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        아리랑 등재 후의 기(奇)현상

        이소라(Yi So-ra) 비교민속학회 2015 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.56

        비교민속학회가 <유네스코 무형문화유산 체제에 대한 비판적 검토>라는 담론으로 개최한 2014년 추계 학술대회에서의 발표문을 다시 다듬어 기술하였다. 문화재청이 등재 신청을 하며 제출한 “후렴구가 ‘아리랑, 아리랑, 아라리요’를 포함하는 일련의 노래군”을 살피고, 1894년까지의 아리랑 류엔 이러한 후렴구가 나타나지 않음을 언급했다. 유네스코의 등재조건인 ‘살아있는’ 전통문화, 끊임없이 ‘재창조 해 온’을 의식하여 특징있는 본문가사를 내 걸거나 또는 후렴구를 조금 손질하여 지역 이름을 붙이고는 ‘순수’아리랑이라 출범함은 가사 뿐만 아니라 가락의 변별성, 후렴구 내지 받음구의 유형 변별적 중요성, 오랜 전파성이 요청되는 ‘전통’문화 민(‘民’)요 유형의 바람직한 전승 방향이 아님을 서술하였다. 아리랑 공연에 있어서는 역사적으로 유형적 변별성이 있는 것은 <중원 아리랑> <괴산 아리랑> 등 지역 이름을 붙일 수 있지만, 그렇지 못한 것은 <예천 전승 아리랑> <공주 전승 아리랑> 등 ‘전승’이라는 어휘를 지역 이름 뒤에 넣음이 후 세대의 아리랑 이해를 위해 바람직하다. 민요의 현대적 수용에 있어서는 창작활동이 적극 요청된다. 그러나 작창자가 분명한 것은 이미 순수 민(‘民’)요는 아니다. 이러한 류의 공연은 <김소희 창 북간도 아리랑> <이걸재 아리랑> 등 작창자의 이름을 앞에다 붙여 창작 유형의 아리랑임을 표시함이 좋다. 이른바 ‘아리랑 정신’의 중요한 하나는 민족의 자주 정신인 만큼 그 지역에 수백 년간 전승되어왔으나 지금은 테입 속에 잠들어 있는 그 지역의 얼굴인 논매기소리 등 일노래를 배우고 익히며 전승을 위한 경연대회가 열리고 시군마다의 지정문화재로 보호한다든가, 합주곡 등 창작활동을 지원하는 지역마다의 새로운 붐이 일어나기를 기대하였다. So called, Bonjo Arirang was composed as the theme song for the movie Arirang, filmed by Mr. Na Wun-gyu in 1926. This movie and its theme song were enormously popular with the Korean people. The first half refrain of Bonjo Arirang (Film Arirang) is ‘Arirang Arirang Arariyo’. The first half refrain like this is found mainly among Arirang pieces of the early 20C, the Japanese ruling era. There are Gangwon-do Eoreori(Jeongseon Arari), Jajin Arari sung when planting rice, Jungwon Araseong(a rice-planting song of Chungju area, Chung-buk Province) and the Goisan type Arirang as the old Arirang pieces before 20C. Gangwon-do Eoreori is said to have been sung without a refrain in the old times. the first half refrain of Jajin Arari sung when planting rice is ‘Ariari Ariari Arariyo’. That of Jungwon Araseong is ‘Arariyo Arariyo’. That of the Goisan type Arirang is ‘Iya Iya Arariya’. Those of Jindo Arirang and Miryang Arirang are ‘Ariarirang Srisrirang Arariganatne’. Like these, the Arirang designated as a world heritage is fitting the focus not to the old Arirang but to the film Arirang. So nowadays, many Arirang pieces of the Japanese ruling era, which are not folksong of local community but come from individual, entry on the stage with the name of the area(city or the district). Yecheon Arirang is only traditional Jajin Arari. But it has several unique words of the solo part. Gongju Arirang is only traditional Sanaji piece(which is origin of Jindo Arirang), only traditional Yeoggeum Arirang(similar with Eoreori of Gangwon Province, but has a narrative part), and only traditional Jajin Arari(Arirang of 5 beats-rhythm) etc. And so, it’s good to call Yecheon Arirang is as <Yecheon Jeonseung Arirang>, and to call Gongju Arirang is as <Gongju Jeonseung Arirang>. Sangju Arirang with a individual composer (Mrs. Kim So-heoi) is good to call <Kim So-heoi Bukgando Arirang>. An Arirang mind is the spirit of independence. It’s more hopeful to hand down well the unique working song of the area like the songs of every town sung when weeding a rice paddy than to make newly the area Arirang because Arirang was designated as a World Heritage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        모노래, 민아리 및 오독떼기의 비교연구

