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        2015 개정 교육과정과 고등학교 『연기』 교과서 연계 분석 - 성취기준을 중심으로 -

        이연심 한국연기예술학회 2021 연기예술연구 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구는 교육과정이 교육현장에서 실현되는 과정에서 발생하는 교수학적 변환 과정에 관심을 두고, 2015 개정 교육과정의 성취기준을 중심으로 『연기』 교과서를 연계 분석하고 향후 교육과정 개정 및 교과서 개발, 수정을 위한 시사점을 얻는 것을 목적으로 한다. 분석 결과, 각 소단원별 학습목표는 총 36개를 제시하고 있는데, 16개의 학습목표는 각 성취기준을 달성하기에 적절한 것으로 나타났으며, 20개의 학습목표는 부적절 한 것으로 나타났다. 부적절한 학습 목표의 양상은 ① 학습활동의 부족으로 확장이 필요한 학습목표, ② 학습내용 및 활동의 누락으로 추가가 필요한 학습목표, ③ 상세화가 필요한 학습목표로 나눌 수 있다. 학습활 동의 경우, 97개의 성취기준별 학습활동 분석 요소 중 84개는 다양한 교과서 구성요소에서 구현되고 있으나 3개는 내용이나 활동이 누락되었으며, 10개는 [작은 매듭짓기]와 [큰 매듭짓기]에서 포괄적으로 언급하는 정도로 구현하고 있다. 학습활동은 학습량을 고려하지 않은 학습활동, 내용적 중첩이나 효율적이지 못한 삽입 이미지, 혼란을 일으키는 교과서의 진술 등의 문제점이 발견되었다. 성취기준에는 명시되어 있지는 않지만, 교과서 개발자가 학습에 도움이 된다고 판단한 학습활동을 임의로 삽입한 것이 발견되어 향후 교과서 개발이나 교육과정 개정 시 그 적절성에 대한 논의가 필요할 것으로 보인다. 이러한 분석 결과를 바탕으로 차후 교육과정 개발 및 교과서 개정을 위하여 ① 교육과정의 분석을 통해 상세화의 정도를 고려하여 학습 목표 설정, ② 교육과정의 암묵적 의도까지 파악하여 교과서의 학습내용 및 활동의 선정, 교과서 개발자와 교육과정 개발자간의 소통 시스템 구축, ③ 교과서 내 내용적 중첩 현상을 방지하기 위한 교과서나 교육과정 의 섬세한 진술, ④ 교과서 개발자가 임의로 삽입한 학습주제나 활동에 대한 적절성 논의 및 시사점 반영 ⑤ 학습활동의 효율성과 정확성을 위한 시청각자료의 개발 ⑥ 학습 활동의 체계적인 구성⋅전개, ⑦ 교과서의 활용 사례 연구 등을 제언하였다. 본 연구는 질적 교과서의 개발에 일조하며, 향후 연극 교육과정과 연극 교과서에 대한 담론 형성에 기여할 것으로 기대한다. Having interest in the process of didactical conversion that occurs in the course realization of curriculum in school settings, this study aims to conduct a sequential analysis on the 『Acting』 textbook focusing on the achievement standard of 2015 revised national curriculum, and obtain implications for future revision of curriculum, development and correction of the textbook. Analysis results show that each small unit suggests total 36 learning objectives respectively, and 16 learning objectives of which are considered appropriate to achieve each achievement standard, whereas 20 turned out to be inappropriate to achieve achievement standards. Learning objectives that are inappropriate can be divided into ① learning objectives that expansion of learning activities is necessary due to insufficiency of such activities, ② the ones that addition is considered necessary due to ommission of learning contents and activities and ③ learning objectives that are needed to be detailed. As for learning activity, 84 out of the elements of learning activity analysis by 97 achievement standards have been realized in various elements of textbook, but contents or activities are missing from 3 elements, and 10 elements are realizing only by mentioning comprehensively in [Making a small know] and [Making a big know]. ① establishment of learning objectives considering the degree of specification through analysis of curriculum, ② selection of learning content and activity of textbooks by understanding even the tacit intent of curriculum, and construction of communication system between textbook developer and curriculum developer, ③ delicate statement of textbook or curriculum for preventing content duplication of textbook, ④ discussion of appropriateness of learning topics or activities inserted arbitrarily by text developer and reflection of implications ⑤ development of audiovisual materials for effectiveness and accuracy of learning activity ⑥ systematic organization⋅ development of learning activity, ⑦ research of textbook application cases etc. This study is expected to be of help to the development of qualitative textbooks and contribute to the composition of discourse about drama curriculum and textbooks in the future.

