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      • 여성 생식계조직의 태반성 Alkaline Phosphatase 분포에 관한 면역효소조직학적 연구

        이우흥,최종상,이대일 고려대학교 의과대학 1986 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.23 No.3

        There are many placental oncofetal antigens or enzymes clinically used in the diagnosis of gynecological cancers. The placental alkaline phosphatase(PAP), one of placental enzyme, is membrane bounded glycoprotein occurring in trophoblasts 12 weeks after gestation. PAP is differentiated from the intestinal or skeletal alkaline phosphatase by its heat stability, electrophoretic migration and other immunologic methods. Recently PAP is reported to be present in the sera of the patients suffering from tumor of the female genital tract, lung, testis or breast. The author had performed immunohistochemical staining using anti PAP sera to determine the presence of PAP in the normal and tumorous gynecologic tissue. The results are followings. 1. Normal cervical mucosa revealed negative reaction except superficial layer of exocervical squamous cells. And cervical tumors were all negative. 2. Normal and neoplastic lesions of endometirum showed negative reaction. But endometrial hyperplasia revealed positive reaction in more than 70% of the hyperplastic glands. 3. All normal ovarian tissue components revealed negative reaction to anti PAP but clear cell carcinoma, teratocarcinoma and dysgerminoma were tumors showing positive reaction to anti PAP among ovarian tumors.

      • KCI등재

        중국 가구의 특징에 대한 비교 연구 - 원⋅명⋅청을 중심으로

        이우흥,김정호 한국가구학회 2019 한국가구학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        With the increase of people’s pursuit on the quality of life in recent years, the style and quality of furniture which as family daily furnishings has already been the focus points of people. The furniture is, represent the main component factors of the development of China culture from ancient times. This article is main focus on the detail analysis of China furniture’s development history in the three eras of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is conducive to further reflecting the value of Chinese furniture in the development of the times. In addition, by comparing the furniture of the three different eras of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the cultural value of furniture is further highlighted, and more examples and development examples are provided for the development of the furniture industry. By adopting vertical comparison and horizontal analysis and discrimination, we can learn the development characteristic of China furniture in deep ways, which laid a solid foundation for today’s furniture better designing.

      • KCI등재

        정상 분만에 합병된 피하기종 1례

        이우흥(WH Lee),차인식(IS Cha),박인서(IS Park) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.8

        The apperance of subcutaneous emphysema during labor or after labor is unusual, but one of the interesting complications. When it occurs, it may demand special types of medical, surgical ad obstetrics management. This report presents a case of sbcutaneous emphysema with pneumomediastinum following normal fullterm spontaneous delivery with brief review of literatres.

      • KCI등재

        분만 예에 있어서 모성건강기록의 임상통계학적 분석 ( III )

        박찬무(CM Park),이우흥(WH Lee),송시종(SJ Song),김종현(JH Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1981 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.24 No.9

        1980년 8월1일부터 1981년 5월31일까지 만 10개월간 분석조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 총 분만 878예 중 초산모가 495예(56.38%) 경산모가 383예(43.62%)이었다. 2. 산전 산모의 상태는 합병증이 없는 경우가 544예(84.77%)로 대부분이었고, 합병증이 있는 경우는 임신성 고혈압 48예(7.45%) 생식기 및 골반의 이상 8예 (1.24%) 산전 질출혈 7예 (1.09%) 감염 7예(1.09%) 및 혈액 소견의 이상이 5예(0.78%)의 순이었다. 3. 분만 방법은 정상 질식분만이 559예(63.67%)로 가장 많았고 제왕절개술 153예(17.43%) 및 기계분만 143예(16.29%)의 순이엇다. 4. 분만 중 합병증은 분만지연이 124예(14.71%) 질출혈이 25예(2.97%) 태반계류 17예(2.02%) hypotonic uterine contraction 이 8예(0.95%) 및 전치태반 3예(0.36%)의 순이었다. 5. 분만 시술자는 산부인과 전공의 (레지던트)이상이 수술한 경우가 739예(88.50%)로 가장 많았고 일반전공의가 분만 시술한 경우는 84예(10.06%)이며 그외는 실습 조산원, 조산원, 간 호원 등이 시술하엿다. 6. 제왕절개술의 적응증은 제왕술이 기왕력이 51예(33.33%)로 가장 많았고, 이상 태위가 26 예(16.99%), 분만지연이 26예(16.99%) 이두골반불균형이 5예(3.27%) 유도분만 실패 5예(3.27%) 및 임신 중독증 4예(2.61%)의 순이었다 7. 평균 신생아 체중은 3179.83±471.40gm이었으며 초산은 3109.32±445.48gm이엇고 경산은 3267.99+-490.83gm이었다. 8. 신생아 평균 1분 Apgar score는 7.82±0.94이었으면 5분 Apgar score는 7.85±1.04이었다. 1. The mean age of delivered women was 27.69±3.66 year, mean educational duration 10.95±1.75 years, mean age of first marriage : 24.83±2.75 year, the times of mean antenatal visit : 3.99±2.96 and mean duration of pregnancy : 39.77±2.11 weeks. 2. The incidence of primary antenatal complications was 15.33% in 644 cases, of which hypertensive disorder was the most one (7.45%). 3. The methods of delivery wer as follows ; sponataneous vaginal delivery : 559 cases (63.67%), C-section : 153 cases (17.43%) and vacuum extraction : 143 cases (16.29%) 4. Of 202 cases of intrapartum complications, prolonged/obstructed labor was major one (14.71%). Others were hemorrhage (2.97%) retained products (2.02%), hypotonic uterine contraction (0.95%) and placenta previa (0.36%), etc 5. Majority of attendant at delivery was resident or staff (88.50%). 6. Indication of cesarean section revealed as previous history of cesarean section (33.33%) malpresentation (16.99%) prolonged/obstructed labor (16.99%), cephalopelvic disproportion (3.27%) failed induction (3.27%) toxemia(2.61%) and so 7. the mean body weight of newborn was 3179±471.40gm. 8. The mean Apgar score at one minute was 7.82±0.94 and at 5 minute after birth 7.85+-1.04

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