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        케네스 버크의 언어론과 문학

        이명균 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1995 현대영미어문학 Vol.12 No.-

        Kenneth Burke defines theology as words about God and logology as words about words. Both theology and logology have relation to words, or language. Logology involves only empirical considerations about our nature as a symbol- using animal. For that very reason it is fascinated by the genius of theology, because many theologians have been so inventive in the ways of symbolic action. When we realize how the nature of our terms affects the nature of our observations, by directing our attention in one way rather than another we see that the observations are but implications of the particular terminology in which they are represented. There are many notable aspects of language, such as classification or abstraction which have their analogues in purely nonverbal behavior. But the negative is a peculiarly linguistic resource. Logology inclines to class all religions as examples of a sacrificial principle and also comes to a focus on transformational and generative principles of symbol-systems in general Logology makes no judgement at all about the truth or falsity of theologic doctrine. Burke believes that, if we analyze and under- stand the theologic doctrine. we can arrive at a truer understanding of language and even a truer understand-ing of the human relations. Logology explains the role and the function of literature positively. Deconstruction can be said to have nothing to say about the social work that representation can and does do, but logology has something to say about the social work that representation can does and must do.

      • KCI등재

        상징적 행위로서의 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

        이명균 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1990 현대영미어문학 Vol.7 No.-

        Kenneth Burke defines poetry as symbolic action. He thinks that we cannot understand a poem's structure effectively without understanding the function of the structure and that to understand its function we must underatand its purpose. He also asserts that the general purpose of all poetry is salvation, that the general function is purgative-redemptive, and that the general-burden which all men naturally bear is guilt. Every man has his own problem. According to the theory of symbolic action, the poem must be symbolic autobiography and hence must deal with some deeply personal problem which the author faced and solved or tried to solve in the poem, and is a purgative- redemptive symbolic action. It also contains the pollution-purification- redemption archetype. Burke's remarks on symbolic action in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner provide us with an excellent idea of his theory and method. His departure for all of his remarks is the sin of drug addiction. He is interested in tracing how the drug addiction produced in Coleridge a sense of guilt, how both the sin and guilt were translated into the symbols of poetry and how The Rime of the Ancient Mariner functioned for Coleridge as rituals for the redemption of his drug addiction. The albatross is a surrogate for the poet's wife, Sarah. The albatross and the detained wedding-guest are symbolic of Coleridge's marital - religious problem. The snakes are a surrogate for his drug addiction. Confession itself is curative : verbalizing the pollution is the beginning of the purgative action. The whole poem performs a scapegoat function, for it can be said that Coleridge loaded it with his burdens and sent it off into society at large. This is another part of purgative action. Burke belives man is equipped with two most extraordinary instruments for effecting beneficial changes : reason and language(symbolic action). Many problems cannot be solved through direct, practical action ; in these instances man has at his disposal the miracle of symbolic action, which is best practiced by the poets. The Ancient Mariner is one of the most important salvation devices which enabled the poet to go on living by helping him cleanse and order himself.

      • 지구온난화의 경제적 영향

        이명균,Lee, Myeong-Gyun 한국자원경제학회 1998 資源經濟學會誌 Vol.7 No.2

        본 논문은 산업혁명 이후의 경제활동에 의한 대기중 온실가스 농도 증가로 인해 나타나는 지표평균온도의 상승과 이에 따른 경제적 영향을 추정한다. 지표온도의 물리적 변화를 추정하기 위해 간단한 기후 모델을 이용하였다. 대기중 이산화탄소의 농도가 2배로 증가할 때 지표평균온도는 약 $1.7{\sim}5.0^{\circ}C$가량 상승하고 이 추정치는 대부분의 다른 연구결과들과 일치한다. 이 추정치에 근거해 이로 인한 경제적 피해를 비교적 자료가 풍부하고 이에 관한 연구가 많이 진행되어 온 미국의 경우를 중심으로 추산하였다. 그 결과 미국 같이 1차 산업의 비중이 낮은 나라의 경우에도 국민소득(National Income)의 0.9~2.0% 정도의 피해가 예상되며 좀더 심한 경우에는 3.48~4.35%에 이르는 비교적 커다란 경제적 손실이 예상된다. 산업의 발달이 뒤져 있고 1차 산업의 비중이 커서 기후변화의 영향을 비교적 크게 받으리라고 예상되는 개도국의 경우에는 그 피해가 국민소득에서 차지하는 비중이 훨씬 클 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        가토에서 Furosemide 투여 방법에 따른 이뇨 효과

        이명균,박용훈,최광해,유철우 대한신장학회 1994 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.13 No.4

        We studied the diuretic effect of furosemide according to the different methods of administration of fuosemide, such as bolus injection(BOLUS) and load- ing followed by continuous infusion(LOADING), with normal control(NC) in 26 rabbits by giving equal dose of furosemide. Bolus injection of 0.6mg/kg furosemide was done to the BOLUS and the same total dose of furosemide also was given to the LOADING by a loading dose of 0.12mg/kg furosemide followed by continuous infu- sion at a rate of 0.06mg/kg/hr for 8 hours. Total urine volume(NC: 34.4±14.1mL/kg, BOLUS: 61.9±17.0ml/kg, LOADING: 93.3±15.9ml /kg) and sodium(NC: 4.8±2.0 mEq/kg, BOLUS: 7. 5±1.5mEq/kg, LOADING: 10.2±2.5mEq/kg), chlo- ride(NC: 3.3±1.3mEq/kg, BOLUS: 7.5±1.1mEq/ kg, LOADING 11,0±1.6mEq/kg) were significantly greater in LOADING when compared with NC and BOLUS(p$lt;0.05). Furosemide efficiency was higher in LOADING during study hours. These data revealed that diuretic effect of furosemide was greater when furosemide was given by the method g injection followed by continuous infusion campared with bolus injeetion despite same dosage was given to the rabbits possibly resulting from furosemide efficiency being more consistently higher in loading group during the experiment period.

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