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      • KCI등재

        농업과 환경의 法關係에 관한 一考 -기후변화에 적응하는 농업법 발전을 위한 제언-

        이은기 ( Eun Kee Lee ) 한국환경법학회 2013 環境法 硏究 Vol.35 No.2

        인류생존을 위해 가장 중요한 산업이 농업임은 부인할 수 없다. 농업활동은 환경을 기반으로 해서 이루어진다. 농업과 환경은 상호불가분의 영향을 미치는 관계이다. 우리 환경정책기본법의 규율대상인 자연환경과 생활환경은 농업활동에 필수적 요소인 토양, 생물종, 대기, 물, 일조 등을 포함하고 있다. 지구온난화(기후변화)는 농업에 영향을 미치는 대기, 햇빛, 물, 토양, 종자 등에 관하여 많은 변화를 가져다 주고 있다. 본 논문에서는 상호불가분의 영향을 주고 있는 농업과 환경의 관계를 농업관련법을 중심으로 살펴본 후 기후변화에 적응하기 위한 우리 농업법의 개선방향을 제시하고자 한다. 농업생산력을 유지·증진시키며 농업환경을 보호하고 환경에 대하여 긍정적, 부정적 영향을 주는 농업활동을 규제대상으로 하는 농업법도 기후변화에 적응해야 하기 때문이다. 지구온난화에 따라 한반도의 아열대 기후로의 변화는 우리의 농업에도 불가피한 변화를 필요로 하고 있다. 종자산업법, 식물신품종보호법, 농수산생명자원의 보존ㆍ관리 및 이용에 관한 법률, 농어업ㆍ농어촌 및 식품산업 기본법, 친환경농어업 육성 및 유기식품 등의 관리ㆍ지원에 관한 법률, 농약관리법, 비료관리법 등에서의 규제사항도 기후변화에 따른 입법적 적응이 되어야 한다. 현행 농어업ㆍ농어촌 및 식품산업 기본법은 농업법 중 유일하게 국가·지방자치단체의 지구온난화 방지를 위한 정책수립의무에 대해 규정을 두고 있는바, 다른 농업법에서도 국제협력 규정과 함께 적극적 기후변화방지의무에 관한 규정을 신설할 필요가 있다. 지구온난화에 따른 농업법의 입법적 적응은 농업과학에 기초함과 동시에 농민, 농기업자, 정책을 결정하는 공무원 등이 함께 논의, 의견을 수렴하여야 한다. 환경 친화적 농업법의 입법은 우리의 식생활안전, 환경보전과 여가활동을 담보하는 것으로서 농업의 본질적 특성을 충분히 인식해야만 가능할 것이다. It is undeniable that agriculture is the most important industry for survival of human being. Agricultural activities are made based on environment. Thus, the relation between agriculture and environment is inseparable. Natural environment and living environment as the objects of regulation in the framework act of environmental policy include soil, species, air, water and sunshine. Global warming (climate change) has brought a great deal of changes on air, sunshine, water, soil and seeds. Such changes of agricultural environment also affect our food life safety, environmental preservation and leisure activities. This study examined the relation between agriculture and environment with special reference to agriculture related acts and then proposed the improvement plan of the agricultural law adapting to climate change. It is a matter of course that the agricultural law, which improves agricultural productivity, protects agricultural environment and regulates factors affecting environment positively and negatively, also needs to be modified to adapt to climate change. The change to a subtropical climate of the Korean peninsula due to global warming causes inevitable changes to agriculture. Agriculture related acts such as the Seed Industry Act, the Act for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, the Act on Preservation, Management and Use of Agricultural, Marine and Life Resources, the Framework Act of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Policies and Food Industry, Act on the Management and Support of Eco-Friendly Agriculture and Fisheries Promotion and Organic Foods and the Fertilizer Control Act must be modified to adapt to climate change. The current Framework Act of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Policies and Food Industry is the only law that has a regulation on the obligation of policy establishment to prevent global warming by central and local government. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce obligations of active climate change prevention together with international cooperation to other Agricultural Acts. The legislative adaptation of the Agricultural Act against global warming must be based on the agricultural science, and also must collect opinions after extensive discussion between farmers, agricultural companies and policy decision public officers. If so, it will enable to modify the Agricultural Act for the development of eco-friendly agriculture without adverse effects on environment. The improvement of the Agricultural Act could be made possible through the sufficient recognition of the essential features of agriculture in order to secure food and life safety, environmental preservation and leisure activities.

