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        줄넘기운동 참여정도와 운동 만족도 및 신체적 자기개념의 관계

        김충곤(Chung Gon Kim),이병규(Byung Gyu Lee),김현우(Hyun Woo Kim),웅비(Woong Bi Yang) 한국체육교육학회 2013 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 초등학생을 대상으로 줄넘기운동 참여 정도와 줄넘기 운동만족도 및 신체적 자기개념 간의 인과 관계를 규명함으로써, 줄넘기운동이 초등학교 체육수업이나 방과후 프로그램 적용 가능성 및 줄넘기운동 권장에 대한 타당한 근거를 제시하는데 있다. 본 연구는 유의표 집(purposive sampling)을 이용하여 광주광역시 초등학교 4개교의 표본을 추출하여 총 733명을 연구 대상자로 선정하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS16와 Amos16을 이용하여 상관분석, 중다회귀분석, 공변량 구조분석 등의 통계분석을 활용하였다. 이와 같은 과정을 통하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 줄넘기운동의 참여 정도는 운 동 만족도에 영향을 미친다. 둘째, 운동 만족도는 신체적 자기개념에 영향을 미친다. 셋째, 줄넘기운동의 참여 정도는 ‘자기 존중 감’을 제외한 모든 요인에서 신체적 자기개념에 영향을 미친다. 넷째, 줄넘기 참여 정도와 운동 만족도, 신체적 자기개념 간에는 인과적 관계가 있다. The purpose of this study is to provide the reasonable evidence of the applicability of rope-skipping exercise in elementary school physical education class or after-school class, and rope-skipping exercise recommendation by analyzing the casual relationship among participation degree of rope-skipping exercise on elementary school students, exercise satisfaction and physical self-concept. The purposive sampling was used for this study. Four elementary schools in Gwangju are sampled and 733 students are chosen as participants. SPSS16 and Amos16 was used to analyze collected materials and statistical analysis such as correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and analysis of covariance structure were used. The conclusions based on the study were as follows: First, participation degree of skipping exercise had positive influence on exercise satisfaction. Second, exercise satisfaction had influence on physical self-concept. Third, participation degree of rope-skipping exercise had positive influence on physical self-concept in every factors except self-respect. Fourth, there is a casual relationship among participation degree of rope-skipping exercise, exercise satisfaction and physical self-concept.

      • G20 정상회의 개최에 따른 서울의 도시가치 제고 방안 연구

        변미리 ( Mi Ree Byun ),반정화 ( Jung Hwa Ban ),이경미 ( Kyung Mee Lee ),웅비 ( Woong Bee Son ) 서울시정개발연구원 2010 연구보고서 Vol.2010 No.4

        This research attempts to search for promoting city value strategies in Seoul through G-20 summit 2010. G-20 summit will provide a great opportunity to raise soft empowerment of the host city and nation through making protocols and consensus. Soft power of cities, including social and economic system, cultural and socil capital, and urban life style, is much more emphasizing as well as economic factors in the modern society. In this context, G-20 Seoul summit could promote city value of Seoul in that it considers substantial value and global relationship. So then, how can Seoul promote city value through G-20? In order to investigate it, This research reviewed the former host cities` cases in terms of city and brand value enhancement. First of all, Pittsburgh is evaluated on the whole framework change with regard to city image from old-fashioned and rust belt to the green and clean city through G-20 summit 2009. As a matter of fact, the economic effects of Pittsburgh can be estimated $35million as a direct economic effect and $100 million as an advertise effect. This great performance came from the successful summit operation with partnership and the image shift to future and eco-friendly oriented city image-making strategies. As the results, Pittsburgh has taken G-20 summit as a turning point to develop its city. Copenhagen hold a climate change summit 15 in 2009, and the city enhanced its own image as a global leading green and bike city in the world. Busan has accumulated a kind of know-how to manage global conference and raise the competency of global city by taking the OECD summit in 2005. These experiences are result of sustainable city marketing and public relations. Seoul G-20 summit needs to consider following three aspects to make elevating city value and brand like global conference cities. The first, we need to focus on the economic pervasive effects. Although Seoul will play a limited role in the summit, this great conference will provide a big chance to expose global multimedia in both direct and indirect economic effects. This research estimates that the pervasive effect of economic production aspect is $600 million and the inclusive economic effect is more than $2000 million. The second, we need to concentrate on the social and cultural aspects. We can expect that G-20 summit brings a result to wholly change city`s dignity, social unification, and participation through the special experience. It will be a remarkable turning point to shift socio-cultural paradigm in the city like the olympic game in Seoul, 1988. In this context, suitable preparedness and direction are inevitable attributes to spread social and cultural development. The successful summit has an influence on these aspects positively. Therefore, the total hospitality will be considered for safe and satisfying summit. This research concentrates on the Seoul initiatives for successful G-20 summit Seoul. These consist of three areas; style Seoul, sharing Seoul, and participant citizen. At first, style Seoul explains to ``the Seoul`` images which emphasize on locality and identity of Seoul. This strategy suggests that Seoul needs to make the unique and peculiar images. The above initiative has to reflect the hospitality for visitors of Seoul. Sharing city strategy means the networks and interrelationship between Seoul and other global cities based on the G-20 summit. It can be explained as the mutual benefit between cities in terms of exchanging their own know-how and socio-cultural competencies. It is exceedingly decisive point to strengthen the position of Seoul as multicultural perspective city. At the last axis, citizens` participation is a prerequisite for the successful G-20 summit. Through the greatest global meeting, city of Seoul can establish the global standard, and simultaneously Seoulites can ciltivate the global citizenship under the participatory circumstances. Seoul should raise its own city brand and value through G-20 summit. These three feasible initiatives, therefore, will be determined their detail action plan. We need to maximize our own advantage to promote city value in the summit. Seoul and Korea is the famous place of dynamic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) core. In fact, Seoul has the dynamic, cutting edge technology, well-made ICT infrastructure images to the world. In order to specify locality and identity of Seoul and G-20 summit, we should provide new digital service and application for the visitors and press. With this recognition of the Seoul image, we need to emphasize on the Seoul as the historic site. Seoul has the dual image both modernity and tradition. This point can play a positive role to make the Seoul image when Seoul exposes the global press and visitors. Specifically, the old palace will be used the main banquet of the summit, performing the beacon event and razor show on the ``Seoul Wall`` around the mountains. The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) needs to focus on the characteristics of the visitors. In the G-20 summit, summits from 20 countries, CEOs at the multinational companies, experts at the global organizations, press members, family members, and tourists will visit Seoul in the days, We should prepare specific hospitality strategies at each visitors` group, Even though the central government takes the leadership in the summit, SMG needs to carry on propaganda on a large scale on the subject of promoting the Seoul images. The G-20 summit is obvious that provides beneficial chance to enhance city value and image for Seoul. The SMG should utilize the opportunity to get the synergy effect through not only successful summit management but also making tangible and feasible the Seoul images.

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