      • KCI등재

        【연구논문】 『일본서기』 계체기 기사의 구성과 특징

        이연심 부경역사연구소 2011 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.29

        『日本書紀』の繼体紀の記事構成と特徵を具體的に調べることによって、資料の価値を明らかにらかにしようと思った。『日本書紀』の繼体紀はヤマト政権の関連する記事と韓半島の関連する記事に分けられる。この中 國內の事情を伝える記事の場合、いろな系統の日本の所伝が繼体紀の編纂に利用されたと言える。これは『日本書紀』の編纂と関連した事実を伝える記事を通じても知ることが出来る。『日本書紀』 天武朝によると 川嶋皇子 など12人に命じて帝紀及び上古諸事を整理して記録しろといった。ここで言及された帝紀は雄略から天武にかけての王代記のようなものであり、上古諸事には歷代の王に関する史蹟、神話と說話などが含まれたと考えられる。以上で、歴代王に関する色々な系統の史料が収集・整理されたと見ることができる。要するに『日本書紀』の編纂事業が本格化しながら歴代王に関連した色々な系統の記事と有力氏族の伝承が収集・整理されたとのことが分かる。これを勘案するとば桂滞気国内関連記事はこれらの資料を主に収録したと見ることができる。韓半島関連記事に対する資料の系統に対しては色々な系統の資料が混在されていると見ることが一般的といえる。すなわち 百済系の資料・加耶の資料と日本の氏族伝承などが韓半島の関連する記事を構成した主な史料というものだ。さらに、韓半島関連記事中で百済の国内事情を伝える場合を除いた場合、大部分の記事が色々な史料が混在された様相を見せている。これは欽明紀が主に百済系統の史料を利用したのと全く違った様相といえる.

