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      • 스키마를 활용한 영어 읽기 교수 학습

        임병빈(Im, Byung-bin),김서영(Kim Seo-young) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2019 교육연구 Vol.34 No.1

        이 연구는 스키마 이론에 사용될 수 있는 스키마 활성화 기술을 제안하고 스키마 이론의 장단점을 조사하였다. 독자가 텍스트를 해석 할 때 상향식 읽기 처리 과정, 하향식 읽기 처리과정, 그리고 두 모형을 상호 보완하는 상호 작용 모형 의 3 가지 읽기 처리과정이 사용된다. 이 연구에서는 독자의 스키마를 활성화하기 위해 그림을 통한 예측 활동, 스토리 맵을 통한 예측 활동, 질문에 대한 답변 활동, 미리보기 활동, 훑어읽기 활동, 세부 정보 찾기, 글의 주제 토론, 주제에 대한 의견 표현, 글의 논리적 구조 파악의 9 가지 기술을 제안하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 학습자가 적절한 스키마를 형성하고 활성화 할 수 있도록 교사는 다양한 읽기활동을 설계하고 수업에 적용해야 할 수 있는 방법들을 소개하고자 하였으며 더 많은 연구가 있길 기대한다. This study suggests schema activation techniques that can be used in schema theory and examines pros and cons of schema theory. As the reader interprets the text, he or she may use the bottom-up process, which takes the bottom concept from the general concept, and the top-down process, which selectively takes the concept from the general concept. So three kinds of models of functional process including ‘interactive model’ are used. In this study, for activating readers’ schema nine techniques are suggested: predictive activity through pictures, predictive activity through story map, answer questions, preview activity, skimming activity, find details activity, discuss the topic of the article, expressing thoughts about the topic of the article, and identify logical structure of the text. The results of the study indicate it is necessary to design various pre reading activities and apply them to classes so that learners can form and activate appropriate schema.

      • KCI등재

        영어 읽기 논문 조사연구

        임병빈(Im, Byung-Bin) 한국영어어문교육학회 2014 영어어문교육 Vol.20 No.1

        This study is to analyze reading research articles published in ETAK Journal and to suggest a way of developmental alternative in the future. The subjects of analysis were 57 articles published from vol. 1 to vol. 19(3) for 18 years (1995-2013). The criteria of analysis are like the following: (ⅰ) research theme; (ⅱ) research participants; (ⅲ) research method; (ⅳ) language(used in the article) and frequency of an individual author. The result of the theme analysis showed that most of the research articles were about learning strategies and activities of teaching and learning (84%) while the rest of them were about text analysis (9%), using multimedia (5%) and testing (2%). As for the research method, quantitative research occupied the predominant ratio (56%) opposed to qualitative research (26%) and theoretical research (9%). In addition, the participants of the research were overduely lateralized to college students. The number of articles written in English was almost three times more than in Korean. Thus, ongoing issues of ETAK Journal need to produce authoritative articles of various research themes, methods and participants, which will contribute to English teaching and learning in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        우수 교사 양성을 위한 영어교육 전공학과 교육과정 편성 및 운영방안

        임병빈(Im, Byung-Bin) 한국영어어문교육학회 2008 영어어문교육 Vol.14 No.4

        This study aims to propose an alternative approach to optimal curriculum design and management for better qualified English teachers commensurate with the educational goal for department of English education. The fundamental principle of the educational goal is to cultivate students as qualified teachers capable of performing their tasks skillfully for future use. This goal is discussed according to the following factors: i) the qualification for becoming English teachers, ii) the system of curriculum in College of Education, iii) the analysis of the current curriculum and its management, iv) the analysis of questionnaires related with the alternative curriculum and its management. The results of this study show that to produce excellent future English teachers, English education department in College of Education should revise the present curriculum toward the optimal model and further manage it more effectively than ever, considering the educational goal of the teaching institutes as well as that of students.

      • KCI등재
      • 규칙 빈칸 메우기 과정을 통한 영어독해력 향상 방안 : 코스웨어의 활용을 중심으로

        임병빈(Byung Bin Im),김성은(Sung Eun Kim) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2000 교육연구 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to design and develop a CALL courseware based on cloze procedures and to test it in the English classes so as to provide both the teachers and the students with an effective teaching and learning tool. New and highly efficient computer technologies are providing us with faster and multi-functioning computers, and text-oriented education softwares are now being rapidly replaced by multimedia CAI. There are also increasing needs for computer-literate teachers and more effective CAI materials. Based on the Gestalt concept of closure, the cloze procedure is constructed easily by omitting every nth word in a continuous passage of discourse and it can be used to assess both feeling for the language and knowledge of detail. Generally the cloze procedure can provide both the teachers and the students with a stimulating way to acquire and apply language skills. Moreover, testing and teaching are so closely interwoven and interdependent that it is difficult to divide them. Theoretical reviews on cloze procedures, multimedia and authoring tools were made before designing and developing this CALL courseware and the courseware was used in English classes. The result of this study shows that this CALL courseware significantly increases the students’ interest and attitude in English as well as students’ achievement in English reading comprehension tests. In addition, this courseware has been proved to be useful for both individualized learning and middle or large sized classes. Computers are expected to replace many of teacher roles in the coming years. Thus, teachers should be given more chances to train themselves in developing and using CAI materials, and more useful CAI materials should be developed for more effective language teaching and learning.

