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        이승률(Yi Seung-Ryul) 예문동양사상연구원 2007 오늘의 동양사상 Vol.- No.17

        고대 중국인들은 종이를 보편적인 서사재료로 사용하기 전에 거북, 뼈, 청동, 돌, 옥, 나무, 대나무 등과 같이 재질이 단단한 재료나 비단과 같이 부드러운 재료 등 다양한 재료를 서사용으로 사용했다. 물론 그중에는 동아시아 한·중·일 삼국에 보편적으로 보이는 석각이나 중국의 삼국시대 및 위진魏晉시대 목간, 일본 나라奈良시대의 평성궁平城宮 목간, 한국의 경우는 얼마 전 바다 속에서 청자와 함께 발견된 고려시대 목간 등, 종이를 보편적인 서사재료로 사용하기 시작한 후에도 여전히 서사재료로 사용된 것이 있다. 반면 죽간은 종이의 사용과 함께 보편적인 서사재료의 지위에서 물러났다. 이 서사재료들은 문헌자료를 통해서도 그 존재와 쓰임을 어느 정도 알 수 있으나, 지금은 약 1세기 동안의 고고학적 발굴 성과에 의해 상당수의 실물자료를 접할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 ‘보편적인 서사재료’라는 관점에서 보면, 위에 열거한 서사재료들이 결코 동질적인 의미를 가지고 있었던 것은 아니다. 예를 들면 거북, 뼈, 청동, 돌, 옥 등은 서사재료가 갖는 재질의 특성 및 사용 주체, 사용 장소, 사용 목적, 그리고 용도나 내용에 따라 매우 제한적이며 심지어는 독점적으로 사용되고 있었던 것도 있다. 그에 반해 보편적인 서사재료로 사용되었던 것은 ‘서어죽백書於竹帛’이라는 사자성어가 말해 주듯이 죽간과 백서였으며, 목간도 또한 그러한 재료 중의 하나였다. 이 점에서는 3자가 공통적인 의미를 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 죽간이 주로 편철간編綴簡의 형태로 서적이나 기록용으로 사용되었다고 한다면, 목간은 특수한 목적이나 용도에 따라 주로 문서나 단독간單獨簡으로 사용되었다. 이러한 사실로 비추어 볼 때, 양자 사이에는 용도와 기능상 엄밀한 차이가 있다고 해야 할 것이다. Before they began using paper as a universal writing material, the ancient Chinese used a variety of materials for writing, ranging from hard materials such as turtle shell, bone, bronze, stone, jade, wood, and bamboo to soft materials such as silk. Some of these, such as stone, which was used in all three East Asian countries of Korea, China, and Japan, as well as the wooden strips of China's Three Kingdoms, Wei 魏, and Jin 晉 periods, wooden strips from the Heij? 平城 Palace in Japan dating from the Nara 奈良 period, and wooden strips from Korea's Goryeo高麗 period that were recently discovered in the sea together with blue porcelain, continued to be used as writing material even after paper began to be used as a universal writing material. On the other hand, bamboo strips were ousted from their position as a universal writing material with the spread of the use of paper. Although we can apprise ourselves to a certain extent of the existence and use of these writing materials by means of textual sources, it has now become possible to access a considerable number of actual examples of these materials as a result of the findings of archaeological excavations during the past century or so. But when considered from the perspective of universal writing materials, the writing materials listed above did not by any means all have the same significance. For example, the use of turtle shell, bone, bronze, stone, and jade was restricted either on account of their distinctive qualities as writing material or because of the user, the place where they were used, the purpose of their use, the use to which they were put, or the content of what was written, and in extreme cases they were used exclusively by certain people. In contrast, the materials used universally for writing were, as is indicated by the four-character phrase shu yu zhubo 書於竹帛 (to write on bamboo and silk), bamboo strips and silk manuscripts, and wooden strips would also have been one of these materials. In this sense, these three materials could be said to have had a similar significance. But whereas bamboo strips were mainly bound together and used for books and records, wooden strips were used chiefly as documents or in the form of single strips for special purposes and uses. When considered in light of these facts, it must be assumed that there were strict differences between the two in terms of use and function.

