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      • KCI등재

        한?EU FTA 분석을 통한 수출중소기업의 경쟁력 강화방안에 관한 연구

        정분도(Boon-Do Jeong) 韓國貿易硏究所 2009 무역연구 Vol.5 No.2

        The biggest foreign investor in Korea, the EU made more than $40 billion in investments last year, and trade between the two countries reached approximately $89 billion. Trade volume of EU and Korea is increasing continuously. Specially, EU became the second trading country with China from 2006. Korea's enterprises increased export to the EU market. But, medium and small enterprises' export was slowed. Medium and small enterprises' price competitiveness was dwindled in Western Europe. The purpose of this paper strengthens medium and small enterprises' competitive power analyzing FTA of Korea and EU. If Korea-EU FTA is contracted, Korea's price competitiveness may rise in EU. Indeed, Korea's medium and small enterprise export will be increased. Korean SMEs are weaker than they appear because they have been subsidized and low-tech levels and weak financial strength of SME. Korea set the stage for small and medium enterprises to strengthen their international competitiveness, s And government must make active FTA road map. Also, the Korean Government must solidify support about medium and small enterprises.

      • KCI등재

        ICT 제조업과 서비스업의 효율성과 생산성

        정분도 ( Boon Do Jeong ) 한국통상정보학회 2014 통상정보연구 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 국내 ICT 제조업과 서비스업의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 기초 연구로서 효율성과 생산성 추이 및 생산성의 결정요인을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 ICT산업의 효율성 분석을 위해 ICT 제조업 23개 업종과 ICT 서비스업 18개 업종에 대하여 2007년부터 2011년까지 5년간 규모의 수익불변을 가정한 DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis)의 CCR모형과 규모의 수익가변을 가정한 BCC모형을 통해 기술효율성과 순수기술효율성의 정태적 효율성을 살펴보고, 기술효율성에 대한 DEA/Window 분석과 Malmquist 생산성 지수를 이용하여 동태적 효율성을 분석하였다. Non-parametric method such as technology efficiency, DEA/Window model and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) are used to measure efficiency and productivity of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) manufacturing industry and service industry over the period 2007-2011. The results of this paper indicate following: (1) Technology efficiency of the ICT manufacturing industry were found as the range of 0. 34 and 0. 39 over the sample period. Technology efficiency of the ICT service industry were found as the range of 0. 16 and 0. 20 over the sample period. (2) The geometric average of the Malmquist TFP indexes on ICT manufacturing industry indicated the productivity improvement an average of 8. 3 percent. The geometric average of the Malmquist TFP indexes on ICT service industry indicated the productivity improvement an average of 1. 6 percent. (3) TIER analysis result on ICT manufacturing industry showed that optimal bench marking made by storage devices→wireless communication equipment→broadcasting equipment→radio, recording and playback devices→ computers, printers, video and audio-visual equipment path. TIER analysis result on ICT service industry indicated that optimal bench marking made by computers and packaged software→wired communication→communication, information, detection equipment→consulting and construction for computer systems integration→ industrial machinery and equipment rental→telecommunications reseller→system software development and delivery→hosting path.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Carrier’s Obligation to Deliver Goods and Liability Limit in FCA Rule

        Boon-do Jeong(정분도) 한국국제상학회 2018 國際商學 Vol.33 No.4

        Ⅰ. 서 론 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 선행연구 검토 Ⅲ. 물품인도 의무기간내의 책임한계 성립요건 Ⅳ. 물품인도 의무기간내의 운송인의 위반효과 Ⅴ. 결론 참고문헌 FCA규칙은 운송인 인도조건 계약이므로, FCA규칙을 체결하기 전에 운송인으로 하여금 중요한 사실 및 특약사항 등을 알리도록 하고 이를 기초로 하여 제반 비용을 산정하고, FCA규칙 체결 여부를 결정하게 된다. FCA규칙은 계약 체결과 동시에 부실표시 및 누락에 대하여 취소권을 행사할 수 있는 기간을 특별히 명시하고 있지 않아 물품인도 의무기간 동안 지속되는 걸로 통상 사용되고 있다. 물품인도 의무기간내의 책임한계의 운송인의 목적 및 위치를 고려할 때 책임한계는 계약성립 단계까지 요구되는 것이고, 또한 지속적인 물품인도 의무기간내의 계약성립후의 운송인의 책임 한계 등에 대해서는 보다 적극적인 연구들이 필요하다. 본 연구는 FCA규칙의 개념을 중심으로 성립요건들의 일반적인 계약과정에서 위반효과에 따른 당사자들의 책임을 검토해 보고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        4차 산업혁명의 IoT 산업 전략 및 정책 활성화에 관한 연구