      • KCI등재

        묘지ㆍ장사행정(葬事行政)규제법제의 개선방안에 관한 소고

        이은기(Eun Kee, Lee) 행정법이론실무학회 2017 행정법연구 Vol.- No.48

        우리나라의 매장문화 및 분묘관리는 조상숭배라는 미풍양속이지만 산림훼손이라는 부작용을 초래한다. 최근 장묘(葬墓)문화의 변화로 화장비율이 80%를 넘고 있는 것은 자연환경보전과 국토의 효율적 이용이라는 관점에서 볼 때 매우 바람직한 현상이다. 2000년 장사(葬事)법제가 「매장 및 묘지에 관한 법률」에서 「장사 등에 관한 법률」로 전면 개정되면서 묘지의 설치기간이 최장 60년으로 제한되고 있다. 일제 강점기인 1927년경부터 민사판례에서 지상권에 유사한 물권인 ‘관습상의 분묘기지권(墳墓基地權)’으로 인정되어 왔는바, 이에 대해서는 토지소유권의 과도한 침해라는 법리적 측면과 환경보전적 관점에서 이를 폐지하여야한다는 비판론이 있다. 최근 분묘기지권 폐지에 대한 사회적 공감대가 폭넓게 형성되어 학계에서 민사판례 의 변경과 장사법의 입법적 개선에 대한 긍정적 움직임이 있다. 그럼에도 대법원은 2016.9.22. 공개변론까지 열었으나, 2017.1.9. 기존 판례를 계속 유지하는 판결을 내렸다. 현행 장사법은 부칙에서 묘지설치기간을 위 법 시행 이후에 조성된 분묘에 대해서만 적용되게 하여 소급적용을 인정하지 않고 있는바, 국토의 효율적 이용이라는 정책적 관점에서 볼 때 문제가 많다. 향후 판례변경으로 분묘기지권 인정을 폐지하고 분묘의 유지기간에 관한 개정 장사법 시행시부터 최장기간을 20년 내지 30년으로 단축하며 동법 시행 이전에 조성된 분묘에 대해서도 소급적용하여야 할 필요가 있다. 소급적용을 한다 하더라도 환경상 공익이 헌법상 보장되는 개인 재산권의 보호법익 보다 형량이익이 커 공공복리를 위한 기본권 제한이므로 위헌이 되지 않는다. 장묘에 관한 사회인식 변화를 선도적으로 견인하기 위해서는 분묘기지권에 관한 민사판례의 변경이 선행되어야 한다. 아울러 기존 분묘의 화장, 납골안치 및 산림복구비용 전액을 정부가 지원하는 분묘폐지 지원금제도의 법제화, 공공 화장시설 및 납골시설의 획기적 증대를 위한 장사법의 획기적개정 등 적극적 장사행정체제로 전환하여야 한다. 전국 평균 화장률이 80%를 상회하므로 묘지 및 장사법제는 환경보전과 국토의 효율적 이용이라는 관점에서 변화하는 장묘에 대한 사회인식에 부응하여 앞으로도 부단히 손 볼 필요가 있다. The burial culture and burial management of Korea is a good custom which is a kind of ancestor worship. However, it has an adverse effect of deforestation. It is a very desirable phenomenon in terms of conservation of the natural environment and efficient land use of the country that the ratio of cremation is almost 80% due to recent changes in the culture of burials. In 2001, the burial system was completely revised from the Act on Burial and Cemeteries to the Act on Funerals etc. and the installation period of the grave was limited to a maximum of 60 years. Since 1927, the time of Japanese imperialism, the customary hereditary right on grave installation has been recognized in the civil precedent which is similar to the superficies. There is an argument of the excessive infringement of land ownership from the viewpoint of the legal logical point. Also, there is criticism about the abolition because of the environmental conservation point. Recently, social consensus about the abolition of the right of grave installation has been broadly formed, and there is a positive movement to change the case law and legislative improvement. The Supreme Court, however, opened a public hearing, but issued a ruling on January 9th, 2017 to maintain existing precedent. The current funeral law does not allow retrospective application because it is applied only to the grave which was built after the implementation of the illegal act in the bylaws, and there are many problems from the policy point of view on the efficient use of the land. Therefore, it is necessary to withdraw the recognition of the grave installation by the change of the precedent in the future, to reduce the maximum period from the amendment of the law to 30 years, and retrospectively applied to the tomb built prior to the enactment of the law to preserve the forest environment and to promote efficient use of the land. Even if retrospectively applied, it is not an unconstitutional legislation since the public interest in the environment is greater than the protection interests of the private property rights guaranteed by the constitution, and it is a fundamental profit restriction for public benefits. In order to lead the change of social perception about the funeral, it should precede the change of civil precedents. In addition, it should be transformed into an active administrative system, such as legalization of subsidized system, subsidies and restoration of forests, subsidization of burial facilities by the government. The funeral administrative legislation system needs to be amended steadily in terms of environmental conservation and efficient use of land.

