes the legal principles and case law decisions which are relevant to the contracts of sale and purchase of second-hand ships in the English Law and Korean Law in comparison. The subject of this thesis deals with these legal issues, as they arise in the legal regime of U.K and Korea, especially examining in particular the status of rights and obligations of the parties to sale contracts, as governed of by the provisions of the Sale of Goods the Act 1979 under English Law, and as governed of by the provisions of Sale in Korean Civil Code. To begin with, the writer deals with the making of the contract, and when a binding contract is binding. Also the terms of the contract such as conditions, warranties, implied terms and exemption clauses. As effects, the writer examines to the passing of property and duties of the parties. Finally, the writer deals with the remedies of the parties, such as where the buyer defaults in his principal obligation to pay the price. under English Law and Korean Law comparisons. In conclusion, the writer makes suggestion to Korean Shipbrokers' Association's Memorandum of Agreement for sale and purchase of ships for the ship sale and purchase, and the terms of sale of ship in the Korean Civil Code and Commercial Code. Additionally, suggestions on proposing a special law in relation to sale of ship will be offered.

      • KCI등재

        영국 해사법상 선박매매 브로커의 대리인 책임에 관한 일고찰

        정선철(Seon-Cheol Jeong) 한국항해항만학회 2013 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        “영국 해사법상 S&P 브로커”로 널리 알려진 선박매매 브로커는 선박매매를 원하는 의뢰인인 본인을 대신하여 협상을 행사하는 독립적 계약자이다. 또한 S&P 브로커는 선박매매시 본인을 대리하는 대리인으로 그 법적지위를 갖는다. S&P 브로커들은 로이드 선급, 미국 선급 및 한국 선급 등에서 선박의 중요한 명세 자료와 정보들을 수집하여 선박매매를 원하는 매도인과 매수인에게 상호 이익이 되도록 조력한다. S&P 브로커의 책임은 선박매매계약서의 합의 내용에 반하지 않고 선량한 관리자로서 주의의무를 다하며, 의뢰인인 본인의 요청에 전문적으로 업무수행 함을 의미한다. 그러나 선박매매계약에 의하여 당사자와의 관계 범위, 주된 조건, 계약 위반 및 면책내용에 있어서 분쟁이 발생할 경우, S&P 브로커에게도 책임문제가 발생한다. 이 S&P 브로커의 책임은 직접계약당사자의 원칙에 의하거나 제3자의 권리에 관한 계약법에 근거한다. 그러므로 S&P 브로커가 의무를 불이행한 경우 또는 계약 내용에 반하거나 과실에 기인하여 불법행위가 야기된 경우, 분쟁과 소송이 발생하게 된다. 이에 이 논문에서는 S&P 브로커의 특징 중 대리인으로서의 법적 책임, 수수료 문제, 이익의 충돌과 비밀 수수료, 등에 대하여 영국 해사법과 영국 판례를 중심으로 검토하여 논함을 이 연구의 목적으로 삼고자 한다. “Sale and purchase brokers” are independent contractors who act as agents for principals intending to seller or buy ships in English Maritime Law. The essential feature is that legal position of shipbroker is largely one of agency. They can be obtained by a study of the Lloyd's Register or the equivalent registers of other Classification Societies, the American Bureau of Shipping and Korean Registers. Such a broker is of valuable assistance to the prospective seller or purchaser. And the broker's liability normally arises in the context of a contract. But, expressed in general terms, those contractual obligations are, in absence of contrary agreement, to act with reasonable care and skilled to obtain the cover requested by his client not to guarantee that such will be concluded and to ensure that the scope of the policy, its essential terms and relevant exclusions are made known to the insured. Acting in this professional capacity, the broker's liability are such that the facts upon which an action for breach of contract may be based may also found an action for the trot of negligence provided that there is shown to be the necessary 'assumption of responsibility' by the broker conveyed directly or indirectly to the insured. This thesis deals with liability of S&P Brokers, the legal problems of ship broking, commission, conflicts of interest and secret commissions in English Maritime Law and the Cases.