      • KCI등재

        한일 양국의 ‘임나일본부’를 바라보는 시각 변화 추이

        이연심 釜山大學校 韓國民族文化硏究所 2015 한국민족문화 Vol.56 No.-

        This article reviews research trend on "Imnailbonbu," a critical issue of the history of ancient Korea and Japan relations. The general trend of earlier studies on ‘Imnailbonbu’ had taken the mythical contents of Nihonshoki(『日本書紀』), thereby understanding "Imnailbonbu" as "the Japanese colonial institution in the southern parts of the Korean peninsula." This view was synthesize by Suematsu Yasukazu(末松保和). According to him, ‘Imnailbonbu’ was a military outpost of the Yamato government in Japan and ruled over those regions with administrative and diplomatic functions. After 1970, revisionists started to assert that Suematsu"s hypotheses―which were regarded as a kind of common view in the academic world of Japan―should be reconsidered and thus there has been a variety of approaches to "Imnailbonbu." Nevertheless, almost all studies still considered "Imnailbonbu" as the Japanese colonial institution. Thanks to the active excavations of Gaya archeological sites since 1990s, it became possible to accumulate a considerable amounts of archeological materials and activate research on history of Gaya. This enabled us to broaden and deepen our understanding the ancient Korean history. In addition to this, the academic world of Korea started to interpret references on Gaya in Nihonshoki more critically, thereby presenting more advanced opinions on "Imnailbonbu" Therefore, "Imnailbonbu" has been understood as a consequence of international diplomacy between the southern areas of the Korean peninsula and Japan. Recent studies on ‘Imnailbonbu’ can be summarized as follows. First, "Imnailbonbu" was defined as those who were responsible for diplomatic mission, considering the fact that the records related to "Imnailbonbu" were mostly concerned with diplomatic missions and that kun(訓; a way of pronunciation based on the meanings of a Kanji) of ‘bu(府)’ is ‘mikotomochi(ミコトモツチ),’ which means ‘an envoy(使臣).’ Second, the field of action of ‘Imnailbonbu’ was Allaguk(安羅國), which is known from the use of the word "Allailbonbu." Third, all uses of the word "Imnailbonbu," except only one use of it in Yuryakuki(雄略紀), are concentrated in Kinmeiki(欽明紀), which means that the period when "Imnailbonbu" was working is counted as the first half of the 6th century. 본고에서는 고대한일관계사의 쟁점인 ‘임나일본부’에 관한 연구 동향을 살펴보았다. 임나일본부’의 초기 연구에서는 『일본서기』의 신화적인 내용을 있는 그대로 받아들여 ‘임나일본부’를 ‘왜의 한반도 남부지역 지배 기관’으로 이해하는 것이 대세였다. 이러한 연구는 末松保和에 의해 집대성 되었는데, 그의 연구에 의하면 ‘임나일본부’는 야마토 정권의 출선기관이며, 임나를 修治하고 있던 행정 외교기능을 가지는 군사기지였다는 것이다. 70년 이후부터 일본학계의 통설로 자리 잡고 있던 末松의 說에 대한 수정론이 적극적으로 대두면서 ‘임나일본부’에 관한 다양한 접근이 이루어졌지만, 여전히 지배기관으로서의 ‘임나일본부’의 연구에서 완전히 탈피하지 못 하였다. 90년대 이후 가야지역에서는 활발한 발굴이 이루어지면서 고고자료가 축적되었는데, 이를 바탕으로 한 가야사 연구가 활기를 띠면서 가야사에 대한 이해 폭이 넓어지게 되었다. 게다가 한국학계에서는 『일본서기』의 가야 관련 사료를 비판적으로 수용하면서 ‘임나일본부’에 관해서 그 이전 시기보다 진전된 견해가 제시되었다. 특히 90년대에는 ‘임나일본부’를 한반도 남부지역과 일본열도의 외교적 산물로 이해하는 연구가 정착되었다. 최근 ‘임나일본부’의 연구 경향을 간략하게 정리하면, 첫째는 ‘임나일본부’ 관련 기사가 주로 외교교섭에 관한 것이고, ‘府’의 訓이 ‘미코토모치(ミコトモツチ)’로서 ‘使臣’이라는 점을 감안하여 ‘임나일본부’를 외교활동을 한 인물로 규정한 것이다. 둘째는 ‘임나일본부’의 활동무대와 관련하여 ‘안라일본부’라는 용례를 통해 알 수 있듯이 ‘임나일본부’의 활동 지역이 안라국이라는 것이다. 셋째는 웅략기의 한 예를 제외하면 ‘임나일본부’의 용례가 모두 흠명기에 집중되어 있음 ‘임나일본부’의 활동 시기를 6세기 전반으로 간주하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        연극교과 PCK(D-PCK)신장을 위한 연극교사교육 프로그램 탐색 - <연극교과 교재 연구 및 지도법>을 중심으로-