      • KCI등재

        관리처분계획 등 도시정비사업관련 분쟁의 소송방식에 관한 一考

        이은기(Lee, Eun Kee) 행정법이론실무학회 2012 행정법연구 Vol.- No.33

        우리나라의 도시정비사업은 2002년 ‘도시 및 주거환경환경정비법’에 의해 통합되기 전까지는 도시재개발법에 의한 재개발사업과 주택건설촉진법 등에 의한 재건축사업으로 규율되어 왔다. 도시정비사업주체인 도시정비(재개발?재건축)사업조합은 조합총회의결을 통하여 관리처분계획안을 수립, 확정하고 이는 관할 행정청의 인가에 의해 효력을 발생한다. 관리처분계획은 사업이전의 다수인의 토지 및 건물의 소유권과 지상권이 사업 이후 집단주거시설의 공급으로 전환됨으로서 조합원의 사법적(私法的), 개별적 이해관계가 공동체적, 단체적 관계로 조정되는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 종전에는 재건축조합설립을 위한 총회의결, 관리처분계획수립(또는 변경)을 위한 조합원총회의결의하자는 민사소송으로 다툴 수 있었다. 그러나 2009년 이후 관할 행정청의 재건축조합설립인가를 종전의 보충행위가 아닌 설권적 처분으로 보게 되면서 인가 전후로 나누어 인가 전의 조합원총회의결상 하자는 공법상 당사자소송으로, 인가 후에는 항고소송(취소소송)으로 다투어야 한다는 취지로 대법원판례가 변경되었다. 대법원은 총회결의를 행정청의 조합설립인가의 요건이라고 보고 그러한 판단을 하고 있다. 이에 대해서는 행정법적 법리의 수용과 행정소송의 활성화로 반기는 입장도 있는 반면 설립인가? 고시이전 다수 사인의 결합체로서 사적 결사에 불과한 재건축조합의 법률관계를 모두 공법관계로 보는 것은 문제가 있으며 오히려 국민의 권리구제에 있어 후퇴한 것이라는 반론도 있을 수 있다. 도시 및 주거환경정비법 제18조와 제27조에 의하면, 조합의 사단법인성도 인정된다. 그럼에도 조합에 의한 관리처분계획 수립과정상의 제반 법률관계를 공법상 법률관계로 보고(특히 관할행정청의 인가이전의 내부적 벌률행위인 창립총회의 재건축결의 등에 대해) 민사적 구제방법을 봉쇄하는 것은 정비사업조합(특히 재건축조합)과 그에 의한 법률행위의 공?사법적 양면성에 비추어 문제가 있으며 행정소송의 제소기간제약 등으로 인해 오히려 국민의 권리구제의 후퇴라고 볼 여지도 없지 않다. 권리구제의 길은 다양할수록 바람직한 바, 당사자소송의 활성화를 반기기만 할 수 없는 이유이다. Urban development project has been governed in Korea as the redevelopment project by the Urban Redevelopment Act and as the reconstruction project by the Housing Construction Promotion Act until it was integrated by ‘Urban residential environments and Maintenance Act’(hereinafter ‘Urban Maintenance Act’) in 2002. Urban renewal project(redevelopment and reconstruction) association which is the principal agent of urban maintenance project establishes and confirms distribution disposal plan(named “Kwanlicheoboon”, so called ‘management-disposal plan’) through a decision of its general assembly of association and then it will become effective by approval of competent administrative agency. Since ownership on lands and buildings and surface rights of many people before this project will be converted after this project due to supply of groups of housings, the establishment of distribution disposal plan seems to be legal relationships in which private law and individual interest can be adjusted into communal and group interests. Previously, the defects of decision of general assembly for establishment of reconstruction association and management-disposal plan(or change) could be handled as a civil lawsuit. However, after 2009, the Supreme Court considered approval of reconstruction association establishment of competent administrative authorities as disposal to set the rights rather than supplementary action and changed the precedent as follows. The defect of decision of general assembly of association members prior to approval is supposed to be handled as public lawsuit of Party litigation and the defect after approval is supposed to be handled as an appeal (withdrawal) lawsuit. The Supreme Court stated that resolution passed by general assembly of an association over issues concerning distribution plan is only content or one of the requirements for the plan to become effective. In the regard of above judgment of the Supreme Court, some people are favorable to it, due to acceptance of administrative legal logic and revitalization of administrative litigations. However, there are many counterarguments claiming that it is a problem to handle issues related to reconstruction associations which are only groups of many privates in the public legal relations and it is retreated in terms of remedy for violation of private rights. According to Urban Maintenance Act Articles 18 and 27, the association is recognized as a corporation. Nevertheless, all legal relationship during the process of establishment of management disposal plan by association is considered as public legal relationship and it is a problem to block the civil remedies in terms of both aspects of public and private legal dual aspects of urban maintenance project association (especially reconstruction association). In conclusion, the blockade of civil action can be recognized as the recession of remedies for violation of private rights due to limitation of period of filing of administrative litigation. It would be nice if the ways of remedy for violation of private rights are diverse. This is the reason why we cannot only welcome the activation of Party litigation as a type of administrative action.