      • KCI등재

        속독훈련과 자율독서 학습방법을 통한 대학생의 영어 독해력 향상 방안

        임병빈(Im Byung-Bin) 한국영어어문교육학회 2007 영어어문교육 Vol.13 No.1

          This study is to suggest systematic and effective reading comprehension techniques or strategies to be used in EFL reading classes. According to the definition of reading and reading process, six essential elements of reading comprehension are categorized: 1) reading speed; 2) skimming and scanning; 3) logical organization; 4) pleasure reading; 5) vocabulary; 6) cultural background and world knowledge. To present a more effective teaching and learning approach to EFL reading comprehension than ever, an experiment was performed. The hypothesis of the experimental study was that there would be a difference in students" reading speed as well as reading comprehension and vocabulary between an experimental group and a control group depending upon the teaching approaches (experimental vs. traditional). The result of the study indicates that the experimental teaching approach which intensifies speed reading and pleasure reading techniques as well as 4 other essential techniques of reading comprehension is more effective than the traditional one in teaching and learning reading comprehension.

      • KCI등재

        한국영어어문교육학회 창립 20년사의 역사적 회고와 미래 발전 방향

        임병빈(Im, Byung-Bin) 한국영어어문교육학회 2015 영어어문교육 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to retrospect a history of ETAK for the past twenty years and to suggest future developmental perspectives for ETAK and other academic associations in Korea. Since 1994(the founding year of ETAK), ETAK has been tremendously developed through three stages: ⅰ) The beginning stage (1994-2001); ⅱ) the developing stage(2002-2005); ⅲ) the prestigious stage(2006~present). ETAK was founded by KNTC alumni teachers and professors in 1994. Owing to the total efforts of the foundation staffs, ETAK was becoming an academic association with qualified status in 2002, which was proved to be one of candidate journals of citationright by Korea Research Foundation(KRF). And at last in 2005 ETAK Journal was sponsored under the name of citationright by KRF. The number of journal issues published was increased including international issues. However, ETAK faces some essential tasks to challenge and change: First, we should try to be ready for the enrollment of international journal citation. Second, we should hold more meaningful conferences with opening workshops. Third, we should increase financial funds. Lastly, we should execute new requirements such as facilitation of UKETA, regular meetings with primary & secondary school English teachers research associations, and excavation of new essential ELT professional academic associations.

      • 영어교사 연수교육의 효율성 향상 방안

        임병빈(Byung Bin Im) 공주대학교 교육연구소 1997 교육연구 Vol.13 No.-

        Every year in-service instruction programs of English teacher education have been executed all over the country. Recently in-service instruction is generally regarded as essential to becoming proficient or excellent teachers. However, the current in-service programs have a lot of problems which should be solved for the purpose of fulfilling the goal of English teaching in secondary schools. This paper is to suggest effective solutions for these problems/difficulties continuing until now: (1) The primary requirement of in-service program is that English teachers should have a good command of English language skills, i.e. they should be able to listen, speak, read, and write in English very fluently. (2) The establishment and operation of curriculums(subjects) should be carried out systematically considering the following factors: (ⅰ) the needs of teachers; (ⅱ) client-centered approach; (ⅲ) bottom-up process; (ⅳ) reflective thinking and evaluation; etc. (3) Informal training(self-study) as well as formal in-service teaching should be developed simultaneously and continuously. (4) There should be reciprocal effects between classroom teaching and in-service training. (5) The qualification of English teachers should be refined in order to meet the professionals’ level.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어에서 TPR을 활용한 통합적인 영어 요리수업의 효과

        임병빈 ( Im Byung-bin ),이영주 ( Lee Yeong-ju ) 한국현대언어학회 2016 언어연구 Vol.32 No.3

        The Journal of Studies in Language 32.3, 523-544. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Total Physical Response(TPR) teaching of English cooking classes on the improvement of 4-skills and changes in affective domain. Thirty-two students from the fourth grade in an elementary school were instructed by TPR activities for two weeks during a summer vacation. The achievement tests of English 4-skills and the questionnaires of affective factors (interest/participation/motivation/self-confidence/cultural understanding) were administered in the experiment. The results showed that TPR English cooking classes were significantly effective in improving listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the participants were positively changed in almost all affective factors. The study suggests that the integrated English cooking classes through TPR could be efficient in improving students` English proficiency while facilitating positive affections. (Kongju National University)

      • 영미문화 이해를 통한 영어 수업지도 방법

        임병빈(Byung Bin Im),김완규(Wan Kyu Kim) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2003 교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        This study discusses several points concerning teaching cultures in English classroom: Definitions of culture, objectives of teaching cultures, examples of cultural contents, various methods of teaching cultures, and evaluation of cultural learning. First, culture is defined in terms of a way of the target language people’s life and their behavioral patterns in the country. The understanding the culture in foreign language learning and teaching is justified under the assumption that language is not separated from the cultures. Second, developing intercultural communication skills and understanding native culture through target culture are main objectives of teaching culture. Without these, there are many misunderstandings, inaccuracies, confusions, and developing false knowledges in the classroom situation. Third, specific cultural contents are enumerated for the reference of English teachers. Though recent studies has been issued in this field, there would be more needs for correct introducing cultural contents. Fourth, various teaching methods are introduced, such as culture asides, culture capsules, culture assimilator, mini-drama, audio-motor unit, newspapers and magazines, songs. Besides, this paper has tried to suggest specific methods of teaching culture in high school classroom situation. Lastly, the authors feel the cultural understanding is not only a matter of objective or rationale but a matter of procedure or methodology. Teaching culture can not be left undone till language is mastered. It must be closely incorporated into the whole process of the language learning itself.

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