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      • KCI우수등재

        감정의 합리적 실현구조에 관한 민사소송법적 조명 - 감정의 구성·활동·통제의 사이클을 중심으로 -

        이찬양 법조협회 2024 法曹 Vol.73 No.4

        건설소송, 의학 분야 등의 재판에 있어 감정이 재판의 향방을 가르기도 한다. 이처럼 감정의 영향력이 실무상 매우 중대함에도 감정에 관해 공정성, 합리성, 신속성 등에 다수 문제가 있다. 그러나 오늘날 실무, 업계 실정 등에 부합할 수 있는 감정의 합리적 기준 및 제한에 관한 연구는 활성화되지 못하였으므로 본 분야에 관한 연구는 매우 시급하다. 미국, 독일, 일본 등에서의 시사점 도출을 근거로 먼저 감정의 구성 측면에서는 첫째, 감정인 선정·등재제도에서의 문제에 관한 개선안을 검토하였다. 둘째, 평정 기준표에서의 관내 사무소와 관외 사무소 간 배점의 차등화 양상을 ⅰ) 신체 감정 분야 및 건설 감정 분야와 ⅱ) 문서등의 감정 분야 양자를 구분하여 합리적으로 재구성하였다. 셋째, 독일에서의 공적 감정인 선임 시스템 도입안을 우리 실무에 적합하도록 검토하였다. 감정의 활동 측면에서는 첫째, 감정인(기관) 독점규제제도(가안) 도입안, 둘째, 일본의 복수 감정제도(가안) 도입안을 논의하였다. 셋째, 감정 결과의 감정 주문 및 감정 이유의 증거자료에의 인정 가능성에 관해 검토하였다. 감정의 합리적 통제 및 규율방안으로는 첫째, 감정 판단에 있어 법원 판단의 명확한 근거 및 기준의 구체화 방안의 장·단점을 검토하였다. 둘째, 감정 촉탁에 따른 한계 극복을 위해 ⅰ) 정당 사유 없을 경우 감정인의 감정 의무화 입법안, ⅱ) 감정 촉탁에 따른 지연이 있는 경우 법원의 소견서 활용방안, ⅲ) 프랑스의 특임 판사제도 도입안의 장·단점을 검토하여 우리 법제에 가장 합리적인 여러 도입안을 논의하였다. 셋째, 감정인의 익명성 문제 극복을 위해 유럽·독일·미국에서의 논의를 토대로 우리 실정에 부합하는 개인정보 사전동의제(opt-in) 및 사후동의제(opt-out) 도입안을 논의·제시하였다. 넷째, 감정인에게 명백한 고의 또는 중과실이 있는 경우 감정인에게 손해배상책임을 논할 수 있는 입법안을 검토하였다. In trials such as construction litigation and medical trials, emotions play a very important role. Although the influence of emotions is very significant in practice, there are many problems with emotions, such as fairness, rationality, and speed. However, research on rational criteria and limitations of emotions that can fit with today's practices and industry conditions has not been active. Therefore, research on the field of emotions is very urgent. Based on the implications from the US, Germany, and Japan, first, in terms of the composition of appraisal, the problems in the appraiser selection and listing system were identified and improvement measures were reviewed. Second, the differential distribution of points between in-house and out-of-house offices in the evaluation criteria was rationally reconstructed by distinguishing between i) the physical appraisal field and the construction appraisal field and ii) the appraisal field of documents, etc. Third, the introduction of a public appraiser selection system in Germany was reviewed to ensure that it is suitable for our practice. In terms of appraisal activities, first, the introduction of a system for monopoly regulation of appraisers (organizations) (draft) and second, the introduction of Japan's multiple appraisal system (draft) were discussed. Third, the possibility of appraisal results being accepted as evidence for appraisal orders and appraisal reasons was reviewed. As a rational control and discipline measure for appraisals, first, the advantages and disadvantages of specifying the clear basis and criteria for court judgment in appraisal judgments were reviewed. Second, in order to overcome the limitations of appraisal requests, i) a legislative bill requiring appraisers to perform appraisals in the absence of just cause, ii) a plan to utilize the court's opinion in the event of a delay due to appraisal requests, iii) a plan to provide incentives to appraisers, and iv) a plan to introduce a special judge system in France were reviewed to discuss the most reasonable plan for our legal system. Third, in order to overcome the problem of appraisers' anonymity, a plan to introduce a system of prior consent (opt-in) and post-consent (opt-out) for personal information that is suitable for our circumstances was discussed and presented based on discussions in Europe, Germany, and the United States. Fourth, a plan to improve the appraiser evaluation table after appraisal was discussed. Fifth, a legislative bill was discussed that would allow appraisers to be held liable for damages in cases where there is clear intent or gross negligence on the part of the appraiser.

