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      • KCI등재

        8주 사이클링 운동 세션이 비만중년여성들의 항산화, 면역, 치매관련 인자 및 동맥경직도에 미치는 영향

        이채산(Lee, Chae-San) 한국체육과학회 2022 한국체육과학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        This study was conducted to find the effects of cycling exercise session (CES) on antioxidant, immune system, dementia relative variables, and arterial stiffness in obese middle-aged women for 8 weeks. The participants were sampled from 20 obese middle-aged women with 30% more body fat belong to I city. The participants were randomly assigned divided into two groups: 10 (45.0±4.14yrs) of CES group(20min / 3 times for wk / 8wks), and 10 (43.9±3.45yrs) of control group. The statistical analysis was conducted by using G* power 3.0. Also, repeated measure 2 way ANOVA of GLM by mixed design, independent t-test, and ηp2 were conducted by using SPSS ver. 24.0 program(IBM Corp.). The results obtained from this study were as follows; First, change in body weight and BMI was significantly lower in CES group than control group(p<.01, p<.001). but skeletal muscle mass was significantly higher in CES group than control group(p<.001). Second, change in SOD was not significantly between group(p>.05). Change in WBC was significantly higher in CES group than control group(p<.05), but Neutrophil not significantly between group(p>.05). Change in Aβ<SUB>(1-42)</SUB> was not significantly between group(p>.05). Third, change in LRVC, RRVC, and RAVC was significantly higher in CES group than control(p<.05, p<.05, p<.01), LAVC was not significantly between group(p>.05).

      • KCI등재

        재활승마가 지적장애 청소년들의 신체구성 및 카테콜라민에 미치는 영향

        이채산(Lee, Chae-San),이경희(Lee, Kyung-Hee) 한국웰니스학회 2017 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        이 연구는 8주간 재활승마가 지적장애 청소년들의 신체조성 및 카테콜라민에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위한 연구목적으로 수행하였다. J 도내 및 장애인 복지관 소속의 지적장애 3급 청소년 18명을 대상으로 표집 하였다. 승마재활(60분/2회/8주)집단 9명(16.11±2.26세)과 통제집단 9명(16.33±2.12세)으로 무선배정 (random assignment)하였다. G*power 3.0 프로그램을 이용하여 효과크기 검증 및 SPSS ver. 17.0을 이용하여 반복측정에 의한 GLM의 2원 변량분석으로 검증하였다. 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째. 신체조성 중 체중 및 골격근율은 재활승마 운동기간의 증가에 따라 재활승마 운동집단이 통제집단보다 증가하였고 통계적으로 유의한 차를 나타냈으며(p<.01), 둘째. 카테콜라민 중 세로토닌과 노르에피네프린은 재활승마 운동기간의 증가에 따라 재활승마 운동집단이 통제집단보다 증가하였고 통계적으로 유의한 차를 나타냈다(p<.001), 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 지적장애 청소년기에 있어서 재활승마 운동은 체중, 골격근량, 세로토닌 그리고 노르에피네프린을 증가시키는 유익하고 흥미로운 신체활동으로 사료된다. 따라서 지적장애 청소년들의 재활승마 운동에 있어서 말과의 교감을 극대화시키고 흥미를 증대시키는 방법을 개발하여야 한다. This study was conducted to find the effect of therapeutic horse riding for adolescents with intellectual disabled (IDA) on body composition and catecholamine for 8weeks. The 18 of third grade intellectual disabled adolescents who belong to J city Community Rehabilitation Center were selected as a participant for this study. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: 9 (16.11±2.26age) of therapeutic horse riding group; THDG (60min/ 2time for week / 8week) and 9 (16.33±2.12age) of control group; CTRG. The statistical analysis was conducted by using G* power 3.0. Also, repeated measure ANOVA was conducted by using SPSS ver. 17.0. As a result, as THR period increases the %muscle mass, one of the body composition, increased in THDG than CTRG(p<.01). The serotonin and norepinephrine increased in THDG than CTRG(p<.001). In conclusion, the THR is helpful and useful physical activity to increase % muscle mass, serotonin and norepinephrine of IDA. Therefore, when the IDA ride the horse, the method to maximize interest and consensus with horse should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        트레드밀 달리기운동이 비만남자대학생들의 혈중지질 및 섭식관련 호르몬에 미치는 효과