      • KCI등재

        船舶賣買에 관한 海事法上 政策的 考察

        정선철(Seon-Cheol Jeong) 한국해사법학회 2007 해사법연구 Vol.19 No.2

          이 글은 선박매매에 관하여 해사법상 법률관계와 영국 보통법상 판례의 판결 그리고 한국 해운산업에 대하여 몇 가지 정책적 제언으로 구성한다. 최근 신조선박의 수주량과 거래는 대부분 동아시아의 한국, 일본 그리고 중국에서 형성되고 있다 특히 한국의 주요 조선소들은 규모를 확대하고 있고 LNG(액화천연가스) 수송을 위한 새로운 해운산업을 개척하고 있다. 여기에 한국의 정부도 점차 인터넷을 통한 중고선박매매의 활성화에 관심을 두고 있으며, 한국해운거래소를 설립할 계획도 모색하고 있다.<BR>  그러므로 이 글은 Ⅱ장은 선박매매의 법적 특질을, Ⅲ장은 선박매매의 표준서식을, Ⅳ장은 선박매매에 관한 해사법상 문제점 과 개선방안을 제언함으로 결론적으로 해사법상 선박매매의 정책적 제시와 한국형 선박매매서식의 제작, 해사법상 선박매매에 관한 현행법 제ㆍ개정 및 특별법 제정과 한국해운거래소 설립의 필요성을 제언한다.   This thesis deals with the legal principles, case law decisions and suggestions for the Sale & Purchase of ships concerning policies of maritime law. Recently, the shipbuilding market has shown a major shift towards East Asia, particularly Korea, Japan and China. The major Korean shipyards in particular have engaged in substantial investment programmes both to expand their overall shipbuilding capacity and to enter new markets, such as for liquefied natural gas(LNG) carriers. The Korean Government has recently taken interest in the sale & purchase of used ships, utilizing the Internet and has made plans for building the Shipping Exchange in korea.<BR>  So Part Ⅱ of this thesis examines the situation of the world"s shipping industry and the different kinds of the Sale & Purchase of ships. Part Ⅲ deals with the legal principles, and case law decisions. Part Ⅳ describes Forms of Shipbuilding Contracts and Memorandums of Agreement of second-hand ships. And Parts Ⅳ, and Ⅴ, makes suggestions for 1) the Shipbuilding Contracts of the shipowner"s Association of Korea and 2) The Korean Shipbrokers" Association"s Memorandum of Agreement for Ship Sale & Purchase in the korean shipping industry.<BR>  Having reached the end of this thesis, the writer suggests to make terms of sale of ships in the korean civil code and commercial code, Additionally, the writer suggests to make a special law in relation to the Sale & Purchase of ships. Furthermore, the writer suggests expanding the Shipping Exchange in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 선박금융상 담보제도와 채권회수에 관한 법적 소고

        정선철 ( Seon Cheol Jeong ) 한국해법학회 2012 韓國海法學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        선박금융거래는 은행 혹은 금융권의 자금이 선주가 신조선 건조;중고선 구매;선박의 수리 또는 구조변경을 원할 때 혹은 본선담보에 의한 부채에 대하여 재금융을 받고자 할 때 주로 선박금융거래가 이루어진다. 이때 모기지는 담보가 설정된 재산권에 대하여 채권보전의 수단으로 부과된다. 채무불이행(default)은 선주와 저당권자가 체결한 특별약정증서(deed of covenant), 혹은 대출계약서(loan agreement)와 같은 근저당계약(collateral agreement)에 대하여 계약책임의 위반을 의미한다. 선박 모기지의 주된 목적은 선주가 모기지에 대한 빚을 갚지 못하고 채무불이행시 저당권자의 권리를 보장하는 것이다. 선박 모기지에 있어서 선주가 이행할 기일에 채무불이행할 경우, 저당권자는 그 선박을 매각하여 그 대금을 회수할 수 있다. 이에 본고에서는 선박금융상 자금을 융자하여 채권을 회수할 경우의 문제들을 선박금융의 담보제도, 채권회수와 담보해제, 선박소유자의 도산으로 나누어서 논함을 목적으로 한다. Any ship finance deal is that a bank or some other lender advances money to a shipowner to assist the owner to build a new ship;buy a second-hand ship;convert, repair or alter a ship;or refinance existing indebtedness secure on a ship. Briefly defined a mortgage could be said to be ``any charge by way of lien on any property for securing money or money`s worth``. And the term "default" may also describe a breach of a collateral agreement between the owner and mortgagee, such as the deed of covenant or the loan agreement to which the mortgage relates. The primary object of a mortgage on a ship is to ensure that, if the owner defaults in the payment of the mortgage debt or the performance of its obligations. The mortgagee can sell the ship to recover the amounts due to it, if the owner did not enforce of ship mortgage. This study deals with the Security of ship financing, collect loan and releases of mortgage, the bankruptcy of shipowner. Having reached the end of this thesis, The writer tries to summarize and suggests to somethings.