      • KCI등재

        팀 오브라이언의 『사랑에 빠진 톰캣』: 미국의 폭력적 전통에 대한 비판

        이승복 ( Yi Seung-bok ) 대한영어영문학회 2008 영어영문학연구 Vol.34 No.1

        Arguably the best writer on Vietnam War, Tim O'Brien deals again with his Vietnam subject in his Tomcat in Love. However, unlike his earlier books focusing on individuals' conflicts in wartime circumstances, his main concern in this book is to reveal and critique American tradition of deep-rooted violence. In doing so, not only does O'Brien trace the origin of American notion of manhood which has been one of the dominant sources throughout his works, but also provide his reader with the alternative to it that proves dangerous. Tracing the origin of violence to the era of founding fathers, O'Brien now furthers his perception to the realm of religion that has strongly shaped American mentality and posed as the absolute authority in American mind. The tendency toward violence differs its appearances in different situations, and one of its various forms is the desire to be a hero and to be recognized as such. When this desire fails, each individual, male or female, is liable to depend on violence to achieve his/her desire. Criticizing such tendency, O'Brien offers feminine values of love, endurance, and embrace as one alternative to such dangerous and limited American manhood. (Sogang University)

      • KCI등재

        종자산업법 제정 이전의 우리나라 종자관리 법령과 제도의 변천

        이승인(Seung-in YI),방문진(Munjin Bang) 한국육종학회 2020 한국육종학회지 Vol.52 No.S

        The history of development of seed management in Korea can be broadly divided into the periods of pre-enlightenment (Joseon Dynasty), enlightenment, Japanese colonial occupation, after liberation, installation of the National Seed Supply Office, and the Seed Industry Act. During the Joseon Dynasty, quite a few agricultural books had been published. With the signing of the Korea-U.S. Trade Treaty in the late 19th century, the Agriculture and Livestock Experimental Station was established, and subsequently many varieties were introduced from the U.S. and tested in the station. The Agricultural Exemplary Testing Station, founded in Suwon by the Japanese Resident General in 1906 as a national agricultural research facility, was a hub in colonial agricultural research and food production. In order to expand agricultural productivity, the Regulations on Subsidization of Rice Seed Production was enacted in 1922. This carried out nation-wide seed production and supply projects, and established a seed multiplication system. After liberation, the seed management system of food crops was enacted under the Major Crop Seed Act (1962). The Agricultural Seeds and Seedlings Act (1962) was enacted for vegetables and other crops, and then the Seedlings Management Act (1973) replaced it. In 1974, the National Seed Supply Office was established as an institution that supplies high quality seeds for food self-sufficiency with support of the FAO and IBRD. Then, by introducing the variety protection system under the Seed Industry Act (1997), Korea was able to reform the national seed management system and prepare an opportunity to join the ranks of developed countries.

      • KCI등재

        희망의 한 풍경으로서 백석의 만주 시편

        이승이(Seung-yi, Lee) 어문연구학회 2010 어문연구 Vol.65 No.-

        Baek seok moved to Manju during the Policy Transformation period (1931-1945). During this period, Manju was an area overwhelming with the sentiments of political, economic, and cultural survival as a colony. For Baek seok, Manju was an area of pioneering and rehabilitation and his move to Manju was an act of searching for new possibilities. This paper aims to examine the implications of Baek seok’s move to Manju as well as to discuss the implications of Baek seok’s Manju poems presented between 1940 and 1941. Specifically, the paper focuses on how Baek seok overcame his disappointment with the Manju he experienced as opposed to the Manju he imagined. This concentration is an extension of the interest of how the multicultural citizens of Manju, who were split among sympathizing with the people of Chosun, the people of Japan, and the people of Manju, overcame the challenges of reality. The answers can be found from the ideas of the purity nature, the mentality of muk, and idle nature that are all expressed in the Manju poems. The appearance of Manju that he described in his poems was the hope that he materialized for the state. As a result, ‘towards Manju’ entails the movement of the tragedy of the colonial Chosun or the tragedy of Baek seok’s life, ‘away from Manju’ which implies freedom from Manju that was a spatial extension of tragedy.

