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      • KCI등재

        『독립신문』 영문판의 ‘국가’은유 연구

        임동휘(Dhonghui Lim) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2017 언어학 Vol.0 No.77

        This research aims to shed light on the possible universality and relativity of political language (either in a form of spoken discourse or that of written text) from a cognitive linguistic perspective, especially, by utilizing a crosslinguistic and crosscultural metaphor-centered analysis between a random pair of data which have two factors (i.e., political language centering around the concept of ‘Nation’ along with the implicit use of metaphor) in common. Taking the editorials and main articles of The Independent, the English edition of Dokrip Sinmun as the main data in focus, this pilot research pays attention to the question of whether certain conceptual metaphors about The Nation (and/or The National) can be found regardless of the peculiarities of certain specific languages, cultures, localities, and historicities. When the first period of The Independent"s attitude/paradigm changes gets highlighted (in which Philip Jaisohn worked as the editor-in-chief from Aril 7th through July 2nd of the year 1896), a few primary conceptual metaphors (e.g., [NATION IS PERSON], [NATION IS WOMAN], [NATION IS FAMILY (MEMBERS)], etc.) are found to subsist in many parts of the texts (cf. [NATION IS CONTAINER]). Knowing that the contemporary political language realized in a form of massmedia-related discourse/ text (particularly, those used in the Western or Anglophone cultures) is also characterized by the existence of some primary conceptual metaphors such as [NATION IS HUMAN BEING], [NATION IS FAMILY], and/ or [NATION IS WOMAN], it can be argued that there must exist some degree of universality in the political language(s) of diverse cultures. On the other hand, a metaphor-sensitive metatextual and metatranslative analysis turns out to indicate that The Independent purposefully uses some other era-specific and/ or culture-specific conceptual metaphors like [NATION IS PATIENT], [NATION IS LAND/TERRITORY], [NATION IS SUBSTANCE], [NATION IS FISH], etc., which must have been largely influenced by the then unique historicities that the then Korean society/Joseon dynasty was facing due to the highly complex international politics and growing colonialist/imperialist powers in control (cf. total number: 13 types). In conclusion, the political language used in the main editorials and articles of The Independent in the late-nineteenth-century Korean setting is characterized by the purposefully active (and linguistically implicit) use of the primary conceptual metaphors that involve the concept of the nation(al). Thus, it can work as empirical evidence for the existence of the (relative) universality of the conceptual metaphor(s)(cf. ‘intensified conceptual metaphors") in spite of the fact that the culture-specific peculiarity is also at work. In the future follow-up research, however, the role(s) and effect(s) of translatoriality of Philip Jaisohn should be scrutinized much further.

      • KCI등재

        부시즘 또는 인지상의 말실수?—유튜브 자료에 기반한 기초 연구—

        임동휘(Dhonghui Lim) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2020 언어학 Vol.0 No.88

        This research aims to implement a preliminary analysis of the peculiar speech data called Bushism (presumably including the verbal slips produced by the former U.S. President George W. Bush). In order to compare the notion and phenomenon of Bushism with the actual SOTs, keyword-based online searches are conducted on Google and YouTube. In this pilot study using 6 YouTube videos available in the 6 major broadcasting companies" online archives (e.g., AP, CBS, CNN, NBC, Reuters, and SKY News), 42 samples are collected upon the screening process. By adopting the systematic typology and criteria of Jaeger (2005), it turns out that (a) a lot of Bushism-based online videos contain more controversial (yet less relevant) episodes including nonverbal icebreaking acts and (b) there are many examples that are copied, reuploaded, and requoted. When it comes to the authentic SOT examples (27 out of 42: 64.28%), the selected examples suggest a natural and understandable degree/ boundary of psycholinguistic regularity and productivity in human language production by exhibiting regular and predictable patterns in terms of the form and directionality of the constituents involved. Moreover, unlike the old belief that slips of the tongue are generally synonymous with spoonerism and malapropism, a variety of speech error patterns are equally observed on general linguistic levels (throughout the phonetic, phonemic, phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, and pragmatic levels). Such general taxonomy, distribution, constraints, and principles seem to be closely related to the question of (inter-) semiotic iconicity in the brain-language-to-verbal-language translation processes, even though the target text/domain and the arrival text/domain may have failed to match up, particularly, owing to the intrinsic conditions of human cognition and speech production. In conclusion, Bushism and President Bush"s SOTs should be distinguished more carefully. In addition, it is important to note that the SOTs and pragmatic errors can be systematically and adequately explained by their contexts as well as by the speaker"s self repairs. Such results imply the significance of metasemiotic, metatranslative, metalinguistic, and metacognitive scrutinization, especially, in addressing and decoding the ‘surname + -ism’ method/ phenomenon.

