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        조선왕조 상피제相避制의 역사적 의의

        이재룡(Lee, Jae-Ryong) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2009 法學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        The Institute of Mutual Evasion in Incestuous Relative(相避制) is a system that near category relative does not work together on official affair in a government office of subordinate relationship. This is a system to prevent political power from converging in specification pedigree for bureaucratic fair practice. This had been used to important system for government official appointment all through Choson Dynasty. This had been magnified and applied delicately on variable social economical and political foundation, had corresponded in political situation of the complicated present age and continuously been changed too. The Institute of Mutual Evasion in Incestuous Relative includes the one of the center government organization(京官相避), the local government organization(外官相避), the criminal proceedings(訟官相避) and the state examinations(試官相避). This is applied over the whole country rule system across the board in order to ensure fairness in each department of country administration and to prevent bureaucracies' collectivization. King properly used to utilize this system to accomplish arrangement of mutual power of political party. The Institute of Mutual Evasion in Incestuous Relative is one of these structures which is working in based on bureaucratic government structure. This is a effective foundation for rational application of bureaucratic government. Therefore it is said that the system of Mutual Evasion containes universally just reasonable principle because state government is exercised in the public area. We must prevent the personal human relationship from permeating into public area in the present administrative affairs. Therefor, the principle of The Institute of Mutual Evasion in Incestuous Relative may be important in present administrate state still. The our Constitutional Law proclaimes that we seek for the party governmental representative system. According to the Constitutional Law, member of the National Assembly is not a delegate of local district but a state organ which representes a people by political party. Therefore, we must make them do not manage own electoral district by the principle of The Institute of Mutual Evasion in Incestuous Relative. The principle of this system can be applied to electoral district of National Assembly at this point. That is, we may expect politic stability by which the member of the National Assembly is separated from his electoral district and subordinated to his political party.

      • KCI등재

        충서(忠恕)론의 현대적 이해

        이재룡(Lee, Jae-Ryong) 忠北大學校 法科大學 法學硏究所 2011 法學硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        Confucius(孔子) said, " My doctorine has a fundamental concept to bind it all together(一以貫之).". Zeng-Zi(曾子) interpret this as (忠)Zhong-Shu(恕), meanwhile Confucius said, the meaning of the Shu(恕) is do not impose upon others what do not desire yourself. Zhu-Xi(朱熹) interpret Zhong(忠) as 'to act sincerely toward the other man(盡己之心)', analyzed Shu(恕) as 'to reach the other part's mind with my place(推己及人)'. Then, we can not explain various fundamental rule that is obtained continuously in life in society. The Zhong(忠) is 'to act sincerely toward the other man (盡己之心)' in its literal sense. But, we can not explain fundamental rule gotten through interaction in society if see so Shu(恕). The way of Zhong (忠)-Shu's(恕) is fundamental principle of human action that present ideal atitude and behavior in corelation with another person. Human forms society norm through the continuous interaction that come under the influence of another person because of human being's sociality. Neo-Confucianises emphasize recovery of the pure and original human's nature through that we keep well and develop more. But, this development is possible through interaction that exchange another person. Therefore, we can know what the Zhong(忠) and the Shu(恕) are developed more and more through process of reciprocity. The Shu(恕) is not 'to reach the other part's mind with my place(推己及人)' but "to receive companion's position with my comprehension of his mind" in conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        『大學』 格物致知 格物攷

        이재룡 ( Jae Ryong Lee ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2013 고려법학 Vol.0 No.69

