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      • KCI등재후보

        분리된 백서 췌도의 인슐린 분비에 미치는 Atrial Natriuretic Factor 의 영향

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),최영숙(Young Suck Choi),박명철(Myung Chul Park),정숙현(Suck Hyun Jeong),정준용(Jun Yong Jeong),송미숙(Mi Suck Song),김은영(Eun Young Kim),이영화(Young Wha Lee) 대한내과학회 1991 대한내과학회지 Vol.41 No.2

        The atrial natriuretic factors have their main function in the regulation of water and elecrolyte balance and blood pressure1-5). Recently ANF-like immunoreactivty has been shown to also occur in pancreatic islet cells10), and because several intrapancreatic peptides are known to have the capacity to regulate islet function', we therefore investigated the influences of synthetic rat ANF (3-28) on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. After pancreatic islets isolation, they were perifused with solutions which contained 10 mmol glucose, ANF, carbachol and adrenoceptor blockades. Their secreted insulin values are shown in Tables 1 and 2, and their results are summarized as follows: 1) ANF significantly suppressed the glucose-induced increment of the first-and second-phase insulin secretion.(*p<0.05 ***p<0.0025) 2) ANF did not significantly suppress the chlinergic carbachol-induced increment of the first-phase insulin secretion. (p>0.05) 3) There was no demonstrable inhibitory effect of the ANF in the solution which contained combined a-and β-adrenoceptor blockade. In conclusion, we suggest that rat ANF inhibits glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in the rat by direct peculiar interferences and partial mediation of the adrenoceptors.

      • KCI등재후보

        간생검조직에서 B 형 및 C 형 간염바이러스 유전자의 검출

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),최영숙(Young Suck Choi),조남훈(Nam Whoon Cho) 대한내과학회 1995 대한내과학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        Objectives: It is known that about 8% and 1% of the Korean population is chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), respectively. And hepatitis B and C viruses are associated with chronic carrier state and may cause chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. For further understanding of the relationship between viral infections and liver diseases, it may be necessary to evaluate the presence of HBV-DNA and HCV-RNA in the liver tissues and we tried polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect them. Methods: We determined the HBV-DNA by PCR and HCU-RNA by the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in the liver biopsy specimens of two patients with chronic hepatitis, six patients with liver cirrhosis and two patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Results: 1) In the two liver biopsy specimens of chronic B hepatitis, HBV-DNA were positive and HCV-RNA were negative. 2) In the six freshly frozen liver specimens of liver cirrhosis, all of the six showed HBV-DNA positive and three of them showed HCV-RNA positive. 3) In two patients of hepatocellular carcinoma, one of them showed HBsAg positive, anti-HCV positive in serologic test, HBV-DNA and HCV-RNA were positive. And the other one showed HBsAg positive, anti-HCV negative, HBV-DNA positive and HCV-RNA negative in the freshly frozen liver tissues. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate the feasibility of single PCR methods for the detection of HBV sequences and the feasibility of reverse transcription-single PCR technique for the detection of HCV sequences in freshly frozen liver tissues. And these techniques may reveal valuable information on the diagnosis of HRV infection and HCV infection and the pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis.

      • KCI등재후보

        중합효소연쇄반응법 ( PCR ) 을 이용한 C 형 간염바이러스 RNA 의 검출

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),최영숙(Young Suck Choi),박영민(Yong Min Park),김부성(Boo Sung Kim) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        Objectives: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) accounts for the occurrences of hepatocellular carcinoma, post-transfu- sion non-A non-B (NANR) hepatitis, sporadic NANB hepatitis and aggravates alcoholic liver disease. And we tred polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to evaluate hepatitis C viral infection. Methoda: We detected HCV RNA in the sera from patients with various liver diseases by PCR, to evaluate the replication and infectivity of HCU, And we compared HCV RNA positivity with anti-HCV positivity, Results: 1) In the 107 sporadic NANR liver diease patients, sixteen (15.0%) were anti HCV positive. In the 86 sporadic NANB liver disease patients, thirty-three (38,4%) were HCV-RNA positive. 2) In the 52 HBV-associated liver diasease patients, three (5.8%) were anti-HCV positive. In the 40 HBV- associated liver disease patients, three (12,5%) were HCV-RNA positive. 3) In the various liver diseases, positive rate of HCV- RNA by PCR was 2.1-2.6 times higher than that of anti-HCV. 4) In the total 13,488 blood donors for the three months of Red Cross Blood Center in Chonju, fourty-six (0.34%) were anti-HCV positive and sixteen (53%) among the thirty anti-HCV psitive sera were HCV-RNA positive. 5) Positive rate of anti-HCV of the blood donors, acute and chronic sporadic NANB hepatitis in Chonbuck area was much lower than that of Seoul area. But positive rate of HCV RNA by PCR was similar between two areas. Also positive rates of anti-HCV and HCV RNA in the NANB liver cirrhosis and NANB hepatodellular carcinoma were similar between two areas. Conclusion: By our results, it is suggested that the prevalence of C hepatitis may be underestimated by anti-HCV alone and so the detection of HCV-RNA by PCR is necessary for the true evaluation of HCV infection.

