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      • KCI등재

        청각장애학생의 인터넷중독 실태 연구

        이승훈 ( Seung Hoon Yi ),이효자 ( Hyou Ja Lee ) 한국특수아동학회 2014 특수아동교육연구 Vol.16 No.3

        본 연구는 청각장애학생의 인터넷중독 실태를 파악하기 위하여 청각장애 초.중.고등학생 279명을 대상으로 한국정보화진흥원에서 개발한 인터넷 이용습관 진단척도(K-척도) 검사를 실시하였다. 본 연구를 위해 청각장애학생들의 방과 후 보호자 유.무와 수면시간, 하루 평균 인터넷 사용시간을 조사하였으며, 인터넷 이용습관 척도를 분석한 결과 청각장애학생들의 인터넷중독 위험군은 24.4%로, 한국정보화진흥원에서 2013년에 실시한 인터넷중독 실태조사의 일반청소년 인터넷중독 위험군 11.7%에 비해 2배 이상 높게 나타났다. 또한 인터넷중독 위험군과 일반 사용자군은 인터넷 이용습관 진단척도(K-척도) 하위 5개 요인에서 서로 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 방과 후 보호자의 유무에 따른 인터넷 이용습관 점수는 보호자가 있는 경우가 그렇지 않은 경우보다 인터넷 이용습관 점수가 낮게 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 현재 실시되고 있는 국가적 차원의 인터넷중독 실태조사에서 장애학생들을 포함시켜야하며, 장애학생들을 위한 인터넷중독 예방 프로그램의 개발 필요성을 제안하였다. This research determined the actual state of internet addiction among hearing impaired students using Internet Usage Habits Scale(K-Scale) which was developed by National Information Society Agency to 279 deaf students from elementary, middle, or high schools. The study examined the actual condition of internet addiction through a survey on the presence of guardian after school, average daily sleep hours, and average daily internet access time. The results showed that the internet addiction risk user type among hearing impaired students as 24.4% which was over twice internet addiction risk among non-disabled students as 11.7% from research on actual state implemented in 2013 by National Information Society Agency. In addition, there was a significant difference between the internet addiction risk user type and the non- addiction risk user type in 5 subcategories of Internet Usage Habits Scale(K-Scale). Among hearing impaired students, internet usage habit scale was lower when there was guardian compared to the scale when there was not. Therefore, this research suggested the necessity of development on internet addiction prevention programs for students with disabilities as well as current national research on the actual state of internet addiction need to include students with disabilities.

      • KCI등재후보

        시각장애학생의 인터넷 사용 및 중독 실태

        박중휘 ( Joong-hui Park ),이효자 ( Hyou-ja Lee ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2005 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.6 No.3

        본 연구는 시각장애학생의 인터넷 사용과 중독 실태를 파악하여 인터넷 중독에 대한 예방교육과 건전한 정보통신교육에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하는 데 목적을 두었으며, 12개 시각장애학교 초등부 4학년 이상 중.고등부 학생 299명을 연구 대상으로 하였다. 연구 도구는 강문위(2003)와 이계원(2001)이 사용한 도구와 Young(1998)이 제작하고 윤재희(1998)가 번안하여 사용한 도구를 시각장애학생의 특성에 맞게 수정하여 사용하였다. 연구결과와 논의에 기초한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시각장애학생의 변인별 인터넷 사용 실태를 보면, 하루 평균 이용 시간에서는 남학생이 여학생보다 이용 시간이 많았으며, 인터넷 사용경력은 학년이 높을수록, 여학생보다 남학생이, 맹 학생보다 저시력 학생이 경력이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 인터넷 사용용도는 채팅,정보 및 자료검색, 게임, 전자우편 등의 순으로 나타났다. 인터넷 과다 사용에 대한 절제 이유로는 부모의 꾸중과 학업에 열중하기 위한 비율이 높았다. 둘째, 시각장애학생의 인터넷 중독 실태에서 중독 평균점수는 44.93점이며, 학교급별과 시력정도에 따라서는 집단간 차이가 없으나, 성별과 거주형태에 따라서는 집단간 차이가 있었다. 인터넷 중독 정도에 대해서는 중독군이 8.0%로 나타났으며, 학교급별에서는 집단간 차이가 없으나 성별, 시력정도별, 거주형태별에 있어서는 집단간 차이가 있었다. The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent students with visual impairment used the Internet and were addicted to that in a bid to provide preventive education for those students to stay away from Internet addiction. And it``s also meant to lay the foundation for offering sound IT education. The findings of the study were as follows; First, regarding the use of the net among visually impaired students by school grade, sex, visual acuity and residential type, the boy students spent more mean daily time on the net than the girls did, and as for experience of accessing the Internet, those who were in the upper grades, who were boys and who had a low vision had more experience than those who were in the lower grades, who were girls and who were totally blind. Concerning what they used the net for, having a chat was most common, followed by searching information and data, playing gamesand sending e-mail. As to the time of logging on to that, they were on the Internet mainly during the day or in the evening. As for the place, they logged onto it mostly at school or home. In regard to the attitude of their parents toward their excessive use of the Internet, their parents let them access it at a fixed time or after they finished what they had to do. Concerning the reason why they controlled themselves not to be overly exposed to the net, a lot of the students did that not to be scolded by their parents or to concentrate their attention on studies. Second, the collective average of the visually impaired students in Internet addiction was 44.93. There was no intergroup gap triggered by school grade and visual acuity, but the Internet addiction of the groups was different according to their sex and residential type. 55.2% weren``t hooked on the net, and 36.8% were at risk, and 8.0% were addicts. Their school grade made no differences to their addiction, but their Internet addiction was different according to their sex, visual acuity and residential type.

