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      • KCI등재

        광양권의 사회복지 및 관광부문의 개발구상

        이정록 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 1989 지역개발연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This study is development plan of social welfare, tourism and culture sector in Kwangyang region toward the 21th. In the viewpoint of long period of time, the population of Kwangyang-Gun is estimated to be 0.3million and to be courbanization. In the process of urbanization, with Dongkwangyang city, Kwangyang-Gun will be functioned with central place to provide service in the surrounding region. therefore, development planning of social welfare, tourism and culture sector is required as follows. 1) Establis of technical and commercial high school, special collage, vocational training collage and vocational tranining institute are demanded expansion espansion and improvement of educational environment, in order to provide high skilled labor. 2) Expantion of welfare facilies and efficient allocation fo medical facilities are required, and hospital over 200 sickbed must be established. 3) To provide efficiently against increase of tourism and leisure demand, construction of the wide tourism area and developmement of tourism route centering around Mt. Baekwoon, is required. 4) Finally, according to increase the population of city, long time development planning is required as follows ; construction of the cultural facilities park, preparation of open-space, the citizens hall, a library, a gymnasium, a museum, etc, in order to provide comfortable housing environment.

      • KCI등재

        문화관광축제의 성립과 전개과정: 함평나미축제를 사례로

        이정록 한국경제지리학회 2006 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        study focuses on the establishment and development process of HampyeongButterfly Festival as a cultural tourism event. Among several cultural tourism festivals helded inKorea, Hampyeong Butterfly Festival of Hampyeong county of Jeollanamdo, is recognized as oneof famous events all over the country. Since the first festival of 1999, over 1 million tourists havebeen visited to Hampyeong county. The programs and contents of festival, the degree ofpreference and satisfaction of festival were developed since 1999. The number of touristsparticipated in festival also were increased from six hundred thousand of 1999 to 1.6 million of2005. The total budget of festival were increased 2.5 hundred million of 1999 to 6.9 hundredmillion of 2005. The economic effects were increased 63 hundred million of 1999 to 105 hundred 본 연구는 우리나라의 대표적인 문화관광축제로인정을 받고 있는 함평군의 나비축제를 사례로, 축제의 발굴과 뿌리내림, 그리고 전개과정에 나타난 특징을 고찰하였다. 그리고 축제의 전개과정에 나타난 특징을 파악하기 위해 축제에 참가한 방문객의 관광행태 변화, 방문객수 변화, 그리고 축제개최의 비용과축제의 경제적 효과 등에 중점을 두고 분석하였다.방문객의 행태변화는 제4회(2002년)부터 제6회(2004년)까지의 축제에 참가한 관광객을 대상으로 조사한문화관광축제의 성립과 전개과정: 함평나비축제를 사례로 207

      • 渤海醫學에 對한 硏究

        이정록,김홍균,유원준 한국의사학회 2006 한국의사학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        This study was examined to reveal the medical Science of Balhae which was not well displayed until now. For this, the category of the medical science of Balhae(渤海) was decided in diachronic and synchronic perspective and the concrete contents of the medical science of Balhae(渤海) was presumed. Balhae(渤海) succeeded to the medical science of Koguryo(高句麗) and its orthodoxy. Through the interchange between Balhae(渤海) and the country as Dang(唐) and Shilla(新羅), Balhae(渤海) accepted new medical knowledge. Balhae(渤海) had a customs to eat a cake made of rice flour and artemisia paste on the Tano Festival(端午) to overcome its constitutional character. And medicines as Gon-po(昆布), Doo-shi(豆豉) were treated valuable. and they used Ondol(溫突). Balhae(渤海) advanced suigeneris abscess medicine(治腫醫學), and they valued much of Hyangyak(鄕藥). And they took the serious view on the scripture in the education and on the simplic in the clinic. I t shows Balhae(渤海) had the unique medical tradition of our nation. The medical institution and medical educational system of Balhae(渤海) was fundamental to that of Koguryo(高句麗), and it was established in the reference of the system of Dang(唐) and Shilla(新羅). I t influenced the establishment of medical system and medical education of Corea(高麗) later on. And the medical doctor of the Balhae(渤海) who was dispatched to Japan imparted the advanced medicine of Balhae(渤海) and it was fundamental to the J apanese medical development. Balhae(渤海) produced superior acupuncture on the basis of superior materials which are represented as metalwork technology and Corea-copper(高麗銅) which are handed down from the Old-Chosun(古朝鮮) and Koguryo(高句麗). And we can suppose the level of Balhae(渤海) through the fact that the acupunctual technique of Koguryo(高句麗) was spread out to the nearby country. By the tradition of acupuncture and moxibustion, the theory of Bi-bo(裨補) that cure a disease on the theory of acupuncture and moxibustion appeared in the north and south branch period(南北國時代). And we can prusure the level of acupuncture of Balhae(渤海) through this fact. Balhae(渤海) educated herbal medicine with priority given to Shin-nong-bon-cho-kyong(神農本草經) stand on the serious view on the scripture. They produced a various herbs on the basis of broad territory and suigeneris herbal medicine. It is famous herb of Balhae(渤海), that To-sa-ja(菟絲子), Gon-po(昆布), Doo-shi(豆豉), Ginseng(人蔘), Woo-hwang(牛黃), Song-ja(松子), Hwang-myung-kyo(黃明膠), Baek-bu-ja(白附子), Sa-hyang(麝香), Honey(蜜).

