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        국토정보를 활용한 빈곤·취약지구 추출 방법에 관한 연구

        이희연,안은경,Lee, Hee-Yeon,An, Eun-Kyung 한국국토정보공사 공간정보연구원 2016 지적과 국토정보 Vol.46 No.2

        The purpose of this study develops the methodology to extract the poor deprived districts using the data from the national spatial data infrastructure portal. Particularly this study tries to select more acute indicators and to test the operability of such indicators. Also this study is focused on the versatile methodology that can be adjusted to incorporate alternative indicators that might be appropriate according to the hierarchy of the spatial unit. The indicator sets are composed of three dimensions: the poor class, the poor old housing, and poor residential neighborhood environment. Each representative indicator is selected based on the characteristics of the poor deprived districts. As a result, at the level of administrative Dong, key indicators for extracting the poor deprived districts are number of recipients of national basic living security per thousand persons and ratio of households living at old detached house. At the level of the national based zip code district, the ratio of buildings built on parcels located at roads below 4m in width, the ratio of small parcels below $60m^2$ and the ratio of poor old buildings are very important indicators. The result of grid analysis by overlaying the coverage of multiple indicators shows that relatively more vulnerable and deprived districts can be extracted at the small sub-district level. This study suggests the possibility to create the high value-added information, using the data from the national spatial data infrastructure portal. This methodology enables policymakers to select the priority target districts of poor deprived district more effectively. 본 연구는 국가공간정보포털에서 제공하는 국토정보들을 활용하여 빈곤 취약지구를 추출하는 방법론을 정립하는데 목적을 두었다. 빈곤 취약지구를 추출하기 위한 지표들을 선정하고 지표들의 작동성을 검정하였으며, 특히 빈곤 취약지구를 추출하는 위계적인 공간 영역에 따라 지표들의 활용이 조정 가능하도록 융통성있는 방법론을 구축하는데 초점을 두었다. 빈곤 취약지구를 추출하기 위한 지표들을 빈곤층, 노후불량주택, 근린불량주거환경의 세 영역으로 분류하고 각각의 영역에 적합한 대표 지표들을 선정하였다. 그 결과 행정동 차원에서 빈곤 취약지구 추출을 위한 핵심 지표는 천명당 기초생활수급자수와 노후단독주택 거주 가구 비율 지표로 나타났다. 국가기초구역 차원에서 근린불량주거환경을 나타내는 지표로는 불량도로 접도 주택비율, 과소필지 비율, 노후불량주택 비율이 상당히 중요한 지표로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 소구역 단위에서 격자 분석을 통해 여러 지표들을 중첩시켜본 결과 상대적으로 더 빈곤하고 취약한 소구역을 추출할 수 있었다. 국가공간정보포탈에서 제공하는 데이터를 필요한 목적에 맞추어 활용하는 경우 고부가가치의 정보 창출 가능성을 보여주었다는 점에서 본 연구의 학술적 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 본 연구의 방법론은 빈곤 취약 우선 대상지구를 효율적으로 선정하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        지식창출활동과 지역경제성장 간의 인과관계 분석

        이희연 ( Hee Yeon Lee ),이제연 ( Je Yeon Lee ) 한국경제지리학회 2010 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the causality among GRDP, patent, investment of R &D, and researcher among 16 Metropolitan cities and provinces in Korea. Using the annual data ranged from 1998 to 2008, the causality test for time-series data such as unit roots test and Granger causality test were performed. We estimate the Panel-Var of the four variables to find out the various Granger causal relations for two groups which are classified by the patent productivity. The panel data causality results reveal that there are bidirectional causality relations among four variables for the more patent-productivity group. The patent has bi-directional effects on GRDP and R&D. The patent cause GRDP and vice versa, patent cause R&D and vice versa. Patent not only has strong direct impact on GRDP and R&D but also has affected by the increase of GRDP and R&D through the interactive feedback mechanism. However, the causality patterns are somewhat different between the more patent-productive region and the less patent-productive region. There exists one directional causality between the R&D and GRDP for the less patent-productivity group. Such result may imply that the type of regional innovation policy should be differentiated between two groups. Regional economic policy efforts should be placed on increasing the knowledge productivity and on strengthening the regional competitiveness through the regional innovative infrastructure.