      • KCI등재

        “형(亨)”의 원의

        이승률 ( Seung Ryul Yi ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2014 동방학지 Vol.166 No.-

        ‘亨’은 『설문해자』 및 단옥재의 주석에 의하 면 ‘향’의 篆文이며, 전래문헌에서는 ①享祀, ② 歆饗, ③進貢, ④饗宴의 네 가지 의미로 사용된 다. 『주역』 괘효사에서는 그 중 ①~③의 세 가 지 의미로 사용되고 있다. 그런데 현행본을 보면 ①의 경우는 ‘亨’이나 ‘享’을 쓰고 ②ㆍ③의 경우 는 ‘亨’을 쓴다. 상황이 이렇다 보니 ‘亨’의 원의 가 무엇인지 정확히 알 수 없었다. 그런데 ‘亨’은 선진시대에서 전한초기까지만 해도 우리가 알 고 있었던 것과는 다른 문자가 사용되고 있었다. 먼저 전국시대 텍스트인 상박본의 경우는 ①의 의미로는 ‘향’을 쓰지만, ② 즉 ‘元亨利貞’의 ‘亨’ 의 의미로는 ‘卿’을 쓴다. 전한초기 텍스트인 마 왕퇴본의 경우는 ①ㆍ③의 의미로는 ‘芳’을 쓰지 만, ②의 의미로는 ‘亨’이나 ‘享’을 쓴다. 마왕퇴 본과 비슷한 시기의 텍스트인 부양본의 경우는 ①ㆍ②구분 없이 ‘亨’을 쓴다. 이를 통해 상박본 에서 마왕퇴본 단계까지는 의미에 따라 문자 사 용법이 달랐지만, 부양본 이후 현행본 단계에 와 서는 ‘亨’이나 ‘享’으로 문자가 통일되었다는 것 을 알 수 있다. ①ㆍ③은 『주역』에서 용례가 매 우 적고 의미도 특별히 문제될 것은 없다. 문제 는 ②이다. ②는 지금까지는 ‘형통하다’로 해석 되어 왔지만, 상박본에서 ‘卿’자를 쓰고 있는 이 상 그렇게 해석할 수는 없다. ‘卿’은 옛 초나라 지역에서 출토된 『日書』에 의하면 ‘饗’의 假借字 이고 ‘흠향하다’를 의미한다. 그렇다면 『주역』에 서 ‘亨’의 원의는 제물을 올려 제사 지내려고 할 때 그 제사를 신령이 흠향할 것인지 결정해 주 는 용어였다는 것을 알 수 있다. 제물을 바쳐 올 린 제사를 신령이 흠향한다는 것은 생자의 진심 이 제물을 매개로 신령에게 통하여 신령이 생자 에게 복을 내려준다는 것을 의미한다. 이것은 다 른 말로 ‘신과의 영적 소통’이라고 할 수 있다. 이렇게 보면 ‘亨’의 ‘통하다’라는 의미는 ‘생자의 진심이 통하여 신령이 제사를 흠향하다’라는 의 미에서 파생된 것이 아닌가 추측된다. 후대에는 이러한 종교적 의미가 사라지고 철학적 의미나 일반적 의미가 부여됨으로서, 다양하면서도 풍 부한 해석의 가능성이 열리게 되었다. According to the annotation of Duanyucai (段玉裁) from 『Shuowenjiezi (說文 解字)『, Heng is the Zhuanwen (篆文) of the Heng (향), and is utilized to express four different meanings in literature: ① Ritual, ② Sacrifice, ③ Tribute, and ④ Feast. In the 『Zhouyi(周易)『 Hexagram and Line Statements, Heng is used for meanings ① and ③. However, in general editions the meaning of ① is expressed with Heng (亨) or Xiang (享) whereas the meaning of ② and ③ uses Heng (亨). Therefore, the original meaning of Heng is vague. The meaning of Heng was expressed with a completely different letter from the Pre-Qin Dynasty to the beginning of the former Han Dynasty. The Shangbo Zhouyi (上博本: the Chu bamboo slips Zhouyi collected in the Shanghai Museum), a text from the age of the civil wars, uses Heng (향) in the meaning of ①, whereas in Yuan Heng Li Zhen (元亨利貞), Heng is expressed as Qing (卿). Mawangdui Zhouyi (馬王堆本: the Silk Manuscript Zhouyi excavated at Mawangdui), a text from the early period of the former Han Dynasty, uses Fang (芳) in the meanings of ①ㆍ③, whereas Heng (亨) or Xiang (享) are used to express ②. Fuyang Zhouyi (阜陽本: the Han bamboo slips Zhouyi excavated at Fuyang), a text published around the same time as the Mawangdui, uses Heng (亨) for ① or ② without classification. Although the use of these letters varied depending on the meaning up to the time of the early edition of Mawangdui, in the present era the meaning has been uniformized into the use of either ‘Heng’ or ‘Xiang’. The meanings of ① and ③ in the Zhouyi are very much limited and do not suggest any different implications. However, the meaning of ② creates much controversy; although it has been interpreted as ‘being successful’, this meaning cannot be applied, considering that the letter ‘Qing’ had been used in earlier editions. Qing, according to the 『Rishu (日書)『 (Day Book) excavated in the ancient Chu region, is the Jiajie Zi (假借字) of Xiang (饗) and signifies ‘sacrifice acceptance by spirits’. Therefore, the original meaning of Heng in the Zhouyi was significant in deciding whether the spirit would accept the sacrifice. The phenomenon of the spirit accepting the sacrifice implied that the living would receive praise and good fortune, which can also be interpreted as a ‘spiritual communion with spirits’. Therefore, the meaning of ‘understanding’ from the letter Heng is presumed to come from the meaning of ‘the spirit accepts sacrifice provided by the living with the utmost sincerity’. The religious meaning has been replaced with philosophical and general meanings in the present period, leading to the possibility of diverse interpretations.