        정분도 ( Boon-do Jeong ),홍미선 ( Mi-seon Hong ) 한국통상정보학회 2019 통상정보연구 Vol.21 No.1

        IoT 산업은 다양한 기업 및 산업의 서비스에 융합되어 부가가치 창출을 하고 있으며, 4차 산업혁명의 핵심적인 인프라로서 모든 산업분야에 확산되고 있다. 특히 타 제품 대비 가전제품은 기술의 변화를 빠르게 수용하여 IoT 가전으로 진화중이다. IoT 가전은 반도체, 센서, 빅데이터, 인공지능의 결합체로서 가전의 새로운 패러다임이자 우리나라의 신성장 동력이다. IoT 산업은 각자 다른 적용 영역에 대하여 오픈되어 있고, 다양성을 보유하고 있으므로 한 가지의 특정 기술에 국한될 수 없다. 현존하는 기술들을 어떻게 발전시키고 연결시켜 통합할 것인가에 관하여 전략 및 정책 등이 우선적으로 고려되어야 한다. 그러므로 국가적 차원의 합의와 적절한 추진 전략이 필요하다. 본 연구는 주요국에서 추진하고 있는 IoT 산업에 대한 전략 및 정책 현황을 분석하여 문제점 파악과 함께 활성화 방안을 도출하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. The IoT industry is integrated with the services of various companies and industries to create added value. It is spreading in all industries as a core infrastructure of the 4th industrial revolution. In particular, household appliances are rapidly evolving into IoT appliances because they are rapidly changing technology. IoT appliances is a new paradigm of household appliances as a combination of semiconductor, sensor, big data, and artificial intelligence, and it is Korea's new growth engine. The IoT industry is open to different areas of application and has diversity, so it can not be limited to one specific technology. Strategies and policies should be prioritized on how to develop, connect and integrate existing technologies. Therefore, national consensus and appropriate implementation strategies are needed. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of strategies and policies for the IoT industry in major countries.

      • KCI등재

        전자무역 : 전자무역의 글로벌 네트워크 개방시스템 상호연결 활용에 관한 연구

        정분도 ( Boon Do Jeong ),윤봉주 ( Bong Ju Yun ) 한국통상정보학회 2014 통상정보연구 Vol.16 No.1

        현재 활용되고 있는 OSI(Open System Interconnection) 체재하의 무역 관련 물류정보화 시스템으로는 항공관제시스템, 항만운영정보시스템, 해운·선원정보시스템, 수출입일괄처리시스템 등이 있는데 이들 시스템들은 우리나라 물류 관련 산업의 운영체계를 보다 편리하고 효율적으로 개선시키는데 많은 부문에 기여하고 있다. 그렇지만 운영 측면에서는 전자문서의 폭발적인 송수신 폭주로 네트워크의 기술적인 문제점들이 적잖게 노출되어 있다. 우리나라가 물류의 정보중심지로 성장하기 위해서는 글로벌 체재속의 IT기술 중 네트워크를 이용한 제어기법들을 충분히 활용하여야 할 때이며 수출입 물류체계를 한층 더 신속 및 정밀화시켜 고도화 단계로 성장시켜야 할 때이다. 따라서 본 논문의 핵심은 OSI 체재하의 전자무역 네트워크의 효율적인 운영을 위하여 부문별 종합 네트워크와 데이터 단위전송의 침입탐지시스템 등의 관리방법 등을 제시하고자 한다. 본 논문에서는 네트워크 기능 배분에 따른 조직과 인력의 조정, 사무의 위임전결 등 내부조직의 합리화 방안과 관련법규의 정비 등은 연구범위에 포함하지 않았다. 그러므로 본 논문은 OSI 체재하의 무역 관련 네트워크를 실무적 관점에서 살펴보고, 향후 해석적 기초를 제시하는데 그 목적을 두었다. A trade logistic informatization system under Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) includes a Port Management Information System, a Maritime Information System, and an Export and Import Batch Processing System. These have made a great contribution in the creation of more convenient and efficient management for the logistics industries in our country. However, this management is exposed to the technological problems of networks due to the explosive use in the sending and receiving of e-documents. For our country to grow as a center for port and logistic information, we should make the best use of the control systems using networks and further advance the export and import logistic systems. Therefore, this study aims to propose management systems for a composite network and an invasion detection system for efficient management of an e-trade network under OSI. Methods to rationalize the internal organizations such as coordination of organizations and human resources according to alloted network functions, commissions and arbitrary decisions, and reorganization of relevant regulations are not discussed here. This study looked at trade network under OSI from the aspect of practical business affairs and presented a basis for further interpretation.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ이스라엘 FTA 추진현황과 한국의 대응방안에 관한 연구