      • KCI등재

        환경인권에 관한 소고

        이은기 ( Eun Kee Lee ) 한국환경법학회 2015 環境法 硏究 Vol.37 No.2

        18세기 산업혁명이후 산업활동으로 토지의 이용과 개발로 인하여 환경오염과 환경훼손 등 환경피해는 기후변화로 인해 인류전체의 생존에 대한 위해가 됨으로서 국제적으로 환경인권개념의 탄생을 가져왔다. 국제적으로 환경문제가 대두된 1960, 70년대 이후 환경인권에 대한 연구는 국제법 연구자들에 의해서 주로 수행되어 왔다. 김포 인근주민에 의한 수도권 매립지쓰레기 반입 저지사건, 새만금 간척사업, 밀양 송전선사건 등을 조명해 볼 때 국내법적으로도 환경인권에 의한 문제 제기가 필요한 상황에 이르렀다. 법적 관점에서의 환경인권에 대한 연구는 그다지 활발하게 이루어지지 않고 있다. 환경인권은 1970년대 이후 환경과 인간의 삶은 불가분의 관계에 있음을 자각함과 동시에 환경이 보호되지 않으면 인간의 권리도 진정으로 실현되기 어렵다는 인식이 높아지면서 환경보호와 인권이 접목하여 통합된 개념이라고 할 수 있다. 환경보호에 대한 인권적 접근인 동시에 인간의 생존에 악영향을 미치는 환경침해에 대한 방어권적 개념이라고 볼 수 있다. 환경인권은 실정법상의 권리인 환경권보다 상위이며 넓은 범위의 권리로서 인간이 환경과 관련하여 가지는 천부적 권리라고할 수 있다. 환경인권은 환경권을 내포하면서도 그보다는 넓은 외연을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 인권개념은 제2차 세계대전 후 UN의 1972년 스톡홀름선언과 1950년 유럽인권협약 등 다수의 국제협약을 통해서 급속하게 발달된 국제인권법과 국제환경법에서 활발하게 논의되어 온 개념이다. 환경인권은 개인을 주체로 하는 제1세대 인권과 제2세대 인권과는 구분되는 제3세대 인권으로 분류된다. 환경인권은 환경정의 관념과도 밀접하게 연관되어 있다. 미국의 경우 쓰레기소각장과 같은 환경위해시설의 입지와 관련하여 흑인거주지역과 백인 거주지역간의 차별현상을 목도하면서 환경인권운동으로 발전되었는바, 환경인권은 환경정의론과 맞물려 있다. 우리나라에서도 최근 자연생태계 파괴문제 및 송전선 건설에 따른 인근주민의 갈등으로 환경인권의 문제가 사회적 문제로서 대두되기에 이르렀다. 환경인권은 건강한 환경에 대한 권리, 환경정보에 대한 접근권 등으로 구성되는바, 환경정보에 대한 접근권은 절차적 인권으로서 실체적 인권을 보장하기 위해 정책결정에 대한 주민참여와 정부나 민간부분 활동을 감시하기 위해서 필수적 권리이다. 양수발전소사건, 새만금사건, 도룡뇽사건 등은 환경단체의 소송에 의한 환경인권운동의 한 단면을 보여 주었고 밀양송전선사건은 최근 환경문제로 불거진 국내환경인권의 실태를 적실하게 현출시켜 향후과제를 제시하는 대표적 사례이다. The concept of human rights can be understood as the same with basic citizen’s right that appeared along with the birth of the natural right since the modern civil revolutions which collapsed the feudal monarchic system. The basic human rights of the ruled over the ruler have been recognized as a non-aggression or inalienable by anybody. Since the Industrial Revolution of the western countries in the 18th century, environmental pollution and deterioration by use and development of land caused by human industrial activities caused risk to local residents, adjacent countries and the very existence of global human kind at large, which had to bring about the concept of environmental human rights internationally. From 1970s onward at a time when the environmental issues arose internationally, studies on environmental human rights have been mainly carried out by researchers on the international law. Considering the blocking of waste move-in to the metropolitan area landfill by residents of Gimpo, Saemangeum land reclamation project and Milyang power line cases, it is the time to consider the theorization of environmental human rights in domestic laws. However, studies on environmental human rights from the perspective of domestic laws have not been active yet. Environmental human rights are an integrated concept between environmental protection and human rights thanks to the recognition after 1960~70s that environment and human lift are inseparable and that human rights cannot be truly realized without protection of environment. It is a human right based approach to environmental protection and also a defensive concept against environmental intrusion causing reverse effect on human existence. Environmental human rights are upper and wider level beyond the right to environment in the positive law which can be said as natural rights that human may have in relation to environment. In other words, environmental human rights contain environmental rights but also have wider scope. Environmental human rights are the rights requesting for human being who have to live under the influence of environment not to be infringed environment by the government or the 3rd party. Such concept of environmental human rights has been actively discussed in the international human rights acts and international environmental acts that were actively developed through many international treaties after the World War II such as Stockholm Declaration in 1972 and the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights in 1950. Environmental human rights are classified as the 3rd generation human rights which are different from the 1st and 2nd generation human rights in which individual is the subject. Environmental human rights are closely related to the concept of environmental justice. For the USA, the environmental human rights movement was developed when seeking the discrimination between black residential areas and white residential areas in relation to the location of environmentally harmful facility such as the incineration plant. Therefore, environmental human rights have been used as almost same meaning with the environmental justice. In Korea, the problem of environmental human rights become a social issue in relation to the conflict with adjacent residents due to destruction of the eco system by the construction of high speed railway and the construction of ultrahigh pressure power line. As environmental human rights consist of rights of healthy environment and accessibility right on environmental information, the accessibility right on environmental information is procedural human rights, which is essential to secure substantive human rights, to secure residence participation on policy decision and to monitor government or civil activities. The conflict of Milyang power line is a representative example that demonstrates the reality of human rights which were originally ignited by environmental problem in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화와 환경정의 지속가능한 -지구의 미래를 위한 선순환구조의 모색-