      • KCI등재

        ≷荀子≸「天論」편의 天人分離論 연구

        이승률(Yi, Seung-Ryul) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2011 동방학지 Vol.156 No.-

        ≷荀子≸「天論」편의 天人論은 ≷論語≸ 나 ≷孟子≸와 같은 그 이전의 儒家 사상과는 달리 ‘天人之分’, 즉 天人分離 論을 주장하고 있는 점에서 매우 독특한 사상으로 간주되어 왔다. 그런데 이러한 「천론」편에 대한 선행 연구의 가장 큰 문제는 다음의 두 가지 점에 있다. 첫째는 ‘천인지분’이라고 할 때의 ‘天’(tian)에 대해서는 nature로서의 자연이라는 매우 한정된 의미로 이해 하고, ‘人’(ren)에 대해서는 자연과 대립되는 인간이나 규범이나 인위 정도로 이해하고 있는 점이다. 그러나 「천 론」편에서 ‘천’은 자연계ㆍ인간계ㆍ종 교계를 포괄하는 전체 영역에서 인간이 작위를 가할 수 없거나 가해서도 안되는 것을 의미하고, ‘인’은 그와는 반대로 작위를 가할 수 있거나 가해야 하는 것을 의미한다. 둘째는 ≷순자≸의 천인론은 완전 분리가 아니라 합일이나 통합을 지향한다는 견해가 큰 주류를 형성하고 있는 점이다. 그러나 이러한 견해는 대개의 경우 ≷순자≸에 보이는 ‘천’과 관련된 여러 개념들에 대한 해석의 차이에서 비롯된 것으로, 천인분 리론은 ≷순자≸ 전 편에 걸쳐 일관되어 있다. 이러한 순자의 천인분리론은 道 家의 천인분리 사상의 사고패턴에서 유래하는 것으로, 순자는 그 사고패턴을 거의 그대로 이용하면서 철저한 분리를 주장하였다. 그러나 순자는 도가 가 종래에 ‘인’을 부정하거나 경시했던 것과는 달리, ‘인’에 새로운 의의를 부여함으로써 ‘천ㆍ지’와 동등한 ‘거대한 聖人像’을 수립했는데, 그것이 바로 ‘參’=‘三才’ 사상이다. 순자가 천인분 리론과 함께 ‘참’=‘삼재’ 사상을 주장한 궁극적인 목적은 ‘예’의 확립에 있으며, 그것은 墨家의 유가 비판이나 도가의 인위 비판과 같은 외부의 충격과 그에 대한 유가 내부의 위기의식에서 기인하는 것이다. The theory of “tian” and “ren” in the ≷Xun Zi≸「Tianlun」 is different from Confucianism as related in the analects of Confucius and Mencius. It has been considered a peculiar theory in the sense that it focuses on the “distinction between ‘tian’ and ‘ren’” (天人之分). However, there lie two main problems concerning the advanced research of this 「Tianlun」. When referring to the “tian” in the “distinction between ‘tian’ and ‘ren,’” its meaning is very limited in terms of nature, and the “ren” is also limited in definition as an opposing force of nature, such as the human sphere or standards. However, in the 「Tianlun」, “tian” refers to a force in the natural, terrestrial, and religious world where no human beings can and should not conduct artificial acts. On the other hand, “ren” refers to something that is open to artificial acts. The second problem is that the majority of views involving the theory of “tian” and “ren” in the ≷Xun Zi≸ aims toward unity and consolidation instead of absolute distinction. However, these perspectives come from the misinterpretation of the related terms “tian” in the ≷Xun Zi≸, as the theory of a distinction between “tian” and “ren” is consistent throughout all volumes of Xun Zi. The theory of “tian” and “ren” in the Xun Zi derives from the distinction between the “tian” and “ren” ideologies of Taoism, and Xun Zi uses such ways of thinking in proposing an absolute distinction. However, while Taoism denies or disdains “ren,” Xun Zi offers new meaning into the term and establishes a saint form (聖人像) that is equal to the “heaven and earth,” which is the “can” (參: equivalent) = “sancai” (三才: heaven/earth/human beings) theory. The reason why Xun Zi states the “can” theory along with the theory of a distinction between “tian” and “ren” is to establish “ritual” (禮). The term comes from a consciousness of crisis from Confucianism, which is related to the outward effects from Mohism, which criticizes Confucianism, and Taoism, which criticizes artificial acts.

