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        이수지 그림책 주인공 유아의 놀이 경험 탐색

        이수,이찬숙 한국영유아교원교육학회 2024 유아교육학논집 Vol.28 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 이수지 그림책에 나타난 주인공 유아의 놀이 경험을 탐색하는 것이다. 연구대상그림책은 그림자 놀이, 파도야 놀자, 거울 속으로, 동물원의 네 작품을 선정하였고, 연구기간은 2023년 6월부터 2024년 5월까지 약 12개월 동안 진행하였다. 연구 방법은 놀이관찰과 감성공학방법론을 적용하여 그림책의 내용과 색채를 질적 분석하였다. 연구 결과 첫째, 이수지 그림책 속 주인공 유아는 놀이의 시작에서 현실세계 속 사물과 자발적 관계를 맺고, 놀이전개와 확장 단계에서 놀이를재구성하였다. 유아는 놀이 행위 주체자이며, 놀이 종결 이후에도 놀이의 영향력은 주인공 유아의 현실세계에 남았다. 둘째, 이수지 그림책은 현실세계와 유아의 놀이세계를 색으로 구분하며, 각 세계에 따라색채를 설명하는 감성언어가 다르게 나타났다. 연구 결과의 의미는 유아의 놀이세계에 대한 해석이 그림책이라는 놀이 매체로 확대될 수 있다는 것에 있다. 또한 본 연구는 부모와 교사들에게 그림책과 유아의 놀이세계를 더 깊이 이해할 수 있도록 정보를 제공하는 시사점이 있다. This study explored the meaning of play for the protagonist children in Suzy Lee’s picture books. The selected books were Shadow, Wave, Mirror, and The Zoo, and the research period was approximately 12 months, from June 2023 to May 2024. The research method qualitatively analyzed the content and colors of picture books by applying play observation and emotional engineering. First, the protagonist children in Suzy Lee’s picture book establish voluntary relationships with real-world objects at the beginning of the play. This inevitably leads to the development and expansion of the play, and the process of play reconstruction becomes evident. The protagonist in the play world, the children, is the actant of the play. Even after the end of the play, the influence of play remains in the children’s real world. Second, Lee’s picture book is divided into the real world and playworld, and the emotional language that explains colors differs depending on the world. The significance of this study is that the interpretation of children’s play worlds can be expanded to include picture books as a play medium. Additionally, this study provides insights for parents and teachers to help them understand picture books and children’s playworlds more deeply.

      • 組織變動의 巨視的 分析

        李壽陶 경북대학교 교육대학원 1984 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        Organizations are continually changing although they often appear resitantly to change, they are frequently transformed into forms remarkably different from the original. Organizational change may accure in different way: ⑴ initial endogenous change (micro approach) may take place when the changing process is gradual and not required (e.g. organization charges in the behavioral patterns of its employees) and/or ⑵ exogenous change (macro approach) may take places later in the process or when the process is required (e.g. organization changes in the way an organization adapts to its external environment). So, the purpose of this paper has been to analysis the organizational changing model and relationship associated with it. In this paper, I described five models of the organizational growth process: the Lippitt-Schmidt model, The Coffey model, the Scott model, the Greiner model, and the Weinshall-Raveh model. Each was are an attempt to deal with the basic changes in structures that are necessary as organizations grow and must develop new strategies for caping with the changing demands of their task environment. The fourth part of this paper was devoted to discussion of organizational size. In particular, the relationship between size and various dimensions of structure and what was been termed administrative intensity was examined.

      • 조직유효성과 조직개발

        李壽陶 慶北大學校 師範大學 1986 敎育硏究誌 Vol.28 No.-

        This paper has examined two of most complex and controversial topics in-organizational theory: organizational effectiveness and development. Both of these problems relate to the performance of the organizational system. Early organizational theorists defined effectiveness as the meeting or surpassing of organizational goals. Barnard, for example, viewed effectiveness in terms of goal attainment. When a specific desired end is attained we shall say that the action is effective. This perspective has been labeled the goal model approach to the study of organizational effectiveness, since it is a view of organizations as principally concerned with the attainment of certain end products or goals. More recently, however, a second view of organizational effectiveness has emerged. This is an approach to organizations as social systems operating in. environments of scarce resources. Incorporating an open-systems view point, the so-called resource system model approach defines effectiveness as the degree to which an organization is successful in acquiring and utilizing scarce and valued resources. As indicated above the purpose of this paper is to explore the nature and measurement of organizational effectiveness and is to examine relationship between organizational effectiveness and development. Organizational development efforts are generally directed toward two ends: (1) improvement in an organization's effectiveness and (2) improvement in the satisfaction of its members. A major value issue underlying these objectives is that they can best be attained by humanizing organizations and encouraging the personal growth of people. In doing so, it beeames obivous that organizational effectiveness and development are not a simple issue because evaluating the performance of an organization is one of the greatest challenges in organization theory.