        정분도(Boon Do Jeong),김지훈(Ji Hoon Kim) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.6

        This study aims to look into current trade between Korea and Israel and the FTA to develop our countermeasures against the FTA as well as strategies for further advancement. For these purposes, bibliographical research was made and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Korea International Trade Association, KOTRA, and newspaper journals were referred to. As for trade indices, national portal data from the Korea International Trade Association, Statistics Israel and bank of Israel were referred to. According to the results of the research, it was discovered that Israel is a country which has attracted the attention of the world as a technological power in technological innovation in the IT and bio fields, the development of national defense technology in missiles and air craft, having outstanding research-oriented universities, and active global technological cooperation. To compare the national competitiveness of Korea and Israel, Israel is better in innovation, its development in financial markets, and legal and administrative institutions while Korea is more competitive in infrastructure, its macro-economic environment and market size. In considering the current status of trade between Korea and Israel, and their complementary trade structures, it is expected that if an FTA between the two countries is concluded, trade between them in R&D, automobiles, electronic products and communication will be active. The FTA between Korea and Israel will have a significant meaning in that Korea will be the first Asian country to have an FTA with Israel. For this, our government should make every effort to nurture specialized elites in trade and take a dominant position over other countries, and consider global outsourcing, M&A and develop strategies for advances into global markets through brand development and the development of a business image.

      • KCI등재

        해상적하보험의 위험변동에 따른 보험자의 책임에 관한 연구

        정분도(Boon-do Jeong),윤봉주(Bong-ju Yun) 한국국제상학회 2009 國際商學 Vol.24 No.4

        Marine cargo insurance is a contract between insurers and insured to secure that subject-matter insured arrives at the destination without change of risk according to the principle of God's sincerity Risk expenditures are calculated based on what is insured in the contract and based on the money collected, liability begins Therefore Some change occurring in subject-matter insured after contract concludes indicates the contract is violated, and what is contracted is void or cancelled, and liability of insurer is exempt This study examines effect of special contracts, seven reasons of force majeure exemption from insurance, limit of liability and remedy centering on deviation and delay in voyage occurring according to change of risk in what is regulated in MIA, Korean Commercial Law and ICC Then it defines the limit of liability of insurers according to change of risk through indentification of contents centering on the concept and effects of change in voyage and ships according to different risks Thus, in respect to exemption regulations on accidents occurring according to change of risk after a contract is concluded, there is a trend that the effect of change of risk in laws and clauses of each country is defined according to MIA and ICC and its application is mitigated

      • KCI등재

        e-마켓플레이스 환경하의 SCM 구축전략과 도입사례 고찰

        정분도(Boon-do Jeong),오성동(Sung-dong Oh) 한국국제상학회 2009 國際商學 Vol.24 No.2

        Enterprises have achieved diverse positive results such as lower trade cost, organization of distribution systems, lower inventory cost, fewer defective products, reasonable organization of distribution system, improvement of cash flow, increased revenue, and creation of trade value through SCM. However, when some of enterprises manage SCM, they have various problems in respect to conflicts between enterprises, conflicts due to lack of standardization, poor support of the executive management, organizational reluctance, no application for the system, excessive management costs, and organization of management committees. Therefore, for successful management of SCM, this study aims to present theoretical discussion on SCM, its building strategies and examples of its application.

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