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        기업구조조정 세법의 개선 방안 연구 - 법적 체계와 조문 형식을 중심으로-

        정래용 ( Rae-young Chung ),최헌섭 ( Hun-seop Choi ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2016 홍익법학 Vol.17 No.4

        우리나라의 현행 기업구조조정 지원 세제는 그 내용이 매우 복잡하고 다양할 뿐 아니라 이해하기도 쉽지 않음에도 불구하고 여러 세법에 산재되어 규정하고 있거나 같은 법률 내에서도 규정의 배열에 있어 논리적인 일관성이 부족하여 법적 체계성 문제가 제기되고 있다. 이로 인해 기업이나 과세관청 등에서 동 기업구조조정 지원 세제를 이용하거나 집행하는데 적지 않은 어려움이 초래되고 있으며 이는 결국 기업구조조정을 저해하는 원인이 되고 있다. 본 연구는 위와 같은 문제의식에 기초하여 기업구조조정 세법 체계 및 조문 형식의 개선 방안을 제시하기 위한 것이다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째 합병과 분할 세제는 법인세법에 규정되어 있으나 합병은 우리나라에서 현실적으로 기업구조조정 수단으로 간주되고 있다는 점, 합병 세제는 세수확보 목적보다 적격합병을 유도하여 기업의 연속성 유지를 지원하는 목적이라는 점, 합병은 분할이나 현물출자 등 다른 기업구조조정 지원 세제에 원용되는 규정이 적지 않다는 점 그리고 입법 기술 측면에서 적격합병의 경우 미국은 처음부터 양도손익을 인식하지 않고 과세를 이연하나 우리나라는 합병을 양도로 규정하여 양도손익 인식을 원칙으로 한 다음 적격합병에 따른 과세특례를 적용하여 과세를 이연시키는 방법을 택하고 있으므로 합병과세규정이 조세특례제한법에 규정되어야 할 특례규정 성격이라는 점 등을 고려하여 독일이나 중국처럼 기업구조조정 세제에 포함시켜야 한다. 분할도 원칙이 합병과 동일하다. 둘째, 가업승계와 가업상속 세제는 상속세 과세를 후대로 이연시킨다는 점에서 그 성격이 합병이나 분할과 유사하나 각각 조세특례제한법과 상속세 및 증여세법에 규정하고 있는 것은 불합리하므로 조세특례제한법으로 통일시키는 것이 바람직하다. 셋째, 재무구조개선계획에 따른 구조조정 세제 6개 규정은 조세특례제한법의 기업구조 조정 부문에 산재되어 규정되고 있으나(1개 규정은 법인세법) 별도의 장으로 묶어서 통일적으로 규정하는 것이 바람직하다. 넷째, 기업구조조정 세제의 법적 체계성 구비 방안은 현행 조세특례제한법 제5장의10 사업재편계획을 위한 조세특례를 기업구조조정 세제의 법적 체계성 구비의 표준으로 삼되기업의 연속성 유지 지원을 위한 과세 특례 규정들을 제6장 기업구조조정을 위한 조세특례로 구분하고 재무구조개선계획을 위한 조세지원 6개 규정은 제6장의2 재무구조개선계획을 위한 조세특례로 구분하며 기존 조세특례제한법 제5장의10은 제6장의3으로 구분한다. Current tax codes to support corporate restructuring in Korea are complex and diverse, not yielding to easy understanding. One point of regulation is often spread across various tax codes; even within a single legislation, arrangement of provisions lack logical coherence, raising an issue of legal system. This has led to significant difficulties on the part of firms and tax authorities who seek to benefit from or execute corporate restructuring support tax codes. This in turn has created an obstacle in corporate restructuring. This study recognises such shortcoming and seeks to propose improvements in tax code system and the style of provisions in support of corporate restructuring. The findings are as follows. First, mergers and demerger tax codes are defined in corporate tax law, but in reality, merger is considered a means of corporate restructuring in Korea. The primary purpose of merger tax code is not to raise tax revenue but rather to induce appropriate merger to support corporate sustainability. Much of merger tax codes is invoked in other corporate restructuring tax codes such as demerger or investment in kind. Furthermore, in terms of legislative technicalities, for appropriate mergers, whereas they postpone taxation without recognising transfer profit in the U.S., Korean tax practice sees merger as transfer and in principle recognizes transfer profit before postponing taxation through the application of special tax codes for appropriate merger; this means that merger tax codes are in effect special regulations which should be defined in Tax Reduction and Exemption Control Act and, like in Germany or China, be included in corporate restructuring tax codes. The same principle applies to demerger. Second, in the case of family business succession and corporate inheritance tax codes, although they are similar to the cases of merger or demerger in that they postpone inheritance tax to the next generation, they are each defined in Tax Reduction and Exemption Control Act and in Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act. This is illogical; unification of tax codes under Tax Reduction and Exemption Control Act is recommended. Third, 6 provisions of corporate restructuring tax codes in accordance to financial structure improvement plan are currently stipulated in the corporate restructuring section of Tax Reduction and Exemption Control Act in a sporadic manner (1 code is defined in Corporate Tax Act). These should be defined with coherence in a separate chapter. Fourth, to establish systematic coherence in corporate restructuring tax codes, 10 Article 5 of current Tax Reduction and Exemption Control Act (Tax Reduction for Business Restructuring Plan) should be taken as the basis for establishing a coherent system of corporate restructuring tax codes. Tax reductions in support of corporate sustainability should be separately defined in Article 6, Tax Reduction for Corporate Restructuring. 6 tax benefit provisions for financial structure improvement plan should be defined in Article 6-2Tax Reductions for Financial Structure Improvement Plan. Article 5 -10of the existing Tax Reduction and Exemption Control Act should be organised as Article 6-3.