      • KCI등재
      • 조직변화와 조직개발

        李壽陶 경북대학교 교육대학원 1989 논문집 Vol.21 No.-

        Organization change and development are complex process which we have presented in a somewhat simplified model. The focus of such change is the change that occurs in macro and micro environment. The Organization attemps to adapt and to influence these changes, and, in the course of doing so, modifies its internal structure and processes. Oftentimes the change is a response of the organization to extend the growth and the stability periods of its life cycle. Although organizational analysts now are turning to an analysis of phenamema such as the organizational life cycle, we have not yet developed the tools to diagnose exactly where an organization is in the cycle at a particular point in time. Organizations are not easily categoriged by such labels as "childhood", "adolescence", and so on. The laws of social systems are not the same as those of biological systems. This paper argues that organization have three interelated cycles. These cycles are not based on maturational processes but on the dynamics of social systems surviving and making adjustments in various contexts. Orgamization must make cyclical adjustments over time. These adjustments come about as the organization attempts to resolve three basic ongoing dilemmas. The first dilemma is the technical design problem. The second is the political allocation problem or, in other words, the problem of allocation power and resources. the third is the ideological and cultural mix problem. Because organizations are dynamic and always undergoing shifts and changes, none of these problems is ever resolved-they are ongoing dilemmas. Regardless of the tactic taken, the organization must try to be certain things to maintain, improve and renew itself. This strategy of renewal is called organization development. Under O. D. organizations examine their goals, work systems, strategies, policies, and intergroup and intergroup behavior, and structure.

      • KCI등재
      • 組織開發을 위한 組織診斷技法

        李壽陶,李和旭 경북대학교 산업기술연구소 1987 産業技術硏究誌 Vol.14 No.-

        Organizations are never completely static. They are in continuous interaction with external forces. Changing consumer attitudes, new legislation, and technological breakthroughs all act on the organization to cause it to change. The degree of change may vary from one organization to another, but all face the need for adaptation to external forces. Many of these changes are forced upon the organization, whereas others are generated internally. Organization development is aimed not only at improving the Organization's effectiveness but also at enhancing the development of organization members. The field of Organization development in hierarchical systems typically involves the study of elements such as the change agent, the change process, strategies of planned change, and the introduction of planned change into an organization. The purpose of this study is to present a comprehensive theoretical framework or model for the analysis of diagnosis organization problem. Diagnosis is a systematic approach to understanding and describing the present state of the organization. The purpose of the diagnostic phase is to specify the nature of the exact problem requiring solution, to identify the underlying causal forces, and to provide a basis for selecting effective change strategies and techniques. This study has researched basic conception progress and other factors of diagnosis through the analysis of the pressure in changeable situation and resistant factors. In addition, the diagnostic process and some factors in making a diagnosis are to present sound diagnosis. Several diagnostic models have been described: (1) The Analytical Model. (2) The Emergent-Group Behavior Model. (3) The Sociotechnical Systems Model. (4) The Process Model. (5) The Force-Field Analysis Model. These models may be used by the change agent to facilitate the analysis of client system problems. And in order to support the theoretical study, the simulation of organization diagnosis is presented. The diagnosis is the method of progressing the organization development effectively, so different types of the diagnosis Models can be used according to the problem situation. And it can be expected that the organization according to the organization diagnosis will make three effects as the followings : (1) It removes the biases in solving the problems. (2) The comprehensive and thorough diagnosis makes the possibility of liquidation at the maximum. (3) The management can think the organization comprehensively and can manage it more scientifically by the comprehensive diagnosis.