      • KCI등재

        압류명령 전자정보 송신제도 도입안에 관한 민사법적 소고

        이찬양 대한변호사협회 2023 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.517

        현재 법원은 압류명령을 등기우편을 통해 금융기관으로 송달하고 이후 채무자의 예금이 동결되기까지 2∼4일이 소요되는바, 본 기간에 채무자의 재산 은닉행위가 발생할 수 있다. 본 우편송달의 한계를 압류명령 전자정보 송신제도의 다양한 도입안으로 극복할 수 있다. 압류명령 전자정보 송신제도 도입에 있어 신속성을 고려할 경우 현행 전자소송시스템을 활용한 방안도 합리적이나 다소 한계가 있다. 반면, 신속성보다는 체계적 적합성을 더 고려할 경우 국세청 등 유사시스템 도입안, 금융공동망과의 연계를 통한 방안 역시 합리성이 있다. 그런데 국세청 등 유사시스템 도입안은 채무자의 채무면탈 행위 가능성, 금융결제원의 법적 근거 없는 압류명령 반송 가능성 등의 한계가 있다. 다만, 본 도입안의 경우 자동시스템(가안), 자동보정시스템(가안)을 도입할 경우 그 합리성의 가능성도 있다. 금융공동망과의 연계를 통한 압류명령 전자정보 송신제도 도입안은 채무자의 다양한 금융기관의 예금계좌에 대해 자동적·동시적으로 지급정지조치가 실행된다는 점에서 합리적이다. 그런데 본 도입안의 경우에도 제1금융권과 제2금융권 간 채무자의 예금계좌 지급정지조치 시기에서의 차이, 압류명령 전자정보 송·수신시스템하에서 해킹에 따른 보안상 한계가 있다. 다만, 본 도입안은 사법정보 공유절차 시스템과 블록체인 도입을 통해 그 한계를 상쇄할 수 있다. 압류명령 전자정보 송·수신시스템(가제, 금융공동망 연계)과 사법정보 공유절차 시스템이 접목된 체제 방안도 제시하고 검토하였다. 이러한 여러 방안을 통해 압류명령 전자정보 송·수신 시스템이 채무자의 금융기관으로 압류명령 전자정보를 송신하면서 전자정보 역시 채무자의 다수 금융기관으로 자동적·동시적으로 송신된다. 이에 채무자가 자신의 특정 금융기관의 예금계좌가 지급정지 조치된 사실을 인식할 경우 채무자의 다른 금융기관의 예금계좌에 관한 재산 은닉행위가 방지된다. 한편, 압류명령 전자정보 송신제도를 도입하기 위한 위 여러 방안들은 제3자의 해킹 등에 따른 개인정보 유출 및 침해 가능성이 있다. 이를 극복하고자 압류명령 전자정보 송신시스템과 사법정보 공유절차 시스템이 접목된 체제에 퍼블릭, 컨소시엄, 프라이빗 블록체인 도입안을 각각 제시하고 검토하였다. 퍼블릭 블록체인 도입안은 개인정보에 탈중앙화를 달성할 수 있으나 주체의 범위상 적합성 측면에서 부적합하고 속도 저하에 따른 채무자의 은닉행위 가능성이 잔존한다. 컨소시엄 블록체인 도입안은 주체의 범위상 적합성 측면에서 타당하고 속도도 빠르므로 채무자의 은닉행위를 방지할 수 있다. 다만, 본 도입안은 중앙집권형이므로 제3자의 해킹 발생 시 다수 개인정보의 유출 및 침해가 예상되나 독일 데메일시스템 가명제도를 통해 그 문제점을 상쇄할 수 있다. 프라이빗 블록체인 도입안은 주체의 범위에 폐쇄성을 보여주는바, 법원의 합리적 폐쇄성을 고려할 경우 주체 범위상 적합하며, 응답속도 역시 빠르므로 채무자의 은닉행위가 방지된다. 본 도입안도 중앙집권형인 한계가 있으나 후속 연구가 진행될 경우 그 합리성을 아예 부정하기에는 이르다. The proposal to introduce an electronic information transmission system for seizure order through linkage with the Financial Information Network is reasonable in that the payment suspension is automatically and simultaneously executed for the debtor's deposit accounts in various financial institutions. However, even in the case of this introduction, there are security limitations due to the difference in the timing of the payment suspension of the debtor's deposit account between the first financial sector and the second financial sector, and hacking under the electronic information transmission and reception system of the seizure order. However, this introduction can offset its limitations by introducing a judicial information sharing procedure system and blockchain. A plan for a system that combines an electronic information transmission and reception system (provisional title, linked to a financial network) and a judicial information sharing procedure system was also proposed and reviewed. Through these various methods, the electronic seizure order electronic information transmission and reception system transmits the seizure order electronic information to the debtor's financial institution, and the electronic information is also automatically and simultaneously transmitted to the debtor's multiple financial institutions. Accordingly, if the debtor recognizes that the debtor's deposit account at a particular financial institution has been suspended, the debtor's property concealment of the deposit account at another financial institution is prevented. On the other hand, the above various measures for introducing the seizure order electronic information transmission system have the possibility of leakage and infringement of personal information due to hacking by a third party. In order to overcome this, public, consortium, and private blockchain introduction proposals were presented and reviewed respectively in a system incorporating the seizure order electronic information transmission system and the judicial information sharing procedure system. The public blockchain introduction proposal can achieve decentralization of personal information, but it is inappropriate in terms of suitability for the scope of the subject, and the possibility of the debtor's concealment due to the slowdown remains. The consortium block chain introduction proposal is reasonable and fast in terms of suitability for the scope of the subject, so it can prevent the concealment of debtors. However, since this introduction is centralized, it is expected that a large number of personal information will be leaked and infringed in case of third party hacking, but the problem can be offset through the pseudonym system of the German demail system. The introduction of the private blockchain shows closure to the scope of the subject, considering the reasonable closure of the court, it is suitable for the scope of the subject and the response speed is also fast, preventing the concealment of the debtor. This introduction also has a limitation in that it is a centralized system, but it is too early to deny its rationality if follow-up studies are conducted.