      • KCI등재

        문화관광축제의 공간확산에 관한 연구

        이정록 한국경제지리학회 2005 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        This study focuses on the spatial diffusion of local festivals as cultural tourism events in Korea. Local festivals functioned with hallmark events in Korea are totally estimated to 691 cases. Spatial diffusion of local festivals show regional diffentiation, and major provinces such as Jeju, Gyeongnam, Gwangwon, and Chungbuk hold festivals higher than other provinces. Spatial diffusion stages are divided into three phases: a primary stage before 1995, a diffusion stage from 1995 to 1999, and a condensing stage since 2000. The number of festivals adopted in primary stage are 299 cases, the number of diffusion stage are 304 cases, and major higher adoption regions are Jeju, Chungbuk, and Gwangwon Provinces, and the number of festivals of condensing stage are 88 cases, and major higher holding regions are Jeju, Gyeongnam, Gwangwon, and Jeonnam Provinces. The themes, purposes, and contents change of local festivals were transformed with diffusion stages. In the purpose of festivals, community reconciliation and unity types of festivals were held in primary stage, tourism types were held in diffusion stage, and industrial types were held in condensing stage. In the festival themes, the primary stage hold higher in the type of community cultural and folk festivals, the diffusion stage hold higher in the type of natural and physical characteristics festivals, and the condensing stage hold higher in the type of industrial and economical festivals. In the contents change of festivals, the type of indigenous festivals mainly diffused during primary stage, and the type of evolving indigenous festivals mainly diffused during diffusion stage. In addition, the type of diffusion of local festivals present regional differentiation according to diffusion stages 본 연구는 우리나라에서 개최되고 있는 문화관광축제의 공간적 확산과정을 고찰하였다. 전국에서 개최되는 문화관광축제는 691개(2002년 현재)이며, 지역별로 커다란 차이가 있지만, 제주·경남·강원·충북 등의 지역에서 비교적 축제가 많이 개최되었다. 확산단계별로는 초기단계에 299개, 확산기에 304개, 심화기에 88개가 신규로 발생하였다. 확산기에는 경북과 경기에서, 심화기에는 경남·경북·강원 등지에서 많이 개최되었다. 그러나 지자체별 평균개최수를 기준으로 하면, 확산기에는 제주·충북·강원에서, 심화기에는 제주·경남·강원·전남 등지에서 상대적으로 많이 개최되었다. 축제목적별로는 주민화합형, 관광형, 산업형, 특수목적형의 순이며, 초기단계에는 주민화합형, 확산기에는 관광형, 심화기에는 산업형이 각각 많이 확산되었다. 축제주제별로는 지역전통, 산업경제, 자연특성 등이 많았고, 초기단계에는 지역전통형 축제가, 확산기에는 자연특성형이, 심화기에는 산업경제형이 많았다. 축제의 속성변화를 보면, 토착형과 진화토착형이 90% 이상을 차지 하였고, 확산기에는 토착진화형이 전국적으로 확산되었다.

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