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      • 한말 일제초기 이승희의 민족운동

        이윤갑(Lee, Yoon-Gap) 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 동서인문학 Vol.0 No.47

        This essay deals with Lee Seung Hee’s national movement. He was born in 1847 in the Confucian scholar family. He took methodical study about Confucianism that led him to the national movement. Also his movement was based upon the theory of Anti-Western Culture. The national movement was developed to make public appeals for Anti-Japan, presented a public appeals about Anti-Western culture, the campaign for a national debt redemption, and developed private diplomacy struggle until his asylum. His national movement was developed to set wholesome Confucianism atmosphere in Korea for popular stability, and to keep the sovereignty by diplomacy struggle. Lee Seung Hee sought asylum to Russia in 1907 after Emperor Gojong was abdicated by Imperialistic Japan. He met Lee Sang Sul who was a secret envoy for the Hague convention in Vladivostok. They discussed method of the national movement. Lee Seung Hee thought method of the national movement and built national movement bases in overseas country by Anti-Western culture. His purpose was the reconstruction of the Korean empire government. He moved to Andong and continued the national movement with the Beijing general Kongjiaohui. He thought the Beijing general Kongjiaohui united as an ideological and political pivot for Koreans in China. But He didn’t totally accepted K’ang Yu-Wei’s Grand-Unity. Because it had many differences with orgin-Confucianism. Also Lee Seung Hee wanted to develop center of the Beijing general Kongjiaohui in Andong with origin-Confucianism. Lee Seung Hee’s national movement was finished by his death in 1916. However his national movement was continued by Confucian scholars in Sungju whom he had contacted during his asylum. And they developed his national movement to the 3.1 independence movement in 1919 and the independence declaration movement in the Versailles Peace Conference.

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      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 19세기말 경상도 성주의 사회변동과 동학농민전쟁