        이채산(Lee, Chae-San),이경희(Lee, Kyung-Hee) 한국웰니스학회 2016 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        이 연구는 12주간 50~60%HRR 운동강도의 트레드밀 달리기 운동이 비만남자대학생들의 혈중지질 및 섭식관련 호르몬 변화에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위한 것으로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 신체특성 변화에서 체중 및 BMI 변인은 실험집단이 통제집단보다 유의하게 감소하였다. 둘째, 혈중지질의 변화에서 TC, LDL-C과 TG의 변인은 실험집단이 통제집단보다 유의하게 감소하였으며, 반면 HDL-C의 변인은 실험집단이 통제집단보다 유의하게 증가하였다. 셋째, 섭식관련 호르몬의 변화에서 세로토닌 변인은 실험집단이 통제집단보다 유의하게 증가하였으며, 반면 렙틴과 노르에피네프린 변인은 실험집단이 통제집단보다 유의하게 감소하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 12주간 50~60%HRR 운동강도의 트레드밀 달리기 운동은 비만남자대학생들에게 있어 긍정적 효과가 나타났다. 따라서 청년기 비만자에 대한 운동처치 시 비만수준 정도를 고려하여, 운동유형, 운동강도 및 운동빈도 등 다양한 변인들을 통해 폭 넓은 연구가 이루어져야 할 것으로 생각된다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of treadmill running exercise program on blood lipids and eating-related hormone in obese male college students. The participants were performed on treadmill running exercise with 50~60%HRR for 12weeks. The male college students with BMI over 27 in I City, W University were selected as subjects. The subjects were divided into the two group according to simple random assignment; a experiment group(10 students) and a control group(8 students). The variables were calculated by two-way ANOVA with related measures(SPSS win ver. 16.0). The results obtained from this study were as follows; First, changes in body weight and BMI was significantly lower in experiment group than control group according to exercise treatment period(p<.01), Second, changes in TC, LDL-C. and TG was significantly lower in experiment group than control group according to exercise period(p<.001), but HDL-C was significantly higher in experiment group than control group(p<.001). Third, changes in serotonin was significantly higher in experiment group than control group according to exercise period(p<.001), but leptin and norepinephrine was significantly lower in experiment group than control group(p<.001). It can be concluded that a 50~60%HRR treadmill running exercise is effective in improving blood lipid and eating-related hormone in obese male college students.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effects of Combined Exercise on Visceral Fat and Isokinetic Muscle Function in Middle-Aged Obese Women

        Lee Chae-San(이채산),Lee Hye-jin(이혜진),Daniel C. Ventura Jr 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        본 연구는 I시에 거주하는 중년 비만여성 18명을 대상으로 8주간의 유산소 운동과 근저항 운동을 병행한 복합운동이 인체의 복부지방인 내장지방면적 및 등속성 근기능인 peak toque, mean power, total work 측정한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 유산소운동과 근저항 운동을 병행한 복합운동 집단에서 집단간과 운동처치 기간의 증가에 따라 통제집단에 비하여 내장지방 면적에 통계적으로 유의하게 감소하는 경향을 보였다(p<.05). 2. 등속성 근기능의 변인인 peak toque의 변화는 60°/sec, 120°/sec에서 신전의 경우 집단간의 유의하게 증가하는 경향을 보였으며, 120°/sec에서 운동처치 기간의 증가에 따라 통제집단에 비하여 신전이 유의하게 증가하는 경향을 보였다(p<.05). 3. 등속성 근기능의 변인인 mean power의 변화는 60°/sec, 120°/sec에서 신전의 경우 운동처치 기간의 증가에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보였으며, 120°/sec 굴곡에서 복합운동 집단에 시기와 잡단간의 상호작용에 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<.05).

      • KCI등재후보

        스포츠마사지 요법이 운동선수의 혈중 헤모글로빈, 젖산 및 글루코스에 미치는 영향

        이채산(Lee Chae-San),이혜진(Lee Hye-Jin) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the reaction of recovery for the fatigue by spots massage therapy treatment after Taekwondo training and then to verify the effectiveness. The subjects of this study were all the 20 high school Taekwondo players divided into two groups (rest recovery group and sports massage group) selected by systematic random assignment sampling. The variables were the level of hemoglobin, lactic acid and glucose, and measured at rest, immediately-after exercise and 30-minute recovery. The data from this study were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA, independent sample t-test. The results are as follow ; First, the measurement of the hemoglobin, there was not the significant differences between experiment group and control group. Second, the lactate showed lower in the experiment group than in the control group in 30-minute recovery (p<.001). Third, the glucose showed lower in the experiment group than in the control group in 30-minute recovery (p<.01). So I think the therapeutic massage treatment is more effective in the relief of fatigue than static rest method during the recovery after sports. However the massage treatment influence on the activation of metabolism according to the intensity and the duration of sports, and vary the effect of treatment according to the method and execution time. Therefore the longitudinal investigation of the variation by the long time massage through the more detailed program must be requisite for us.