        『대학(大學)』은 경(經) 1 장(章) 중의 한 내용인 격물-치지-성의-정심, -수신-제가-치국-평천하의 순서에 따라 상세하게 설명하고 있다. 그러나 이들 중 ‘격물치지(格物致知)’와 ‘정심(正心)’에 관해서는 언급이 없다. 주 자(朱子)는 『대학』의 내용 중 ‘정심(正心)’에 관한 내용이 없는 점을 간과 하고 유독 격물치지(格物致知)에 관한 내용이 없는 점만을 중시하고 있다. 주자는 격물치지에 관한 ‘보망장’만을 보충해 넣었다. 그러나 주자의 보망 장은 다음과 같은 이유에서 문제가 있다고 여겨진다. 1. 주자는 격물의 격格을 “에 이르다(至)”로 이해하고 있으나 이는 『대 학』이 탄생하던 당시에 일반적으로 쓰이던 격의 의미를 그대로 받아들인 것일 뿐이다. 주자는 『대학』의 작가가 당시에 격格자가 새로운 의미로 사용되기 시작한 점에 착안해 이를 사용하고 있었다는 점을 간과하고 있다. 주자는 격(格)을 지(至)로 주해한 다음 그 의미를 궁(窮)으로 해석했고 물 (物)을 ‘물(物)에 내재하고 있는 리(理)’로 규정해 격물(格物)을 궁리(窮理)로 이해하고 있다. 그러나 궁리(窮理)는 『대학』 이전부터 사용되던 용어였음에도 『대학』이 왜 격물(格物)이라는 용어를 창출해 내어야만 했는지를 설명하지 못하고 있다. 2. 『대학』이 탄생하던 당시에 이미 격(格)은 ‘유형비교를 통해 형성되는 공통의 모식을 구축 한다’는 의미로 확장되고 있는데 『대학』은 격(格) 의 이와 같은 새로운 의미를 착용하고 있는 것이다. 이는 이미 『논어(論 語) 』에서부터 등장하고 있는 격(格)의 새로운 의미이다. 그러므로 격물(格 物)은 지물(至物)이 아니라 ‘동류(同類)의 사물의 변화 현상이 공통적으로 만들어 내는 공통적 속성으로 구성된 모형, 혹은 원형’의 의미를 지닌다고 보아야 한다. 이는 오늘날 격(格)자의 의미에는 주자가 주해한 지至의 의 미는 완전히 퇴색되고 모형?모델 혹은 기준 등의 의미로만 사용되고 있는 것을 보아도 확인할 수 있다. 3. 또한 『대학』에는 주자가 주장한 대로 격물치지(格物致知)장이 망실 된 것이 아니라 처음부터 존재하지 않았다고 보아야 한다. 왜냐하면 『대학』은 격물치지-성의-정심의 내적 단계를 오직 신독(愼獨)이라는 하나의 용어로 설명하고 있기 때문이다. 『대학』이 이렇게 신독(愼獨)을 강조하고 있는 것은 상황에 대한 판단 혹은 현 상황의 발전 방향에 대한 일체의 판 단을 주체 자신의 주관적 판단이 아닌 주변사회 속에서의 객관적 판단에 따를 것을 요구하고 있기 때문이다. 그러므로 『대학』의 내적 수신(修身)의 단계는 주자의 주장처럼 ‘사물에 대한 과학적 인식 및 논리적 이해를 통 한 도덕심의 제고’에 초점이 있는 것이 아니라, 사회적인 객관적인 가치판단을 통해 주어진 상황 하에서 최선 최적의 목표를 확인하는 데로 귀결되고 있다고 보아야 한다. 삼강령(三綱領)의 궁극목표인 지어지선(止於至善) 이 바로 그것이다. The Great Learning(大學) is explaining whole contents in the following order, to be sincere in their thoughts(誠意)―to cultivate their persons(修身)―to regulate their families(齊家)―to order well their States(治國)―to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom`s(平 天下). There is not explaining about 格物致知 and 正心 of them in the Great Learning(大學). Zhu Xi was thought that explanation about 格物 致知 of them disappeared, and tried to supplement the part later. Zhu Xi`s supplementation is mistaken in following reason. Zhu Xi did not indicate omit of ‘欲正其心者先誠其意’, does nothing but insisted on disappeared explanation about 格物致知 in the 大學. 1. Even if we recognize Zhu Xi`s supplementation 格物致知`s contents, it is obviously wrong that he has used philosophical terminology of his contemporary. 2. ZhuXi should have supplemented as appropriate philosophical terminology of contemporary with 大學 as possible. 3. Even if we receive ZhuXi`s supplementation, last part of ZhuXi`s supplement ends by 物格 in spite of that beginning part of ZhuXi supplements is 格物. These explanation commits structural inconsistency. Because explanation about 8 order of 大學 is following in 1 chapter`s sentence order. The Great Learning(大學) is explaining whole contents in the following order, to be sincere in their thoughts(誠意)―to cultivate their persons(修身)―to regulate their families(齊家)―to order well their States(治國)―to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom`s(平 天下). There is not explaining about 格物致知 and 正心 of them in the Great Learning(大學). Zhu Xi was thought that explanation about 格物 致知 of them disappeared, and tried to supplement the part later. Zhu Xi`s supplementation is mistaken in following reason. Zhu Xi did not indicate omit of ‘欲正其心者先誠其意’, does nothing but insisted on disappeared explanation about 格物致知 in the 大學. 1. Even if we recognize Zhu Xi`s supplementation 格物致知``s contents, it is obviously wrong that he has used philosophical terminology of his contemporary. 2. ZhuXi should have supplemented as appropriate philosophical terminology of contemporary with 大學 as possible. 3. Even if we receive ZhuXi`s supplementation, last part of ZhuXi`s supplement ends by 物格 in spite of that beginning part of ZhuXi supplements is 格物. These explanation commits structural inconsistency. Because explanation about 8 order of 大學 is following in 1 chapter`s sentence order. 4. ZhuXi explained 格物`s 格 as ‘Arrive (至)’. But, ZhuXi emphasized virtual meaning of 格 as ‘Study thoroughly (窮)’ and 物 as ‘Principle 理)’. We know that terms of ‘窮’ and ‘理’ are used generally at that time. We can not know reason that 大學 use term of that 格物 deliberately, even if follow ZhuXi`s opinion. 5. Today it is very rare that ‘格’ is used to meaning of ‘Arive’(至). This means that meaning of ‘Arrive (至)’ was not widely accepted in the many meanings of 格. Preferably, we are using 格 as the meaning of right fundamental rule, standard or ideal model ect,. Therefore, the meaning of 格 must have the one of ‘to compose typical image with important points of things(構模型) in the Great Learning(大學)’. 6. These meaning of 格 is resemblant with Max Wever`s ‘Ideal Type’ and to construct model by comparing with resemble acts in legislation study. Everybody used to recognize of surround things by these recognition method in every life. In this way, we must believe that the meaning of 格物``s 格 is ability to compose idal type of draws essence from actual things, can explain 格 in harmony with 愼獨 that 大學 emphasizes very heftily understand. 7. Therefore, the meaning of 格 of 物格 is not ‘to Arrive(至)’ must be ability(構模型) of to compose idal type by drawing essence from things.

