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      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 외암(巍巖) 이간(李柬) 문학(文學)의 실체(實體)와 영향원(影響原)

        정경훈 ( Kyoung Hun Jung ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2015 儒學硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        본고는 巍巖 李柬(1677~1727)의 문학관과 문학의 실체, 문학의 영향원에 대한 연구이다. 이간에게 성리학은 그의 본질이며 정체성이었다. 본고는 기존의 연구의 범위를 ``문학``까지 확대하여 이간의 정체성을 찾아보고자 하였다. 이간은 문학과 도학의 심도 있는 고민은 하지 않았지만 이전 도학자들의 重道輕文의 문학관인 文以載道을 계승하여 文章小藝觀을 주장하였다. 空言만 늘어놓은 문학은 작은 재주에 불과할 뿐임을 강조하였고 性情과 仁義의 實地와 眞豪가 함축된 문학을 추구하고자 하였는데, 性情과 實地는 성리학적 사상임을 강조하였다. 그러므로 이간의 文章小藝觀은 문예적 아름다움과 수식만 일삼는 문학을 지양하고 성리학을 표현하는 문학을 지향하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 이간은 문학적 이론과 실체를 모두 성리학에 두고 있었다. 곧, 작품 속에서 고찰할 수 있었던 그의 문학 실체는, ``實``의 강조였다. 實은 곧 자신이 평생 수양하고 함양 시킨 모든 원리이며 성리학의 기본 원리였다. 그는 작품에서 實의 추구를 위해 孔子와 朱子의 故事를 전범으로 사용하며 자신의 주장에 권위와 설득력을 부여하고 있다. 이와 같이 이간은 문학을 통해 성리학적 사상의 기저인 實의 구체적 모습을 탐구하였고 그 영향원으로 孔子, 會子, 朱子 등 儒家, 性理學의 고사와 전범을 인용하여 道學을 표현한 문학을 추구하고 있음을 알 수 있다. This paper Lee Gan of a view of literature and of research of the substance. He used an ethicist of inherited from the literature theory. And he thought by separating moral philosophy and literature. He was a means and urging the ethics than literature. So he contends ``Literature is only a small feat(文章小藝)`` me that it was. He has a high value, but moral philosophy, literature is a virtuous than value is considered of low. His argument is like this unique literary theory is not. Who inherited his literary theory literature is the past. But he is a literature across the board did not deny it. Including moral philosophy he just be correct was regarded as literature. His literary theory and the literature both in Neo-Confucianism(性理學) and. Lee Gan stressed in literature all the time a truth(實). Truth(實) itself is all principles and basic principles of Neo-Confucianism disciplining her whole life. He works in Confucius(孔子) and ZhuXi(朱子) of story from the old days of work and Confucian scriptures. And operation limiting condition is to give the authority of the claim and convincing. Confucianism is his literature of taking on the basis of ideology. Neo-Confucianism is his history of literature and therefore did many references.

      • KCI등재

        尤庵 宋時烈의 碑誌文 硏究

        정경훈(Jung Kyoung-hun) 어문연구학회 2004 어문연구 Vol.45 No.-

        This paper aims at studying inscription of Si-Yeol, Song with the pen name of Woo Am(1607 - 1689), a scholar of metaphysics and writer in 17th century. So far, Si-Yeol, Song has been regarded as the scholar studying the ethics. Furthermore, he vigorously wrote many books as seeing SongJaDaeJeon. He produced 500 inscriptions, which are the largest volume compared with other collection of works. However, his literary ability has not been recognized rightly until now. Thus, as a reaction to this tendency mentioned above, his inscriptions were fully discussed. Numerous inscriptions will be a steppingstone to judge the level of artistic achievement. He wrote about the matters of common people, women, servants as well as the royal family and high-class group. He not only describe the things as they are according to the basic principle of inscription, but also pursued to write in literary style. His writing style was influenced by Han Yoo, one of eight writers in the Dang dynasty and writer of GuyanhsangesaㆍLeewonbeanyuepye and Yang-Soo, Goo, a writer of Sangangteaenpye. He even received the style of Joo Ja's inscription called the ideological root of his writing. However, his imitative style goes beyond the style of the original works and transformed them into his own style. So he constantly created and achieved the artistic technique. He also changed the inscription regarded as a practical writing into an artistic form of writing. Therefore, he is believed to be a scholar studying the ethics. Evermore, he must be in a permanent position in the prose in 17th century.