      • KCI등재후보

        임상경과에 따른 쭈쭈가무시병의 면역양상

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),최영숙(Young Suck Choi) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.46 No.5

        Objectives: Tsutsugamushi disease is one of the important acute febrile illnesses with the high incidence during the fall throughout Korea. After year of 1986, its incidence showed a little increaseing tendency and occupied over 61% of the acute febrile illnesses during the fall in Chonbuck area. So for more understanding of this disease we observed immunologic features of the 35 Tsutsugamushi patients serially for 3 weeks after treatment. Methods: Tsutsugamushi patients were serially studied for total T cell, helper T cell, suppressor T cell, complement 3 and 4, natural killer cell, activated B cell by monoclonal antibodies CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD20 and immunoglobulin G, A and M were measured by Turbidimetric Immuno Assay. With confirm diagnosis by Indirect Immunofluorescent Antibody test 35 patients were chosen and their values were analyzed and compared with the 25 normal control by computerized ANOVA T test. Results: Total T lymphocytes, helper T cell, helper/suppressor T cell ratio were significantly decreased (p<0.01) during one, two weeks after antibiotics treatment but helper T cell, helper/suppressor T cell ratio showed normal values three weeks after antibiotics treatment. Natural killer cell, immunoglobulin IgM, IgA were in- creased throughout the disease course with statistical significance (p<0.01) and complement C4 was increased until two weeks after antibiotics treatment (p<0.01). Activated B cell was increased significantly (p<0.01) two and three weeks after antibiotics treatment, IgG was significantly increased (p<0.05) during one, two and three weeks after antibiotics treatment. There was no demonstrable changes in the level of complement C3 and suppressor T cell during the disease course. Conclusion: Eventhough natural killer cell and elevated humoral immunity play recurperative roles in the early stage of the Tsutsugamushi disease, definitie recovery comes after significant changes of the cellular immunity induced by adequate antibiotics treatment. So it is suggested that cell mediated immunity play important roles in the recovery from the Tsutsugamushi disease and adequate antibiotics help our immune system to recurperate after this disease.

      • KCI등재후보

        쭈쭈가무시병 98 예의 임상적 고찰 ( 1986 - 1991 )

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),최영숙(Young Suck Choi) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        Background: Tsutsugamushi disease is one of the important acute febrile illnesses with the high incidence during the fall throughout Korea, especially in rural areas. Also in Chonbuck area, its prevalence is high and so we accumulated 98 cases from the year of 1986 to 1991 and observed their clinical characteristics. Method: The serologic patterns of the all 98 patients were studied as follows; Weil-Felix reaction was tested in the Serologic Diagnostic Departmemnt of the Korea National Institute of Health and Indirect Immunofluoscent Antibody test, Complement Fixation Test and IgM-specific dot-ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbant assay) were tested in the Departement of Microbiology, Collage of Medicine, Seoul National University. Results: 1) There is annual increase of the tsusugamushi disease cases in Chonbuck area; 5 cases in the year of 1986, 19 cases in 1988, 20 cases in 1989, 23 cases in 1990 and 31 cases in 1991. 2) There was peak occurrence between October (41 cases, 42%) and November (56 cases, 57%), Large proportion of the patients were over 40 years old (67 cases, 69%). Patients were distributed throughout the whole area of Chonbuck province and the rate of male to female was 1: 1.25 (44 cases to 54 cases). 3) Illness was characterized by severe headache, fever, chillness, myalgia, maculopapula rashes, escar, and lymphadenopathies. Laboratory tests showed elevated abnormal liver function tests, lymphocytosis, elevated ESR, pyuria and proteinuria. 4) Treatment was so effectively carried out by the doxycycline, chloramphenicol or ulfamycin medication that clinical symptoms and signs were improved 2-3 days after onset of treatment. Conclusion: Tsutsugamushi disease is an important acute febrile illness in the Chonbuck province area, it has peak occurrence between October and November. There is tendency of increase in its occurrence, so we need adequate control method.

      • KCI등재후보

        소득 수준에 따른 골다공증 및 골감소증의 발생

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),최영숙(Young Sook Choi) 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.50 No.4

