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        암성동통에 대한 척추강내 페놀-글리세린 주입요법

        이수자,김인현,최영인 대한마취과학회 1979 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.12 No.3

        To a patient suffering from intractable pain due to the terminal state of cervix cancer, 7% phenol-glycerine solution was injected through the L₂-L₃interspace. We obtained a good result of pain relief, but motor paralysis developed.

      • KCI등재

        韓國零細製造業部門의 性別勞動分業硏究 : 평화시장 의류봉제 공장의 사례를 중심으로 With emphasis on the case study of clothing workshops in the Pyongwha Market in Seoul

        李秀子 이화여대 한국여성연구소 1984 여성학논집 Vol.1 No.-

        This study at grasping the decision factors of the sexual division of labour theoretically and examining how these factors act under the present employment structure in the sector of petty manufacturing industry in Korea. The methods utilized for this study are participant observation and in-depth interview which are part of anthropological approaches. For this survey, a shirt maker and a children's clothing maker were selected among small clothing workshops in the Pyongwha Market in Seoul. The chapter of the case study, in this thesis puts emphasis on examining the socio-economic status of women workers employed in these workshops and their sexual division of labour in the context of employment structure in Korea. The conclusions attained through this survey and study can be summarized as follows: First, owing to their marginalized social [position, women workers of the Pyongwha Market could find their jobs only in this petty manufacturing industry. Second, under the present employment structure in which the Principle of the established sexual division of labour is deep-rooted, women workers have to be content to be mere low-wage earners and lower class labourers: hence, it is not going too far to say that they always work at a subordinate position in the hierarchy of labour. Third, the owners of the "sweatshops" accaccumulate their capital by taking advantage of women labourer's low wages which excludes the concept of family wage. To sum up, the decision factors of the sexual division of labour can be understood in general as lying in the patriarchal system and capitalist production relations, and it can be said, in the case of Korea, that the marginalization of working class resulting from the process of the industrialization has pushed women labourers into a more marginalized situation. Since, the existing discussions on the sexual division of labour are not well organized and analyzed as yet, the case study of this thesis naturally encountered some difficulties to locate proper analyses to be adopted for this study. Therefore, more advanced and profound research/survey must be made on this subject in the future.

      • 사이버공간에서 분절화되는 젠더 정체성과 몸개념

        이수자 성신여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2003 여성연구논총 Vol.4 No.-

        This study is focused on the gender identity and the concept of body in the cyberspace, which are articulated in a very overapped form as the feminist theory goes. With the development of information's technology there are many cases, in which gender identity is no longer fixed, sondern in a very fluid situation under postmodern society. In this study it is analysed, how it is possible cyborg as a corporeal body to exist; is the theory of Haraway still validity, which denote the positive prospect of cyborg in the feminist perspective, especially in the society of multimedia; how is it understood, which relation has the gender identity with the body, if the body lose it's original rols as a mark of gender identity in the cyberspace. In order to find the answers of these questions, it has been examined with some themes, just like the variety of gender identity in the multimedia; the self-identity in the postmodern society; the meaning of cyborg and the articulation of the concept of body; the nomadic subject as a cyborg; cyber-eroticism and the articulation of the concept of the body; gender as a maskerade; genderswapping as a starting moment of reflection of gender; and direction of the gender discussion in the multidemia circunstance as the last step of this analysis. It is very interesting to follow the trace of the gender identity and the body in the cyberspace, which are vanishing, or at least losing their original corporealities.