      • KCI등재

        ‘道’의 인식 * : 地下의 서적과 紙上의 서적을 통해 본 ≷老子≸ 철학의 형성과 전개 Ⅱ

        이승률(Yi, Seung-Ryul) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2012 동방학지 Vol.160 No.-

        철학의 형성과 전개라는 관점에서 보면, ≷노자≸는 전국시대의 곽점본에서 한대의 마왕퇴본을 거쳐 현행본의 단계에 이르는 수백 년 동안 철학사상에 근본적인 변화를 겪었다. 본고에서는 ‘도’의 인식이라는 관점에서 이 문제를 고찰했는데, 도의 인식에서도 변화의 양상이 포착된다. 먼저 곽점본에 서는 도는 인간의 감각으로는 인식할 수 없기 때문에 감각에 의한 지각 작용은 물론 언어에 의한 지적 사유 작용을 모두 봉쇄해야 한다고 하고, 그렇게 함으로써 감각과 사유에 의하여 분절되기 이전의 만물제동의 세계와 일체화 하게 된다고 한다. 그런 의미에서 곽점 본의 인식론은 일종의 신비주의나 신비주의적 직관인식이라고 할 수 있다. 그러던 것이 마왕퇴본과 현행본의 단계에 이르게 되면, 감각을 이용하여 도를 파악하는 것을 긍정하는 쪽으로 변화하게 된다. 이와 같이 변화하게 된데에는 존재론에서의 변화, 즉 도가 만물로부터 초월해 있다는 인식에서 도가 만물에 내재하고 편재해 있다는 인식으로 바뀌게 된 것과 깊은 관련이 있다. 그런 의미에서 마왕퇴본과 현행본 에서의 인식론은 감각적 경험과 신비 주의적 직관인식을 동시에 인정하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. ≷노자≸ 내에서 도에 대한 인식이 이와 같이 전환하게 된 데에는, 도는 마음의 수양을 통하여 파악할 수 있다고 하는 ≷순자≸나, 감각 으로 파악할 수 있다고 하는 ≷범물류 형≸과 같은 문헌으로부터 직간접적인 영향을 받았을 것으로 추측된다. 그리고 도의 인식론에서의 이러한 변화와 전개는 도는 특별한 능력을 지닌 사람이 아니면 알고 실천하기 어려운 것이 라는 인식에서, 도는 누구라도 마음만 먹으면 알고 실천하기 쉬운 것이라는 인식으로 전환하게 되는 계기를 마련해 주었다. From a perspective of the establishment and development of philosophy, the transformation stage of Laozi (老子) starting from the stage of Guodian (郭店) Laozi during the Age of Wars to the Mawangdui (馬王堆) Laozi in the Han (漢) dynasty, to the current text stage over several centuries has brought fundamental changes in philosophical ideas. This study will examine this issue in the perspective of the epistemological analysis of Dao, where changes also exist in such recognition. In the Guodian Laozi, it is stated that Dao cannot be recognized with human senses; therefore, the effects of recognition as well as all intellectual perceptions of language must be blocked. Thus, the perception becomes unified with the world of Wanwu qi tong (萬物齊同: the thought of all things being the same), a world in the preliminary stage before being segmented with senses and reasons. Seen from this perspective, the epistemology of Guodian Laozi can be defined as a type of mysticism or a mystical intuitive cognition. This concept changes into one that uses senses in order to understand Dao during the stage of Mawangdui Laozi and current text.This transformation is deeply related to the changes in ontology, which alters from the perception that Dao transcends all universal matters to the perception that Dao is immanent in all things. Therefore, the epistemology in the Mawangdui Laozi and current text acknowledges both sensual experiences and mystical intuitive cognition. It is assumed that the reasons behind changes in the recognition of Dao within Laozi has been influenced both directly and indirectly by works such as Xunzi (荀子) which suggests that Dao can be understood through mind meditation, and the Fan wu liu xing (凡 物流形) which asserts that Dao can be understood through senses. Such changes and development concerning the recognition of Dao has lead to the conceptual changes, which has transformed from the perception of Dao being a difficult concept to practice and only open to those with special capabilities, to one that asserts Dao being a concept that everyone can practice by putting their mind to it.