      • KCI등재후보

        문학(文學) : 우암(尤庵) 송시열(宋時烈) 산문(散文)의 문예적 면모

        정경훈 ( Kyoung Hun Jung ) 한국사상문화학회 2008 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.42 No.-

        본고는 17세기 尤庵 宋時烈(1607~1689)의 산문에 대한 연구로 그의 산문의 문예적 특장을 주목한 연구 결과물이다. 그는 17세기 정치적·사상적 측면에 탁월한 업적을 남긴 바, 상대적으로 문학에 대해 주목하지 않았다. 이에 본고는 우암 산문의 문예적 특징 중 다양한 奇法과 氣勢를 통해 우암이 얼마만큼 문학에 관심을 가졌는지를 연구하였다. 우암은 후배 문인들의 평가처럼 ``奇``를 추구하였다. 우암이 추구한 ``奇``는 秦漢古文派들의 ``佶屈오牙``처럼 어려운 字句를 사용하는 것이 아니라 韓愈 등 고문가들이 추구했던 ``奇``를 추구하였다. 그 중 ``句法奇``, ``章法奇``와 ``構思創意奇``가 두드러졌다. 우암은 哉·耶·乎 등 허사를 사용해서 분위기를 고조시켜 문장의 기세를 점점 강하게 만들기도 하고 동일한 글자를 반복적으로 사용하여 기세를 증강시키기도 하였다. 우암은 작품의 구조와 내용을 평범하게 표현하지 않고 의미 구조에 변화를 주거나 새로 생각해낸 것으로 생동감 있고 흥미롭게 표현하였다. 이런 의미구조의 변화는 문장을 치밀하게 구성해야만 가능한 방법으로 작자의 문예적 역량이 없으면 표현하기 어렵지만, 우암은 산문작품에서 자신만의 창의적인 생각으로 표현하고 있었다. 이후 우암은 자신만의 독창적인 서술방법으로 후인들의 논란거리가 되곤 하였다. 우암은 작품에서 자신의 감정을 磊落한 氣勢로 격정적으로 표현했는데, 작품 중 碑誌文이나 傳에는 대개 戰亂에서 전사한 인물들을 대상으로 찬술한 작품들을 많이 발견할 수 있었다. 자신의 감정을 작품에 얼마만큼 투영할 수 있는가는 작품의 문학적 성과의 여부를 가늠할 수 있는 기준인데, 우암은 戰場의 상황이나 장렬히 죽는 인물을 묘사할 때, 감정과 기세가 어우러진 적절한 단어를 선택하여 묘사하며 주인공의 행위를 자신의 격렬하고 강렬한 감정의 색채가 드러나도록 어휘를 선택하며 묘사하고 있었다. This thesis is a study on the prose of Woo-am, Song Si-yeol. He was a politician and a philosopher who had the greatest influence on Chosun Dynasty in the seventeenth century. He was in an era of cultural restoration of MokReungSeongSei and wrote many literary works, especially prose, based on historical events, ImjinWaeRan and BeyngJaHoRan. Woo-am worte 『SongJaDaeJeon』 which had a unique title. Many literary men have collected his works after he died so 『SongJaDaeJeon』 is too vast. Woo-am tried to express ``extraordinariness`` in his works as the evaluation of later ages. It was influenced by Han-yu who was a writer in China. There are feelings of movement and interest in his works. He changed the semantic structure of his works using his new idea instead of not making the construction and contents of his works flat. Only the writers capable of constructing sentences delicately can change semantic structure. But Woo-am made these changes in his works creatively. His creative method of description has been a controversy. Woo-am frequently quoted the scriptures that had the absolute authority and gave persuasive power to his view in this way. This thesis is the result of researching the vast collection of Woo-am. Diverse research is required to understand Woo-am`s collection because his collection is the most massive collection among Korean writers of many generations. But this thesis partially concerns the prose of Woo-am. Hopefully research on Woo-am wll be active and continuous.