      • KCI등재

        주역의 법자연의 원리와 규범관

        이재룡(Lee Jae-ryong) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2008 法學硏究 Vol.19 No.1

          The Iching is the book to foretell. To make the trigram(卦) can be the unscientific. But to interpret the trigram is very scientific. The view point of the life is reflected well at the interpreting of the every divination sign(爻) with the sense of values of that time. The Iching regard the natural world as the one with the moral and valuable appraisal in this point to the value. The most important in the Iching is the Geon trigram(乾卦) and the Kon trigram(坤卦). The Geon trigram(乾卦) is as if complete Yang(陽) and the Kon trigram(坤卦) is composed of complete Yin(陰). the Geon trigram(乾卦) and the Kon trigram(坤卦) play the role to bear everything. The trigram from Iching is composed of the 6 element of the Yin and the Yang. The 6 unit elements(六爻) begin to changing work from the first to the sixth. The second elements(二爻)and the fifth elements(五爻)of this the 6 unit elements(六爻)play most important role. We think a good situation of both of them to cooperating and harmony of each other. We can understand the Iching regarding the natural worl as the one with the moral and valuable appraisal in the interpretation of the 6 unit elements(六爻). Therefore the last valuation of the trigram always come to an end of that We must imitate the virtues of the moral value of the nature. The great harmony and balance in the natural world have been achieved always well. The human society must imitate the moral value of the natural world, and should preserve and cultivate the nature(性) from the nature. The legal system is understood the device to realize of establishing natural morality. The legal system is regarded to realize to make balance and harmony as important goal therefore.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 붕당정치의 역사적 의의

        이재룡(Lee, Jae-Ryong) 동양사회사상학회 2009 사회사상과 문화 Vol.19 No.-

        조선조 중후기의 붕당정치는 오늘날의 정치현상과 비교해 볼 때 몇 가지 특성을 지니고 있다. 조선조 중엽에 이르게 되면 정치적 결단은 ‘공론公論’을 통해 이루어져야 한다는 원칙이 성립되었다. 조선조 중후기에 붕당정치가 형성된 배경으로 빼놓을 수 없는 것은 성리학적 이념으로 무장된 사림士林들에 의한 도학적道學的 정치이상이다. 붕당정치는 붕당을 중심으로 국정을 이끌어 가야 한다는 조선 후기의 정치 운영의 한 양태로서 조선왕조에 특유한 공론정치의 역사적 유형이라 할 수 있다. 붕당정치의 의의는 그것이 조선반도에서 새롭게 모색되고 검증을 거쳐 비록 일시적이나마 순기능을 했던 역사적 실체로서 현대 한국적 정치모델로 부각될 수 있다는 점이다. 현대의 국가정치체제는 정당정치적 민주주의라고 할 수 있다. 근대적 간접민주주의에서 직접민주정치에로의 전환이다. 그 결과 국민의 의사는 정당에 의하여 형성되고 다수결로서 결정되는 국민의 의사는 대표의 원리에 의해서가 아니라 치자와 피치자의 자동성의 원리에 의해서 국민의 의사로 간주된다. 따라서 정당국가적 민주주의에서는 의회 다수당의 의사와 국민의 의사가 동일시된다. 정당국가에서의 선거 또한 국민대표의 선출이라는 권력분립적 의미는 퇴색되고 정당의 정책에 대한 국민투표적 성격으로 변하고 있다. 이 점에 비추어 볼 때 국회의원들은 정당을 대표하며 정당을 통해 국회가 구성되고 국회는 그 자체가 국민을 대표하는 기관이라고 보아야 할 것이다. 국회의원은 정당의 대표자이자 국민의 대표자이다. 결코 지역주민의 대표자가 아니다. 각 헌법기관들은 서로 간에 견제와 비판을 통해 균형을 이룰 수 있는 장치를 마련하고 있어야 한다. 이 점이 조선조의 붕당정치에서 빌어 올 수 있는 중요한 정치원리이다. ThefactionpoliticsofChosunwasestavlishedbysalim(山林)with Neo-confucianism. The system of the faction politics acted at the politics with the containment to the principle of the balanced through these an unbi-ased view. By appling of the principle of the faction politics to modern Korean politics, we can set up the new relation of the a political party and the National Assembly, the a political party and the a member of the National Assembly. We can create a ideal party politics national assembly system. The national assembly system of modern is a party politics democratism system. We can apply the principle of the balance and harmony, of the pursuit of the idea value to these national assembly system. These are a goal to pursue of faction politics. And so we need to make a member of the National Assembly restrict at the party thoroughly.

      • KCI등재

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