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        특집 : 동서(東西)의 만남과 실학: 동아시아 지식세계와 마테오리치 ; 17세기 서양 세차설(歲差說)의 전래와 동아시아 지식인의 반응

        전용훈 ( Yong Hoon Jun ) 한국실학학회 2010 한국실학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        이 논문에서는 서양천문학사에서 제시된 세차와 트레피데이션 이론이 동아시아에 전래되면서 일어난 오해와 변용의 과정을 다룬다. 이슬람 천문학에서 제기된 트레피데이션 이론은 중세와 르네상스 시기 유럽의 천문학에서 동서세차천구와 남북세차천구라는 개념으로 발전하였다. 또한 황도에 나란한 항성의 위치이동을 가리키는 세차는 별자리 천구의 미세한 운동으로 설명되었다. 이러한 서양천문학의 개념과 용어는, 그것이 제안되고 발전된 맥락과는 전혀 다른 동아시아의 맥락 속에 던져짐으로써, 자주 오해와 변용을 낳았다. 이익은, 동서세차천구를 항성의 동서방향 위치 이동을 일으키는 원인이라고 오해하였고, 남북세차천구를 항성의 남북방향의 위치 이동을 설명하는 구조로 변용하였다. 김석문은 태양의 원지점 이동과 세차를 연관된 현상으로 보고, 이것이 지구의 느린 공전운동 때문에 야기된 것이라는 새로운 지구 공전이론을 고안하기도 했다. 또한 『의상고성속편』에서는 세차와 황도경사각의 변화를 설명하기 위해, 한동안 거의 논의되지 않았던 동서세차천과 남북세차천 개념을 부활시켰다. In this paper, I studied East Asian scholars` understanding and transformation of western astronomical concepts including precessional motion of stars and trepidation of equinoxes in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. While the concept of "trepidation of equinoxes" proposed by Islamic astronomers evolved into the mechanism of two precessional spheres comprising of the east-west and north-south precessional sphere, the precession of stars became to be explained by the subtle movement of celestial sphere of stars along the ecliptic plane. When introduced in the Eastern intellectual context in the seventeenth century, the theory of precession and trepidation above, however, were comprehended differently from those in Western context, and they provided with sources of transformation for the East Asian intellectuals to propose new theories of celestial phenomena. I Ik(李瀷, 1681~1763) and Kim Sok-mun(金錫文, 1658~1735) provide with examples how the western theories were transformed for their ideas. Even in the mid-nineteenth century, scholars in East Asia reused the old-fashioned trepidation theory to explain the changes of star position and declination of ecliptic.

      • KCI등재

        한국 천문학사의 한국적 특질에 관한 시론: 세종 시대 역산(歷算) 연구를 중심으로

        전용훈 ( Yong Hoon Jun ) 한국과학사학회 2016 한국과학사학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        The Korean characteristics in the history of Korean astronomy during the King Sejong (r. 1419-1450) period can be properly understood only when examined with a focus on knowledge and activities, not on the theoretical but on the practical dimension. Indeed, in this period, Joseon Korea hardly developed an independent and unique astronomical theory, differing from that of China. Nor did the kingdom ever seek to develop and implement an independent calendrical system. In addition, Korea during this era did not produce its own astronomical instruments, differing from those of China. Nor were astronomical observational activities using astronomical instruments carried out for the purpose of developing new theories and securing new data. On the contrary, the intention of astronomical observations made in Joseon was to confirm the validity of the time standard established by the dynasty. The history of Korean astronomy during this period was one that consisted of research and activities for establishing and implementing the nation’s time standard. Consequently, the Korean characteristics of the atronomy in this era was most pronounced in the implementation of a time standard. This is why the nation’s uniqueness and independence reached their height in the diverse clocks created during the Joseon Dynasty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        최한기의 기학과 서양 근대천문학

        전용훈 ( Jun Yong-hoon ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2019 大東文化硏究 Vol.105 No.-