      • 해사법상 선박매매에 관한 입법적 고찰

        정선철(Seon-cheol Jeong) 한국항해항만학회 2007 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2 No.추계

        이 글은 선박매매에 관하여 해사법상 법률관계와 영국 보통법상 판례의 판결 그리고 한국 해운산업에 대하여 몇 가지 입법적 제언으로 구성한다. 최근 신조선박의 수주량과 거래는 대부분 동아시아의 한국, 일본 그리고 중국에서 형성되고 있다. 특히 한국의 주요 조선소들은 규모를 확대하고 있고 LNG(액화천연가스) 수송을 위한 새로운 해운산업을 개척하고 있다. 여기에 한국의 정부도 점차 인터넷을 통한 중고선박매매의 활성화에 관심을 두고 있으며, 한국해운거래소를 설립할 계획도 모색하고 있다. 그러므로 이 글은 선박매매의 법적 특질, 선박매매의 표준서식, 및 선박매매에 관한 해사법상 문제점과 개선방안을 제언함으로 결론적으로 해사법상 선박매매의 입법적 제시와 한국형 선박매매서식의 제작, 해사법상 선박매매에 관한 현행법 제.개정 및 특별법 제정과 한국해운거래소 설립의 필요성을 제언한다. This thesis deals with the legal principles, case law decisions and suggestions for the Sale & Purchase of ships concerning enactment proposal of maritime law. Recently, the shipbuilding market has shown a major shift towards East Asia, particularly Korea, japan and China. The major Korean shipyards in particular have engaged in substantial investment programmes both to expand their overall shipbuilding capacity and to enter new markets, such as for liquefied natural gas(LNG) carriers. The Korean Government has recent1y taken interest in the sale & purchase of used ships, utilizing the Internet and has made plans for building the Shipping Exchange in korea. So this thesis examines the situation of the world's shipping industry and the different kinds of the Sale & purchase of ships. deals with the legal principles, and case law decisions. describes Forms of Shipbuilding Contracts and Memorandums of Agreement of second-hand ships. And makes Suggestions for 1) the Shipbuilding Contracts of the shipowner’s Association of Korea and 2) The Korean Shipbrokers’ Association’s Memorandum of Agreement for Ship Sale & Purchase in the korean shipping industry. Having reached the end of this thesis. the Writer suggests to make terms of sale of ships in the korean civil code and commercial code. Additionally, the writer suggests to make a special law in relation to the Sale & Purchase of ships. Furthermore, the writer suggests expanding the Shipping Exchange in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        英國法上 中古船舶 賣買契約에 관한 考察