      • KCI등재

        지구화와 이주과정에서 발현되는 문화혼성성 - 재독 한인여성과 재한 외국인여성의 문화적응 비교분석을 중심으로 -

        이수자 한독사회과학회 2006 한독사회과학논총 Vol.16 No.2

        지구화가 전개되면서 노동력의 전지구적 이동이 가속화되고 있다. 노동력의 이동은 결국 사람이 이동하는 것이기 때문에 이 과정에서 필연적으로 문화 접변이 이루어진다. 이 연구에서는 한국의 산업화 과정에서 시작된 인력 송출로 독일로 파견되어 지금까지 거주하고 있는 재독 한인여성들과 한국으로 유입된 외국인 이주여성들이 각기 이주민으로서 타문화에 적응하면서 나타내는 문화혼성성의 양상을 비교 분석하였다. 문화혼성성은 이주민이 떠나온 사회의 문화적 배경, 산업화의 정도에 따라서 다르게 나타나고, 더욱이 이주의 목적과 방식에 따라서 이러한 문화적 차이는 이주한 사회로의 수용에 커다란 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이주한 사회 - 이 연구에서는 독일과 한국 사회 - 의 관용성과 타문화에 대한 탄력적 태도가 얼마나 형성되어 있느냐에 따라 이주민의 문화혼성성의 정도도 다르게 나타난다. 또한 재한 외국인여성의 경우 국제결혼을 통해 여성의 이주가 흔히 결혼이나 가족 형성의 결과를 가져오고 그 과정에서 문화적응이 한쪽 문화의 일방적인 수용으로 나타날 때 이주 여성의 타자성이 극복되지 못하는 결과를 보이고 있다. 이는 재독 한인여성이 독일 남성과 오랜 결혼생활을 하면서도 주체적 삶을 영위하는 것과는 대조적이다. 이 연구를 통해 그동안 지구화가 필연적으로 가지고 온 문화혼성성 사회가 진정으로 여러 문화가 어울려 문화자원이 풍부한 문화다양성 사회로 발전하려면, 이주해온 사람들의 타자성이 극복되고 일상적 차원의 다양한 문화가 조화를 이루어야 할 것이며 이러한 사회에서 진정한 문화의 힘이 발휘된다는 결론에 도달하였다. 이 연구는 이러한 결과를 기초로 하여 다문화 사회로 나가는데 있어 사회적으로 더 많은 성찰의 과정에 대한 필요성이 제고되고 이를 정책적으로 반영할 수 있게 되기를 바라면서 기획되고 수행되었다.

      • 디지털 정보문화 사회와 여성주류화 전망

        이수자 성신여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2002 여성연구논총 Vol.3 No.-

        Recently it is no more rare to access to the discourse that we live in the information-based or knowledge-based society. According to sociologist Daniel Bell, 'knowledge-based society' is to be defined as the society in which knowledge or information holds the predominant position in the process of social development, and such society is characterized with the encoding of knowledge which plays the abstract system of symbol by explaining the experiences of diverse categories'. It is acceptable to define korean society as the digital information-culture society. In this meaning it is quite within the realms of possiblity to give the name of information-culture society to korean society. Common properties of digital culture are characterized as diversity, multiplicity and hypermediacy which overlape on the characteristics of feminist culture in the context of french feminism. For example the feminist cultural theory by Luce Irigary has the empasis on the multiplicity of female body which makes development toward the traiblazing cultural theory based on corporeality. In addition to this view it is to say that 21th century is the time of 3Fs - Female, Fiction and Feeling. With the regard on this aspect the concept of gender mainstreaming can be placed on the center of this century. Gender mainstreaming means that women are regarded as the core members of society in which the social policies be employed and carried out. As above mentioned, the conditions of gender mainstreaming in the digital information-culture society seem to be filled up. Its concrete phenomena are found in the apperance of feminist web-zine, for example, Walzang or Dalttal and feminist cultural group Salluju, and the mentoring in Women-net. In the future many digital communities can appear and especially young feminists are expected to develope with the activities of various groups and forms of feminism in the digital era.

      • KCI등재
      • 후기근대사회의 여성주체와 몸의 정치학

        이수자 성신여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2001 여성연구논총 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore the dynamic of corporeality and feminist subject in the context of modernity, especially in the condition of technological development. The corporeality is important to explain the historical and social interaction between body, sexuality and labour. In the discourse of construction of feminist subject which is extended recently in the women's studies, these three concepts were regarded as the most important variables. But in the late modern society, in which technology and multimedia have influence on the self-identities of the member of society, the concept of desire should be added to the categories of the analysis of feminist subject construction. In order to analyze these points I use the theory of desire which Deleuze and Guattari have developed. The terms they use, for example desiring machine, rhizome, nomadic subject are valuable to analyze the construction of feminist subject in the context of post-modernism. The studies of Arendt and Mies are examined with the focus on the corporeality, specially in the relation of modern meaning of labour and body. Irigaray and Grosz proffer the methodology of genealogy for the understanding of women's corporeality. As caraway suggests, the discourse of cyborg in regarding to desire is also useful to understand the transformation of paradigm of body and it's corporeality, while the performance of the labour and the body disappear slowly with the development of digital technology. It is necessary to analyze in my future studies, how korean young women the virtual reality realize and in what form of identity they will have,

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