      • KCI등재

        석유제품의 유통구조와 물류체계 분석 -경질제품을 대상으로-

        이희연 ( Hee Yeon Lee ),최윤선 ( Yoon Sun Choi ) 한국경제지리학회 2002 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution structure and the logistics system of light petroleum products from the spatial perspectives. The consumption structure of ;petroleum products has been changed since the mid 1980s. The growth rate of consumption for light products has been much faster than those of heavy products. The distribution structure of the petroleum products is hierarchically established by refining companies, agencies, and gas stations. The petroleum products agencies are distributed unevenly over the country, and the number of gas stations per one petroleum agency are very differentiated by the region. The light products are directly transported from refining factories to oil storages and then are carried to gas stations. According to the locational characteristics, oil storages which play a key role in the logistics system are categorized into three type. The first type is demand-oriented oil storages which are located near or in the large cities to supply the light petroleum products. The second type is harbors-oriented oil storages which are located within harbors. The third type is railway-oriented oil storages which are located along railway stations. In this study, the thresholds of one oil storage and one gas station are calculated based on the size of supply territory for each oil storage. The average number of population demand that allow a oil storage to stay in business is 1.9 million and average number of cars are 477,200.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 개방형 혁신활동 특성과 외부 협력 네트워크 분석

        이희연 ( Hee Yeon Lee ),이세원 ( Se Won Lee ) 한국경제지리학회 2012 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Recently, the theory of open innovation emerges as a new innovation paradigm. This paper aims to examine open innovation activities of SMEs. Many firms tend to search new knowledge from various external sources and to pursue to achieve innovation resources or knowledge of external innovators. Particularly, this paper focus on the process of external knowledge networking and open innovation occurred in the process of technology innovation. The data used in this study were those that had been collected for total 3,400 sample SMEs that had conducted R&D. and in-depth interviews were conducted with 14 SMEs located at Chungbuk-Technopark. Empirical findings can be summarized as follows; SMEs tend to search new knowledge from various external sources and to pursue to achieve innovation resources or knowledge of external innovators, because they have lack of innovation resources, therefore, the conducting of open innovation affected positively the innovation performance of SMEs. In addition, empirical findings also indicated that expanding flexibility of labor market enhances open innovation activities of SMEs.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        국내 장애 관련 웹 접근성 연구 동향 분석

        이희연 ( Hee Yeon Lee ),채수정 ( Soo Jung Chae ) 한국특수아동학회 2013 특수아동교육연구 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine the research trends on web-accessibility of people with disabilities in Korea and to investigate considerations in further studies. A total of 41 studies that met this study`s selection criteria was collected via six research data-bases. The selected studies were analyzed based on the types of research, web-accessibility evaluator`s academic backgrounds, the target of web-accessibility evaluation, and web-accessibility evaluation tools. The results presented that (1) survey studies were most frequently conducted compared to the reviews of literature, development studies, and qualitative studies, (2) many studies were conducted by disability-related specialists rather than web specialists, and relatively few studies were conducted by people with disabilities, (3) many studies evaluated web-accessibility of public institutions` main website such as schools, hospitals, or social welfare facilities rather than educational contents, and (4) studies using manual web-accessibility tools were more conducted than those using automatic web-accessibility tools, and relatively small number of studies were performed using both manual and automatic evaluation tools. Based on these results, suggestions and considerations for future studies on the web-accessibility in special education practices were discussed.

