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      • 법(法)의 지배(支配)와 민주주의(民主主義) -역사적(歷史的) 및 이론적(理論的) 단상(斷想)-

        전광석 ( Kwang Seok Cheon ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 공공거버넌스와 법센터 2011 연세 공공거버넌스와 법 Vol.2 No.1

        Reading the recent development of the Chinese rule of law it is conspicuous in that the socialist rule of law and the reform of the political system with Chinese characteristics were reiterated. Motivated by this reading this article explores the historical and theoretical context of the rule of law and democracy, inter alia their interaction. The rule of law encountered the twofold challenges in the progress of democracy. The first challenges concerns the rule of law itself. The socialist rule of law is far from the rule of law as we understand and has been historically developed. The rule of law characterizes itself as a constitutional principle of institutional, procedural and instrumental elements. Compared with that, the rule of law in China seems to exhaust itself in the legalization of the state actions. In sum: China experienced an immense evolution in the rule of law as a tool implementing the policy and politics. But the latter keeps a potential of discretion, namely to embrace the former or not; dual track of the rule of law. The essence of the tyranny of the value lies in superiority of the politics in its conflict with the law. The rule of law in this sense guaranties the accountability of the individual status merely to the limited degree. Beyond this line we don`t know what occurs to the individuals and their status. The politics only knows. The second concerns politics. Seemingly China would not follow the western theory of democracy. And if it means that China is not yet ready to accept the existence of the plurality of values, it does not need the instrumental, procedural and instrumental arsenal of the rule of law. If the state is dominated by a single value, there is no conflict to be resolved and no need for the rule of law. The Chinese case could be generalized. The rule of law is much older than democracy. Historically and theoretically the rule of law and the democracy have different origins. But in the constitutional development and its context the two principles have come to interact according to their own characteristics. The law relies on the politics in its birth. The difficult and dangerous task of the law is that the law itself should bind the politics after the birth. To meet this task two things are prerequisite. First, the law should be independent from politics. This means that the law is not only a tool to implement the policies and politics, but it also has to steer them. Second, democracy itself should provide a public forum where various values present themselves and persuade the other as well as are ready to be persuaded by the others. The ``socialist`` rule of the law is then contradictory in itself. That in the constitutional context the rule of law is connected with democracy in this way, is the main reason why the rule of law is so difficult to be established. It is not just phenomenal, but constitution-structural.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능성과 복지국가

        전광석 ( Kwang Seok Cheon ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2012 法學硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        The sustainability is from the horizontal perspective a multi-dimensional task of the state which includes environmental, economic-financial and social system. Vertically it requires an equilibrium between the present and future generation. This article aims to extract the core elements of the welfare production and put them into the legal(inter alia constitutional) structure. They are; freedom and welfare, functional differentiation and cooperation of the state and society, methodological plurality of the welfare production, financial sustainability. It tries to describe the historical background of the welfare states at first, then the changes occurred since 1990s. The sustainability does not simply concern some institutions or their changes. Analytical emphasis lies rather in the preservation of the system as well as the innovative function challenged by the new circumstances. In the face of the changes of the functional conditions of the welfare state the whole generation should be included in the welfare production, not restricted to the old generation. It should provide them with the possibility to produce welfare good in the employment. Methodologically it should promote the chance to be educated, employed and mitigated from the burden of the child-raising. However the remaining problem should not be disregard; the traditional welfare production for the security in income is required in the case that the chance enhancing strategy of the new method cannot be realized for some risks as well as for some group of the people.

      • KCI등재

        감사원의 대학 감사에 있어서의 쟁점

        전광석(CHEON Kwang Seok) 한국헌법학회 2012 憲法學硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        지난 해 감사원은 일부 대학에 대해서 포괄적인 회계검사를 시행한 바 있다. 대학에 대한 감사원의 회계검사는 생소한 현상이다. 대학을 관할하는 주무부서는 교육과학기술부이고, 또 대학은 헌법상 자치권이 보장되어 있는 기본권 주체로서 감사원의 회계검사와 연계하여 이해되지 않아 왔기 때문이다. 대학이 국가로부터 보조금을 지급받기 때문에 이 부분에 관한 한 회계검사의 대상이 되는 것 자체는 문제가 되지 않는다. 다만 이러한 회계검사의 범위와 기준에 대해서는 특히 헌법적 관점에서 검토가 필요하다. 즉 회계검사의 범위와 관련하여 검사의 대상이 대학의 회계 전체가 될 수 있는가, 아니면 국가로부터 받은 보조금의 부분에 한하여 검사의 대상이 되는지가 문제된다. 회계검사의 기준과 관련해서는 검사는 보조금 회계의 합법성 여부에 한정되는가, 아니면 합목적성 여부 역시 기준이 되는가 하는 질문이 제기된다. 아직까지 이문제가 본격적으로 다루어진 적은 없다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 헌법상 대학의 특성과 감사원의 기능을 중심으로 접근하면서, 지방자치단체에 대한 기존의 판례를 참조하는 방법을 택하였다. 지방자치단체가 대학과 같은 위상을 갖지는 않지만 자치권이 보장되어 있다는 공통점이 있기 때문이다. 이들 논리와 함께 대학의 등록금 인하를 유도하는 목적으로 대학회계를 검사하는 것은 정당성이 없다는 점을 함께 지적하였다. Last year the Board of Audit and Inspection(BAI) undertook a comprehensive inspection for several universities concerning revenues and expenditues. This kind of inspection has been rarely to be seen. For the ministry of education, science and technology shall be in the first place responsible for these affairs. Furthermore the universities are constitutionally equiped with the autonomy, so that the inspection from the state institution such as BAI seems not to be in compliance with it. Notwithstanding what the state-given subsidies for the universities concerned it is taken for granted to be inspected from the institution of the state. However even in this case the range as well as criteria of the inspection requires to be clarified in term of the constitutional framework. In this article is concluded that (1) the range of the inspection should be confined to the state-given subsidies, that is, should not extend to the revenues and expenditures as a whole. (2) the criteria of the inspection is the legality of it, not its adequacy. This problem has not been discussed until recently, so that in this article it is reasoned in comparison with the autonomy of the local government, extracting some common as well as different points. Final contention here is that it cannot comply with the constitutional intension at all to inspect the revenues and expenditures for the purpose of other than the promotion of the freedom of academy in the universities. Such a type of state action is ascertained in this case.