      • KCI등재

        민사법적 시각에서 건축부지를 둘러싼 저당권과 상사유치권의 관계에 관한 재해석

        이찬양 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2023 동북아법연구 Vol.17 No.2

        There are many differences between commercial lien and civil lien, and there is a clear difference in experience as a requirement for establishment. In the past, problems based on this difference between the two did not occur, but recently, some problems have been mass-produced based on the difference between commercial lien and civil lien. The main problem is that if there is a mortgage on the building site or site, civil lien cannot be claimed. Recently, it is a topic that can be claimed as commercial lien on the same issue. This is because the commercial lien does not require affiliation with the building site or site among its establishment conditions, so it is possible to argue that a commercial lien can be established for the building site or site. Therefore, it is judged that the time has come to review the reasonable position of the commercial lien in relation to the mortgage. Domestic and Japanese theories and precedents regarding the status of commercial lien, including the relationship with the mortgage in the building site or site, were reviewed. As a result, the opposition theory was judged to be a little more reasonable than other legal principles, and the following main issues were reviewed focusing on the opposition theory. In the issue of the rational status of the commercial lien according to the opposition theory, the items to be reviewed are: First, if there is a mortgage on the land, it is reasonable to apply the position of the rivalry theory to the reasonable status of the commercial lien. In case of following the theory of opposition, in principle, the relevant commercial lien cannot be opposed against the mortgagee of the preceding site, so it is extinguished by the meridian of the object of retention, and the effect of preferential payment cannot be asserted. Second, if there is a mortgage in the building site, if it is proved that the contractor has invested in the value increase of the object and the value of the object has increased accordingly, it is reasonable to recognize the commercial lien for this increase in value. However, it is reasonable to recognize the commercial lien for the cost of the commercial lien, limited to the case where the value of the relevant object exists through appraisal, etc. for the cost incurred by the commercial lien holder. In terms of comparative law, this is reasonable when examining the legal principles of Germany, Switzerland, the United States, France, and Austria. Matters to be reviewed on the rational status of commercial lien rights through review of Supreme Court precedents are: It is reasonable that the lienholder cannot oppose the mortgagee. In addition, in the above situation, even if a mortgage is established after a significant portion of the construction work has been completed, if the opposition theory is applied, it is reasonable to compare the time when the relevant mortgage was established and the time when the commercial lienholder occupied it in chronological order. As such, the legal theory of the opposition theory is reasonable because it can harmonize the positions of many parties, such as mortgage holders and commercial lien holders, in a balanced way in various procedures for construction work against the site. Second, the rational position of the commercial lien on the mortgage was reviewed by comparing the mecanic's lien system with the counter-relationship theory. As a result, it is reasonable to examine the position of commercial lien on the mortgage in the land by comparing the ‘time of registration’ of the mortgage and the ‘time of commencement of possession’ of the commercial lien, not the ‘time of construction start’ of the commercial lien in chronological order. Third, in case the commercial lien cannot be opposed to the mortgage in the case of commercial lien, the legal principle of extinction theory that the commercial lien disappears altogether is not valid. This is because there is a possibility of denying ...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        차세대 전자소송과 개인정보 보호 - 지능형 챗봇・사법정보 공유 절차에의 블록체인 기술 도입안을 중심으로 -