        이소라(Yi So ra) 국립국악원 1996 국악원논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        Monorae <MMO. 1, 4> is the rice planting song of Kyŏngsang Province. Odokddegi <MMO. 3, 6> is the song sung when weeding a rice paddy in the areas of Kangnŭng City, the southeastern part of Yangyang District and a part of P yŏngch ang District, Kangwon Province.(cf. <map.l>) Min-ari <MMO. 2, 5, 7> is the song sung when planting rices or weeding paddies of non-rice or rice field in Kangwon Province. except Odokddegi areas. The origin of Min-ari(민아리) and Odokddegi(오독떼기) is Monorae(모노래). They have no refrain, common texture, and are sung with narrow range(below of 1 octave) of the similar modes. There are three kinds of modes in the each centric area of those songs ; The Mi mode(mi-sol-la-do-re ) and the Do mode(do-re-mi-sol-la) of diatonic scale, and so called Monorae mode which means the mode of quarta deficiens or major third or fourth plus minor third . In many cases, those modes terminate on a basic(central) tone or a middle tone(for exemple ; la of Mi mode, mi of Do mode). These basic tone and middle tone are frequently sung with a vibrato voice. The function of sol in Mi mode and of re in Do mode is weak in the farming songs of Korea. We can see a lot of Mi mode which terminate on its middle tone in Odokddegi pieces of Kangnŭng City, and which terminate on its basic or middle tone in Min-ari of Samch ok · Kosŏng · Hoengsŏng districts. But in Min-ari of Hongch on district Do mode maintains the superior position. And The Monorae of Yangsan, Pusan and Miryang situated in southeastern Kyŏngnam Province is sung with the Monorae mode. Otherwise in the Monorae of Sangju, Ch ŏngdo, Hapch ŏn, Ŭiryŏng and Koesan districts Do mode has superiority in number. These Monorae terminate on the basic tone. If you think, so called Menari mode is Mi mode, it s right except the areas of Monorae and Do mode from the areas of Menari mode . When sung in alternation by two parts, the relationship of corresponding passages of Monorae of the central areas in Kyŏngsang Province is more clearly defined, and tend to be sung in the morning, at noon, and in the evening in accordance with their respective contents. The relationship between coresponding passages of the song, for exemple, can be seen where the first team sings I have stealthily parboiled a wild brier rose and dyed the socks of my lover with it , and the second team follows by coupling it with But, after taking a look at him, there is no mind that I give him my beutifuJ socks. The singers of Min-ari and Odokddegi don t think of such the coresponding relation. The melodies by two parts of Monorae are formed as AA . Min-ari or Odokddegi sings only one part of Monorae. Monorae is composed of 4 phrases. In each one of its first 3 phrases are 6 beats immanent. The last phrase has 3 to 5 beats in many cases. But Odokddegi and Min-ari belong to the pieces of free rhythm. Min-ari is often sung by solo, but Poch on Menari by 5 parts. The singing method of Odokddegi is so called Sŏniphujech ang(先入後齊唱) which means Unison after Solo as the scores of <MMO. 3, 6 >. Its solo part. is always shorter than the unison part. The exemples of Odokddegi that the solo part indicates beforehand the first word (for exemple ; 줄 of <MMO. 3> ) and that the unison part repeats same word three times(for exemple ; 정자 of the 7th piece in <MMO. 6>) are not found in Monorae and Min-ari. The disentangling of a word ( 하-으아-으아-으아안 instead of 한 or 나-아으아으이으아아 으아아으아앙게 instead of 낭게 as you see the exemple in <MMO. 3>) appears to the greatest degree in Odokddegi among them.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사후관리단계 매립지의 생화학적 안정성 평가 연구

        유기영(Kee-Young Yoo),이소라(So-Ra Yi) 유기성자원학회 2001 유기물자원화 Vol.9 No.1

        사후관리단계에 있는 폐기물매 립 지에 서는 매립쓰레기의 안정화 정도를 실측조사하여 파악하기 어려운데 , 굴착조사를 하면 최종복토층이 손싱되기 때문이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하고자 본 연구에서는 침출수 및 매립가스를 이용하여 매립쓰레기의 분해정도를 평가하는 방법을 개발하고 난지도매립지 를 대상으로 적용해 보았다. 그 결과 난지도매립지의 매립쓰레기는 2000년까지 분해가능폐기물 기준 54%, 이 분해성물질 기 준 70%가 분해되 었으며, 대부분이 가스상태로 전환된 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 결과는 생화학적 안정화지수로 활용하고, 매립지의 생물학적 분해조건 이 변화되 었을 때 반영하는 방법도 제시하였다. In the stage of afrercare in waste landfill managemem, it is very diflìcult to estimate the decomposition of landfill wasre by excavation which damages the low permeabiliry layer. This study developed the method to analyze the amount of landfill waste degraded bio-chemically as the types of leachate and gas, and applied the method to Nanjido lanfill(NL). Applicacion results showed that 70% of Iúgh biodegradable waste in NL was transfomed to gas and leachate by 2000. Also this study suggested that the transfomed portionns of wastename for "Decomposition Index" at that cime and the proposed method must be modified accordling to the biological condition of waste degradation.

      • KCI등재

        충청남도 논매기소리의 지리적 공간분포 특성 분석

        장동호 ( Dong-ho Jang ),이소라 ( So-ra Yi ) 한국사진지리학회 2015 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Under the recognition that Nonmaegi song can be utilized as the basic data of the natural features, culture, locality, also regional division of each region, this study was conducted to identify the features of geographical spatial distribution depending on the recorded area and regional division. Accordingly, a regional division was carried out for the Chungcheongnam-do. As a result of the study, Nonmaegi song could be largely categorized into Hongsung, Daejeon as well as Cheonan and Asan where centers of Naepo, Geumgang and Asan Bay cultural realm respectively. The cultural realm of Nonmaegi song is also categorized according to the features of the spatial distribution as follows: a type of slow rhythmic Eolkadeongeori and Numcha whose cultural heartlands are Hongsung county, Seosan city and Dangjin city; a type of Jalhane and Sangsa whose cultural heartland is Daejeon; a type of Oleogase whose cultural heartland is Asan Bay region including Cheonan and Asan city. According to the topographical features based on previous classification, the cultural realm of Nonmaegi song is once more classified into three realms: Realm Ⅰ refers to the region where a type of slow rhythmic Eolkadeongeori and Numcha is chiefly distributed. This realm placed at the northwest of the Charyeong Mountain Range; Realm Ⅱ covers the region where a type of Jalhane and Sangsa is mainly distributed. This realm is located at the southeast side of the Charyeong Mountain Range; Realm Ⅲ refers to the region located around Anseong and Gokkyo river that flow into Asan Bay where a type of Oleogase and Sangsa is chiefly distributed.

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