      • KCI우수등재

        大形割引店의 立地的 特性과 商圈 分析에 관한 硏究

        李喜演(Lee Hee-Yeon),金志暎(Kim Ji-Young) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2000 國土計劃 Vol.35 No.6

        The purposes of this study are to describe the locational characteristics and to analyze large-scale discount stores, which have grown very fast as a new type of retail shops in Kore large-scale discount store is largely based on where those customers live, where the access where the suitable land is available. According to the result of the statistical analysis, 83% of of large-scale discount stores is explained by demographic-economic factor. In the last section, the trade area for each large-scale discount store in Pundang-Gu, Songn based on the criteria such as shopping behavior of customers, shuttle bus route and the strata the each large-scale discount store. They have different size of the trade area and the trade an largest among them. Further, using GIS techniques, spatial interaction model is applied to deli each large-scale discount store. The output of interaction between potential demand points shows that trade area of each discount store is overlapped each other, and the competition very severe. This study reveals the applicability of spatial interaction model to analyze and share for large-scale discount stores.

      • KCI우수등재

        지역의 교육환경이 인구이동 시 비동거가족 형성에 미치는 영향

        이희연(Lee Hee-Yeon),노승철(Noh Seung-Chul) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2011 國土計劃 Vol.46 No.4

        One of the characteristic of migration in South Korea for the past decade is the greater migrations of individuals than those of family units. This in turn is creating a new generation. Age groups of 35-54 who support the education of their children are particularly increasing in such individual migration. This study focuses on the spatial distribution of origin-destination of single household migration in the 35-54 age groups and also impacts of the regional education environment on the formation of separate-living families. The results reveal that migration to guns, small to medium-sized cities, and non-metropolitan areas generally consist of individual migration, while the reverse-migration to large cities-consists mostly of migration by family-units. The population that becomes single household due to two-residential location family exhibited several probabilistic characteristics: more male than female, older age group, higher level of level, has tenant, is employed. Regions with higher attractiveness in education environment and better private education services showed lower probability of creating separate-living families. The findings from this research will contribute important implications for future research on inter-regional migration and implementing the urban and regional planning.

      • KCI우수등재

        소프트웨어 開發業의 立地的 特性과 空間的 連繫性에 관한 硏究

        李喜演(Lee Hee-Yeon),尹善睦(Yun Seon-Mok) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1999 國土計劃 Vol.34 No.2

        The aims of this study are to analyze the locational characteristics of the software-related industries and to reveal forward-backward linkages of them from the spatial perspective. Especially GIS technique was used to extract potential locational zone in Kangnam area. The software-related industries which are the part of the business services have grown very rapidly for the last decade. Those industries are concentrated in Kangnam, Seocho and Yoido area. Especially, newly established companies, after 1990, tend to locate along Teheran Street in Kangnam area. The key locational factors are found to be the supply of high-quality offices, transportation accessibility and proximity of customers, suppliers and competitors. Main form of forward linkage is a linkage with headquarters of manufacturing, banking, and telecommunication industries. Over 50% of affiliated companies which make various backward linkage forms are located in Kangnam area because of agglomeration economies indicating the importance of proximity.

      • KCI우수등재

        교통망체계의 종합접근성 분석에 관한 연구

        이희연(Lee Hee-Yeon),이종용(Lee Jong-Yong) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1997 國土計劃 Vol.32 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to develop the integrated accessibility model for transportation network systems, using GIS technique. In this study, the different measurement of accessibility models are used according to the types of transportation systems such as subway and road network systems. This study is also attempted to transform the discrete nodal pattern of accessibility into the continuous grid pattern. The results of this study are as follows. First, the nodal accessibility of subway network system and that of road network system show very different in terms of spatial distribution of high and low values of accessibility. The high rank nodes for road network system are concentrated at the middle part of Kangnam-Gu, while the high rank nodes for subway network system are located along the subway line and transfer stations. Second, integrated accessibility values for entire area as a continuous pattern would be much better in order to represent the characteristics of the spatial structure of accessibility. This study has some limitation in terms of measuring the nodal accessibility of road network systems. The study area is limited only the boundary of Kangnam-Gu, as a closed road network system. Further, to improve accessibility analysis using GIS techniques efficiently, it is necessary to build database related various types of transportation systems.

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