        정선철(Seon-Cheol Jeong) 한국해사법학회 2004 해사법연구 Vol.16 No.1

        This thesis deals with the legal regime governing the transfer of ships in England. Its scope is limited to agreements to buy and sell ships and that it is not intended to set out a comprehensive treatment of the law of contract generally. Maritime law of English is related with a long maritime tradition and has been playing a significant role in the world's shipping industry. The merchant ship sale and purchase world always holds a fascination for people with no relation to the shipping industry, as well as for those involved in the maritime transactions. It is commonly accepted that the ship sale and purchase constitutes one of the most important maritime transactions since it regards transfer of particularly valuable pieces of property, involving great expenditure and significant risk for the parties. First, In Part Ⅰ, the writer introduces to the contract of ship sale and purchase under English law. It is the subject of this thesis to deal with these legal issues, as they arise in the legal regime of England. Especially, examining in particular the status of rights and obligations of the parties to sale contracts, as governed of by the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. Secondly, In Part Ⅱ, the writer contemplates to the making of the contract, when is there a binding contract ? And deals with to the terms of the contract which there are conditions, warranties, implied terms and exemption clauses under English Law. Thirdly, In Part Ⅲ, the writer examines to the passing of property and duties of the parties. It is extremely important to determine the time of passing of the property in the ship, as this usually plays a significant role in deciding when the risk passes from the seller to the buyer. And the seller has a duty to deliver the ship in accordance with the terms of the contract. As to whether the time of delivery of the ship is deemed to be of the essence of the contract. And it is the duty of the buyer to accept the ship and pay the price in exchange for the delivery of the ship by the seller. Finally, In Part Ⅳ, the writer deals with the remedies of the parties. Where the buyer defaults in his principal obligation to pay the price, the seller has, ⅰ)lien and stoppage in transit, ⅱ) right of resale, ⅲ) a personal action upon the sale for breach of contract by buyer. And the remedies of the buyer has ⅰ) action for damages for non-delivery, ⅱ) action for recovery of the purchase price, ⅲ) application for specific performance. Having reached the end of this thesis, the writer tries to summarize and suggests to the ship sale and purchase in the korean's shipping industry.

      • KCI등재
      • 선박매매계약에 대한 해사정책적 연구

        정선철(Seon cheol Jeong) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2007 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        This thesis deals with the legal aspects for shipbuilding contracts and Ship Sale & Purchase in policy of maritime. Over the recent, the shipbuilding market has shown a major shift towards the East, particularly Japan, Korea and China. Shipbuilding contract are, usually, made in the English language and provide for English law and Jurisdiction. First of all, The writer suggests to make the Shipbuilding Contract of the shipowners Association of Korea and Korean Shipbrokers' Association's Memorandum of Agreement for sale and purchase of ships for the ship sale and purchase in the korean's shipping industry. And suggests to make terms of sale of ship in the korean civil code and commercial code. Additionally, suggest to make a special law in relation to sale of ship. And suggests to make terms of sale of ship in the korean civil code and commercial code. Additionally, suggest to make a special law in relation to sale of ship.

      • 영국법상 선박 모게지(Mortgages)에 관한 연구

        정선철(Seon-Cheol Jeong) 한국항해항만학회 2007 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2 No.추계

        영국법상 선박 모게지 제도는 오랜 전통에 의하여 계승되었다. 고대로부터 대부는 해상 무역을 함에 있어서 자금이 부족한 선주로부터 요구되어졌다. 선박이라는 용어는 항해에 사용되는 모든 종류의 선박으로 정의되어지며, 선박 모게지는 담보금융의 한 형태로서, 선박소유자는 대부를 위해 자기 선박을 저당 잡히고 선박의 소유권을 이전하므로 자금을 빌린다. 이 때 돈을 빌리는 선박 소유자를 'mortgagor'(저당권설정자)라고 하고, 돈을 빌려주는 채권자를 'mortgagee'(저당권자)라고 말한다. The English law of ship mortgages is successor to a very long tradition. From the earliest times loans have been required to finance maritime commerce. The term “ship" describes any kind of vessel used in navigation, while the term “ship mortgage" describes a method of secured financing, under which a borrower transferred its interest in ship or other property to a creditor, to secure the payment of the debt owed by the borrower or the performance of some their obligation. The shipowner (the borrower)is known as the ‘ mortgagor', and the person lending the money is known as the ‘mortgagee'.

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