        이찬양 법조협회 2022 法曹 Vol.71 No.4

        Recently, a plan to build a next-generation electronic litigation system was announced. However, there is a risk of personal information leakage through third-party hacking in the intelligent chatbot and judicial information sharing procedure among this system. In both procedures, when blockchain is applied to protect personal information, institutions or centers must, in principle, obtain consent from users to provide personal information. However, if the permission block chain is applied to both procedures, there is a possibility that users' consent to provide personal information may be exempted. In order to protect personal information in the intelligent chatbot process, private, consortium, and public blockchain introduction plans have been reviewed, and the public introduction is the most reasonable. In the case of public grafting of intelligent chatbot procedures, it is most suitable for the next-generation company-wide litigation system in that there are no restrictions such as users and chatbots. The goal of decentralization was by introducing public and private keys to users and chatbots in the intelligent chatbot procedure. Even when considering these points, public gives safety in terms of personal information. However, even in the case of a public key, there is a risk in terms of personal information as it is linked to the user's IP in the future. However, this hacking technology takes a long time to succeed and it takes a long time to be commercialized. Therefore, public grafting is more reasonable for intelligent chatbot procedures. There is also the possibility of leakage of personal information in the judicial information sharing process. In order to overcome this problem, private, public, and consortium block chain grafting plans have been reviewed, and the consortium grafting plan is reasonable. In the case of a consortium grafting plan to the judicial information sharing procedure, the sharing status is maintained under security between authorized users, the judicial information sharing center, and various organizations. Therefore, the risk of leakage of users' personal information is low and the work speed is fast. Since agencies such as the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport are in a competitive relationship with each other, the cost of sending and receiving electronic documents, etc., can be set cheaply. Of course, in the case of a consortium, there are some insecure factors in terms of personal information protection, but the advantages over these limitations are considerable. It is also encouraging that the chain can offset personal information security by grafting Germany's dmail system. Therefore, the consortium grafting proposal is more reasonable in this procedure. 최근 법원은 차세대 전자소송시스템 구축계획을 발표하였는바, 지능형 챗봇 및 사법정보 공유절차에서 제3자의 해킹을 통한 개인정보 유출의 위험성이 상존한다. 양 절차에서 개인정보를 보호하고자 블록체인을 접목할 경우 먼저 기관이나 센터는 원칙적으로 이용자로부터 개인정보 제공 동의를 받아야 한다. 그런데 양 절차에 퍼미션 블록체인을 접목할 경우 이용자들의 개인정보 제공 동의가 면제될 수 있는 가능성이 있다. 지능형 챗봇 절차에서의 개인정보 보호를 위해 프라이빗, 컨소시엄, 퍼블릭 블록체인 도입안을 검토하였는바, 퍼블릭 도입안이 가장 합리적이다. 지능형 챗봇 절차에 퍼블릭 접목안의 경우 이용자와 챗봇 등 제한이 없다는 면에서 차세대 전사소송시스템에 가장 부합한다. 