        이은기 ( Eun Kee Lee ) 한국환경법학회 2012 環境法 硏究 Vol.34 No.3

        Environmental justice theory began from the civil movement for environmental justice in the US in 1970s. It is different from environmental racism or environmental equity, but is regarded to include these two concepts. Although it is an non-official definition, a report of US EPA defines that “environmental justice is fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, ethnicity, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies”. Generally, one of the clear themes in environmental justice is the procedural justice that focuses on the fairness in the decision-making process, and the distributive justice that focuses on the norm of resource distribution. In that context, it is very persuasive that environmental justice is a concept combined with utilitarianism, contractarianism and egalitarianism. Accordingly, international environmental justice includes procedural justice for fairness of the decision-making process and the distributive justice for the norm of equal resource distribution. The reaction case against depletion of the Ozone layer was regarded as a successful case where industrialized countries of the North and developing countries of the South acknowledged they were victims of depletion of Ozone layer regardless of its severity and responded the discussion led by the US. Industrialized countries provided fund and technology, while developing countries cooperated for substitute material development. Such a case that overcame environmental crisis by international cooperation can be a good example in terms of distributive justice against the climate change. Mutual cooperation may be realized by distributive justice between developed and developing countries which fits for environmental justice. Environmental justice can be added to the operation of GHG(especially Carbon) Emission Trading Scheme, which was devised to overcome the climate change under the Kyoto mechanism. As a means, relatively different price can be introduced in the trading of the GHGs. In other words, the advanced countries pay for more expensive to compensate the past responsibilities, and the semi-developed countries or developing countries pay relatively lower price for GHGs. It is not easy to resolve the relation between adaption of climate change and environmental justice in terms of proper function and virtuous cycle. Rather, these two concepts seem to be contradictory to each other. However, such conflicting or inconvenient relation must not be maintained and is meaningless against solidarity of human being for overcoming climate change. Now these two concepts should be transferred to virtuous cycle and complementary relation from mutually exclusive relationship.

