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      • KCI등재

        구조물과 부계통간의 연계방법에 따른 지진응답 분석

        정광섭,곽신영,최인길,임승현,Jung, Kwangsub,Kwag, Shinyoung,Choi, In-Kil,Eem, Seunghyun 한국지진공학회 2020 한국지진공학회논문집 Vol.24 No.2

        Seismic responses due to the dynamic coupling between a primary structure and secondary system connected to a structure are analyzed in this study. The seismic responses are compared based on dynamic coupling criteria and according to the error level in the natural frequency, with the recent criteria being reliant on the error level in the spectral displacement response. The acceleration responses and relative displacement responses of a primary structure and a secondary system for a coupled model and two different decoupled models of two degrees-of-freedom system are calculated by means of the time integration method. Errors in seismic responses of the uncoupled models are reduced with the recent criteria. As the natural frequency of the secondary system increases, error in the natural frequency decreases, but seismic responses of uncoupled models can be underestimated compared to that of coupled model. Results in this paper can help determine dynamic coupling and predict uncoupled models' response conservatism.

      • 분자동역학 전산모사를 이용한 반도체 나노와이어의 열기계적 거동 해석

        정광섭(Kwangsub Jung),Min Zhou,조맹효(Maenghyo Cho) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11

        In [0001]-oriented GaN nanowires, initial wurtzite phase transforms to a tetragonal structure under uniaxial tensile loading. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate thermomechanical behavior of the nanowire. Thermal conductivity in the nanowire is calculated at each state of the nanowire by using an equilibrium MD method, Green-Kubo approach. As strain increases, thermal conductivities decrease, except for nanowire with small diameter at high temperature, which has fully transformed structure on its surfaces after the phase transformation. Dominant effect on thermal conductivity changing is the structure on surfaces of nanowire, which alters the surface scattering behavior of phonons.