      • KCI등재

        12주간 복합운동이 비만중년여성의 신체구성, 혈관탄성도 및 총경동맥 혈류변인에 미치는 영향

        이채산(Lee Chae-San) 한국체육과학회 2010 한국체육과학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks combined exercise on body composition, vascular compliance and CCA(common carotid artery) blood flow variables in midde-aged obese women. In oder to conduct this study, 20 middle-age obese women in the fitness club of Iksan city were selected. The subjects were divided into the two groups according to simple random assignment: a combined exercise group(n=10) and a control group(n=10). The results of the study were as follows: In body weight, %fat, and BMI was lower combined exercise group than control group, but in lean body showed no significant between group(p<.001). A comparison right leg vascular compliance response; the increment of the vascular compliance in the combined exercise group were higher than significantly in control group at the resting and post-submaximal exercise measure time in 12weeks period(p<.05). A comparison between right common carotid artery blood flow variables; the decrement of the mean blood velocity and resistance index in korean tradition dance group were lower than significantly in the control group at resting and post-exercise measure time in 12weeks period(p<.05). In correlation between vascular compliance and resistance index was negative significantly difference in combined exercise group(p<.001).

      • KCI등재

        장기간 유산소성 운동이 비만여성의 저준위염증 지표 및 혈중대사 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향

        이채산(Chae San Lee),김용규(Yong Kyu Kim),이정윤(Jeoung Yun Lee) 한국발육발달학회 2009 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Obesity in an independent risk factor for chronic subclinical inflammation, which may be mediated elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), have been associated with features of the IRS and incident cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study is to investigate change CRP, insulin, body weight, %body fat after 16weeks aerobic exercise. In this study, aerobic exercise(HRmax 55~75%, 50~60mins/day, 5days/week) was performed and 20 obese middle-aged women(control group: n=10, exercise group: n=10) were participated for 16 weeks. Independent and paired t-test was used to evaluate the difference of the pre and post treatment, between group. The results of this study were as following; First, The inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein (3.94 kg, p<.05), decreased significantly after aerobic exercise of 16 weeks. Second, The concentration of insulin (1.24 μIU/ml, p<.01) was decreased significantly after aerobic exercise of 16 weeks. Third, The concentration of body weight(1.98kg, p<.01) and % body fat(3.62. p<.01) were decreased significantly after aerobic exercise of 16 weeks. Improvements of obesity with aerobic training are associated with decrease in C-reactive protein concentration, suggesting that a reduction in inflammation is a potential mechanism that mediate improvements in insulin disposal. These improvements in CRP and insulin concentration could reduce the risk of the development of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