      • KCI우수등재

        기초연금법의 헌법적 쟁점 - 헌재 2016.2.25., 2015헌바191, 2018.8.30., 2017헌바197등 결정을 중심으로 -

        전광석(CHEON Kwang Seok) 한국공법학회 2020 공법연구 Vol.49 No.1

        이 글은 기초연금법에 관한 헌법재판소의 결정을 비판적으로 분석 평가하고, 동시에 기초연금법의 체계와 구상을 검토하는 목적을 갖는다. 기초노령연금법은 2007년 국민연금의 수준이 낮아지면서 이를 보완하는 필요성을 배경으로 제정되었다. 그러나 이 법에는 노인소득을 보장하는 일반적인 목적과 노인빈곤을 보호하는 특수한 목적이 혼재하여 있었다. 실제 제도적으로는 후자의 관점이 지배적이었다. 헌법재판소의 결정이 이 점과 직접 관련되어 있지는 않다. 그러나 소득인정액의 구성요소인 소득 및 재산의 범위, 그리고 소득평가액과 재산의 소득환산율의 산정방식은 기초연금법이 국민기초생활보장법과 기능적으로 협력하여 노인빈곤을 보호하는 데 있어서 중요한 요소이다. 또 기초연금의 수급자격과 관련하여 국민연금 수급자에 비해서 공무원연금법의 퇴직연금수급자를 제외하는 것은 노인소득보장의 구상과 정합성이 없고, 또 국민기초생활보장법과 기능적 협력관계에서 노인빈곤을 구체적으로 보호하는 목적에도 반한다. 헌법재판소의 결정에 대한 비판적 검토는 기초연금이 자의적으로 형성되는 가능성을 제어하고, 또 이에 관한 소모적인 논쟁을 방지하는 데 기여할 수 있다. This article aims to critically analyse and evaluate the decisions on the basic pension for the elderly act(BPEA), further to review the system as well as concept of it. It was enacted to compensate the reducement of the benefits of the National Pension, and so to secure the income for the elderly. Problem was that the general purpose of the income security for the elderly and the special purpose of the overcome of the elderly poverty were mixed in it. In fact the last one was institutionally dominant. The constitutional decisions were not directly relevant to this issue. However, the total income and income-equivalent property, that together constitute the assessed income are the core elements of this act. For they are decisive for the eligibility to the basic pension. In this sense they are the core elements of the legislation to make functionally cooperate this act with the minimum standard of living act, and finally to protect the elderly against the poverty. This perspective was neglected in the legislation, because it was enacted not in the parliamentary act, but on the administrative regulations. The BPEA excluded the recipients of the public officials pension from the eligibility of the basic pension for the elderly. This conflicts obviously with the concept of this act to secure the minimum income for the elderly in general and also with the purpose of the overcome of the elderly poverty by the possible cooperation between this act and the minimum standard of living act. The review of the constitutional decisions could motivate to contemplate on this lack of system and so to contribute to avoid the unnecessary controverse in the formation of this act.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공법학연구 및 과제의 시대적 상대성과 통시적 계속성

        전광석 ( Cheon Kwang Seok ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2016 法學硏究 Vol.26 No.3