      • KCI등재

        `PBL-체험`을 활용한 시 창작교육 방안

        이승이 ( Lee Seung-yi ) 현대문학이론학회 2017 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.70

        본고는 학습자가 시 창작교육의 중심에 서지 못함으로써 개인적 지식을 습득하는데 실패하고, 그로 인해 시 교육과 시 생활이 분리되어 평생 독자로 성장할 수 없게 된 문제로부터 출발하였다. 그리고 평생 독자로서 문학을 생활화하기 위해 학습자 체험중심의 실제 활동을 토대로 `述로서의 창작`을 넓혀 `作으로서의 창작`을 위해 어떻게 하면 지식을 잘 가르칠 수 있을지를 고민해 보았다. 이를 위해 본고는 PBL과 체험의 중층구조에 대한 아이디어를 꾀하여 이를 토대로 `PBL-체험` 교수·학습 모형을 시 창작교육에 적용할 수 있을지 검토한 결과, 학습자의 체험이 암묵적 지식의 내면화를 돕고 개인적 지식을 강화, 다시 암묵적 지식으로 차연되도록 하는 데서 그 가능성을 찾을 수 있었다. 시 창작교육에서 `PBL-체험`의 특성은 `활동의 활동`으로 요약된다. 전자의 활동은 지식의 발견으로 인한 암묵적 지식을, 후자의 활동은 암묵적 지식을 방법적 지식으로 적용하여 개인적 지식을 습득하도록 만든다. 학습자의 내면화를 통해서만 습득되는 이들 지식은 지식과 인식 주체의 통합을 통해 모든 지식이 개인의 인격적 측면에 의존 할 수밖에 없음을 보여줌으로써 인식 주체로서 학습자의 참여에 주목하도록 만든다. 또 `~으로부터 ~으로` 전이되는 이들 지식은 외부 세계의 지식과 인식 주체의 암묵적 지식의 결합을 보여줌으로써 학습자에게 내면화된 암묵적 지식이 새로운 상황 속에서 어떻게 재구성되어 확장되는지에 관심 갖도록 만든다. 즉 학습자는 PBL 활동을 통해 얻은 암묵적 지식을 시 창작 체험 활동에 적용함으로써 개인적 지식으로 강화하거나 재구성하여 확장하게 된다. 미래 사회는 다양한 지식을 단지 기억만하고 있는 것이 아니라 그것을 융·복합하여 새로운 문제적 상황에 능동적이고 창의적으로 대처할 수 있는 능력을 요구한다. 시 창작교육 또한 지식의 습득을 넘어 현상을 이해하고 설명하거나 구체적인 문제해결 과정에서 자신이 갖고 있는 자원을 동원하고 사용할 수 있는 능력을 습득하는데 그 목표를 두어야 한다. 본고의 `PBL-체험`을 활용한 시 창작교육 방안은 학습과정이 창작과정이고 창작과정이 학습과정으로, 창작과정 자체가 지식을 구성하는 학습과정의 의미를 지님으로써 미래 사회가 요구하는 창의융합형 인재 양성 기획으로 충분히 의의가 있을 것으로 기대된다 This paper is rooted from a problem of which learners fail to acquire personal knowledge because the creation of poetry education does not focus on them. As a result it separates the education of writing poems and learners` actual living and even prevents them from growing into lifetime readers. In order to make literature a way of life, as a lifetime reader, a consideration was made to deliver knowledge by `starting from writing poetry so as to creation of poetry` based on the learners` experience of actual activity. For such an objective, this paper took the idea of dual structure of PBL and experience as a basis for model of `PBL-experience` teaching·learning, and reviewed how it can be applied to creation of poetry education. After reviewing the model, the result indicated a possibility that leaners` experience could facilitate internalization of tacit knowledge, strengthening of personal knowledge and differentiation of tacit knowledge. In creation of poetry education, the characteristic of `PBL-experience` can be summarized as `activity of activity.` The former activity refers to the tacit knowledge formed through discovery of knowledge and the latter activity involves using the tacit knowledge as knowledge of means to make it into personal knowledge. Such knowledge which only can be obtained through learners` internalization focuses on learners` participation as a cognitive subject by showing that all knowledge relies on one`s personal sides through integration of knowledge and cognitive subject. Also, such knowledge which are transferred from one type of knowledge to another brings learners` attention towards how the internalized tacit knowledge can be expanded through reorganization in a new situation by showing integration of knowledge of external world and cognitive subject`s tacit knowledge. Therefore, by applying the tacit knowledge obtained through PBL activity to creation of poetry activity, learners strengthen or reorganize such knowledge into their personal knowledge. Future society does not demand only ability to memorize various knowledge but also ability to fuse such knowledge to actively and creatively handle new problematic situation. Creation of poetry education should also make objective to understand and explain phenomenon, and to obtain ability to use and employ one`s resource in the process of specific problem solving beyond acquiring knowledge. The plan for creation of poetry education utilizing `PBL-experience` in this paper implies that learning process itself is a creating process and creating process itself is a learning process as well. Therefore, this paper is expected to have significance as a fostering plan for creative talented individuals in the future by including process of creating poems has a meaning of the learning process that composes knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        민족 해방에 대한 열망과 탈식민·탈주체로서의 저항문학