      • KCI등재후보

        번역에 대한 메타번역적 접근

        임동휘(Lim, Dhonghui) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2014 코기토 Vol.- No.76

        본 연구는 번역 자체에 대한 메타인지적 접근을 통해 ‘진정 번역이란 무엇인가’라는 질문을 메타번역적 관점에서 제기함으로써 번역 제반현상의 핵심 구동력이 되는 번역의 내재적 속성 및 기본 구성요소에 대한 탐구를 시도하는 데에 그 일차적 목표를 둔다. 따라서 오늘날 번역 이론 및 실제 분야에서 큰 영향력을 행사하며 그 지위를 공고히 하고 있는 개별언어 간 번역(interlingual translation)을 고려하되, 논의의 핵심이 되는 메타번역적 패러다임을―협의의 언어, 즉, 개별언어의 구어 및 문어 영역 내에서 제한적, 선제적으로 정의하는 방법을 지양하고―초학문적인 접근방법(a transdisciplinary approach)을 통해 인간의 문화영역과 언어차원뿐만 아니라 생물학적, 현상학적 작용단계까지도 기술, 설명할 수 있는 미시적-거시적 번역 메커니즘을 탐구하고자 한다. 그 과정에서 이론적 호환성과 논리적 일관성을 가지고 고려 및 적용해볼 수 있는 메타번역적 개념을 구체화하기 위한 방법으로 기호와 인지 중심의 번역, 즉, 퍼스(Peirce, 1931-1958)에서 시벅(Sebeok, 2001), 고를레(Gorlee, 1994), 페트릴리(Petrilli, 2003)로 맥을 잇고 있는 ‘기호 작용으로서의 번역’ 패러다임에 주목할 필요성이 있다고 주장한다. 페트릴리(Petrilli, 2003; 2010; 2012)의 기호적 번역 개념을 소개하고 이를 몸의 다양한 기호작용의 측면에서 (즉, 인지적 체현/ 체화 중심으로) 분석, 적용하는 과정에서 ‘진정 번역 그 자체는 무엇인가?’라고 질문하고 논의할 때, 기호의 생성 그 자체가 번역적 속성(the translative nature)을 내재적으로 그리고 필수적으로 가지는 것을 가추적으로 발견하게 된다.(예:엄마-아기의 번역적 기호작용, 임어경(2013) 이러한 메타번역적 개념 및 메커니즘은―\단순히 서양(중심) 번역 이론의 한 지류가 아니라―\언어, 문화, 생명(체) 간의 다양성을 비차별적으로 분석, 이해할 수 있도록 도와주는 유용한 인식론적 틀을 제공할 것으로 사료된다. 그리고 이러한 기호에 기반한 원자적 번역분석은 다양한 번역단위와 번역방향성을 다룰 수 있도록 허용함으로써 향후 인지/ 인간/ 생명 과학이 인문학과 단절되지 않고 상호협력적이고 융합적인 방법으로 체계적인 성장을 할 수 있도록 돕는 초석 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다. 이와 관련한 보다 구체적인 이론 틀과 실용적인 방법론 마련을 위해서는 기호-번역적 관점 중심의 초학문적인 후속 연구들을 장려하고 발달시키는 것이 그 선결과제가 되어야 할 것이다. This research primarily aims to investigate the intrinsic nature and constituent of translation itself (as the essential driving force for translational phenomena) by approaching translation metacognitively and, thus, posing the question "what is translation per se?" from a metatranslative standpoint. In that context, while considering interlingual translation that is influential and powerful in translation theory and practice and, still, avoiding the common?yet restrictive?method of defining the metatranslative paradigm within the domains of the spoken and/ or written language (that is, in the dimension of language in a narrow sense), it seeks to discover and scrutinize the microscopic-macroscopic translative mechanism that should be able to describe and explain the human phenomena not only in the cultural realms and linguistic dimensions but also in terms of the biological and phenomenological operations/ processes via transdisciplinary cooperation. And, as a useful and insightful means to concretize the metatranslative notion of translation (namely, a metacognitively induced translation of translation) which can be considered and applied transdisciplinarily with theoretical compatibility and logical consistency, this account argues that it is important to pay due attention to the fundamentally sign-oriented and cognition-centered translative paradigm (that is, the sign process itself viewed as translation per se), which originated in Peirce (1931-1958) and has further evolved via Sebeok (2001), Gorlee (1994), and Petrilli (2003; 2010; 2012). By introducing the semiotically based notion of translation (i.e., that which is developed by Susan Petrilli) and, then, posing the question "what is translation per se, in effect?" in an attempt to analyze and apply the Petrillian notion in terms of the diverse semiotic processes of the body (i.e., cognitive embodiment and/or enactment), it becomes clear that the ontogenesis of the sign itself possesses the translative nature intrinsically and necessarily (e.g., the translative and translational mother-baby semiosis discovered and examined via abductive reasoning) (Lim, 2013). It can be inferred that such a metatranslative notion (and mechanism) should be able to provide a useful epistemological tool that helps foster the non-discriminatory analysis and comprehension of differences (viz., diversities) across languages, cultures, and life creatures (thus, not to be seen as a mere subbranch of the Eurocentric translation theory). As such a notion/ mechanism allows researchers to deal with all sorts of distinct translation units and directionalities, this kind of sign-based atomic analysis of translation is expected to play a significant role as the quintessential milestone (and platform), with which cognition sciences and human/life sciences can be headed for a systematic development in a mutually beneficial and consilient way. For it to take effect and, also, for many researchers to devise more specific theoretical frameworks and practical methodologies in terms of the semiotically translative paradigm, it is estimated that more transdisciplinary research endeavor that centers on the semiotic-translative perspective will be required more than anything (thus, ongoing cooperation toward the encouragement and development of the paradigm of translation per se).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공공기호의 가치표식과 번역성: 해운대의 기초사례연구

