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이필영 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2001 한국문화연구 Vol.1 No.-
Steaming autumnal rice cake is a religious rite which purports to thank the guardian house spirits and ancestral spirits for successful harvest and to share the joy of having meals together. Housewives prepare newly harvested rice to make the sacred offerings of rice cake. Kitchen or dining room where the rice cake is prepared is kept clean and tidy. Therefore, there used to be diverse forms of taboo concerning the clean maintenance of the kitchen and the offering of the autumnal rice cake. Once the cake is ready, it is offered to all the major spirits in the household: the guardian spirit of the house, the spirit of the house site and the ancestral spirit. If we say that the offering of the autumnal cake has a thanksgiving character, that of the January cake, we can say, has the characteristics of the new year welcoming and the praying for the fruitful year. That explains why we name the January cake as the farming cake. Rice cake ceremonies are held annually and prepared mainly by housewives, while house-comforting ceremonies are held at irregular intervals on special occasions. In a house-comforting ceremony, a professional ceremony holder(經客), who leads the ceremony with special scriptures(經文), is invited to perform the rather systematic procedures. The ceremony is held when the household is newly moved, or some fortunate or unfortunate things occurred to the family members. The main purpose of this ceremony is to welcome the guardian spirit of the household. Thus, the climactic moment of the ceremony is that of the welcoming the guardian spirit. The ceremony holder performs the ceremony moving around the every corner of the house. He recites the scriptures(經文) such as the scripture(經文) of the the Dragon King(龍王), that of the Soy-jar terrace, that of the oxen and horses, that of the household spirit, that of the ancestral spirit, and so on and prays for the well-being of the household. In both the autumnal rice cake offering rite and the house-comforting ceremony, housewives play the major role in everything. They have a firm belief in the validity of the ceremonies and lead the whole procedures from the beginning to the end. Though every procedure is performed under the tacit approval or assent of the head of the family, the housewives’ fervent wish for the well-being of the household prepares everything for the ceremony. In conclusion, we can say that in the autumnal rice-cake offering one of the household members plays the role of the non-professional priest and performs the rite praying for the peace of the household and thanking for the successful harvest. It is a humble form of the religious ceremony. When the autumnal rice-cake rite is developed into a more systematic form of the ceremony, it becomes the house-comforting ceremony where the professional ceremony holder leads the religious rite by reciting the scriptures suited to every occasion. He prays for the well-being of the household by offering scriptures to all the major guarding spirits of the household. The two ceremonies thus keep the household safe and peaceful and make the household ready for the future fortunes.
African Violet의 葉柄揷에 關한 硏究 : Saintpaulia ionantha
李弼英 안성산업대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.13 No.-
重要한 室內植物로 脚光을 받고 있는 African violet의 揷木方法 및 揷木에 미치는 몇가지 要因에 關하여 硏究하기 爲해 1979年 5月∼10月에 걸쳐 일련의 實驗을 行하였는데 그 主要結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. African violet은 水浸發根으로도 發根이 用易하였으며 갓 展開된 比較的 어린잎이 老葉 또는 成熟葉에 比해 發根이 좋았다. 2. 水浸發根時 發根率 및 發根程度는 品種에 따라 相異하였으며 供試品種中에서는 白色系인 Snow White가 가장 빨랐다. 3. 一般的으로 水浸發根時 發根은 22℃室溫에서 水浸後 12∼14日부터 始作되었고 出芽는 23∼25日경 부터 進行되었다. 4. 水浸發根時 酸素供給을 爲한 水中 通氣는 發根 및 出芽에 影響을 미치지 못하였다. 5. 모래와 질석을 揷木用土로 比較하였을때 室溫 22℃에서 發根은 10日부터 出芽는 20日부터 進行되었으며 揷木用土로는 질석이 모래보다 좋았다. 6. 室內光度를 50% 遮光시켜준 것에서는 顯著히 發根 및 發芽가 지연되었다. 7. 水浸發根時 發根促進物質 IBA는 0.001ppm의 低濃度에서 榮養物質 Hyponex는 0.1% 溶液에서 蒸溜水區에 比해 發根이 促進되었다. 高濃度의 IBA(0.01ppm以上)는 顯著히 發根을 抑制하고 揷穗 腐敗를 促進하였다. 8. 水浸揷木時 葉柄의 길이는 全葉柄을 가진 것이 1/2葉柄 個體에 比해 顯著히 發根 및 發芽가 促進되었다. A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of several factors influencing the leaf-petiole propagation of African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha), which has been increasingly popular among fanciers ans amateurs through the country as an outstanding indoor plants. The results obtained are as follows. 1. African Violet rooted easily when the lower portion of the leaf-petiole was immersed in water. Newly expanded large leaves rooted better than the old leaves. 2. Rooting in water was greatly influenced by varities. Among the 5 varities tested, "Snow White" (pure white double flowered) rooted sooner than other varieties. 3. In general, rooting occurred 12-14 days after cutting and shoots were differentiated 23-25 days after cutting by under water rooting method. 4. Aeration did not promote rooting of cuttings. 5. Vermiculite was slightly better than sand for rooting media. In general, rooting occured 10-12 days after cutting and shoots were differentiated 20 days after cutting. 6. Furter shading in indoors significantly reduced root and shoot development. 7. IBA at 0.001 ppm and Hyponex 0.1% significantly promoted rooting as compared to distilled water. IBA at higher cancentrations( 0.01 ppm or higher) significantly in hibited root development and increased leaf-petiole tip decay. 8. The cuttings with full-length leaf-petiole rooted much better than the cutting with half-length petiole, when rooted in water.