      • KCI등재

        住居環境侵害의 한 形態로서의 日照侵害에 대한 行政規制와 法的救濟에 관한 考察

        이은기(Lee Eun-Kee) 행정법이론실무학회 2006 행정법연구 Vol.- No.15

        Sunshine is one of the important natural necessities together with air, water for human being's healthy housing environment. In the past, sunshine is merely regarded as a natural product. But nowadays the right to (enjoy) sunshine of the existing habitant can be threatened by any neighbor's new high buildings. Our country's Architect Act §53 and Enforcement Ordinance §68 and municipal ordinance regulate the height of the neighbor's new planning buildings and the regular distance between the existing house and the new planning buildings for the protection of the existing habitant's right to sunshine. There are a lot of suits on the violation of sunshine duration along with obstruction of view and privacy in our country. Environmental disputes are increasing rapidly. However, Korean Supreme Court gave lots of consistent decisions on the related case that the above-mentioned regulations are only administrative standards, can not be the standards of civil liability and administrative responsibility. To reduce the gap in administrative regulation standards and civil liability, I think the above-mentioned administrative regulations should be revised reasonably and understood as a kind of 'Permissible Emission Standards' of the Environmental Policy Act §20-2 for the protection of the existing habitant's right to sunshine. It is inevitable comprehension to avoid unnecessary disputes and to reduce social cost.

      • KCI등재

        캐나다의 로-스쿨에 대한 고찰

        이은기(Eun-Kee Lee) 행정법이론실무학회 2005 행정법연구 Vol.- No.14

        This article’s aim is to introduce the Canadian Law School System focusing on UBC Law School. Now our country is going to change the law training system from the continental law educational institution to the Anglo-american law educational institution. The Canadian system is a little bit different from the American system. In Canada to applicate Bar Examination it IS inevitable to finish the practical training course of so-called “Articling” at law firm for about I a months in advance after graduating from law school. There are eighteen Law Schools in Canada. They provide lots of diverse curriculum to meet the demand of complexity of society. We have to explore deeply other country’s law educational institution to reduce trier and error. In our country the number of law schools and admitted applicants is the struggling issues of judicial reformation now. To solve this problem and to increase abovementioned number I recommend to educate lawyer including similar lawyer(paralegal) in law school.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 미국의 에너지 관련법제의 변화 -기후변화에 대응한 최근 에너지입법을 중심으로-

        이은기 ( Eun Kee Lee ) 한국환경법학회 2012 環境法 硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        It is now widely accepted that the problem of global warming is caused by greenhouse gas emission including carbon. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that preservation of sustainable global environment by reduction of greenhouse gas depends on the reduction of energy use and improvement on the energy efficiency. In this sense, the importance of studies on energy law which regulates production, distribution and consumption of energy is becoming increasingly. From this perspective, this study investigates definition, characteristics and systematic position of energy law at first. In aspect to respond to climate change, after the legislative history of energy law is divided into the era of fossil energy and the era of new renewable energy in Korea and US, these are sequentially examined. In addition, as contents of current representative energy law in both countries are examined, these are analyzed through comparative legal analysis. The contents regulated by current energy law are somewhat declarative, plan based and abstract in Korea. On the other hands, energy law prescribes very specific contents in US. In terms of compliance with environmental obligation demanded internationally, it is faithful and restrictive. These shall be considered upon establishing or revising energy law in Korea in the future, because legislative direction which delegates sub administrative authority is difficult in order to avoid the suspicion of delay and avoidance of international environmental obligation and we may get the disadvantages on international trades. For example, in American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Section 3(International Participation) proscribes that the Administrator, in consultation with the Department of State and the United States Trade Representative, shall annually prepare and certify a report to the Congress regarding whether China and India have adopted greenhouse gas emissions standards at least as strict as those standards required under this act. In conclusion, we need to reflect such advanced legislative method of United States of America that we would be able to avoid suspicion of delay and avoidance of international environmental obligation from international society and get lots of advantages on international trades.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

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