        본 연구에서는, 흔히 氣學으로 불리는 최한기의 사상이 『기학』이라는 저술이 이루어진 1857년 무렵에 완성된 것으로 보고, 그 이후에 최한기가 새로이 접한 서양과학을 자신의 기학적 관점에서 어떻게 이해하였는지를 살펴보았다. 특히 서양 근대천문학 교과서인 영국인 존 허셜(John Herschel, 1792~1871)의 책을 번역한 『談天』(1859)를 접한 이후, 최한기가 뉴턴 과학을 자신의 관점으로 비판하고 재해석하면서 자신의 책 『성기운화』에 제시한 독자적인 기학적 역학과 기학적 우주론이 무엇이었는지를 논의하였다. 이를 위해 『談天』의 원서인 허셜의 『천문학개요(Outlines of Astronomy)』(1851)의 내용과 구성을 중심으로 19세기 유럽의 근대천문학에서 천체 현상을 설명하는 주요한 이론이었던 뉴턴 역학(Newtonian Mechanics)의 의미와 신학적 목표를 살펴보고, 이것이 한역본 『담천』에 충실하게 반영되었다는 사실을 번역자인 와일리와 이선란의 입장을 통해 규명하였다. 또 최한기가 19세기 유럽 천체역학의 기반이었던 뉴턴 역학마저 자신의 기학적 관점으로 이해하고 비판하였다는 사실을 밝혔다. 결론적으로, 최한기는 『星氣運化』(1867)에서 뉴턴 역학에 대한 대안으로 氣輪의 존재와 작용으로 천체역학적 현상을 설명하는 기학적 역학과 기학적 우주론을 제시했으며, 따라서 최한기의 후기 사상의 핵심을 이해하기 위해서는 『성기운화』를 중심으로 살펴보아야 한다는 점을 주장하였다. This paper deals with a Korean Confucian philosopher Choe Han-gi's(崔漢綺, 1803~1877) qi-based celestial mechanics and cosmological ideas which were proposed by criticizing Newtonian celestial mechanics of mid-nineteenth century Europe. I mainly analyzed his Seonggi unhwa(星氣運化, Dynamic Change of Stellar Qi, 1867) where he claimed his final cosmological ideas based on his own philosophy of qi氣. Choe, in his Kihak(氣學, the Study of Qi) written in 1857, declared that he had established a true philosophy of qi which can be applied to any kinds of natural phenomena including celestial ones. In around 1860, Choe red Tantian(談天, Conversation on the Heaven, 1859), the Chinese translation of the Outlines of Astronomy(1851, 4th edition) written by John Herschel(1792~1871), an English astronomer. Herschel's book widely adopted Newtonian celestial mechanics to explain newly discovered various celestial phenomena and their gravitational motions such as the orbital motion of satellites and asteroids, double star, double cluster, etc. Li Shan-lan(李善蘭, 1811~1882), a Chinese mathematician and Alexander Wylie(1815~1887), an English missionary, co-worked for the translation of Herschel's book. With his philosophy of qi, Choe criticized the concept of Newtonian gravity which had no causal explanation on its occurrence and action at a distance. Being convinced that all kinds of forces must be occurred and driven by qi, Choe invented the concept of qi-globe(氣輪), a globe of diffused qi surrounding a certain material body, to explain the gravitational phenomena. According to him, the gravitational force can be driven and conveyed only by the qi-globes when one globe intersected the other. Choe's argument in Seonggi unhwa(星氣運化, Dynamic Change of Stellar Qi, 1867) seems to be a bit dogmatic from a modern scientific point of view, but it was inevitable for him, I think, because he was definitely convinced with his philosophy of qi. From his reading style of Newtonian celestial mechanics, we can find that modern science, from Choe's point of view, can be understood in a different way from its original one.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 조선에서 서양과학과 천문학의 성격: 청조 고증학의 영향을 중심으로

        전용훈 ( Yong Hoon Jun ) 한국과학사학회 2013 한국과학사학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        Based on an analysis of Chubosokhae 推步續解 (A Follow-up Commentary on the Astronomical Calculation, 1862) and other documents written by Nam Pyong-ch`ol 南秉哲 (1817-1863), in this paper, I examine the following aspects of his work: (1) the achievement of his astronomy and natural studies, (2) his attitude to western science and his evaluation of it, (3) the influence of evidential studies of the Qianjia 乾嘉 period (1736-1820) of Qing China and its relationship with Nam`s natural studies, and (4) the object and meaning of natural studies from his Confucian perspective. Nam`s study of astronomy, most of all, showed the highest level of consistency and systematization on the technical side. He had full confidence in western science because western astronomy was equipped with good accuracy and efficiency in calculating the movement of celestial bodies and making an annual calendar with it. Nam`s amity with western astronomy was deeply related to that of Chiang Yung`s 江永 (1681-1762), a Chinese scholar of evidential study. Nam also learned the evidential methodology from scholars of evidential studies of the Qianjia period and he always examined astronomical proofs when he discussed astronomical theories. No matter how his natural study assumed evidential character, however, it was never an independent field of modern science. Natural study to him was a secondary field of Confucian study, which was always a pursuit of being an ethical sage. Western science, therefore, had only a technical value, while Confucian study possessed the excellence of ethical and cultural value.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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