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      • 교원연수 프로그램의 문제분석과 개선방안 탐색

        임충기 서원대학교 2004 敎育發展 Vol.23 No.2

        This study was intended to derive some implications for developing on-the-job training programs for teachers in the Graduate School of Education, Seowon University. Materials published by Ministry of Education &uman Resources Development were reviewed and previous researches about teacher development were investigated. As a result, the following implications to be considered in developing on-the-job training programs for teachers were suggested : 1) emphasis elevating application levels of subject curriculum in order to improve classroom teaching, 2) necessity of special programs for knowledge-based society, gifted students education, and guidance, 3) distant education programs with information technology, 4) considering developmental stages in teacher development, 5) differentiated programs according to teachers' cognition, career, and motivation levels, 6) considering context variables and alternative models. Finally, necessity of systematic programs for inservice and onservice programs was emphasized.

      • 변화점수에 의한 교육적 변화 분석방법에 관한 종합적 고찰

        임충기 西原大學校 1986 西原大學 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        The change score approach for the analysis of educational change was broadly reviewed in the positive/negaative aspects. Generally it has negative methodological problems such as negative correlation with pretest, loss of information, low reliability and zero validity, and Lord's paradox. Of course, on the other hand, it also has positive aspects such as increase in reliability and validity and some examples of the legitimacy and usefulness of its design. But it is usually misleading and at best inferior to other methods of analysis except the above positive aspects. Therefore, we must use it carefully, and we must not use it if possible.

      • 학급보상구조의 대안탐색을 위한 논의

        林忠基 서원대학교 교육연구소 1985 敎育發展 Vol.4 No.1

        Classroom reward structures refer to the performance criteria, contingencies, or standards, which are internatlized by group members, that students must satisfy in order to receive presumably valued or reinforcing consequesncies such as prize or high grades. There are three basic possible reward structures which can be implemented in a learning situation: competitive, cooperative, and individualistc reward structure. And the most typical reward structure in today's classroom appears to be competitive one. But most studies about reward structures suggest negative effects of competitive reward structure and positive effects of cooperative reward structure. Now, we must escape from the state that the competitive reward structure is pervasive in the classroom situation. Of course we should use all three reward structures depending upon the specific instructional objectives, and students should be taught the basic skills necessary to function in all three types of situations.

      • Embretson의 MRMLC와 데이터 특성에 관한 연구

        임충기 서원대학교 교육연구소 1999 敎育發展 Vol.18 No.1

        Embretson(1991) suggested a multidimensional Rasch model for learning and chance, MRMLC, which could be applied to binary data and formulated as the following: ***** where θi1 = i th person's initial ability at □ = 1: θi2‥‥. θim = i th persons's learning abilities that correspond to □> 1; and bi = item difficulty of i th item; in the context that items are presented under sequentially administered K conditions, the first test is the standard test condition, while the remaining tests follow K- 1 units of targeted instruction, structured cues, or practice. Underlying performance is item difficulty, bi and M abilities, θim for each person i, so that θi1 is the initial ability and θi2 to θim are learning abilities. It is assumed that any increase in item performance for person i results from an increase in effective ability, which is due to a change in learning abilities rather than a change in item difficulty. Thus, item difficulties are constant over many testing situations, so that a single item difficulties. bi, applies to the item with any condition. Furthermore, all items within any condition are assumed to have equal discrimination with ones. In this study, 300 1/0 binary data were simulated according to the following schemes. Six kinds of distributions of item difficulties in a test of thirty items were considered as fellows: a) bi ~ N(-1,1), b) bi ~ N(0,1), c) bi ~ N(1,1). d) bi = -1, for all i's, e) bi = 0, for all i's, f) bi = 1, for all i's. And five kinds of distributions of learning abilities in a sample of one thousand examinees were considered as follows ; a) learning abilities ∼ uniform(0, 0.1) for any condition and examinee b) learning abilities ∼ uniform(0, 0.3) for any condition and examinee c) learning abilities ∼ uniform(0, 0.5) for any condition and examinee d) learning abilitiees - uniform,(0, 0.1), uniform (0, 0.3), uniform(0, 0.5) for each of high, middle, low groups in terms of prior effective ability e) learning abilities - uniform(0, 0.1), uniform(0. 0.3), uniform(0, 0.5) for earth of high, middle. low groups in terms of prior effective ability. For each of these 30 combinations of 6 item and 5 learning ability distributions. 10 binary data sets were simulated as if 10 successive tests had been administered. With these data sets, the followings were examined in each of 30 combinations in order to identify characteristics of the model and data simulated : 1) change of item difficulties, calculated with the ratio of ones, 2) chance of item discriminations, calculated with point-biserial correlation, 3) change of eigen valuers, 4) change of Cronbach's α. According to the results, Embretson's MRMLC model has some problems in terms of item discrimination and dimensionality. In cases of 'd)' and 'e)' learning ability distribution, 10 successive data sets showed violation of the assumption of unity constant discrimination for any item and any test occasion such as sufficient decrease and increase in terms of point-biserial correlations respectively. Also, in cases of 'd)' and 'e)' learning ability distribution, 10 successive data sets showed rapid divergence to multi-dimension and convergence to uni-dimension respectively. The 'd)' condition might be regarded as a supplementary lesson situation, the 'e)' condition as a deepening lesson situation. Therefore, Embretson's MRMLC might be said to be inappropriate for supplementary and deepening learning situations

      • 인간발달의 교육적 조망

        임충기 西原大學校 1988 西原大學 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        This study was aimed to show that the discussion on human development in educational settings should be primarily based on the perspective of education and to search for a "educational" theory of human development. Here, the term of "educational" was stood for "being able to offer legitimate and useful implications for educational practice", namely "most interesting to educators". Educators are primarily intersted in knowing what things should be taught ("taught" in the sense that implies "learned"), by what methods, at what stages during by a person's educational development in order to produce a particular kind of educated person. By the way, the traditional suggestions about such educators' interests to student development were made mainly in the psychological perspectives. But there is a gulf between psychological theories and educational practice. The former concerns the problem of describing what it is, but the latter the problem of prescribing what ought to be. Educators are not trying to describe a process of development in a value-free way; they are trying to prescribe the best way of actualizing a range of preffered potentials. And in educational context the end-product is a kind of person, but in Piaget's developmental psychological theory it is a kind of thinking. Consequently, educational practice can not be reduced to psychological theories. Therefore, I think that the notion that one can move, however cautiously, along a line of implication from psychological theories to educational practice is mistaken, and is in practice damaging to education. In these contexts, I think that Egan's thory of educational development can give direct, important, useful, and legitimate implications to educators.

      • 변형된 부분보상 문항반응모형의 특성과 모수추정

        임충기 서원대학교 교육연구소 2002 敎育發展 Vol.21 No.1

        This study was aimed to show characteristics of the modified partially compensatory IRT model and to develop its parameter estimation program. Here, the original Sympson model was modified by removing the parameters of discrimination and guessing. The modified model has the form of Rasch model at each dimension, but it keeps the multiplicative relationship among dimensions like the original model. With the assumption of local independence and independence among examinees, a joint frequency distribution, namely a joint likelihood function was adopted. And its negative natural logarithm was regarded as a quantity to be minimized and converged. Finally, a SAS/IML procedure was developed to estimate the ability and difficulty parameters of the modified model at the same time. In the future, it is necessary to evaluate the efficiency of the developed estimaton procedure.

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