        이승이(Seung-yi, Lee) 어문연구학회 2010 어문연구 Vol.63 No.-

        North Korea has established nationalliteratures based on anti imperialism and semi-feudalism, and the socialistic literatures on which North Korean literatures have put emphasis. In 1960s, however North Korea went through the hardships, internal colonization age when Kim ii-sung was idolized. At that time the field of North Korean literatures was in a transition period marked by moving on to the literary world for admiring Kim iI-sung Juche ideology widely. The North Korean literary circles have strived hard to make revolutionary literatures for anti-Japanese movements the North Korean traditional literatures. Eventually, having been at the center of the tradition of KAPF(Korea Artista Proleta Federatio) literatures, Han seol-ya was degraded to an intellectual who lived under the Japanese colonial rule. A tense atmosphere could be felt on the relationships between the author’s view on 'An ethnic community' and ‘national literatures’ and the view from the ruling communist party, The ruling communist party intended to make revolutionary literatures for anti-Japanese movements the only tradition of North Korean literatures and tried to make the belief that anti-Japanese revolution fight was at the core of history of them This research has the primary goal to analysis The father and the son. a sequel to the The history that was serialized in 1lαlOOn Literature from April to August in 1953. It is found that the author was believed to reflect the spirit of the age in The history. Later, however she had a misfortune to be considered as an outcast who went against the current of the times in The father and the son, even though The father and the son was the continuation of The history. Even though The history marked by decolonization of the Korean peninsula and The father and the son characterized by shedding Juche Ideology of militant nationalism have their own characteristics, they were seriously affected by the trend of the times based on the society and politics. This resulted in the case that two novels written by the same author did not receive comparable reviews: one was highly praised but the other was undervalued depending on the phase of the times. The father and the son written at the end of her career reveals the aspiration for national liberation and the urgent crisis of the author who is at the marginal groups in the field of literatures In conclusion, the r∞t of works written by Han seol-ya lies at the liberation of the oppressed nation. It is the resistance literature as decolonization and shedding Juche Ideology of militant nationalism that the author tried to pursue.

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