        공법학은 시대의 과제를 정확히 인식하여 의제화하여, 사회문제 및 상황을 규범구조에 포섭하며, 원리와 원칙을 적용하여 설명할 수 있어야 한다. 이와 같은 공법학의 과제는 완성적일 수 없다. 규범을 매개로 한 현실인식에 한계가 있고, 규범정립에 있어서 법기술적 한계가 있으며, 특히 공법학의 경우 규범이 현실을 선도하는 데 있어서, 즉 규범력의 한계가 있기 때문이다. 따라서 공법학은 시대의 특유한 사회문제와 상황을 인식ㆍ이해하고 평가하여야 하지만, 공법학의 시대적 과제는 연속성을 가지면서 이후 시기에 영향을 미친다. 이 글은 국민주권, 민주주의, 그리고 법치국가의 헌법적 사고가 우리 사회의 시대적 특수성을 반영하여 형성되고, 또 시대적 과제의 변화에 따라서 재인식되는 학문적 과정을 서술하는 목적을 갖는다. 오늘날의 상황과 문제가 과거의 상황 및 문제와 중점을 달리하지만 공법학은 변화하는 사회와 규범 간, 그리고 인접과학과 의사소통을 하면서 지난 시대의 학문적 과제를 진화시켜 나가는 의미를 있다는 점을 지적하였다. 국가과제의 확대와 기능의 분화 및 방법론적 다원성, 사전배려, 규범적 접근과 제도적 접근, 추상적 법제화와 구체적 법제화의 긴장관계, 제도 및 조직 내부에서의 법률관계 등을 예로 들었다. The study of the public law is endowed with the various tasks of recognizing and understanding the issues of the times and keeping them on the public agenda, of incorporating the social derived problems into the normative structure, and of explaining them based upon constitutional and other legal principles. These tasks, however, face various challenges and limitations. And finally, there are difficulties in grasping the reality based solely on norms. Secondly, there are technical limits in incorporating the various phenomena into the normative frame work for the norm to guide the political process, especially in the sphere of the constitutional law. Thus, for these reasons, the study of public law must recognize, understand and assess the social problems unique to that age, but at the same time, we must accept that the above-mentioned tasks will continue to exist and have an impact on the future. This article aims to describe the academic process of how constitutional thoughts on people`s sovereignty, democracy and the rule of law are formed in reflection of the political and socio-economic contexts, and how those thoughts are reformed according to the changing tasks of the times. Although the issues and circumstances of nowadays differ from those of the past, the study of public law has advanced the academic tasks of the past through communications between and among the changing society, norms, and social science. Some of these examples presented in this article include: the extension of the state tasks, functional diversification, methodological plurality, prevention principle, cooperation of the normative and institutional approach, tension between the abstract and concrete legalization, legal relations within the institutions and organizations

      • KCI등재

        사회보장재정의 규범적 논의구조

        전광석(Cheon Kwang Seok) 한국사회보장법학회 2015 사회보장법학 Vol.4 No.1

        사회보장은 한편으로는 국가재정의 기반을 필요로 하며, 다른 한편 국가재정은 사회보장의 목표에 충실하게 형성되어야 한다. 이 글은 사회보장의 체계적 독자성과 내부체계의 다원성이 국가재정 및 사회보장의 재정에 관한 논의에서 갖는 구조적 의미를 밝히는 시도를 하였다. 이에 관한 이해가 결여되는 경우 재정적 사고, 재정적 지속가능성의 논리가 일방적으로 사회보장의 목표를 압도할 가능성이 있기 때문이다. 이 글에서는 사회보장의 목표가 재정을 선도하는 논리를 제시하였다. 다만 우리 사회보장법의 역사에서 태생적으로 사회보험의 이념과 재정적 기반이 일치하지 않으며, 이러한 문제는 수입구조와 급여구조를 분석하여 확인하였다. 재정적 지속가능성과 사회적 지속가능성을 함께 조성하는 과제를 공무원연금법의 개정 논의를 재구성하여 분석하였다. 이들 논의가 주는 교훈은 다음과 같다. 다른 유사한 제도와의 비교 검토를 필수적으로 거쳐야 한다. 즉, 다른 제도와 의사소통이 필수적이다. 이러한 과정을 거치지 않을 경우 제도 간 형평이 상실될 수 있고, 그 결과 불필요하게 연쇄적인 개편 논의로 이어질 것이다. 이러한 논의과정은 소모적이며, 동시에 복지국가에 대한 국민의 신뢰를 감소시키는 원인이 될 것이다. The social security requires the state finance, on the one hand, and the state finance should be structured to meet the objectives of the social security, on the other hand. This article aims to explain the structural meaning of the systematic independence as well as diversity of the subsystems in social security within the discourse of state and social security financing. Without such a thorough understanding of the structural meanings related to social security, financial perspectives and financial sustainability could overwhelm the discourse of the social security. In case that a certain reform of an institute is carried out without consideration of the interrelationship among related institutions, it could only bring about shortsightedness inherent in the political tactics. And it would in return make the institution lose its identity and stability. Moreover, reform of an institution following the change in the financial environment must necessarily undergo a thoroughly comparison with the relative institutions. In other words, communication with other institutions is essential in the course of reform. Without going through such a process, it would result in a vicious cycle of repetitive discussions. For example, people have continuously discussed ways to overcome poverty - one of the oldest social problems -, but it remains persistently present. Likewise, every age has had social problems, and although the aspects of social problems may vary in each period of time, they have not ceased to be. So the reform of the social security would inevitably continue. But the successive reform without the above indicated elements of discourse would only undermine people"s confidence in the system of a welfare state, and cause a potential of other kind of social conflicts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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