풋고추 收穫後 藥品處理가 着色 및 生體重水分蒸發減少 貯藏力에 미치는 影響
李弼英 안성산업대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.14 No.-
풋고추의 着色 및 貯藏性에 미치는 몇가지 生長調節物質의 效果를 硏究하기 위하여 在來種고추를 利用하여 (1977年8月∼9月)室內에서 實驗을 行하였던바 그 結果를 要約하면 대략 다음과 같다. 1. 풋고추의 生體重水分蒸發을 仰制하기 위해서는 OED Green이 效果的이었으며 큰고추보다는 작은고추에서 그 效果가 더 增進되었다. 2. 고추의 後熟을 促進시키는 데는 큰고추 작은고추 供히 Ethephon 500 ppm이 가장 效果的이었으며 處理后 6日傾부터 다른 處理區에 比해 顯著한 差異를 보였다. 3. 變色이 되기 始作하는 程度는 작은고추에 있어서는 Ethephon 250 ppm이 큰고추에 있어서는 Ethephon 500 ppm이 實用的 이었으며 대체로 處理后 4日傾부터 顯著한 效果를 나타냈다. 4. 풋고추의 貯藏을 爲해서는 큰고추는 OED Green이 작은고추에 있어서는 P=CPA 100 ppm이 效果的 이었다.
이단 평행봉 자유연기의 기술내용에 관한 난도, 구성, 실시의 요소에 대한 분석
이필영 龍仁大學校 體育科學硏究所 1994 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.4 No.1
The study was made to find out the composition and difficulty degree for optional competition in uneven parallel bars with subject of world 5 gymnastic players who marked the excellent record in the final optional competition in uneven parallel bars as the 2nd World Individual Gymnastics Championship in April, 1933(held in Birmingham, U.K.) and top 5 Korean Gymnastic players. The conclusions are as follows. 1. In performing contents, Korean 5 players had performed difficulty degree elements less frequently than other 5 foreign players. Especially in the case of performing Salto elements, Korean players had performed as the total of 7 times, while other players had performed as the total of 9 times. 2. In the analysis of the elements of turn, Korean players had performed the over C difficulty degree as the total of 6 times, but other foreign players had performed had performed as the total of 11 times. As the result, other foreign players had performed bonus point connections using the elements of turn and various contents to get more bonus point. 3. In the analysis of the elements of dismount, Korean 5 players had performed 4C and 1E difficulty degree, while other 5 foreign players had performed 2D and 3E difficulty degree. 4. In the analysis of bonus point connection, Korean 5 players had gained just 0.8 bonus point through 5 times bonus point connections, while other 5 foreign players had gained total of 1.4 bonus point through the 9 times bonus point connections.
