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      • 일본어의 초점 실현과 인토네이션의 구조

        최영숙,Choi, Young-Sook 한국음성학회 2002 음성과학 Vol.9 No.4

        The purpose of the present study is to see in terms of $F_{0}$ variation in Japanese how discourse focus and the lexical word accent interact with each other in realizing overall intonation patterns. Discourse focus causes prosodic restructuring of phrase structures and, as a result, largely affects pitch contours, whereas the lexical word accent is said to delimit the $F_{0}$ into a certain range. Measurement of $F_{0}$ was made of utterances of Japanese sentences to observe behavior of pitch contours with varied focus assignment and lexical accent specifications. The utterances were obtained in question-answer discourse contexts so that in a sentence, either one NP was always focused or no focus was assigned. I set four points for $F_{0}$ measurement; $F_{1s},F_{1m}, F_{2s}$, and $F_{2m}$, two for each noun phrase corresponding to $F_{0}$ at the beginning of the first syllable and that of the vocalic portion of the second syllable in the two NP's. The results of present study were as follows: (1) for all combination of lexical accent types, the $F_{0}$ rise both in NP1 and NP2 are higher when focused than when not focused. (2) NP2 starts a new accentual phrase when focused, showing even higher $F_{0}$ than NP1, the latter of which implies that in forming a new accentual phrase by focusing, catathesis does not seem to take effect on NP2 preceded by accented NP1. (3) unfocused NP2 preceded by unaccented NP1 has higher $F_{0}$ than those preceded by accented NP1.

      • 간호학교 학생들의 제 문제점에 관한 고찰

        최영숙,이공순,Choi Young-Sook,Lee Kong-Soon 대한간호협회 1970 대한간호 Vol.9 No.6

        The main purpose of Korean nursing education is to help students acquire the knowledge and techniques nurses need and develop the cultural attributes and system of values of democratic citizens. Present day Korean nursing education, in step with the progr

      • KCI등재

        히브리서 3:7-19의 시편 95편 사용

        최영숙(Choi, Young Sook) 한국신약학회 2018 신약논단 Vol.25 No.2

        히브리서 3:7-19는 가데쉬 사건을 다룬 민수기 14장에 배경을 두고 있다. 그런데 만약 히브리서 저자가 땅 또는 안식을 잃어버릴 위험(3:12-4:2,11)만을 청중들에게 경고하기 위해서라면, 왜 직접 민수기 14장을 사용하지 않고 시편 95편을 사용하고 있을까? 그 이유로는 첫째, 시편 95편이 여호와께 신실함과 순종을 요구하는 신명기 사상이 있기 때문이다. 그래서 시편 95편의 신명기 사상이 히브리서 3장에서 의도하는 구원론적 담론을 논의하기 위해 훨씬 더 안성맞춤이기 때문이다. 둘째, 시편 95편은 원래 성전제의(95:1-7a)와 출애굽 광야 공동체(95:7b-11)라는 서로 다른 삶의 자리를 가진 두 시를 연결하여 구원의 초대를 노래한다. 비슷하게 시편 3장에서도 신실함으로 구원의 길을 여신 그리스도(3:1-6)와 광야의 출애굽 공동체(3:7-19)를 연결하여, 구원의 메시지를 선포한다. 이런 맥락에서 이 논문은 히브리서 저자가 안식에 들어감(히 3장)이라는 구원을 선포하기 위해, 시편 95편을 인용할 뿐만 아니라 해석도 하고 있다는 점을 논의할 것이다. 또한 히브리서에서는 모세-그리스도 관계가 다른 곳에서보다 좀 더 긍정적인 모습으로 그려지고 있다는 점도 논의할 것이다. The narrative of Israel’s disobedience in the wilderness provides a backdrop for the homily on rest in Heb 3:7-19. But the base text of the preacher in Heb 3 is Psalm 95, not Numbers 14, who warned his audience of the dangers of missing out on the rest. I suggest that the author of Hebrews used the psalmist’s interpretation of the wilderness story instead of the story itself for two reasons. First, the theological rhetoric of Hebrews, which is deuteronomic, is better served by Psalm 95 than Numbers 14. Psalm 95 features the deuteronomic theology which is well suited the soteriological discourse in Hebrews 3. Second, the literary structure of the Psalm 95 corresponds to that of Hebrews 3. The psalmist links two different provenances of Israel’s salvation: the temple (95:1-7a) and the exodus community in the wilderness (95:7b-11). Similarly, the author of Hebrews explains the meaning of rest by connecting what Christ did (3:1-6) and the experience of the exodus community (3:7-19). Furthermore, both Moses and Jesus Christ are portrayed as leaders and saviors of the people of God into the rest.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 목조감실(木造龕室) 조형 연구 : 18세기 이후 조성된 왕실조성 감실을 중심으로