      • KCI등재

        집단미술치료 프로그램이 지역아동센터 아동의 자아존중감과 사회성에 미치는 영향

        박경화 ( Park Kyoung Hwa ),장성화 ( Jang Sung Hwa ),이효자 ( Lee Hyou Ja ) 한국아동교육학회 2016 아동교육 Vol.25 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 지역아동센터 저소득층 아동을 대상으로 집단미술치료 프로그램이 자아존중감과 사회성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고 이를 통계적 분석을 통해 그 효과성을 검증하고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 충청북도 C시에 거주하는 지역아동센터 저소득층 초등학교 5,6학년 7명을 대상으로 집단미술치료 프로그램을 실시하고, 자아존중감과 사회성에서 사전·사후검사를 실험집단과 통제집단별로 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 첫째, 자아존중감 척도검사에서 실험집단과 통제집단의 집단간 차이를 분석한 결과 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 둘째, 사회성기술평정 척도검사에서 실험집단과 통제 집단의 집단간 차이를 분석한 결과 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 셋째, 실험집단 아동들의 학교생활화 사전·사후 차이를 분석한 결과 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 이는 집단미술치료 프로그램을 하면서 서로 도와주고 배려하는 모습과 긍정적인 의사 표현들이 증가되는 것을 통해 자아존중감과 사회성이 향상되었다는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과에 대해본 연구의 시사점 및 향후 연구방향에 대해 논의하였다. The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of a group art therapy program on the self-esteem and sociability of children from the lower-income class at local children``s centers and test its effectiveness through statistical analysis. For those purposes, the investigators implemented a group art therapy program with seven fifth and sixth graders from the lower-income class at local children``s centers in C, Chungcheongbuk Province. Both the experiment and control group took a pre- and post-test on self-esteem and sociability. The findings were as follows: first, the study analyzed differences in the self-esteem scale between the experiment and control group and found statistically significant differences between them. Secondly, the study also analyzed differences in the social skill rating between the experiment and control group and found statistically significant differences between them, as well. Finally, the analysis results of pre- and post-test differences in the school drawings of experiment group show significant differences. Those findings indicate that they increased in self-esteem and sociability as they increasingly helped one another, were considerate of each other, and engaged in positive expressions of intention in the group art therapy program. Based on those findings, the study discussed its implications and proposals for future research directions.

      • 職業適性과 進路成熟間의 相關硏究 聽覺障碍學生과 健聽學生의 比較

        이효자 건국대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.31 No.1

        1. Purpose of the study The purpose of this thesis to study the correlation between the vocational aptitude and the career maturity of the deaf students and normal students on the basis of the following hyphothesis. 1) There will be significant correlation between the vocational aptitude and the career maturity according to the sex of the deaf students and the normal students. 2) The vocational aptitude will be helpful to predict the level of the career maturity of the deaf students and the normal students. 3) There will be significant difference between the deaf students and the normal students according to sex and grade. In the career maturity the normal group will be superior to the deaf students. 3. Method of the study The subject of this study is a total of 277 the deaf students group (Male : 58, female : 64) and the normal students (male : 76, female 79) As instrument of measure was used standard General Aptitude Test Battery (Park, Su-Byong : 1966) and the Career Maturity Test(Crites : 1978) 4. Conculsion of the study The results of this thesis can be summerized follws : 1) There is no correlation between the vocational aptitude and the career maturity of the deaf students and the normal boy students' group, postive correlation on only in the clerical perception in the deaf girl students and negative correlation only in the aiming and eye-hand coordination of the normal girl students'. 2) The aiming and eye-hand coordination, verbal capability and clerical perception is useful to predict to level of career maturity of normal group, but not useful to predict the level of the career maturity of the deaf group statistically. 3) The level of the career maturity of the deaf students is lower than the normal according to sex grade.

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