지능형 챗봇 절차에서 이용자와 챗봇에 공개키와 개인키 도입으로 탈중앙화를 꾀했다는 점에서도 개인정보의 측면에서 안전성을 준다. 다만, 공개키의 경우에도 향후 이용자의 IP와 연계되어 개인정보의 측면상 위험도 상존하나 본 해킹 기술은 성공 시간이 오래 걸리고 상용화까지도 다소 많은 기간이 소요된다. 따라서 지능형 챗봇 절차에는 퍼블릭 접목안이 조금 더 합리적이다. 사법정보 공유절차에서도 개인정보의 유출 가능성이 있고 이를 극복하고자 프라이빗, 퍼블릭, 컨소시엄 블록체인 접목안을 검토하였는바, 컨소시엄 접목안이 일응 합리적이다. 사법정보 공유절차에 컨소시엄 접목안의 경우 허가된 이용자와 사법정보 공유센터, 각종 기관 간 보안 하에 공유상태를 유지하므로 이용자의 개인정보 유출의 위험이 낮으며 업무 속도도 빠르다. 행정안전부, 국토교통부 등의 기관들은 서로 경쟁 관계로 구성되므로 전자서류 등의 송・수신 비용도 저렴하게 책정될 수 있다. 물론 컨소시엄도 다소 개인정보 보호 상 불안요소가 있으나 이러한 한계를 뛰어넘는 장점이 상당하다. 본 체인에 독일의 데메일시스템 접목을 통해 개인정보 보안상 문제를 상쇄할 수 있는 점도 고무적이다. 따라서 본 절차에는 컨소시엄 접목안이 조금 더 합리적이다.

      • KCI등재

        싱가포르 조정협약과 대한민국 조정의 국제적 허브로서의 선도방안 : 국내 이행법률 도입 시 효용성과 실효성의 관점에서

        이찬양 한국민사소송법학회 2022 민사소송 Vol.26 No.1

        Multinational corporations around the world are very positive about the use of mediation, rather than costly litigation, if enforcement is guaranteed. Among these trends, the Singapore Mediation Agreement was prepared, and it is encouraging that the core of this agreement is that it also grants enforcement power to mediation. In Korea, at least in Asia, it is prominent in the field of international arbitration, and in the field of cutting-edge technologies such as semiconductors and various 4th industrial revolution industries, Korean companies are in a world-leading position. Based on these points, it is expected that Korean companies will be able to play a driving role in revitalizing Korean mediation under the Singapore Mediation Agreement. This will allow our coordination to play a leading role as an international hub as well. From this point of view, it is necessary for the Republic of Korea to prepare the Mediation Procedure Act (tentative name), which is a domestic implementation law, in order to accept the Singapore Mediation Convention. When preparing the Mediation Procedure Act, the legislative proposals were reviewed from the viewpoint of effectiveness and effectiveness. In preparing the Mediation Procedure Act, from the viewpoint of utility and accessibility, the plan to improve the mediator system through the success of international commercial mediation was reviewed. Also, the introduction of the online coordination system under the Covid-19 Pandemic was reviewed, and the limitations from this introduction were attempted to be solved by grafting Germany s Demail system. In preparing the Mediation Procedure Act, from the viewpoint of strengthening the effectiveness and substantive power, the possibility of harmonization with the domestic enforcement system of the mediation agreement under the Singapore Convention was reviewed, and the requirements for granting the enforcement authority of the mediation agreement were also prepared. In addition, a three-step plan that can grant the enforcement authority of a mediation agreement was reviewed, and the limitations of this three-step plan and supplementary measures were also developed. If the mediation procedural law is prepared from the viewpoint of such utility and accessibility and from the viewpoint of strengthening effectiveness and practical power, I am sure that the Korean mediation will be able to play its role as an international hub by maximizing the merits of the Korean mediation.