      • KCI등재

        특허 기술의 사업화 촉진을 위한 세제적 접근

        정래용 ( Rae-young Chung ),강내철 ( Nae-chul Kang ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2016 法學硏究 Vol.26 No.4

        It should be acknowledged that the existing knowledge industry policy in Korea has focused on intellectual property itself, such as expanding intellectual property and enhancing protection thereof. However, despite of being a top R&D spender as a proportion of GDP, the effectiveness of R&D in Korea lags behind China or Japan. Dormant patent technologies which are not commercialized account for 70% of patents held by public research institutions and 40% of those held by private sector firms. This points to a dire need to focus not only on the development of technology itself, but also on supporting active technology transfer and commercialisation. However, in spite of systematic and tax benefits from the government, patent transfer between firms and public research institutions remain low at around 3 - 5%. This raises a question of efficiency in patent technology transfer tax codes. These issues require a paradigm shift in the Korean government`s technology support tax codes. In other words, the government priority must shift from promoting the development of technology to promoting the commercialization of patent technology. This study examines ways to motivate patent technology transfer and commercialisation through tax codes. The findings are as follows. First, existing tax exemption for patent acquisition should be abolished. Instead, when a Korean firm acquires patent developed by Korean national from Koran national, and commercialises it, from the first tax year in which revenue has been generated, tax reduction of 100% for three years and 50% for the following two years should be offered to SMEs. However, firms that are not SMEs should be eligible for 50% of tax benefits available to SMEs (including technology licensing contract mentioned below). Tax exemption for R&D facility investment, controversial for their primary beneficiary being large corporates, should be abolished or reduced for large corporates. Second, based on the aforementioned structure, when revenue has been generated from a technology licensing contract and consequent commercialisation, tax reduction should be at 50% and 30%, respectively. Third, for family business succession, invoking the provisions on employment maintenance and post-management, stipulate an obligation of employment maintenance for five years after the aforementioned tax reduction. Violation should be punished with tax reclamation charge by phase.

      • KCI등재

        감사위원 선임방식의 변경과 이익조정에 관한 연구

        최헌섭(Choi Heon-seob),정래용(Chung Rae-young) 한국국제회계학회 2017 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.73

        이 논문은 2009년에 도입된 감사위원 선출시 일괄선출방식으로의 변경이 감사위원회의 독립적인 본래의 역할에 어떤 영향을 주었는가에 대한 검증을 위하여 감사위원회 선임방법의 변경 이전과 이후에 이익조정의 차이가 있는지 실증한다. 검증을 위한 표본기업은 비금융업을 영위하는 유가증권시장(KSE) 상장기업을 대상으로 분석기간은 2003년부터 2015년까지, 기업-연도 2,957개이다. 실증결과를 요약하면 첫째, 감사위원회를 의무적으로 도입한 기업의 경우 감사위원 선임 시 일괄선출방식으로 변경은 이익조정이 증가하는 결과를 보여주고 있다. 둘째, 자발적으로 감사위원회를 도입한 기업의 경우 감사위원 선임 시 일괄선출방식으로 변경은 이익조정의 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 실증결과는 회계투명성을 위하여 정책결정자에게 감사위원의 선임방법에 있어서 일괄선출방식에서 분리선출방식으로 변경되어야 감사위원회 본래의 역할을 더 적절하게 할 수 있다는 것을 보여주고 있다. This study tries to investigate the effects of earnings management on the change of audit committee director choice. We examines closely the relation between earnings management and the change of the total election of audit committee choice from separate election of the audit committee director choice on Commercial Act adopted in 2009. Our major empirical results of the study are summarized as follows. Firstly, companies with a mandatory audit committee has increased earnings management by means of a discretionary accruals after from the adoption of separate election of audit committee to the adoption of total election of the audit committee. However, there is no difference in the amount between discretionary accruals and the change of audit committee director choice for the voluntarily choice company of audit committee. This results might imply that our study contributes to the related fields as follows. This study gives rise to the momentum that shows the relations between the quality level of financial reporting and the choice audit committee director. Our findings make some important contributions to regulatory bodies in that the adoption of separate election of the audit committee director.

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