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루푸스 신염 환자에서 발생한 폐 Nocardia 감염증
장선주 ( Sun Joo Chang ),이강녕 ( Kang Nyoung Lee ),성윤경 ( Yoon Kyoung Sung ),이혜순 ( Hye Soon Lee ),엄완식 ( Wan Sik Uhm ),김태환 ( Tae Hwan Kim ),전재범 ( Jae Bum Jun ),배현주 ( Hyun Joo Pai ),배상철 ( Sang Cheol Bae ),전석철 대한류마티스학회 2005 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.12 No.1
Nocardiosis is uncommon in healthy people, but occurs as an opportunistic infection in patients with connective tissue disease, solid organ transplantation, lung disease, malignancies, and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Nocardia is a gram positive, variably acid-fast aerobic bacterium of the family Nocardiaceae characterized by branching and filamentous growth, with distinctive aerial hyphae. In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, immunosuppressiion with cytotoxic drugs or corticosteroids, proteinuria, renal insufficiency, and active SLE itself are known as risk factors for serious bacterial infections and opportunistic infections. We report a case of pulmonary Nocardiosis in patient with lupus nephritis treated with cyclophosphamide and high dose corticosteroid.
유머에 의해 유발된 아동의 안면근육반응과 우울 수준과의 관계
장은혜 ( Eun Hye Jang ),이주옥 ( Ju Ok Lee ),손선주 ( Sun Ju Sohn ),이영창 ( Young Chang Lee ),손진훈 ( Jin Hun Sohn ) 한국감성과학회 2010 감성과학 Vol.13 No.1
The study is to examine relationship between the level of depression and facial EMG responses during the humor condition. Forty-three children(age range 22-49 years) participated in the study. The Korean Personality Inventory for Children(KPI-C) was used to measure the level of depression in children. While children were presented to audio-visual film clip inducing humor, facial EMG were measured on their faces(bilateral corrugators and orbicularis). A baseline state was measured during 60 seconds before the presentation of the stimulus, i.e., emotional state lasting 120 seconds. Participants were asked to report the intensity of their experienced emotion. The results of emotion assessment showed 95.3% appropriateness and 3.81 intensity on the 5 points Likert scale). Facial EMG showed a significant increase while participants experiencing humor compared to baseline state. Additionally, the result showed a negative correlation between right corrugator responses and the level of depression. The study findings showed the more children experienced depression, the less facial EMG activity they had while experiencing humor.