      • KCI등재

        해석적 방법을 이용한 슬롯리스 양측식 코어드 타입 영구자석 발전기의 와전류 손실 해석

        장강현(Gang-Hyeon Jang),정경훈(Kyoung-Hun Jung),홍기용(Keyyong Hong),김경환(Kyong-Hwan Kim),최장영(Jang-Young Choi) 대한전기학회 2016 전기학회논문지 Vol.65 No.10

        This paper deals with eddy current loss analysis of Slotless Double sided Cored type permanent magnet linear generator by using analytical method, space harmonic method. In order to calculate eddy current, this paper derives analytical solution by the Maxwell equation, magnetic vector potential, Faraday’s law and a two-dimensional(2-D) cartesian coordinate system. First, we derived the armature reaction field distribution produced by armature wingding current. Second, by using derived armature reaction field solution, the analytical solution for eddy current density distribution are also obtained. Finally, the analytical solution for eddy current loss induced in permanent magnets(PMs) are derived by using equivalent, electrical resistance calculated from PMs volume and eddy current density distribution solution. The analytical result from space harmonic method are validated extensively by comparing with finite element method(FEM).

      • KCI등재

        반경 방향으로 자화된 Tubular 타입 자기 커플링의 특성 해석

        김창우(Chang-Woo Kim),정경훈(Kyoung-Hun Jung),최장영(Jang-Young Choi) 대한전기학회 2015 전기학회논문지 Vol.64 No.11

        Magnetic coupling is used where required high reliability. because magnetic coupling‘s durability is stronger than mechanical coupling’s durability. This paper shows the characteristics of radially magnetized tubular type magnetic coupling by using Analytical method such as space harmonic method. Analytical method was used, to find force characteristics. First, on the basis of the magnetic vector potential and two-dimensional(2-D) polar-coordinate system, the magnetic field solutions of the radially magnetized permanent magnet are obtained. And we obtain the analytical solutions for the flux density produced by permanent magnet. Finally, we can calculate the force by using the Maxwell stress tensor. And then, Finite element method(FEM) is used to validate force characteristics.

      • 연료전지 자동차용 고전압 쿨링팬 BLDC 모터 소음 최적화 설계

        신현재(Hyeon-Jae Shin),이재원(Jae-Won Lee),조성국(Seong-Kook Cho),정경훈(Kyoung-Hun Jung),오세원(Sae-Won Oh),이재훈(Jae-Hoon Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2017 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.5

        Fuel cell vehicle performance depends largely on the performance of the fuel cell stack. The fuel cell stack that supplies electric power to the fuel cell vehicle can be optimized to operate at a relatively low temperature compared to the internal combustion engine. In order to operate the fuel cell stack under optimal temperature control conditions, a cooling fan system equipped with a high voltage BLDC motor capable of generating a high output power are required because a large amount of cooling air flow is required in conventional low voltage motor systems. By applying a high-output fan system equipped with a high-voltage motor, the driving performance of the fuel cell vehicle can be improved by utilizing the operation performance of the fuel cell stack. This paper is focused on noise optimization design of cooling fan BLDC motor for fuel cell vehicle. Causes of electromagnetic noise and vibration include cogging torque, torque ripple and unbalanced electro-magnetic force. Through reaction surface method optimization design, improvement design is archived goal of cogging torque, torque ripple and EMF(THD). Cogging noise is also improved by optimization design.

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