      • KCI등재

        23부제 지방행정제도에 관한 소고

        정광섭(Kwang-sub Jung) 한일관계사학회 2012 한일관계사연구 Vol.41 No.-

        본 논문은 급진개화파가 그 후견인 역할을 했던 일본의 지원 하에, 양력으로 1895년 5월 26일에 시작하여 이듬해인 1896년 8월 4일까지 시행했던 23부제 지방행정제도 개혁이 의미하는 바를 검정하고 아울러 진의를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 조선시대 500 여년을 이어온 8도제가 불과 2개월 여년 만에 23부제 지방행정제도로 개혁된 것은 일찍이 조선에서 시도된 적 없었던 급격한 개혁으로, 외세로는 일본정부의 이노우에 조선특임공사를 중심으로 한 일본 전문가들과 내부적으로는 일본정부의 지원을 받은 조선의 박영효를 중심으로 한 급진개화파가 주도한 지방제도 개혁이었다. 전근대적 조선의 지방제도를 근대적 지방행정제도로 개편하고자 함을 목적으로 추진되었던 23부제 지방행정제도 개혁은 한편으로는 일제에 의해 주도된 것이기는 하지만 다른 한편으로는 급진개화파에 의해 그리고 우리나라의 근대이행기에 시행되었다는 점에서 제도사적으로도 중요한 의미를 띤다고 말할 수 있다. 하지만 500 여년 역사의 지방행정제도가 일제의 주도하에 역사성과 전통성을 무시하고 짧은 시간 내에 급작스럽게 개정?시행되었다는 점에서 23부제 지방제도개혁은 시행상에 있어 많은 문제점들이 날 수 있는 것이었다. 23부제 지방제도개혁의 수명이 불과 1여년 밖에 시행되지 못했던 점으로도 무리한 개혁이었음을 반증되는 것이나, 무엇 때문에 이렇게 서둘러 개혁하지 않으면 아니되었는가하는 의문에 대해서는 아직 논의된 적이 없다. 결론적으로 본 논문에서는, 우선 이노우에 공사를 중심으로 한 일제위정자에게 있어 23부제 지방제도개혁은 세제수입과 주요 항구에서의 일본 이권획득과 연관되어져 있다는 점과 또한 박영효를 중심으로 한 급진개화파에게 있어서는 조선정부의 근대적 개혁을 지방정부의 개혁을 통하여 이루고자 하였다 점을 밝히고자 하였다. 실로 23부제는 시행과정에 있어 많은 문제점으로 인해 일본위정자가 의도했던 바와는 달리 원활하게 이행되지 못했으며 그리고 급진개화파에게 있어서는 조선정부의 근대적 개혁을 위한 지방에서부터의 근본적 개혁이 일본위정자의 의도와 일치되지 않음으로 인한 갈등으로 시행 후 불과 1여년 만에 폐지되고 말았다. 결과적으로 23부제 지방제도 개혁은, 일제의 조선에서의 정략적 수탈과 제도적 지배를 위한 계책이었으며 원산?인천 등의 조선의 주요 항구에 대한 이권을 선점하고 조직적으로 수탈하기 위한 정략적 행위였다. This paper aims to investigate the signification of the reform of 23 prefectural government which was implemented from May 26 1895 till Aug 4 1896 by the solar calendar under the Japanese support where the advocators of rapid civilization acted as its supporters. 8-Do system which continued across the Chosun Dynasty for almost 500 years was reformed to 23 prefectural government within a year. The reform was so radical and never implemented in the Chosun Dynasty before. The prime mover of this reform of local system was, externally, the experts about Japan around Inoue, Japanese minister to Korea, and, internally, the advocators of rapid civilization led by Park Young Ho who was supported by the Japanese government. 23 prefectural government aimed at transforming premodern Chosun"s local system to the modern local administrative system and it carries an important meaning in terms of institutional History in that it was initiated by Japan but, on the other had, initiated by the advocators of rapid civilization ana implemented during the modernization of our country. However, the local administrative system with the history of 500 years was reformed in such a short period of time by the Japanese Empire with our history and tradition were ignored. In this regard, we can tell the reform of 23 prefectural government should have contained a lot of problems in its implementation. The fact 23 prefectural government was implemented only for one year counter-exemplified that it was a an impractical reform, but there has been no discussion about why the reform was implemented in such a hurry. In conclusion, this paper aims to unveil thee fact that 23 prefectural government initiated by Inoue, Japanese administer to Korea, was associated with tax revenue and Japans rights and interests in major sea ports; and the advocators of rapid civilization led byb Park Young Ho tried to accomplish the modernization of Chosun government through the reform of local administrative system. In fact 23 prefectural government system was not so successful as expected Japanese politicians due to many problems during its implementation and, for the advocators of rapid civilization, their intention to modernize the Chosun government through the reform of local administrative system did not correspond to the interest of Japanese politicians. As a result, 23 prefectural government was abolished one year after the implementation of the system due to the conflicts between the advocators of rapid civilization and Japanese politicians. In conclusion, 23 prefectural government is the Japanese political exploitation and domination over Chosun and the Japanese political act to preoccupy and institutionally exploit the interests in Chosun"s major sea ports.

      • 순환적으로 결합되는 정온기들을 갖는 NσT 분자동역학 전산모사에 적용한 외연적 적분기법

        정광섭(Kwangsub Jung),조맹효(Maenghyo Cho) 대한기계학회 2007 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2007 No.5

        In the previous development of the recursive thermostat chained fully flexible cell molecular dynamics simulation, implicit time integration method such as generalized leapfrog integration is used. The implicit algorithm is very much complicated and not easy to show time reversibility because it is solved by the nonlinear iterative procedure. Thus we develop simple, explicit symplectic time integration formula for the recursive thermostat chained fully flexible unit cell simulation. Uniaxial tension test is performed to verify the present explicit algorithm. We check that the present simulation satisfies the ergodic hypothesis for various values of fictitious mass and coefficient of multiple thermostat system. The proposed method should be helpful to predict mechanical and thermal behavior of nano-scale structure.