        임동휘 ( Dhong Hui Lim ) 국제비교한국학회 2014 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.22 No.2

        In quest for the illumination and elicitation of translation as a basically(trans-) semiotic meaning-making process/ activity (Petrilli 2003, Lim 2013)which can work at the heart of the realm(s) of the humanities and redefinethe public space as a multilayered translational text full of natural/ cultural translating practices, this paper primarily aims to rethink and further explorethe notion of translation and the features of the Korean-locality-specifictranslational phenomena by analyzing representative examples of the publicsigns in a value-rich glocal space in today’s Korea. For the case study to re-readand re-write ordinary public signs as the unique empirical evidence forexplicitly visible (cf. Venuti 1995; 1998) and purposefully empowered (cf. Tymoczko 2007) translation, this paper first proposes to approach translationin a transdisciplinary way that takes into account not only linguistics andtranslation studies but also cultural studies, translative semiotics, andgeosemiotics (cf. Peirce 1931-1958). From the point of departure seeking togo beyond the conventional concept of interlingual translation, it, then, makesa hypothetical assumption that, because the act of translating takes place ina value-laden conflict-related environment, the translations are actual tokensof value-driven and ideology-laden decision-making purposefully leaningtoward selective experimentalism and manipulative optimality. In the analysis,translatively salient examples―selected in Haeundae, Busan, Korea―areexamined and interpreted in a value-sensitive, translativity-oriented manner inorder to see if the consideration of (non-linguistic) factors like value, space,and translatorial competence would be necessary and even critical for a studyon the local public signs (as opposed to the value-free contrastive linguisticanalysis). Subsequently, from the value-sensitive and (geo-) semioticallytranslative examination focusing on the respective public signs’ (geo-) semioticproperties as the tokens of value-driven translations, it argues for theusefulness and significance of such a translatively centripetal (that is,translatorial-condition-specific: intrinsically purposeful and value-sensitive)scrutinization, especially, so as to secure an academic account that can not onlydescribe but also explain the transsemiotically subtle and complexmeaning-making practices (as multidimensional translation phenomena) in a contemporary Korean context adequately and successfully. In conclusion, the transdisciplinary translative analysis of the value-ladenpublic signs in the glocal space of Haeundae in Korea gives rise to sometheoretically motivating implications, which include (a) the function of itspublic signs as the critical tokens of the locals’ glocalizing translating; (b) thesignificance of the translatorial competence of the natural translators inrespective local areas in today’s Korea; (c) the importance of the new,constructive direction of value-free linguistic investigations toward thealternative roles and potentials of the translative paradigm (with translativityand translatoriality in focus) in this glocalizing era; (d) the value of thetransdisciplinary collaboration in investigating the meaning-making activity,viz., Translational Turn in the Humanities, that is, Transhumanities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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