      • 조직풍토의 시스템모델

        李壽陶 경북대학교 교육대학원 1990 논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        Each organizational has its own unique set of characteristics and properties which have a strong influence on the organizational behavior. Several characteristics of organizational structure tend to have a pervasive influence on the organizational climate and organizational culture in this sense and build a system model of organizational climate. Organizational climate and organizational culture are two terms that have been used to describe these characteristics of organizations and their subunit. Climate typically refers to characteristics that describe the differences between organizations and include such variables as managerial values, leadership style, economic conditions, unionization, organizational size, and nature of the work. Organizational surveys are often used as a means of measuring organizational climate. Organizational culture refers to the values, beliefs and attitudes of members within an organization. These characteristics define the organization and are typically very stable, enduring, and difficult either to define or to evaluate. Organizational culture is reflected in the ceremonies, stories, symbols, and language of the employees. For the study of organizational climate or culture, systematic research is necessary on the theoretical as well as on the methodological front. Theoretically, it is necessary to experiment with more refined concepts of organizational climate, especially with various dimemsions of climate, e. g., value climate, interpersonal climate, and task climate. The value climate of an advertising agency, for example, with its emphasis on profit is obviously quite different from that of a social work agency with its emphasis on service. This contrast is probably translated into different interpersonal and task climates. Together, these three dimensions of organizational climate probably have traceable consequences for the internal and exteranl relations of an organization. Methodologically, it is necessary to explore its the utility of various research strategies in studing organizational climate : observational studies, survey, field experiments, computer simolations and so on. Whichever strategy is employed, past studies of organization suggest that a camparative approach would probably maximize the chances of identifying the antecedents and consequences of contrasting organizational climate.

      • 組織文化와 組織有效性에 관한 實證的 硏究

        李壽陶,鄭基億 경북대학교 산업기술연구소 1989 産業技術硏究誌 Vol.17 No.-

        The abilities of external adaptation and internal integration of organization are extraordinarily required to survive and progress in dynamic environments. For this reason, it is quite necessary for the organizations to be managed in total perspective rather than separated into functional operations. But there are many problems which traditional structure and managerial techniques of organization can not solve. Therefore, cultural approach to organization is needed to provide some suggestions. In this sense, the objectives of this study is to build a managerial model which elevates the organizational effectiveness for the Korean business organizations by way of using cultural approach: This study tried to measure related variables by collection the perception toward respondents' own business organization. These perception variables include organizational culture patterns, organizational environments and oragnizational effectiveness. All these variables were tested to the organizations of 36 Korean businesses in 4 industries. The statistical models employed for this study are as follows: (1) T-test and One-way ANOVA are used in order to test the difference of oragnizational culture patterns of Korean business according to the environments and the industries. (2) Multiple Regression Analysis is employed to test the relationship of the organizational culture and the orgaizational effectiveness according to the environments. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The result of difference anlysis of organizational culture patterns is that all Korean businesses are, as recongnized by their organization, rationality culture-oriented not correlated to the external environments and the industries. But there is no significant correlation. (2) The analysis of the relationship between the organizational culture and the organizational effectiveness according to the environments showes they are significantly related. In other words, organizations with Affiliation Culture have had a higher organizational effectiveness than the others under a certain environment, and organizations with Progressive Culture have had a higher organizational effectiveness then the others under an uncertain environment.

      • 狀況適合理論의 體系化에 관한 연구(Ⅱ)

        李壽陶 경북대학교 교육대학원 1988 논문집 Vol.20 No.-

        Because organizations do not exist in isolation, the external environment within which organization exist, and to which it must adapt for ist survival is as significant a managerial parameter as the organization technology. As an open system, they are greatly influenced by the properties of their associated surroundings. The degree to which an organization thrives depends largely upon how well it adapts or fit into its surrounding environment. On the basis of an open system approach, 1980s may be characterized by the so-called contingency approach to management. Basically, the contingency approach theorizes that different situation and conditions require different management approaches. Adherents to this approach believe that there is no one best way of managing but rather than the best way of managing depends on the specific circumstance. Through this paper, the continual interaction between organizations and their environment will be explored from several prospectives. First, after establishing what is meant by environment, the effectiveness of social structure on the rate at which organizations are founded will be briefly discussed. Second, this paper will review the demensions and characteristics of the contigency theory which is an issue in organization. Third, this paper will be explored from several contingency theories.

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