      • KCI등재

        차차차 댄스운동이 비만남자대학생의 신체조성, 동맥경직도 및 사이토카인에 미치는 효과

        이채산(Lee, Chae-San),이경희(Lee, Kyung-Hee) 한국웰니스학회 2018 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        이 연구는 8주간 차차차 댄스운동이 비만남자대학생의 신체조성, 동맥경직도 및 사이토카인에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위한 연구목적으로 수행하였다. J 도내 W대학 소속의 체지방률 27% 이상의 비만남학생 20명을 대상으로 표집 하였다. 댄스운동(60분/3회/8주)집단 10명(21.2±1.32세)과 통제집단 10명(21.8±.79세)으로 무선배정(random assignment)하였다. G*power 3.0 프로그램을 이용하여 효과크기 검증 및 SPSS ver. 24.0(IBM Corp.) 프로그램을 이용하여 반복측정에 의한 GLM의 2원 변량분석으로 검증하였다. 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째. 신체구성 중 체중, BMI 및 체지방률은 댄스운동 운동기간의 증가에 따라 댄스운동집단이 통제집단보다 증가하였고 통계적으로 유의한 차로 나타났다(p<.01). 둘째. 왼손, 오른손, 오른발의 동맥경직도는 댄스운동기간의 증가에 따라 댄스운동집단이 통제집단보다 증가하였고 통계적으로 유의한 차를 나타냈다(p<.01), 셋째. TNF-α와 IL-6는 댄스운동기간의 증가에 따라 댄스운동집단이 통제집단보다 감소하였고(p<.001), 반면 아디포넥틴은 증가하였으며 통계적으로 유의한 차를 나타냈다(p<.001), 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 비만남자대학생들의 차차차 댄스운동은 체중, BMI, 체지방률, 동맥경직도, 사이토카인에 긍정적인 영향으로 나타났다. 또한, 이 운동은 유희적 흥미를 동반하며 비만 개선과 함께 심뇌혈관 질환을 예방한다는 것을 시사한다. This study was conducted to find the effects of the cha cha cha dance exercise on body composition, arterial stiffness, and cytokine in obese male college students for 8weeks. The participants were sampled from 20 obese male college students with more than %body fat 27% belong to J do W university. The participants were randomly assigned divided into two groups: 10 (21.2±1.32age) of cha cha cha dance exercise group(60min/ 3times for week / 8weeks) and 10 (21.8±.79age) of control group. The statistical analysis was conducted by using G* power 3.0. Also, repeated measure ANOVA was conducted by using SPSS ver. 24.0 program(IBM Corp.). The results obtained from this study were as follows; First, change in body weight, BMI, %fat was significantly lower in dance exercise group than control group according to exercise treatment period(p<.01). Second, change in the LRVC, RRVC, and RFVC was significantly higher in dance exercise group than control group according to exercise treatment period(p<.01). third, change in TNF-a and IL-6 was significantly lower in dance exercise group than control group according to exercise treatment period(p<.001), but adiponectin was significantly higher in dance exercise group than control group(p<.001). In conclusion, the cha cha cha dance exercise showed a positive effect on body weight, BMI, %body fat, arterial stiffness, and cytokine in obese male college students. And, this exercise is accompanied by amusing interest, suggesting the prevention of cardio-cerebrovascular disease with improvement of obesity.

      • KCI등재

        8주간 등속성운동이 여성 전방십자인대 상해환자의 무릎관절 회전력에 미치는 영향

        이채산(Chae San Lee),권양기(Yang Ki Kwon),김백윤(Baek Youn Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2008 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.34

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of 8weeks isokinetic exercise on torque variables of knee joint in anterior cruciate ligament patient women. The subjects of the study were 8 female attached who registered patient at muscular-joint function clinic of the H hospital. The group were divided into two group; the experimental group as injured side leg and control group as non-injured side leg. Isokinetic knee joint exercise employed Kin-Com (U.S.A) to measure peak torque(PT), PT%BW, average power, average%BW, and recover ratio. The results of this study were follows; After 8weeks of 60°/sec exercise in PT, PT%BW were significantly increased in non-injured side leg group(p<.05) and it was in flexion then in extension recovery ratio(p<.05). After 8weeks of 180°/sec exercise in average, average%BW were significantly increased in non-injured side leg group(p<.05) and it was in flexion then in extension recovery ratio(p<.05). When PT-angle in 30°/sec load of pre operation becomes smaller it can correlation in flexion PT%BW, average power%BW, these were not correlation in extension(p<.01).

      • KCI등재

        12주간 한국무용이 중년여성의 코티졸 및 카테콜라민에 미치는 효과

        이채산(Lee Chae-San),이혜진(Lee Hye-Jin) 한국체육과학회 2010 한국체육과학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Korean traditional dance on the stress hormones of the middle-aged when it is performed as submaximal exercise with 50~70% of HRmax. 20 middle-aged females in I City S Fitness Center were selected as subjects. The subjects were randomly divided into the two group 10 people for a experimental group and the rest 10 for a control group. To obtain the data in this study, the researcher calculated average and descriptive statics of standard deviations by using SPSS win 11.5 program for statistical analysis. Also, the factors in stress hormones were calculated by Three-way ANOVA with repeated measures. The results obtained from this study were as follows: In the comparison of the change in the concentrations of cortisol between the two groups, the experimental group showed more significant increase than the control group after submaximal exercise and in the 8th week of the rest period(p<.05). But the concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine in serum were significantly reduced in the experimental group compared with the control group(p<.05, p<.001). Accordingly, Korean traditional dance can be usefully applied to the middle-aged females who have a high prevalence rate of the circulatory disorder. They can improve their health with exercise treatments.

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