        Objectives: Osteoporosis is the term used for diseases of diverse etiology that cause a reduction in the mass of bone per unit volume. Several risk factors of osteoporosis have been identified. Osteoporotic subjects frequently have lower bone peak mass, earlier menopause, lower average body weight, less exercise, high incidence of smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and lower dietary calcium intake. Thus we evaluated the occurrence of osteoposis and osteopenia between two groups with different socioeconomic conditions. And we also checked the rate of remodeling of bone in two groups by one of the biochemical marker-type I collagen(prolagen C), Methods: Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and Type I collagen were measured in 314 subjects with dissimiliar socioeconomic backgrounds. Results: 1) The occurrence of osteoporosis and osteopenia increased according to increasing age. Earlier and more occurrence of osteoporosis and osteopenia were noticed in the lower socioeconomic subjects than the middle and high socioeconomic subjects. 2) Type I collagen(Prolagen-C) showed 80.1±20.3ng/ml in the normal controls and significantly increased in the osteoporotic subjects as 125.5±60.8ng/ml. In the osteoporotic patients, type I collagen was increased significantly in the middle and high socioeconomic subjects than the lower socioeconomic subjects. '1'his group showed 90.3±15.5ng/ ml and that group showed 155.6±69.9ng/ml, Conclusion : It is suggested that osteoporosis and osteopenia can occur more and earlier in the lower socioeconomic subjects than the others. And those people experience more difficulties in the remodeling of bone than these

      • KCI등재후보

        해당화 뿌리의 가수분해형 탄닌(Rosanin)이 실험용 백서의 혈당, 중성지방 및 제4 당수송체 mRNA의 발현에 미치는 영향

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),문성필(Sung Phil Mun) 대한내과학회 2000 대한내과학회지 Vol.58 No.2

        Background : The root of the plant Rosa rugosa has been reported to have an anti- hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic effect in experimental animals. But its definite anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic substance has not yet been identified. In this study, we found the hydrolysable tannins of the hot water extract of the Rosa rugosa root had those effects, and named it as Rosanin. And its mode of actions were evaluated. Methods : Three groups of streptozotocin-injected rats and two groups of buffer-injected control rats were given 10 mg/Kg/ml of Rosanin, or glibenclamide, or water by nasogastric tubes for three weeks. Blood sugar, insulin, triglyceride and GLUT4 mRNA levels were checked in the fasting state. Liver, kidney and pancreatic specimens were observed by light microscopy. Results : All the water-treated, glibenclamide-treated and Rosanin-treated diabetic rats had significantly higher blood sugar levels compared to that of normal control rats (p<0.001, p<0.001 and p<0.05, respectively); but Rosanin-treated diabetic rats had significantly lower blood sugar level compared to those of glibenclamide-treated and water-treated diabetic rats (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). In the Northern blot analysis from the experimental rats' hind limb skeletal muscle RNA, all the diabetic rats showed variously decreased levels of GLUT4 mRNA compared to those of normal control rats. The water-treated diabetic group showed a 66% decline (p<0.001); the glibenclamide-treated diabetic group led with a 2% decline; and the Rosanin-treated diabetic group revealed a 23% decline (p<0.05). All three groups of diabetic rats had significantly lower insulin levels compared to that of normal control rats (p<0.01), but glibenclamide-treated diabetic rats and Rosanin-treated diabetic rats had significantly higher insulin level compared to that of water-treated diabetic rats (p<0.05, each). Furthermore, Rosanin treatment significantly decreased plasma blood triglyceride levels of streptozotocin-injected diabetic rats compared to water-treated and glibenclamide-treated, streptozotocin-injected diabetic rats (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). The light microscopic observation of pancreatic specimens of the Rosanin-treated diabetic group showed more intact islet cells than the water-treated diabetic groups. Liver specimens of the Rosanin-treated diabetic group showed a normal appearance, but those of the water-treated diabetic groups showed severe spotty hepatic necrosis and many regenerating hepatic cells. Conclusion : Rosanin has an anti-hyperglycemic effect. This effect is due, in part, through the enhancement of the GLUT4 mRNA expression, the stimulation of insulin secretion in hyperglycemia, and through the preservation of pancreatic beta cells from the destructory damages of the streptozotocin. Further, it has anti-hypertriglyceridemic and hepatotoxicity-relieving effects in streptozotocin-injected diabetic animals. Abbreviations : Rosanin, the high molecular weight hydrolysable tannins of the hot water extract of the Rosa rugosa root; has an average molecular weight of about 830,000; it mainly consists of D-glucose units linked by the 1→4 gulcoside bonds and phenolic acids, such as ellagic and gallic acid1).(Korean J Med 58:180-188, 2000)

      • KCI등재후보

        1986 년 , 1988 년 전북지역에서 발생한 쭈쭈가무시병 24 예

        전기엽(Ki Youp Jeon),장우현(Woo Hyun Chang) 대한내과학회 1989 대한내과학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        N/A We experienced 24 cases of tsutsugamushi disease which occurred in the Chonbuk area during the fall of 1986 and 1988. In the year of 1986, 5 cases were diagnosed by the Weil-Felix test (2 cases) or indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (3 cases). In the year of 1988, 19 case were diagnosed by indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (17 cases) or clinical tentative diagnosis (2 cases). There was characteristic abrupt onset of mild fever elevation, severe headache, skin rach and eschar formation. In the laboratory tests, elevated GOT, GPT and ESR were noted. Conceivably eschar, severe headache, skin rash and moderate GOT elevation were pathognomonic on the whole. The patients were sensitive to oxytetracycline therapy and had no sequelae.

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      • KCI등재

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