        최영숙(Choi, Young-sook) 한국조형디자인학회 2013 조형디자인연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 논문은 조선 후기 이후부터 일제강점기 사이에 조성되었던 목조감실(木造龕室) 중 왕실에서 조성한 감실 유물의 조형을 중점으로 고찰한 논문이다. 감실이란 신주(神主)나 초상화(肖像畵), 초상(肖像), 불상(佛像), 사리(舍利), 경전(經典) 등 존귀한 물건을 봉안하기 위한 공간이다. 따라서 유가(儒家)를 비롯한 불가(佛家), 도가(道家), 민속신앙(民俗信仰) 등 각종 종교시설의 필수의물이다. 우리나라는 삼국시대 불교가 전해지면서 불감 등 불가(佛家) 감실이 먼저 제작되기 시작하였다. 고려시대에는 불가용뿐만 아니라『주자가례(朱子家禮)』에 따라 유가(儒家) 감실도 제작되었다. 유교사회였던 조선시대에는 조상숭배(祖上崇拜) 사상을 바탕으로 사당(祠堂)의 설치를 권장하였다. 이에 따라 신주나 초상을 봉안하는 감실도 활발하게 조성되었다. 그러나 잦은 전란과 나무라는 소재의 특성상 현존하는 목조감실 유물은 모두 조선 후기 이후에 조성된 것들이다. 그 중에서 민간용 목조감실을 제외한 왕실 조성 목조감실 유물은 종묘(宗廟), 칠궁(七宮), 홍릉(洪陵)과 유릉(裕陵)의 침전(寢殿), 신선원전(新璿源殿), 경기전(慶基殿)의 내부에 설치된 목조감실들을 들 수 있다. 이 유물들은 신주와 어진 등 봉안물에 따라, 그리고 왕과 왕비, 후궁 등 묘주(廟主)의 신분에 따라 세부적인 구조와 조형은 다르지만 기본적으로는 유사한 형식을 보인다. 즉 궁궐내 왕이 생전에 머물던 어좌(御座)를 형상화 한 듯이 화려하게 채색된 당가(唐家)를 설치하였으며, 대부분 용평상(龍平床), 오봉병(五峰屛) 등 왕을 상징하는 의물들을 갖추고 있기도 하다. 이처럼 길례와 흉례공간에 놓인 목조감실을 어좌와 같이 꾸민 것은 곧 선왕에 대한 제사의 권위를 강조하여 궁극에는 왕실이나 황실의 권위를 과시하기 위한 수단이라고도 볼 수 있다. 한편 이 유물들은 왕실에서 조성한 감실들로 당대 최고의 공예의장(工藝意匠)을 잘 담아낸 공예유물들이다. 즉 이 유물들은 당대 목공예양식을 살펴볼 수 있는 중요한 자료이다. 따라서 본 논문을 바탕으로 아직 피력하지 못한 개별 유물들에 대한 고찰을 지속하여 아직 정립되지 않은 조선시대 목공예양식 연구에 기여할 수 있게 되기를 바란다. This treatise is a study of the design of royal wooden gamsil that were made since late period of Joseon dynasty to the Japanese colonial rule. A gamsil is a space to enshrine the honorable thing like ancestral tablets(sinju), portrait of the deceased, statue of the Buddha, small crystals(sometimes found among cremated remains of monks, and regarded as sacred relics), stura, and etc. Therefore, it is a requisite ritual instrument of all kinds of religion like confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and folk belief. Buddhist gamsil had been made first by the introduction of Buddhism in Korea. Confucian gamsil had been made as well as Buddhist gamsil in Koryo dynasty based on the Juja Garye. Specially many gamsil that had been enshrined at shrine(Sadang) of the royal palace, the shrine of royal tombs and the noble family had been made in the Joseon Dynasty which is a Confucian society. The ancestral tablets(sinju) or the portraitat of the deceased which are place of the ancestor had been enshrined at the gamsil. But the existing gamsil remains were made after late Joseon period due to the ravages of frequent war and the property of tree. For this I studied the confucian gamsil remains which are the largest in Korea now. These gamsils are categorized as for the royal and for the public. The wooden gamsils of Jong-Myo(종묘), Chil-Gung(칠궁), the Shrine Room at Hongrung Tomb(홍릉), and Yourung Tomb(유릉), sinsunwonjion(신선원전), Gyeonggijeon (경기전) were the royal gamsils remains. The detailed design of the royal gamsil remails are depends on the enshrinement thing like Sinju(신주)or king's portraits(어진) and a status of deceased.. But their basic style are very similer. That is the royal gamsils seems the embodiment of the royal thrones with Dang-ga(a canopy) which is decorated with splendid traditional multicolored paintworks and the king’s chair, the five peaks screen. This means to increase the authority of royal family. And the public gamsils seems the embodiment of the traditional Korean-style house. I think it is the embodiment of the lifetime house of the deceased. Most royal gamsil remains are very excellent in the formative aspect. That is why they were made with all one's heart because ancestor worship was the highest value in the Confucian teaching in the Joseon Dynasty. So these gamsils are very important because they are the traditional craft remains with the highest crafts design at that time. Therefore, the sturdy of the design of the royal wooden gamsil will be the start of the wooden crafts design at that time research.