        이윤갑 ( Yoon Gap Lee ) 대구사학회 2015 대구사학 Vol.119 No.-

        이 연구는 경상도 성주의 1883년 농민항쟁과 1894년의 농민전쟁을 중심으로 19세기말 농민운동의 발전과정을 연구하였다. 1883년의 농민항쟁은 1862년의 농민항쟁을 계승하고 발전시킨 농민층의 개혁운동이었다. 1862년에 발생한 성주의 농민항쟁은 개별 분산적이던 농민들의 부세저항이 집단적인 부세개혁운동으로 발전하였고, 또한 소·빈농층이 독자적인 세력을 형성하고 혁명적인 운동방식으로 사회경제적 개혁을 추구하기 시작하였다는 점에 역사적 의의가 있다. 이들의 항쟁은 대원군 정권이 부세제도를 개혁하고 서원철폐를 단행하게 만든 직접적 계기가 되었다. 그러나 이러한 변화는 지방통치를 책임진 수령과 향리, 관속 그리고 관권과 결탁해 특혜를 누렸던 토호들에게는 매우 불리한 것이었다. 기득권을 되찾으려는 이들의 공세는 대원군 실각 이후 강화되어 갔고, 그로 말미암아 지배층과 소·빈농층의 대립 또한 격화되어 갔다. 그 대립은 마침내 1883년 소·빈농층의 또 한 번의 농민봉기를 불러왔다. 1883년의 농민항쟁은 부세제도의 운영을 실질적으로 관장하던 향리에 대한 통제를 둘러싸고 발생하였다. 농민들은 자신들의 신뢰을 받는 인물로 지방 관속 전체를 통솔하는 이방과 부세업무를 관장하는 향리를 임명할 것을 요구하며 항쟁을 일으켰다. 이 항쟁은 그 요구가 부세제도의 개혁을 넘어 그 운영까지도 개혁하려 했다는 점에서 1862년의 농민항쟁보다 진일보 한 것이었다. 그러나 이 항쟁은 감영군이 농민항쟁을 무력 진압하면서 실패하였고, 농민항쟁 지도층은 처형되거나 유배형을 받았다. 이후 이 지역에서는 동학이 확대되면서 새로운 개혁세력으로 성장하였다. 성주에서 동학이 확산되기 시작한 시기는 1880년대 후반부터였다. 성주의 동학군은 1894년 8월 하순 상주, 김산의 동학세력의 지원을 받아 개혁활동을 시작하였다. 동학군의 개혁활동은 두 갈래로 펼쳐졌다. 하나는 조세제도개혁이었고, 다른 하나는 부정한 향리와 토호를 처벌하는 것이었다. 이 개혁으로 피해를 입은 향리와 토호들은 독자적으로 군대를 결성해 동학군을 공격하여 격퇴시켰다. 이에 맞서 성주, 김산, 상주의 동학군은 대규모 연합군를 편성해 성주를 점령하고 향리들에게 보복하였다. 동학연합군은 경상감영의 요청으로 일본군이 출동하자 전투를 벌이기에 유리한 김산, 상주로 이동하였고, 이로써 성주의 동학농민전쟁은 끝이 났다. 성주의 동학농민전쟁은 전국적인 농민전쟁의 한 부분으로 전개되었고, 그 개혁의 성격이나 농민조직에서 이전의 농민항쟁의 부분성과 분산성을 극복하고 있었다. 동학농민군은 스스로를 반봉건 반침략운동의 주체로 결집시켜갔다. 그러나 동학농민전쟁은 일본군의 개입으로 진압되었고, 뒤이은 지배세력의 보복으로 1862년 농민항쟁 이후 성장해 왔던 소빈농층의 개혁운동은 재기불능 상태로 파괴되고 해체되었다. This research is about the process of the development of the peasant movement at the end of the 19th century, especially focused on the peasant uprising in 1883 and the peasant war in 1894. The peasant uprising in 1883 was the reformative movement by peasants which inherited and developed the peasant uprising in 1883. The peasant uprising in Seongju, 1862, has a historical meaning in that formerly individual and dispersive resistances against the taxation evolved into collective reformative movements against the taxation, and also poor-small peasants formed independent groups and started the socioeconomic reformation. Their uprisings served as a direct momentum that made Daewongun to reform the taxation system and abolish Seowon. However, these changes were disadvantageous to the local power benefited by colluding with Suryoung, Hyang ri, Gwansok, and the government authority. Their attacks, by which they tried to regain their vested rights, were intensified after the regime of Daewongun went down, and the struggle between poor-small peasants and the ruling class were also intensified. That struggle eventually caused another peasant uprising of poor-small peasants in 1883. The peasant uprising in 1883 occurred over the control on Hyangri that were in charge of the operation of the taxation system. Peasants started their uprising, claiming that figures trusted by peasants should be appointed as Ibang that took the reins of entire local areas and as Hyangri that was in charge of the taxation. In that the demands of the uprising were aiming at reforming not only the taxation system, but also the operation of it, this uprising was a step forwarded one than the peasant uprising in 1862. However, this uprising failed because Gamyounggun put down the peasant uprising by force and the leader group of the peasant uprising was executed or exiled. After that, Donghak were spread out in this region and evolved into a new group of reformation. It was the late 1880 that Donghak were spread out in Seongju. The Donghak peasant army in Seongju began their activities of reformation in the late August, 1894, backed up by the group of Donghak in Sangju and Kimsan. Their activities of reformation were twofold. One of them was the reformation of the taxation system, and another was the punishment of corrupted Hyangri and the local power. The Hyangri and the local power, who were damaged by this reformation, organized an army independently and repelled the Donghak peasant army. Against this, the Donghak peasant army in Seongju, Kimsan and Sangju organized a large scale combined force, conquered Seongju, and retaliated against Hyangri. The allied Donghak peasant army moved to Kimsan and Sangju which were advantageous regions to have battles, when the Japanese army was dispatched by the request of Kyungsang Gamyoung and the Donghak peasant war was ended because of this. The Donghak peasant war in Seongju was developed as a part of the nationwide peasant war. It was overcoming the partial and dispersive character of former peasant uprisings. Donghak peasant army unified themselves as the subjects of anti-feudalism and campaigns against the aggression. However, Donghak peasant war was put down by the intervention of the Japanese army. Moreover, the reformation movements of poor-small peasants, which had been developed since the peasant uprising in 1862, were entirely destroyed and dismantled by the following retaliation of the ruling class. (Keymeung University, Department of History / ykl311@kmu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 경상도 성주지역의 한국전쟁 경험: 민간인 학살과 인민군의 점령정책

        이윤갑 ( Yoon Gap Lee ) 대구사학회 2012 대구사학 Vol.107 No.-

        This article analyzes the social changes and civilian massacres occurred in Seongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do from the beginning of the Korean War to the North Korean People`s army`s retreat under the UN troops. The Korean War occurred in the process of establishing of two disparate divided nations after liberation. Therefore, the nature of civil war was intrinsic to the Korean War. In this reason, a conflict between the left and right wing in this war was sharp and, as a result, a large-scale civilian casualties occurred. In the case of Seongju, there were the representative examples: Bodo League members genocide by the police in the opening of the war, rightists massacre by security units for the North Korean People`s army Occupation period, war forced labour`s genocide by police after UN forces` restoration and so on. In addition, North Korea invasion of South Korea across the Korean peninsula was aimed at establishing DPRK(Democratic People`s Republic of Korea) in the country. Accordingly, People`s Committee and the Labor Party were organized and the land reform and war mobilization in Seongju were carried out. This article explains the social changes in the early days of Korean War and the reality repeated by the left and right wing, and illuminates the impacts of changes in the community.

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