      • KCI등재

        차세대 전자소송 중 소송기록 전면 디지털화 절차와 블록체인 - 개인정보 보호의 견지에서 -

        이찬양 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2022 동북아법연구 Vol.16 No.2

        법원은 향후 최신식 ICT 기술을 적용한 차세대 전자소송시스템을 구축할 계획이 있다. 그런데차세대 전자소송시스템에서의 개인정보 유출에 관한 방지책의 관점은 다소 부족하다. 오늘날블록체인 기술은 금융, 은행시스템, 집행절차, 정부의 전자문서시스템 등에 적용되고 있다. 따라서 우리도 차세대 전자소송시스템에 다수의 블록체인 기술을 도입할 필요가 있다. 본고에서는차세대 전자소송시스템 중 전면 디지털화 절차에 있어 개인정보 보호를 위해 다양한 블록체인기술의 도입을 검토하였다. 전면 디지털화 절차에 프라이빗, 퍼블릭, 블랙리스팅 기술의 도입을 검토하였는바, 이들의기술은 거시적으로 ⅰ) 잊혀질 권리, ⅱ) 개인정보 정정권, 삭제권, ⅲ) 당사자의 열람권 등과의충돌 등의 한계가 있다. 따라서 전면 디지털화 절차에 본 기술들의 도입은 합리적이지 않다. 전면 디지털화 절차에 위 프라이빗, 퍼블릭, 블랙리스팅 기술을 도입할 경우 거시적으로 개인정보 등의 수정 등의 불가한 한계를 상쇄하고자 본 절차에의 포크(Fork) 블록체인 도입을 검토하였다. 전면 디지털화 절차에 포크(Fork) 블록체인 기술을 도입할 경우 우선 퍼블릭 기술의 도입이전제되는바, 본 기술은 먼저 기존 퍼블릭 블록체인으로부터 새로운 블록을 만든다. 새로운 블록체제인 포크(Fork) 블록체인 기술의 도입은 이용자의 개인정보에 관한 수정 가능성을 시사한다. 이는 이미 검토한 여러 기술에서의 한계점을 상쇄할 수 있는 점에서 합리적이다. 그러나 개인정보에 관해 수정 가능성이 있으나 전부가 아닌 일부만 그 대상이 된다는 점에서 완전성을 담보하지는 못한다. 이러한 문제를 극복하고자 전면 디지털화 절차에 퍼블릭 블록체인을 전제로 하되 오프 체인(Off-Chain) 기술의 도입을 검토하였다. 오프 체인(Off-Chain) 기술을 도입할 경우 식별 가능성있는 개인정보에 비식별화 기술을 적용한 후 본 개인정보를 오프 체인(Off-Chain)으로 전달한다. 이후 오프 체인(Off-Chain) 내에서의 개인정보는 해시로 저장된다는 점에서 개인정보 보안상 합리적이다. 또한, 오프 체인(Off-Chain) 기술의 도입은 기존 기술들의 한계점이었던 개인정보의삭제권, 정정권과의 충돌 논제도 개선할 수 있다. 그런데 오프 체인(Off-Chain) 기술 역시 해시포인터가 해킹될 수 있는 문제가 있는바, 이를 오프 체인(Off-Chain)에 임시 저장소와 솔트(Salt) 기술을 통해 상쇄할 수 있다. 따라서 전면 디지털화 절차에는 퍼블릭 블록체인을 전제로 하되, 오프 체인(Off-Chain)에 임시 저장소와 솔트(Salt) 기술을 접목하는 방안이 가장 합리적이다. The court plans to build a next-generation electronic litigation system that applies the latest ICT technology in the future. However, the point of view of measures to prevent personal information leakage in the next-generation electronic litigation system is somewhat lacking. Today, blockchain technology is being applied to finance, banking systems, enforcement procedures, and government electronic document systems. Therefore, we also need to introduce a number of blockchain technologies to the next-generation electronic litigation system. In this paper, we reviewed the introduction of various blockchain technologies to protect personal information in the entire digitalization process among the next-generation electronic litigation systems. We reviewed the introduction of private, public, and blacklisting technologies in the full digitization process, and these technologies have macroscopic limitations, such as i) the right to be forgotten, ii) the right to correct personal information, the right to delete, and iii) the right to access the person concerned. have. Therefore, it is not rational to introduce these technologies into the full digitization process. When introducing the above private, public, and blacklisting technologies to the full digitization process, we reviewed the introduction of a fork block chain in this process to offset the inevitable limitations of macroscopically modifying personal information, etc. The introduction of fork blockchain technology into the full digitization process suggests the possibility of modification of users’ personal information. This is reasonable n that it can offset the limitations of several techniques already reviewed. However, although there is a possibility of modification of personal information, completeness cannot be guaranteed in that only a part, not all, is the subject. In order to overcome this problem, the introduction of off-chain technology was considered with the assumption of a public block chain in the entire digitization process. If off-chain technology is introduced, de-identification technology is applied to identifiable personal information and then this personal information is delivered off-chain. After that, personal information within the off-chain is stored as a hash, which is reasonable in terms of personal information security. In addition, the introduction of off-chain technology can improve the issue of conflict with the right to delete personal information and the right to correct, which were limitations of existing technologies.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 경매 압류・현금화・배당단계에서 유치권 개정안의 한계에 관한 검토 — 유치권의 우열을 중심으로 —