        이연심,설유정,오세곤 한국연극교육학회 2020 연극교육연구 Vol.36 No.-

        While teachers determine the quality of education, teacher education determines the quality of teachers. As a result, quality of teacher education becomes the core element for determining the quality of education. However, teacher training institute’s teacher education program fails to provide systematic education for cultivating excellent teachers with professionality and the program is criticized for lacking connection with school field and not fulfilling the work well. The pending issues of teacher education course are directly related to teacher’s professionality and it leads to problem of forming and promoting PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) as the core element in teacher’s professionality. In response, the purpose of this study is to explore the drama teacher education program to promote PCK for drama subject-matter education (D-PCK) by focusing on <Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method> of subject matter education which plays key role in promoting teacher’s professionality. For the research, this study critically examined the preceding studies in other curriculums related to the research subject by focusing on literature review to clarify with following four aspects. First, this study explored the direction of teacher education. Second, this study set goal of teacher education. Third, this study sought the constituting principle of teacher education and suggested lecture types. Fourth, this study suggested educational contents for <Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method> and analyzed the relevance between educational contents for each class and D-PCK to derive implications. The research results were as follows. For direction of drama teacher education, this study set directions as ‘education considering individual characteristic’, ‘education rooting on actual education’, ‘reflective education based on practice’, ‘education focusing on D-PCK components’, and ‘education for experiencing learning-centered class’. This study also set the goal of drama teacher education as ‘reflective practitioner’, ‘practical researcher’, and ‘curriculum developer’. For composition of drama teacher education’s curriculum, this study suggested 6 constituting principles and lecture types including class observation, reflective simulation class, class sharing, and reflective writing. Based on these research results, this study set educational direction, goal, and operational considerations for <Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method> course. Then, this study suggested the main points and direction of lecture in details. Furthermore, this study analyzed the relevance between educational contents for each class and D-PCK components. The educational contents of <Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method> for each class influenced on overall D-PCK components. Especially, the educational contents mainly influenced on D-PCK related to actual class performance such as ‘knowledge of educational content’, ‘skills to express dramas’, ‘knowledge of pedagogy’, ‘knowledge of evaluation’, and ‘knowledge of learning dramas’. While such phenomenon proved that the educational contents for each class suggested in this study are designed to experience the actual class and promote professionality, it also implied that the educational contents such as <Theory on Teaching Drama> and <Logic and Essay in Drama Subject> should be systematized and composed differentially to balance out and promote D-PCK components. This study suggested on further research on suitability and effectiveness of drama teacher education program suggested in this study. It also commented that research on other curriculum courses such as <Theory on Teaching Drama> and <Logic and Essay in Drama Subject> for promoting D-PCK should be given in consideration of sequences. Furthermore, this study also poin...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘임나일본부’의 활동과 안라국

        이연심 부경역사연구소 2014 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.35

        The activity period of ‘Imnailbonbu(任那日本府)’ was the years from the 530s to 548, given the usages of ‘Imnailbonbu’ and the activities of Inzimi(印支彌). They attended the international meetings like ‘Anlakuk-assembly(安羅會議)’ and ‘Imnabokgeon-assembly(任那復建會議)’, but there is no evidence to verify specifically what kind of activities they did in those meetings. It can be ascertained that Imnailbonbu took the pro-Silla policy, in that Anlakuk started the pro-Silla diplomatic policy after ‘Anlakuk-assembly’ and Baekje disturbed the Ankakuk’s policy through the Imnabokgeon-assembly convened under the name of Imnabokgeon. And also, it can be shown that Imnailbonbu came in for criticism and was requested to return wedded wife by Baekje. Judging from this, Baekje tried to stop the pro-Silla diplomatic activities of Imnailbonbu. Imnailbonbu was active in Anlakuk. This is related to the situation that Gaya sought to secure its own autonomy not by force of arms but by its diplomatic policies, standing against the then attacks from the both sides, Silla and Baekje. In other words, Anlakuk intended for a Anlakuk-assembly to be a way of securing its own identity. At that time, Anlakuk sought to response effectively the attacks from Silla and Baekje, attracting Wae as well as them, and strived to secure its own identity by conducting a pro-Silla policy in earnest after the assembly. Imnailbonbu active in Anlakuk also followed the pro-Silla policy.

      • KCI등재

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