여자 평균대 自由演技의 難度에 關한 映象 分析 : 89년도 세계체조선수권대회에 참가한 선수를 중심으로
이필영 慶熙大學校 體育科學大學 1989 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.2
The study was made to find out the composition and difficulty degree for optional competition on balance with subject of 2 Koreans, 2 D.P.R.K gymnastic players and 8 gymnastic players who participated in the final optional competition on balance as the 25th World gymnastics championship from October 14, 1989 to October 22, 1989. [Conclusion] 1. In performing composition 1) Korean players had performed acrobatic element including aerial phase 4 times, but Rumanian and Japanese players hand performed it once more, the players U.S.S.R had done it 0.5 times more, and the players of D.P.R.K had done it 4 times more than Korean players. While Chinese players had done it 0.5 times less and Hungarian players had donitonce less than the Korean players. 2) The Rumanian (6.5times, 48%) and Chinese (7times, 42.5%) players had performed most frequent acrobatic element and handstand, but Korean players and the players of U.S.S.R had done it least with 5 times each(Korean players 35.7% the players of U.S.S.R 34.2%). It was appeared that Flic-flac had been used most frequently with the average of 2.6 times(45.6%). 3) The Chinese players had performed most frequent gymnastic elements with 7 elements(42.5%), but the Japanese players had done least with 4 elements (30.8%). 4) It was appeared that two or more acrobatic elements had been performed with the technique of 21 kinds among the 14 elements, and 3.2 elements(20.9%) had been performed with average. Round-off and Double Salto backward tucked(dismount) had been performed most frequently. 5) Two or more gymnastic elements had been performed with the connection of 7 A values which had been relatively easier among the 10 elements. 6) Two or more gymnastic and acrobatic elements had been performed with the elements of 12 kinds and each player had composed them particulary. 7) In raising values through direct connections, the Korean players and the players of D.P.R.K had gained raising values 3 times, the players of U.S.S.R had done 4 times, Rumanian players had done 6 time. the Chinese players had done 4 times, the Hugarian player had done twice and the Japanese players hand done once.
Hyacinthus Orientalis의 組織培養에 關한 硏究
李弼英 안성산업대학교 1985 論文集 Vol.17 No.-
Hyacintkus Orintalis L. "City of Haarlem"의 葯, 柱短, 子房 및 花莖組織으로 부터 Callus 및 子球形成에 미치는 生長調節物質의 影響에 關해 檢討하였던 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1 .葯으로부터 Callus形成과 子球分化는 전혀 이루어지지 않았다. 2. 柱頭組織에서는 NAAO.1ppm 添加培地에서 Callus形成率은 높았으나 增殖은 不良 하였다. 3. 子房組織에서는 NAAO.1ppm 添加培地에서 Callus形成率이 가장 높았고 根이 多少 分化되었다. 4. 花莖組織에서는 NAAO.1ppm 添加培地에서 Callus 및 子球形成率이, NAA 0.1ppm 添加培地에서는 根分化率이 가장 良好하였으며 供試된 培養組織中 가장 適合한 培養材料로 認定되었다. The study was conducted in order to determine the optimum concentration of auxins for callus formation and bulblet differentiation from anther, stigma with style, ovary and flower setem tissue of Hyacinthus orientalis L. "City of Haarlem." The results obtained summarized as follows: 1. Callus and bulblet from anther were not formed at all in all the media tested. 2. Ratio of callus formation from stigma tissue was the highest in the media added with 0.1ppm NAA, but proliferation of callus was very bad. 3. Callus formation from ovary tissue was food in 0.1ppm NAA added media, and a little roots were also differentiated. 4. Callus and bulblet formation from flower stem tissue was the best in the medium added with 0.1ppm IBA. While ratio of differentiation of root was the highest in 0.1ppm NAA added medium. It was noted that the tissue of flower stem was the best as materials for propagation.
이필영 龍仁大學校 1998 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.16 No.-
The purpose of this study is to analyze the balance beam performance of twelve participants including 2 Korean and 2 Japanese in the 33rd World Championship of Gymnastics employing VTR analysis technique. The followings are results of analysis: First, there are no differences in numbers of value part between Korean gymnasts and international gymnasts. Second, 5 of 84 in B value parts and 9 of 88 in C value parts were favored. 16 times of Flic flac and 12 times of Salto backward stretched - step out were performed. It is interpreted that these two are used to get speed and bouncing force to Acrobatic series and Dismount. In C value parts more gymnastic parts than acrobatic were performed as special connection. Third, in D value parts, 14 of 48 was performed, and it is interpreted that various selections will help to met additional bonus point of special connection. 12 parts in Acrobatic were selected, while two in gymnastic was selected. Forth, special connection employed various series which show a participant's characteristics including jump and leap. Final for each event showed big differences of 0.40 to 0.50 points between Korean gymnasts and international gymnasts. Fifth, Korean gymnasts left much to be desired in connection of skills, dexterity, and various performance to get bonus points. In conclusion, this result revealed that theoretical research and practical efforts are required to demonstrate performance with accuracy, dexterity, and creativity.