      • 바둑의 형세 평가를 위한 확률 모델

        최영숙(Young Sook Choi),이동기(Dong Ki Lee),이경자(Kyeong Ja Lee),이미정(Mi Jung Lee),유정혜(Jung Hye Yu),김영상(Young Sang Kim),이두한(Doo Han Lee),이종철(Chong Cheol Lee) 한국정보과학회 1991 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        본 논문에서는 바둑의 형세 평가에 대한 모델을 제시하였으며, 그 실험 자료를 얻는 방법으로 많은 기보를 비교하여 여러개의 판모양을 AOV망 그래프로 구성하고 판모양의 저장 방식에 있어서는 분리, 모음 연산을 사용하여 기억공간을 최소화 하도록 하였다. 그렇게 하여 각각의 판모양에 대해서 바둑이 끝났을 때 어느 한편이 어느 자리를 차지할 확률적인 값을 계산하였다. 이 자료를 컴퓨터 바둑 프로그램에서 큰 자리를 찾는데 활용할 수 있게 하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국의 4년제 대학 일본어 학습자들의 일반적 특성과 진로 특성 분석

        최영숙(Choi, Young-Sook),고홍월(Gao, Hong-Yue) 동아인문학회 2015 동아인문학 Vol.33 No.-

        본 연구는 일본어를 전공하는 학생들의 일반적인 학습, 진로 특성을 알아보기 위해 4년제 대학에서 일본어를 전공하고 있는 학생들을 대상으로 일본어 전공자의 일반적인 특성을 조사하였다. 학습과 관련된 특성으로는 대학 입학 전 선행학습 유무, 자격증 유무와 급수, 일본 방문 경험 유무, 수업 외 개별 학습 시간, 입학 전 일본어에 대한 관심도, 입학 후 일본어에 대한 관심도 등을 조사하였다. 진로 관련 특성으로는 진로 결정 여부, 진로 결정 유형, 전공 관련 직종 희망 여부를 조사하였다. 학습 관련 특성에서는 선행학습 경험이 있거나, 일본 방문 경험이 있는 학생들이 전공에 대한 관심도가 더 높았다. 그러나 일본 방문 경험이 있는 학생이 매우 소수라서 더 긍정적인 결과를기대하기는 어려웠다. 자격증을 소지하는 학생이 전체의 44.7%였지만 JLPT를 소지하는 학생의 경우 비교적 높은 급수를 취득하였고, 3, 4학년 학생들이 저학년에 비해 자격증을 취득한 비율이 비교적 높은 것을 확인하였다. 전공 관련 직종 희망 여부에서는 선행학습 경험이 있는 학생, 일본 방문 경험이 있는 학생, 자격증 있는 학생, 저학년 학생, 관심도 높은 학생들이 그렇지 않은 학생들 보다 전공과 관련된 직종을 더 많이 희망하는 것을 알 수 있었다. The aim of this study was to investigate the general traits of students who are majoring in Japanese in a four-year college or university in Korea in order to identify their general learning and career traits. Specifically, in terms of their learning traits, whether they had prior learning experience of Japanese before getting into the university, whether they had any Japanese language certificate and their language proficiency level or rating, whether they had visited Japan, the amount of time they spent on individual learning outside of class, and their degree of interest in Japanese before and after entering college were examined. As for the career traits of Japanese major college students, whether they have already decided on their career, types of their career choices, and whether they pursue careers that are related to their major were examined. As for the traits related to learning their target language, most of the first and second year students of Japanese showed higher interest in their majors and the degree of interest in their majors was found to be relatively lower in junior and senior students. Therefore, for the first and second year students who have high interest in their subject or course, it is necessary to explore the ways to motivate them to keep up their interest in their major by presenting new interesting ideas and providing stimulations or motivations for learning. In addition, efforts need to be made to find the methods to motivate them by stimulating the students’ interest in their major subjects for the those who show low interest. Although students who had prior learning experience of their subject or had visited Japan showed relatively higher interest in their major, it was difficult to identify the general tendency or get a definite or concrete result since only a few of the subjects had pre-study experience or had visited Japan. As for whether they hope to find a job in a field related to their major after graduation, students who had prior learning of Japanese, those who had visited Japan, those who had language proficiency certification, the first or second year students, and students who had high interest in their major showed relatively higher desires to pursue their career in the fields related to their major. This study found the general conditions and tendencies of the college students who major in Japanese, but the samples of this research were too limited to generalize the results to all the Japanese majoring students in Korea and the survey items or categories were so restricted that they could only show the general traits. Therefore, further studies are required in order to develop more specific questionnaires and conduct in-depth research and analysis.