      • KCI등재후보

        법적 시각에서 SSM(Super Supermarket) 규제에 관한 연구

        정광섭(Jung Kwangsub) 한국공공사회학회 2015 공공사회연구 Vol.5 No.1

        작은 골목 상권조차 기존의 소상인들 사이를 파고드는 기업형 유통업체(SSM)에 대한 법적인 제재만이 해결책이 아닌 중소 업체와 대형 업체가 함께 윈윈(win-win)할 수 있는 경쟁에 관한 방법을 생각해 보고자 한다. 신규 기업(SSM)이 기존 기업에 이윤을 분배하는 조건으로 시장에 진입한다면 이는 기존 기업(중소 상인)에 어떤 영향을 미칠 것인가? 직관적으로 진입 기업의 이윤 분배가 반드시 기존 기업에 이득이 되는지는 알 수 없다. 진입에 따라 달라지는 시장 점유율과 균형 가격을 함께 살펴야 하는데 이는 이윤 분배의 정도에 따라 또 다르게 변하기 때문이다. 따라서 자유시장 경제원리 상 경쟁을 최대한 보장하고, 국가의 중소기업 보호원리를 적극적으로 수용하여 대형유통점과 중소유통점의 공존·상생 방안을 모색해보아야 한다. 이와 같이 SSM 규제 법률에 대한 다양한 시각이 존재하는 가운데 SSM규제 법률이 WTO의 서비스무역일반협정 상 금지하고 있는 경제적 수요심사에 해당할 가능성과 유통 선진국들의 유통 산업 발전을 위해 모색했던 방안들을 면밀히 검토하여 앞으로의 발전방향을 수립해야 할 것이다. Currently, the entrance of SSM causes many troubles with the small and mid-sized merchants in the market. This paper gropes for the win-win strategy that SSMand an incumbent merchant coexists, based on fair competition. How the existing small merchants are affected when SSM enters the market on the condition that it shares its profits with them? It could be difficult to intuitively know whether the entry of SSM with profit-sharing policy can be beneficial to the incumbent merchant. This is mainly because the market share and equilibrium price, which should be considered as one, are affected and varied by the level of profit-sharing. This research analyzes how the price, profit and quality of products and consumer surplus are influenced by the entrance of SSM, using Hoteling model. We suggested that profit-sharing of SSM would have a positive influence on incumbent merchants, while it could reduce the surplus of consumer. The various perspectives on SSM regulatory laws exist. Based on this result, we could find the political implications, even though this analysis requires excessive restrictions for applying to the real world.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 순환적으로 결합되는 정온기들을 갖는 NoT 분자동역학 전산모사에 관한 연구

        정광섭(Kwangsub Jung),조맹효(Maenghyo Cho) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.5

        The recursive multiple thermostat chained fully flexible cell (RMT-NσT) molecular dynamics method has been proposed for isothermal-isobaric simulation by combining RMT Nose-Poincare and Parrinello-Rahman method. The RMT method is known to have advantages in achieving the ergodicity required for canonical sampling of the harmonic oscillator. In this article, we examine the ergodicity for various parameters of RMT-NσT using a practical nano structures of different numbers of copper atoms (864~13,500 atoms) in different environments. Through the numerical simulations, we conclude that RMT-NσT method has advantage in the cases of lower temperature.

      • 단결정 구리 나노와이어의 굽힘 특성

        정광섭(Kwangsub Jung),조맹효(Maenghyo Cho) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.11

        Single crystalline copper nanowires are subjected to bending tests using molecular dynamics simulations and the embedded atom method. To observe behaviors of nanowire, bending tests are performed for various rates of deflection and different boundary conditions: fixed-free and fixed-fixed. When the deflection of nanowire becomes large, twinnings and dislocations appear, and 〈100〉 crystal structure transforms to 〈110〉. At high rates, phase transformation occurs in whole nanowire. But, at low rates, atomic structure changes to 〈110〉 phase partially. The final deformed structures are affected by the rate of deflection and boundary conditions. These effects can be important design parameters at nanoscale.

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