        이찬양 한국민사소송법학회 2020 민사소송 Vol.24 No.2

        The key to the amendment is to abolish the lien and turn it into a mortgage. However, the amendment has problems such as absurdity in superiority of liens on foreclosure bonds and weakening of rights protection in the foreclosure stage of real estate auction. Also, in Real Estate Auction Cash Stage the issue with potential weakening of priority of legitimate creditors regarding preceding mortgagor claims and issues with confusion of priority due to the existence of three mortgagor claims were reviewed. In addition, in the dividend stage, it is expected that the lien holder's dividend will be inferior due to a claim by the false lien holder. Therefore, it is questionable whether the position of this amendment aiming to introduce a mortgage claim system through the abolition of the lien is entirely beneficial. Rather than allowing a mortgage to be established, it is appropriate to keep the lien as it is and to register the lien. In addition, in the case of applying the lien registration system, the application examples were presented at the seizure stage and the monetization stage of the real estate auction and the rationality was derived. This option may disclose liens that are not disclosed to the outside world. In addition, the existing Supreme Court case law, which has gained considerable support, can be implemented as it is, so it can be reasonable and ensure legal stability. In addition, it is more reasonable if preferential payment right are granted and principle of extinction is introduced. Amendments to abolish liens, the rights retained for more than 50 years, are also problematic in the procedural aspects of legislative practice. The legislation that abolished one right and transformed it into a new one has several problems. Above all, member of the National Assembly, who are legislators, are very difficult to approve of the amendment that opposes this. This is because the local district's public sentiment is divided in favor, and if wrong, a member of the National Assembly who voted for this revision could fail. The current amendment has been scrapped. However, it is expected that the proposed legislation will be submitted to the National Assembly with the abolition of liens and the transition to mortgage. However, the amendment to this content will be terminated for the same reason as the past. Therefore, considering the aspect of legislative practice, it is more appropriate to retain the lien that has been in effect for a long time than to abolish the lien. While maintaining liens, there are problems that can arise from liens. However, it is reasonable in terms of legal stability to judge and supplement these problems as operational problems of the lien system.

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