      • KCI등재

        선한 양심과 믿음

        최영숙(Young Sook Choi) 한국복음주의신약학회 2015 신약연구 Vol.14 No.4

        Das neutestamentliche Thema auf 'Gewissen' hat inzwischen die Aufmerksamkeit wissenschaftlicher Untersuchung sehr selten erhalten, obgleich das 'Gewissen' eine große theologische Rolle spielt. Das griechische Wort sunei,dhsij für das 'Gewissen' bezeichnet das'Mitwissen' aus der Grundbedeutung. Das lateinische Äquivalent ist der Wortbildung nach als conscientia (= Mitwissen) genannt, also Lehnwortübersetzung aus dem Griechisch. Sunei,dhsij hat keine Entsprechung auf das eigene hebräische Wort im AT und kommt auch in der LXX nur vereinzelt vor. Dies ist besonders dann zu beachten, dass es in den Evangelien, in der johanneischen Literatur und Offenbarung nicht vorkommt, die Stellen sich auf Paulus, die Pastoralbriefe, Apostelgeschichte und Hebräer verteilen. Das Ziel dieser vorliegenden Untersuchung ist, welche Verbindung zwischen 'gutes Gewissen' und 'Glaube' im Timotheusbrief festgestellt wird. In den paulinischen Briefen wird der Begriff nur noch 'Gewissen' ohne Zusatz gebracht, aber in den Pastoralbriefen mit dem Zusatz 'gut', nämlich 'gutes Gewissen'. Diese Studie hat das besondere Interesse, dass'gutes Gewissen'mit dem 'Glaube' sehr eng verbunden ist. Aus diesem Grund ist diese Untersuchung von folgender Fragestellung bestimmt: Was bedeuten'Gewissen' bei Paulus und 'gutes Gewissen' im Timotheusbrief? Wie versteht und interpretiert der Timotheusbrief 'gutes Gewissen' und 'Glaube' in ihrer Beziehung?

      • KCI등재

        일본어 어중 파열음의 음성학적 특징

        최영숙(Choi Young-Sook) 한국외국어교육학회 2003 Foreign languages education Vol.10 No.4

        In this paper, I investigated acoustic characteristics of Japanese Stops. Japanese stops (/b.p.d.t.g.k/) are examined from V₁C₂V₂ㆍV₁QC₂V₂sequence with low-high pitch. Especially, I have analyzed Voice Onset Time (Van, Closure Duration (CD) of the target stops, Pitch, Duration and Intensity of the neighbouring segments. Closure duration would be longer if geminated stops were placed in a word with a low-high pitch because the speaker needs more time to tense his vocal folds. Temporal aspects of the neighbouring segments appear to be influenced by the stop. In a geminated stops, the duration of the preceding/following vowel tends to be shorter when a stop has longer closure duration.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대학의 일본어 전공 학습자의 심리적 특성 분석 -개인 특성, 일본어 학습 불안, 일본어 학업 실패내성을 중심으로-

        최영숙 ( Young Sook Choi ),고홍월 ( Hong Yue Gao ) 한국일본어교육학회 2015 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.74

        In regard of learning foreign languages, learners`` psychological traits have such an important influence on the results of learning. In order to analyze Korean undergraduates``(majoring in Japanese Language) psychological traits in regard of learning Japanese language, this study analyzed the individual and psychological traits of total 341 undergraduates. Also, the differences in anxiety in learning foreign languages and learning failure tolerance in accordance with the individual traits were compared. In the results, as the general characteristics of learners, 83.9% of the respondents are the students of College of Humanities and also 69.8% of them are majoring in Japanese Language. In the results of the psychological traits in accordance with the individual traits, female students feel tension and fear more than male students while male students show more self confidence and comfortableness than female students. The students with major in Japanese language, the experience in visiting Japan, the certificate of Japanese language, and high interest in Japanese language feel confident and comfortable more than the students without them. In the results of the analysis on the learning failure tolerance, male students can cope with the feelings about failure better than female students while female students can cope with them in the behavioral aspect better than male students. Depending on the matter of major, the students who are not majored in Japanese language can cope with failure better in the preference of task level. The students with the experience in prerequisite learning and the experience in visiting Japan have stronger failure tolerance in the aspects of behavior and preference of task level than the students without them. The students with the certificate and the hope to get a job related to Japanese language have stronger failure tolerance in the sub factors of behavior and preference of task level. The students with high interest in majoring in Japanese language show higher in the factors of behavior and preference of task level than the students without it.

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